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you're welcome to above all a Thrive family Network and conversation that we promise will enrich us it will Enlighten us it will Empower us to live by God's design in a way that reflects his power and authority within our homes within our families um we are glad that you could join in at this time this is one of those meetings that is is like pre-ordained predetermined so God already knows those that are going to be here and those that are going to leave enlightened I'm here with my amazing husband Fey BR you want to say hi to everybody hi everyone good evening um it's 400 p.m. or 4:09 sorry for starting a bit late um some minutes behind the schedule time thank you for joining I can see a lot of my friends on the call and I think everyone on the call is actually my friend thank you for joining and um we are sure to have a great time today is a time of learning on learning relearning as as it is normally said but we just trust God to teach us how to have the Simplicity of his word you know concerning this Union called marriage so I I trust you all have been doing great um as your union B how you doing I hope your week has been great hope you're doing okay let's let's get some feedback from you how your week has been just just put it in the chat room let's get some feedback how you doing today hope your week has been great please let to write and communicate it's a conversation okay so uh oh glorious amazing that's amazing good to know that's son Amazing by the way so it has to be glorious hallelujah oh wow wow wow like my wife said today I'm with my beautiful wife again family life coach good to be by side um see a word of prayer and and we we'll keep start okay thank you I I must say it's it's it's a pleasure to see all of you here today it's a pleasure a pleasure familiar facing good we we we put the invitation out to as many people that wanted to be here and but there are there are key people who wanted to be here especially people that we know are committed to partner patterning their family life according to God's design and according to his will and his purpose you know for them because this conversation actually has been like an instruction God gave to us October I can never forget October on my birthday actually and it was like we need to have a conversation above all that's what he called it and he was saying that that he wanted his family to begin to live as people who are from above you know so even if we are here we are on an ambassadorial assignment and so we must reflect the nature and likeness of the Kingdom that we belong and that we come from and that is his his desire so a lot of us know exactly you know what God demands from us in terms of have dominion multiply replenish and all of that but most times we don't even know how to implements this thing you know literally in our homes and this meeting is just like God's way of reminding us so you'll be wondering like so if God asked us to do this event this conversation in October why are we doing it now so he said he wanted it to hold but he never quite told us when and every time we tried to want to hold it it was like no no no and then we came into this year it was like you have to do the women's conversation first before you can have this conversation and on the day of that conversation many that we at mind shift for sh she thrives um after that conversation we had such an amazing experience with God right here in our home as we usually do but that day he just came and he ministered to us and it was like he gave us a go ahead to have this conversation because we had a lot of people saying they wish the men were in the in the in the meeting you know because the women got to be reintroduced to their identity the core of their foundation in Christ andot were like the rich men were here we had some men in the conversation who had you know great testimonies but I just felt like it was what God asked us today it was a women's conversation and it just became as though the men that were in that meeting which maybe some of you are would hear you became witnesses to the identity of the woman and it is now your own responsibility to multiply that word within your sphere you know how are you going to communicate what you heard to other men so that they can begin to show some value and esteem to their wives and to their sisters or whoever woman in their organization wherever that they find you know the female which is an expression of God so this conversation is all encompassing for both men and women as God has instructed us and what God just wants to do is to bring some things to our remembrance because sometimes in the business of life and in all of the activities that we are doing we can forget the very root of our of our of our colleague as Kingdom citizens raising a family because we're not just like any other family we are Kingdom families and in as a kingdom family their expectations you know from God and you know who the people around us they should be able to just by seeing us and the lights that we carry the results that we are showing the the fruits of our Union should be able to tell them that these ones are of a different kind and by God's grace we have had you know that kind of people people meet us and they just experience like and that is what God wants for every family so we're going to be sharing what God has laid in our hearts and we pray that as we do the spirit of God will expand it in your heart it will meet you uniquely in the place where you are right now as a family as a couple and he will it will Elevate you to the place he will elevate your mind to the place he wants you to be as a family and he will lead you in that direction by the reason of the things we here meeting in Jesus name amen amazing thank you very much um please if you have not watched mind shift is on YouTube it was a defining moment for me a lot of things were defined things were made clear you know as to what God has called us to do you know knowing that purpose is in you okay and how God is intentional about his purpose towards making us individually the male and F and even the family together what he wants to achieve right and um I just give God praise for that session today it's it's just going to be very simple okay um one of the things that the Holy Spirit laid in my heart was the Simplicity of his word okay and ability to go over what and the power in his word right and so for most of the discussion we are just going to be seeing what he said you know about marriage what is int is and we'll be able to take questions feedbacks you know and um and just the power and the energy in the room today uh let's just say a quick word of prayer father we we thank you and we commit this session to your hands we ask that your spirit breaths Upon Us in the name of your son Jesus we are before you and before your word your word says where the word of the king is there is power let your power be made available today your word is sufficient holy spirit guide us into all truth in the name of your son Jesus we yeld to you completely in the name of Jesus we we lay down our crowns our crowns of tongs our crowns of glory and we come that you may teach us in your ways and that we may walk in your path in the name of your son Jesus amen amen amen I believe you can see my screen I'll just go right straight into it the conversation is above all like I said today is a reminder simple things that you know some light bulb Ms you know so I want your expectations to to be high Hallelujah God and so the first scripture in in front of you is simple is in Malachi chapter 2 verse 15 and is always good for us to settle this truth in our hearts whenever we have the opportunity to speak about marriage in fact every day of my life right um we're 12 years in marriage now and I discovered that there are certain principles that makes for sustainable and thriving family or marriage okay and those are the things that are in your operating system most of us work with computer system okay we know that there are set proof programs that drives every computer okay that determines whether it will be efficient whether some certain programs can run on it you know and some some things just run through my mind every day I wake up and this is one of them knowing that God not me not feny not UA not anybody on the call today mid marriage not man not a system not a government you know I settled this in my heart every day that this Union does not belong to me it's not my idea it's not that I met my wife fell in love with her and God might know right this is an institution that belongs to God so this is the first thing that we must always remember and always you know recognize that God not you made marriage right so please settle that as as as a thought pattern today as a system that operates within you that God not you made marriage so God is invested God is interested God wants to partner God is his attention is on marriage right because he made it and God doesn't make a thing and takes his eyes off it right and for us in the call today many of us you know are married one year two years please consider that that marriage you are in as something made by God and not yourself not of your own wisdom or any society right or or maybe you were advised by your parents or uncles to get into marriage the next thing that should also settle in your heart is that his Spirit inhabits even the smallest details of marriage like I said today it's God's word that is taking the Precedence right so just just open your heart to receive it as as as he's speaking to you it's not just Fe that speaking is it's God's spirit God's word communicating with you right and he's saying his Spirit inhabits even the smallest details of marriage not the big things of marriage not the crucial things of marriage not when you eat Rock Bottom in marriage not not you know there are things that people call U non-negotiables there are things that people call you know minute things there are things that can just go you know if you have if you have an account that has probably $1 million doar you pay attention to that account but you have an account that has $1,000 you don't pay much attention to it that is not God right that simply means that God said in AIT even the smallest details right so so let it sink into you that his Spirit inabit it how you say your good morning how you say your good night to your spouse within your family okay there is a deposit of the spirit of God you know that enables you to be able to thrive in every aspect so if it's spirit in a bits the smallest details of marriage that means there is power residence in every aspect of your home to be able to do well and Thrive okay so you have no excuse why because in the institution of marriage there's a deposit of God you know and scripture says if the spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you it will Quicken your mortal bodies that means we have no excuse not to do well in marriage because God has released his Spirit on even the smallest details of marriage why do I feel like Allowing God to inhabit every aspect of your marriage Begins by knowing that God not you as in the way that scripture begins God not you made married because that mindset moves you from ownership to stewardship where you know that this thing that I am in to Steward it you know not not I own it and then it gives you that humility to submit and surrender to allowing him inhabit you know details because we would say Okay inhabit so my my marriage is just supposed to just automatically just be running smoothly but you know that the Holy Spirit doesn't um encroach on our will you know we we give him the capacity to really inhabit the details you know of our marriage in the way that it can produce the the level of RIS that he truly desire yeah and honey thanks for reminding me of this we we always know as believer that there's difference between the Manifest presence of God and the presence of God okay so the presence of God can be somewhere but is not manifested everywhere okay so whether is just for you to know that you have that deposit of power the question is how have you led on it have youed have you unnested have you given the Holy Spirit Room you know the Liberty right to be able to express himself or you are still in the way you know so I want us to know on the call today that there is a deposit of power you know to be able to lead marriage to the fullness to be able to enjoy the best of marriage and I think these are operating systems that work okay I'll move quickly um on your own please is the word of God right and you have spirit of God he will interpret this to you this in Malachi 2:15 and the message translation and what does God want from Marriage you know he wants children of God these are most of the simplest things that you ever see right and most times as couples we interpret this to be our children no it's not just our children he wants you and I first of all because there are people in marriage who don't have children does it mean that God does not want anything from their marriage that is wrong God also wants something from the entirety of the institution of marriage and that is children of God that means the factory where children of God are prod used listen I'm not saying that it happens uh it doesn't happen for people who are not married no not only married people are children of God okay um people who are single they also children of God don't don't get it wrong right but there is something that God wants from Marriage right and this is what scripture says he wants children of God that me you and I you know as I am family Dr Brian our kids we all emerge as children of God so that is what God wants for marriage it's very important that we leave every day knowing that God is interested in the outcome of our marriage that in the marriage God wants people that behave like him I oh wow that characteristics his nature right yes right amazing so um I I will just move quickly to another part of scripture very quickly right there's a lot to cover we'll try and do that okay so there there was something I think we shared a video in our team you know and this part of scripture came to light right in Matthew chapter 6 19 Verse 6 to9 a scripture says because God created this organic Union I I like to pick words and the intention of God and I always say God what were you trying to say when you were writing these things Jesus what did you mean this was Jesus speaking this was Jesus speaking he said God created this organic Union okay of the two Sexes no one should de create his heart by cutting them apart so he described marriage in two ways okay as an organic Union and his heart organic Union what does that mean between if you have your spouse on the call today God is saying that what you are to be or what you are is an organic Union and it's a union not by organization not held by probably the certificate you received you know but it's by life that's what makes it organic it's it's life it's it has to do with the you be intertwined together where you tend to share life is is a union born out of life now it the relationship we had with God right uh in the beginning was a Creator Creator kind of relationship you know so that is not organic right but the relationship that Jesus the reconciliation that Jesus brought right he he paid for it and he gave us his life that is an organic kind of Union where Christ lives in me it's a union out of death let me use that word okay so where two people die to themselves so that the union can live and life life happens underneath the Earth let me use the word for a plant okay and and for a tree that's where life begins where where two people come together and die it's an organic Union it's a union that is supposed to that is formed by life that supposed to produce life that is sustained by life no Death Around it it's always exuding life is an organic Union okay it's not mechanical it's not by organization it's by life brought together by life sustained by life each joint supplying his own life the wife supplying a life the husband supplying a life that means they both carrier of life it's it's very important you you must in your union be a carrier of life because it ought to be an organic Union your children are carriers of life you don't just dominate them no in the beginning God didn't say we should dominate fellow human beings no the ultimate goal is Dominion yes but not over us but together having that Domin so it has to be an organic Union so if you're in the call today and you're not experiencing organic Union there's provision for it in God right there's provision for it that's the best way to live and that's how Jesus described it the other one is that is his art I love this and this taught me a lot of lessons right it's a creative and imaginative Talent of God so consider your union today for instance me just see Jesus of God you know you know drawing you know is the creative and imaginative Talent of God expressed through his favorite creation which is man I wrote here and and I have to accept this understanding it is very critical He said Each marriage with his own unique fingerprint right he outlines the blueprint which is like a man building a house right there are basic things you need for a house the foundation the roof the walls they are basic but when it comes to the design okay the design is specific to the needs of the inhabitants what does that mean if you give God so so this takes away competition and comparison okay where people try to it's God's work of heart it's not anybody's heart don't give anybody the right to draw your family okay only God has the right to do it the basic like everybody has a hand but our fingerprints are are different that's what I'm trying to say the basics are there the blueprints are there for every family what should be found in Every Family the foundation being love but in terms of the design of that home you know God is that talented and imaginative that he wants to create give you give him the freedom it designs your home to suit your specific need and that is why you are his heart if you go to Art Gallery you see one artist with different expression you know marriage should be the different multi multidimensional wisdom of God so the era of trying to copy another person's Union is gone when you understand that your marriage is is heart you stop copying others okay you allow God to to write your own story it's beautiful it's beautiful now I'll move quickly the next screen you have in front of you is that same scripture you know I've talked about um verse six look at verse seven immediately and this conversation was with between the Pharisees and Jesus you know and even after this conversation on I think it was 10 you know the disciples said something very funny but in this they shot back in reportal immedately Jesus they were asking yeah should a man divorce his wife divorce his wife yeah should the man that Moses gave a law right that he he gave that instruction and that's what you see in that same mes gave instruction for divorce paper and divorce procedures they shot back in reportal it's like what they were hear was too good to be through you mean I should remain with one person not cut apart right and so they shot back in report out do you know that after this after this explanation of Jesus right you know what the disciples said that it's better I think it's in this case I like that description he said in this case it's better for man to just remain alone talking to them about being Uno okay but unfortunately for all of you on the call today no one is a Uno again some are single here some are sing oh sorry for those who are single you may have a chance but if you have the desire you know to get married right this is a description of marriage is an organic un know but my my my my line of thought is this why did they shoot back in report why right and that's because they are not alone let's see somebody else who was struggling who was the same in the same struggle now this is Paul in Romans chapter 7 peace is a journey right and I just flow with us this is Paul in Romans chapter 7 and he said something in verse 21 he says so after lamenting so he came to this conclusion he said so I find this law at work now if you if you look at the previous slide you see that they had a rebal because they had an existing law at working in them okay that was their there was something that Moses gave them an escape route to say if you do some things you can get away this thing you can you can move on right but but that was because and they they they reacted because there was another law challenging what Jesus was telling them okay and the same thing we see see in the life of in the life of Paul in this scripture that I say I find this law at work although I want to do good evil is right here with me for in my inner being I Delight in God's law but I see another law at work in me now you may want to ask how does this connect to marriage okay we are all probably in a family and sometimes or married and sometimes you find yourself doing what you do what you didn't intend to do okay what you didn't set out to do right you see another law at work in you so this this this this made me to understand that you may have good intentions but if you have another law at work in you that cannot enable that intention you cannot carry that intention out what am I trying to say your intentions cannot manifest if you have the wrong law to work in you okay and that's why when Jesus spoke to them as this is what is to be done they had a rebot out because another law was at work in them so did Paul and he was expressing is is frustration that there was something Waging War against now you you may be in marriage and you probably you react and you just do things that you never woke up in the morning to think of doing okay and you find yourself doing it the truth is this there's another law at work in you and we need to do something and that's why we we called for this today I we trust God to be able to see how you know a new law can step in and the same the same the same scripture you know in Romans chapter 8 verse 1-2 Paul said I'll just go straight to verse two um two sides we have the message translation and we have the the nkj right and look at what Paul said he said with the arrival of Jesus the Messiah that faithful that faithful Delma that faithful faithful there means something that would have remained perpetually forever is resolved okay so if you have and most of us are from different backgrounds different way of life we've we've been programmed a certain way and that is sabotaging our relationships okay we want to do good we want to be loving to our spouse we want to be there we want to be the best of fathers but just as Paul lamented to say um I want to do good but at the end of the day I find myself doing something else and he said oh riched man that I am okay but but Paul came to this understanding he said that faithful dilemma is resolved Hallelujah see see in the in the aspect of life and marriage and some people just come to the point to say this is who I am this is how I am I can't help myself no you know in married and say this is how we used to behave we eat meat after eating rice you know a lot of things that we learned from from probably things that traceable you know to our lineage and the rest you know that even when we find ourselves to stick trying to stick to one woman we we see ourselves drifting okay there's another law at work at work it is not the law of God you you you you set out in marriage to build a beautiful home but maybe right now there's a bit of tussle there's a bit of ranging storm you know Paul is saying with the arrival of Jesus the Messiah that faithful dilemma something that looks like it will last forever or or something that you have resigned to live with you know some people have just say probably that's how my husband is I will just live with it like that there's nothing we can do about it okay you know or or an attitude or something in your marriage that is sabotaging that is not making you get the best out of your union this scripture is telling us that that faithful Delma has been resolved and how has it been resolved he said a new power is in operation the spirit of Life In Christ now I like the king version of this he said for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus remember I said that if you have a good intention and the wrong law that work in you it will sabotage that good intention this goes for even relationships marriage right but the scripture is telling us here that the law of the spirit of Life In Christ has made us free from the law of sin and death so it takes a law to displace an existing law or a sabotaging law in your life it's called The Law of the spirit of life right so it takes a new law a new order something that you Institute in your home something that you Embrace in your home that will check out every law or every system that is limiting the potential of your union it's a law and it's called the law the spirit of life now I'll bring you back to Malachi chapter 2 verse 15 this is is spiritual right where is IED and bold he said so guard the spirit of marriage within you powerful so there's something called the spirit of marriage within you that spirit that law that understanding has the ability to ensure that your desires or your intentions which are right right are at the end of the day manifested where you are one with your intention so if you have a good intention to treat your spouse rights to get the best of marriage when you embrace the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus you embrace the spirit of marriage you believe that it's possible what God Said is then you just see that it's the right vehicle to take your intentions to his proper destination right so you you are free from that dma of saying oh why do I find myself acting this way the truth is this we are all from background you know we've seen different things you know we've been shaped by different things but this is one of the things that have helped me in my journey right EMB praising the spirit of that knowing that I am not my past I am not where I'm coming from there's a new power in operation there's a new system I've embraced okay and that system is helping me you know safely carrying my ention to practical manifestation and that's what is a journey right and that's what I'm embarking on I trust this has blessed somebody we'll just run through some second things what does this entail what's the spirit of marriage what law you know what what what is challenging our homes you know and and we'll begin to you know round from there um sorry you don't cheat on your SP don't cheat on your spouse and this don't cheat on your spouse is not just talking about maybe you are having an affair with someone or you are engaging in maybe pornography which is another way of cheating you know on your spouse it's also talking about if if you're not letting your your spouse Express in their full identity and the purpose that God has called them to on Earth you are cheating them if because both husband and wife must be on the mission to ensure that both of you are fulfilling the purpose and you are man festing in fullness your design and your purpose for which God placed you on Earth that that is what makes you know um a marriage Thrive more than anything else where both people are feeling fulfilled you know so this cheating can can it it's broad it's not just cheating and don't cheat on your spouse you've seen what they have said so so me I'm not cheating on my spouse I don't sleep around with women so I'm not cheating on there are other ways to to treat I'm not I'm not sleeping let me let me not say man alone I'm not um emotionally attached to another man you know and all of that so no it's all encompassing don't cheat don't don't make them less don't make your spouse less of who they they should be you know yeah and one of the other things thank you so much R for sharing that and for bringing my attention to that also one of the ways that people cheat and they don't know is uneven development right where where you are developing on equal growth okay you are developing and and the other person is just it's not growing and you are not you are not no you are unequally you that's what it means okay so even development is not healthy for anyone okay so you want to also develop your spouse you know don't cheat on your spouse and what what this means is this their life should not be better or should not be worse off you know because they met you their life should be better okay I don't want to flourish in their uniess you say grow together some people actually want their spouse to grow but to grow into into them because I'm I'm into book you must read it's helping them grow in the uniqueness of who they are so that that that means you need you need to study your spouse you know I think I heard that yesterday you you need to study everyone in your family for you to know the kind of resources what they will need to drive so if you have not studied your spouse or or probably someone you please this time to study them and know what they what their languages are what they respond to study them don't try to impose leadership is influence their strength andless their strength ah okay so that that that that's part one I I hope you've been blessed by it uh and we're going to go some into something and how to build this system and how to uness this Spirit of marriage guard the spirit of marriage it's very important should I you it's still both of us us so this is where we come into so this conversation is actually a best of many because we can't really go into all of these systems is like an introduction and then we're going to have sessions where we're going to bring in people who are like Professionals in this areas that can teach us how to actually you know the practicality of implementing this things in our homes so that can further help us you know to bring some order because that's what God wants he wants some order there there's too much lawlessness in his home and when there in his home once there's lawlessness his glory cannot Prevail because he likes his his um pattern of things to be done you know that's why when he was when he told Noah to build an AR it not just say build an AR and then Noah began to start doing what he's doing he told him the dimensions everything that Noah should do and and Noah followed to the L that's how he was able to preserve his family if Noah started saying no let me I I know how my city is I know the kind of wood that work and he started doing things by himself you know it would have cost him a lot so there there needs to be some level of order and that order can only come if we Implement certain systems within our families that can help us dri and please I would want all of us to pay attention because after this session we're going to have a conversation where each and every other person here can get to make their you know contributions or ask questions or whatever it is that can help all of us we are not speaking here as Authority in these things we all want to collectively grow together and why we are bringing this thing to your attention is because God has told us time and time again you know that one AR is not enough to withstand the floods of culture that is woing around us and still to come so we need more families building more acts and helping other families build their a that has been a consistent message that God has given us so we are like act Builders assisting families to build their acts and encouraging them to build to build that AR and help other people build their AR because one AR is not enough we need more families that are in order and that have you know very strong foundations thank you let me before before you move further on this right now if you see in front of the screen it said your family your nation okay and it's something that we must begin to understand that our families are our nation let me give you a practical experience or something from scripture that God explained to me okay now when when when when um um the woman that came to Jesus you know and and and Jesus said to her no I'm not sent to you okay um I cannot cast red you know or or gold you know to to the dogs no right and the woman said something that even the dogs can feed of the crumbs right what that taught me Jesus said something that I've never seen so great a faith he said go woman your faith has made you what healed that woman was an understanding that whatever is in the bread is in the crumbs I'll take that again what healed that woman the description of Faith was the understanding that she had and she said even dogs feed from the crumbs right she understood that whatever is in the bread on the table is also in the crumbs if this flour that they used to make bread is in crumbs the sugar is in crumbs okay water is in crumbs right and so for us we we understand that we belong to different Nation we in different but it is when you see that your family is a nation is powerful is liberating it gives you an advantage okay and we always speak about the things that influence Nation I dare to say these are the same things that influence our families yeah these are the same things that influence our families and until we begin to rise up to them right we would not build even when scripture says in Micah right that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established upon the hills and above the mountains and and today we try to you know you know come into this take take take our places in these mountains just imagine if these things are being handled addressed in the family you know it just be a straight ascendancy you know to the mountains you cannot you you cannot you cannot Shield your family from the influence of these mountains you cannot if you do not prepare for them and and that's why we say you have to build resilient systems these are because there these things everything they do influences the family and until we say influences the nation but trust me it's the direct impact or or or where they actually going to their target is actually the family that's the Target because they understand that the nation begins from the family and for us on the call today would this this session like my wife said we're going to be having various sessions on this that will teach us how to structure and position you know ourselves to be able to you know Asser our Dominion you know the spirit of God inabit all these things how do we bring him to bear in all this aspect you know in our families right and so there's a scripture there but we'll just take them one after the other see what the the enemy of what should we stand against you know concerning our family what is a predominant arrow that these things are shooting toward our family and what is our weapon you know to resist it and that's what we take it today so these are systems and I I know a lot of us here who are already Kingdom Minded understand that there are seven systems that um influence behavior and shape culture and we are used to to knowing it as per using it out there like we are called to the the the mountain of family a lot of us are called into different mountains but I came across this when I was doing a program with PR for and and I never really knew that I needed to Institute these systems even within my home as a nation so that it can drive the culture and behavior you know of my family I never really knew but we come into this light and want to ensure that we capitalize on it so that we can we can energize every members of our families and even ourselves yesterday I remember spirit of God told me that if my people don't intentionally Institute these systems in their home they are predictable and can be easily a target for the enemy because when you don't have a system you know in your home you are opening yourself up to all manner of um of you know DS you know fairy DS that the enemy is throwing at you you know so he said that when these systems are if you don't intentionally lay these systems in your home you are making your self predictable these systems if you use them effectively you become a mystery your family becomes a mystery as in people just can't figure you out or know how to Target you or to to influence you you just become a mystery you just become a Wonder with the systems and he also said that if we as his people we don't implement this system it means we are slaves to the system that we belong because whether you like it or not your home is running on a system it's just who is in control of that system is it you or is it the world because there is a system there's no way that anybody's living in this world isolated by the influence of a system so it's either you are leing out a system that is born out of your foundation and that's why we have to lay that Foundation of it is God's Institute there is a law that guides marriage guide the spirit so that you will know out of all these things you can form you can build a system for your family that fortifies your family not even in this time but for generations to come remember that we are still living out the blessings of Abraham we are still living out the the the sign of Noah the rainbow the lgbtq they can call it whatever they like that rainbow Still Remains a promise God made to a family to a man you know so let's let's intentionally put ourselves give do the work to put these systems in place so that we can live a legacy and leave something for our our children's children not just for us because this system really helps even in how we are the in okay let's just get into it you see and as you are listening to us please let the spirit of God just minister to you and and talk to you concerning this thing and let it expand in your heart and in your mind and so if you have something to share with regards to what we are sharing one of them so we can we can all learn you know from it one of the first things you need to do actually even before we get into you know all of the systems you have to ensure that you have a family vision and I'm assuming that everybody here has a Family Vision not just a Family Vision as we know in our head no it's a it's a it's a working document as you know your wife knows as a at the top of your head you should be able to say when somebody ask even your child what is your family Vision you should be the child My Family Vision is to Institute you know the the Mandate of God into families and all of that whatever it is that is your family Vision your children should be able to learn as you live out that Vision your children like now my my my child even in when they were teaching about marriage it was like my parents are are marriage counselors they always helping couple they should just know that this is what your family is about this is this is what we have been called to do so you need to have a Family Vision a vision that reflects you know that is born out of your identity out of the foundation of who who he has made us to be the Creator's design the the the the instruction of going into the world be fruitful multiply that's where our our vision is born out of and also is also connected to the Great Commission going into all the world and make disciples you know so you build your vision out of God's Own purpose because let let me just say purpose is me purpose is in your family purpose is in your family reason why God allowed you and your spouse to come together and collaborate in your strengths yeah you know to move forward I remember doing a post and a lot of people reached out to me like that was powerful I say yes because two of God's creation two expressions of God come together and you are you are struggling it doesn't make sense to me because we are supposed to be a definite representation of God here on so if me as a creation of God my husband as a creation of God all of those likeness all of those nature we should be able to build nothing less than an ed we should be able to do exploits praise God so we need a vision we need to have a big picture where are we heading and what do we want to be remembered or what value are we bringing to our world you need a Family Vision and that Vision should also um create some family values where you have there's no believer now I I I don't think that with the pressure around the world now I don't think there's any family under God that should not have a clear Family Vision and values that drive the Affairs of their home it's just it doesn't make sense because even God you know he's a man of of vision yeah you know and he he's a god of is a god he has God has values let me not t going into plenty God has values that that run everything that he does that's why there's no chaos in the world because God has a vision he has value so he has order you know and all of that so it's very important because out of your vision is what you now begin to it will is what will influence all of these systems within your home and also you know solidify your your values in a way that you can pass on those values to your children anyone that comes into your home just knows that these are the values that we live by so the first I think you're going to first in terms of government system is government the first the first system is government okay it's not in any particular order the first system we are talking about about is government okay and and that's that symbolizes power okay and um the the the intention of the enemy is to ensure that you know our family do not experience true leadership okay um and that's deficient in in many rooms right now it's a struggling thing people are not representing god well you you know you have fathers not representing God in fact one of the one of the somebody was saying that you know she was speaking and they were describing Jesus you know and and she said I know this man you know I know this man and they asked her who who is that she said my my father because that was a proper representation of who God is okay so we the enemy of this which is creeping into the family right is corruption right corruption Pride a lot of Pride and manipulation right trying to attack the family and these are the things that are are surrounding you see you know where where the pride between couples you know challenge infightings you know a lot of corruption you know going on where corruption is tolerated you are gradually losing you you are inviting another form of power into your home when you are because this is what is prevalent there this is this is this is this is this is what is happening in the world system that we must prevent from happening in our own homes and our own family yeah how well do we represent God you know to our families right what are we doing to represent God well now what is our weapon against this is servant leadership right he said whoever must be the greatest must be a servant if you must wield enough power see there the lot Power that we have even in our homes right as a father and it could be a result of culture in B you know culture infuses a lot of Pride you know where you are coming from the man is the head of the home you know they must lie down to serve me food you know there a lot of things culture are just you know infused a level of Pride and it's sabotaging our homes it's sabotaging our homes you know it's it's a law is an enemy that limits even if you want to do good that thing is wored against you you must say no to it and embrace servant leadership when you serve your spouse that you think about it is to serve you you don't you don't you don't you don't you don't claim that this is mine this is my own this is your own no it's about serving one another and when you begin to do this your children begin to IDE this nature of service where you don't do things for a word you know sometimes you know because you know growing up right most of us we're damaged growing up no doubt that most of us know that we only get things as rewards okay that means they will tell you if you if you do this we will give you two Meats I don't know I'm using if you do this you go and play It's always a reward kind of system okay and and and with that we we we do things and even when we do things for people right now we do it only to give rewards I don't know so it is based on if the person does not do it you you anything you do is because you are expecting a reward that is not servant leadership you serve you serve it's it's a weapon that must will you know to be able to deal with this monster you know that wants to jadiz you know government in our homes and not allow these things come into our homes we know we live in different nations they have you know corruption issues and before you know we have just embed that Spirit cutting Corners you know among spouses where you see them cutting Corners not providing you know good leadership that has to be that has to change that has to change okay that has to change so that's um lead so as you are as you are engaging all of this systems you now need to do an evaluation what system you know of government is running my home is it a dictatorship is it where people can um have their say where the decisions are consensus not that my own is Law and all of that so these are conversations can have I just want to read Matthew chapter 20 from verse um let me just read 26 you know this was where they were asking who is the greatest and and and Jesus said um okay let me start from 25 Jesus knowing their thoughts called them to his side and said Kings and those with great Authority in this world rule oppressively over their subjects like Tyrant but this is not your calling you will lead by a completely different model the greatest one among you will live as the one who is called to serve others because the greatest honor and Authority is reserved for the one with the heart of a servant so this is this is your this is your style of leadership that should occur in your home where everybody is seeking to Ser just as he was saying and Jesus already told you the alternative that is out the world oppressive you know deor and all of that but that is not our style in this Kingdom so you want to Institute the the governmental you know the kingdom governmental model and which is servant leadership yeah amazing we'll take the next one and then the system religion okay so so the enemy in that is idolatry okay Idol religious spirit and worship Thief so so a lot of things surrounds this right where you know people have Idols right that they worship I know most of us here are Christians but you you have this religious spirit you are not allowing the opposite of that is actually the Holy Spirit you're not allowing the flow of the spirit of God you know things must be must be done in a certain way you know you are not open to the spirit of God F you're not flexible you are rigid you know you know you just follow rules and laws rules and sing to lead your family that is sabotaging your home okay that is sabotaging your home and whatever you know steals your worship right it could be it could be even even even your time on social media could be a lot of things whatever steals your worship you know distract you from giving your worship holy to God right you need to you need to watch that and another thing the weapon there is the holy spirit right his person his gift his fruits and his structure now most times when I have conversations with my kids I don't I don't when they do something right we just check it with the Holy Spirit that's all I just tell them please can you tell me the fruit of the spirit again you know and when they read back back as they begin to count they will discover that ah they violated one you know and I'm not trying to instill a certain or make them afraid of God or worship God out of fear no not I would be teaching them the fear of hell no but is is an outpouring of the holy spirit so please in your home let it be that the Holy Spirit takes charge because if it doesn't have his way if his gift his person and his fruit and his structure doesn't have expression you have just idolatry religious spirit that cannot that that's why you see people as soon as they leave home the children they cannot wait to to to travel immediately they go to school they become something else right they think they are free and and they free to do whatever they like whatever choices it simply means that you just had religion you know you just had you just had that enemy at work in your home okay and you didn't manage that religious Mountain well you didn't allow the Holy Spirit occupy that mountain in your home and so you you lost it so it's it's not our pray we pray that that doesn't happen in Jesus name so I would say if you're evaluating this system in your home you want to be sure that you are not building a religious you know mindset a religious way of doing things it's not just religion here if I if I were to say let's go by um by the kingdom standard you want to move from religion to spirituality where you have a deep you know relationship with the Holy Spirit right so you want to ensure that the the the religious mindset does not prevail in your household so you ensuring that you people are engaging the spirit of God himself following his instructions working according to his purpose you know for each and every person and they are not trying to just um pass along you know um religion to your children you want them to have a a real relationship with him so it's not just about going to church that finds you know that we are we are believers that that that um what the word I want to use that defines our spirituality or that I go to church no I I think that even in this place just like you said the fruits of the spirit that are functioning in your home tells where your your spirituality lies if you are just a religious person because if you are religious you are going to mess with the Theology of your children you're going to be confusing them because your actions will be different from your behavior so they see you going to church you go for rehearsal you do this you're always in every program but at home you cannot exercise any restra you just get angry easily you just bust out everybody they even hear you lying on the phone to a colleague no I did this place so and you are just you just messing with their mind and they confused like you're teaching us this but this is what you are doing so the style of spirituality you want to introduce in your home is like Paul follow me as I follow Christ model modeling it not just teaching it in theory that's why most people you know when they come out for what they call a religious do not just they just fall by the wayside because the word did not really take root because what they were seeing their parents do what was um what was instructed them were not we're not interchanging and one of the best ways you know to pass on a good spiritual Foundation to your children is by living in your purpose you know because when you are living in God's purpose for yourself you know as individual and as a family it helps you that you are also looking out for their helping them them want to discover their own purpose as well because that's what your your spiritual Legacy is all about so that's it for so please be on guard and this religious spirit wants to infiltrate every home right now it's it's happening Ure that you give the Holy Spirit his place there can be demonstration of power just form of godliness with no power okay the next one is economy coach here but there was something interesting I saw about this okay and um this this is very important the enemy of this is is greed right and poverty Spirit okay and greed greed is I read something about it he said it's the illusion that there's an amount of Reserve that will count my soul that means you have an illusion right there's this greed operating in your home or your house you you run your system of greed with an illusion that there's an amount of Reserve that can calm your soul that means you know you have to look at your account all the time a bind said that you have to you find Comfort by what you have in the account okay it determines how you behave how you respond to your kids you know how your speech is your mood it just controls you completely right so that is the enemy is GED that is driving you if you are in that position and it's not it's not a pattern of anybody who wants to build Kingdom family okay or a family that will drive right and the other one is poverty Spirit you know we we have professionals here that poverty spirit is actually the fear of loss or lack of provision that means you are in constant fear of loss and lack or lack of provision and you are gradually communicating that same Spirit you know to your family to your spouse to your children you know and because that's because you consider yourself as the source you right and that's that's the that's the the plot of the enemy where he thinks that everything you do is or what you are receiving is because of the effort the work you are doing you have considered yourself as a source and not a channel whatever you are doing is just a channel and because of that more channels do not open to you okay so the weapon against this is trust in God trust in God and when you have that it leades you you know I always make reference to Co on the call today right you just you just open yourself to God leading you in investment in choices you know in the different buckets you make it gives you a big it makes you a steward you know of the resources you have you don't function by grief by greed rather you know but you function you know trusting God you go for self-development right and it just it just makes you dominate in that mountain where the spirit of God helps you you you know to dominate in that M and not being ruled by greed and poverty I think one of the first offsh of the session are going to have on this will be the economy because I realized that a lot of couples even to implement all of these systems we're talking about you know focus on their vision and all of that it's it's greatly interrupted by Financial circumstances and the way the country is going now so we need to really position ourselves to live in God's wealth and to live with God as sour and there are so many Dynamics to this economy part that we cannot begin to talk about right now but I just pray that by time we're calling for the next you know session you will be available because there are layers to this thing and there's a lot of wealth transference and all transfer that is coming into the kingdom and you want to be sure that your family is positioned to harness it and it's not going to come by um like let me say let me talk like my coach so it's not going to come by hard work it will be you will be you will be led by the spirit into making just like they said making the proper Investments the right and you have to just be be allowed allow yourself to be led by God to allow God you know bring out that purpose in you where you can provide value you know to your world and get you know um income for it and all of that so you need to be able to be be flowing you know with the grace of the one who has he said the Bible say he gives us power to get well so those are scriptures that you can liage on for the economy system in your home because what we're trying to teach you are the systems that you need to be paying attention for and you can go further to do a lot more study on them so you want to identify what kind of economic system am I running in my home are we running like a poverty mindset kind of system or are we are we really living an abundance kind of mindset in this home in terms of we have a people that we are giving to um Tien not because of the ch because we have an understanding you know of who is our source and we are we are giving to we able to give you know to the P to the needy which is also a a requirement for us that are in the Kingdom we're able to do all those things that we call buckets and some of us may not be familiar with it but you have buckets that those five buckets that talk about your um your charity your your what they call it there there there there are systems in this system yeah that you need to and if you if you have not there's a book called the financial house yeah that God buil you need to read that book it will help the economy system of your family a lot I I highly recommend and as much uh messages you can watch that can help in this because this is one of the biggest challenges um fames face and it just because the plan of the enemy to rule over you in a system is to B you to put burden on you and keep you busy in a way that you will not have the time to focus on what God really wants you to focus I can bring about that generational wealth not just wealth for what you eat today you know yes so be driven by trust in God and not by greed or the spirit of poverty I think that for this economy what would have put as weapon seek first the kingdom Matthew oh oh yeah oh yeah yeah 33 everything else yeah trust in God it opens up your mind to ideas and God just shows you the path you know to wealth so evaluate evaluate that system so now we going to go to the education to the education system in your home you know that the world the educational system I know a lot of us have heard this you know but still we are not still doing anything to ensure that we have a curriculum in our own home you know because the curriculum of the world is not designed to push you uh okay the name of the book is the financial house I think we can we can chat about it after the meeting room yeah it's the financial house so by Swan money yeah so talking about education the education system the education system of this world has been designed to challenge the mind of God you know because anything that you teach that that isolates you from the wisdom of God you know it's not aoid for you that you're in the Kingdom yeah they teach you um uh critical thinking problem solving you know and they said they also said that critical thinking is the highest form of thinking yes in the world that is the highest form of thinking and it's very very important but for us who are in in in God who are in the Kingdom the highest form of thinking is God is God's wisdom because his wisdom has been shown to defy the laws of men as in what what the intellect will tell you is not possible the wisdom of God can make it happen you know that's why we we have to ensure that our education system within our home is empowering our children to live by God's wisdom whereby his wisdom becomes the foundation for which they they do their critical thinking problem solving and it just so that they can direct their knowledge into producing real value so that is what your educational system should do since you know that you can't necessarily control what is being taught you know out there when they go to school and all of that you can control what you want to teach your children within your so you need to have a curriculum what do what information what do you want your children to know if you want to build resilience what do you want them what is the wisdom for resilience according to God if you want to build a um empathy you know what is the what is the wisdom of God concerning empathy if you want to what else do we need you know to to bring value to our world if you want to teach you want if you want them to be confident you know to live a life where they are not intimidated what is the wisdom of God in that area because those are the things you want to teach your children right that those are the those are the things you want to instill into them that resilient Spirit you want to instill in them that confidence that they need that they can face their world are tired of timid Christians which we we have truth we have value but because of of fear we're intimidated by the world we can't stand in front of people to communicate the truth that we have or bring value you know before people because you need to be able to to raise your children and I always like to refer my children to Daniel to to the story of Daniel and the Hebrew brothers because those are people that stood out in wisdom they said in in skills in everything so they had intellect they had it knowledge they had it they had everything but there was one thing that they had that the other people did not have that always set them apart and that was the wisdom of God because Daniel always say like when the the king wanted them to interpret his his dream said and was like and they were going to kill all the wise men in this and Daniel was going to be among you know and the other Bo he said tell the king to give us time let us go and do something and they went back and they brought answer that that was the wisdom of God at work that put them before the king with answers so that is the kind of educational system you want to run in your home you know and ensure that your children you're able to teach them um you you're able to teach them to depend on the wisdom of God the guidance of God in making certain decisions and so you want to create a curriculum that builds all of the the skills and all the things that they need but in a way that introduces them to the wisdom of God and that is why demonstration is so important so that you can use your own testimonies too to teach your children because as your children are seeing you do exploits it's become it becomes easier for you to tell them about the wisdom of God tell oh this thing that I did this is how God you know led me directed me to do it and that's how I was able to do it and you can use it's more it's it's more it stamps and it imprints more in their heart than when you're just telling them the okay so what has the wisdom of God done for you that you can pass on you know that experience to your children so you want to design a a curriculum so what kind of books are we going to be reading what kind of materials biographies of people who have not just even just Believers you want to bring biographies of people like Nelson Mandela and people that have you know that have really transformed their words want them to read biographies ESP of people that maybe share the same maybe you already noted the kind of skills and creativity that your children have so you want to know the kind of material want to bring their way and even when when you're teaching them about those people you're controlling the narrative so that it's not just they not just giving them de side that just makes them depend on just their own strength and their own will so that's the kind of again when we have a session on that it will give us further Insight on how to maybe design a curriculum that can um Aid the vision and the purpose of God for our family yes so I will just um say to this so just to add to that thanks on for sharing that um in terms of Education okay uh what we have in this part of the world right they just make you robots Okay um you can't leave the education your own education or the education of your children to this current educational system you are self-sabotaging your home right you're not preparing your family for greatness okay if you cannot Ascend on that mountain you know and it will jupiz right the future of your home for your family okay so out here what we have is people configur to be robot you know mathematics the English that's the best they can do okay over there probably in the Western World what what they are teaching is independence from God okay so that's where you have the tree of know of Good and Evil it's like a knowledge that will make you independent of God you don't really need God you know things like that you need to be able to have your weapon right which is God's wisdom you know and the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom okay when the fear of the Lord guides you and even if you come in contact with this materials there's something that it does to you okay and and for us right in terms of sharing sharing information is important okay my wife sees something that is a blessing to her she SP this to me I say something that is a blessing to me I don't just concentrate on my 9 to5 you know I something that is a blessing to me I I hope on it some of us if it's has nothing to do with your 9 to5 whether it's banking or this you are not interested okay that is not how to ascend that mountain okay you will just be in between right but take advantage of the the the provisions of God around you if you want your kids to be royalty let them go and study royalties in the world there are systems that produce royalties okay you could even study whether it's Dubai family you can just study them how they think you know that is that's a form of education so you need to come up with a curriculum in line with your vision you know backed by the fear of the Lord and and God will help us in Jesus name yeah so we just have we just have about um quickly just just three more um on on the mountains okay art and entertainment straight up the enemy is perversion and counterfeit we all know this okay a lot perversion out there and counterfeit trying to trying to trying to change what God has you see God Is Creative creativity began from God okay everything beautiful emanated from God and so the enemy of this is counterfeit okay and and and what what's the weapon is the presence of God the joy of the Lord you know creativity you you have toing bring in your own a game you have to be creative so that your children don't go away with whatever the world is presenting to them you know you to are Nest your creative create the phone around your home you know let let's let's out there not be as exciting or they see things that are exciting them and attracting them and nothing within your home is attractive or exciting you need to be able to put this creativity to work okay and and enjoy you know the joy of the Lord create that atmosphere around you atmosphere of positivity you know and also always understand and catch the enemy in his trap in terms of perversion you know what what kind of music what kind of movie are you exposed to you know things like that you know sometimes we sit to watch some movies with our kids and we want to know what the lessons are you know and we don't just allow them take everything no we try to say this is the meat this is the Bon out of it you know and and let them be inquis let them ask the questions okay and you want to watch whatever you you watching with you're looking at all the time it actually influences your family so in in um in evaluating your art and entertainment syst you already know that art and entertainment is one of the biggest influence out there right now in the world they everywhere Tik Tok Instagram everything you know TV as all the programs that are coming out you can hardly see a a beautiful series on on on on Netflix or anywhere now that is not without The Narrative of the um gay community or anything and they putting it before our face putting it before our fa because the more you you see it the more you know as the more you are know to it and you don't even know that that is a systematic way of bringing you into the ideology because what they want to do is to influence you know how we see you know how we see the world and how we behave and all of that so for your and entertainment you want to be to ensure that you want to be able to control the narrative so it's not like you it's not like you have the power to um guide your children away from watching all this because you can only control it now by time they go out you know they see people watching they want to watch so you don't want to just isolate them so you want to be able to control the narrative so if you're not able to have the conversations about gay and gpq or what they call them whatever you need to begin to find maybe you should research or whatever or get in touch with somebody that has knowledge of this things so that you can have that conversation because one of the things that can really help is if you're able to communicate certain narratives to your children yourself because if they get to hear the interpretation of these things from outside it may not help them so we want to be able to create a narrative for our children to be able to you know to be able to um submount whatever I because the this this particular system works on what you see and what you hear so what you see what you hear what you see what you hear and then it begins to control your way of thinking and then from there controls your actions so now you you your children now want to fall in love because they're always watching Love they now feel that love is just about feelings because that is what has oh love must be physical before it is spiritual you know that's narrative so how do you control those narratives those are the things you want to do what are things you want to look at in your and entertainment so what kind of things do we watch in in our home you know what what sacrifices are we going to make just so that some certain things don't come into our home you know like in in our home there are certain things we don't watch there are certain things we don't there are certain songs we don't listen to and I always explain to the the kids that I'm not saying that all the songs are that I'm just trying to just guide you in saying that some things that be be be be conscious of what is being said in songs so that you don't just sing you know and because songs are words and you're making convers so those are the things you want to you want to teach your children so you cannot be that couple that just allows your child because you so you have to make sacrifice there are some things you have to stop watching mean there are some things I have to stop watching I have to stop watching series and all of that because I don't know I'll be able to control because it creates an atmosphere even within you know my home and all of that so we just try our best we're not saying that we are we are perfect and we are all there we have all the answers but as we journey we know that we we we probably look for someone who can really guide us for art and entertainment and media how to create a system that actually how to create a system that actually helps that actually works yes so speak yeah so so one of the one of the things I I I've learned about this is that you don't allow it to control you okay you are in control the remote is ours right so we teach we try to teach children control okay and not allow these things control us there are times that the television can be off for days my my wife said I don't watch again you know right sometime I want to watch news you know things like that or football you know I'm not saying that if you don't play the songs at home they get to hear from outside you need to build you're not you're not trying to family to stop stop singing this no why they also want to wonder why we are not singing it and so they tend to ask us and when we sing them where did you learn this from from they tell us exactly where they learn it from and we say okay have you considered this have you that that you know at different stages of their life let it not emanate from you one day they will think this thing is not actually you know from my from my plan you know I didn't see it from here it's actually external but it's important to keep heard once a lady said that her daughter wanted to watch a film you know that her friends had seen you know and she didn't know what the details of the film was so she watched it first and in the film they had some certain things that they said and certain scenes and all of that so she wasn't going to that was a teenager though so she was like she can't stop her child from watching this because the child is going to so she watched it and and created her own you know how she's going to how the conversation is going to go as she's how as she's watching it with her child and that's how she was able to control you know that so you don't say don't don't watch it because you saying don't watch it most times they already thinking they watch it without you knowing and then you cannot even control you know the narrative yeah so but we get more enlightened are bring professionals and so we move on to Media this is so important because you may say oh me I don't watch films you know like my husband likes to watch news and at night most not see people to send my children away from because I was like even one is news and it's supposed to be like what everybody can watch is is just so the the the enemy on that mountain is bad news there sending Terror anxiety fear which are not which are which are which cripples you know our capacity so what they want to do what you want to do in that uh in that system is to promote good news you know and be sure that what is thriving in your home is is good news you know and and ensure that it's not just yes you want to be aware of what's going on in the world and all of that but you also want to control the kind of information that brings peace you know because you have to be you have to be concerned about the meditations you have to be concerned about the meditations of our hearts and what we what we watch the information that we taking you know sometimes can become what we meditate on so you want to ensure that even if you are watching the news you know just make sure that you you with the word of God right good news good news is the word of God so you are you are ensuring that your children are coming face to face you too they coming face to face with the truth of God's so even if there's there are facts there you know there's a reality of our own kingdom there may be economy crisis people are going to lose money but you have your own good news because the word of God says where there is a casting down there is a lifting up so there there there are information there are news that Contra that's that totally isolates us from whatever bad news you know is being spread you know 10,000 people died here 12,000 people di there and you're like a th000 shall fall by my right 10,000 by my right and None Shall come near my dwell so those are the kind of news we want to push forward you know in your family because it influences your your your vegetation it influences your communication as well because you want to promote um positivity you know within your house or where everybody speaks you know life and not death not Terror not fear you know so I I remember I don't know which Pastor said this that he doesn't allow people share bad news with him as if you have coming always make sure you're sharing good news he knows where to get bad news from if he wants you know bad news so we can control this things so you want to control all of that you don't want to reinforce so that's the word you don't want to reinforce the bad news that is culating you want to you want to also control The Narrative of what you're TR because this media tends to want to um shape your perspective of the world you know because and that's the world that you have been called to subdue to dominate but if the information you're getting about the world is making you afraid of the world you can't really show up you know and manifest as as an authority you know in the world so you want to control you know what kind of news and information we allow you know into our home and it also has to do with the kind of friends too that we keep you know there are some friends that they come they just one bad did you hear that this woman died did you hear that in this place oh no please I don't those kind of f but I remember that once I was in a salon and somebody came to visit the owner of the salon and she was just talking one bad news to daugh what kind of friend is this yeah you know so you want to also control all those kind of yeah so I I'll just say to these two things in your screen that there are people designing these things okay the perversion counterfeits Terror fear bad news they are people whose job is to design it right so they're intentional about it so you need to be able to build systems around you that will be able to you know overcome these things and like I said right this this this this these things have been handled by the spirit of God we have the weapon now to be able to defeat them and establish ourselves on this mountain and scripture says whatsoever things are good whatever things are pure whatever are good very important so those are how I supposed to live our life and the final one the final one on that mountain is family family family system and this family system has to do with with um home training and it has to do with um a sense of belonging because family is where you get that sense of belonging and identity and so when you are creating a system for your family you want to build a family system that is all inclusive where everybody feels like they are welcome they belong their voices can be heard they are celebrated for their strength they are supported through their weaknesses not not rejected for it not insulted for it not castigated for it not pushed away for it because the enemy on this mountain is rejection and let me tell you something that this family system is I can also say is the root of a lot of issues that we have in the world where people don't feel like they belong anywhere and so they feel like they need to do certain things to be able to show that then you have children who are always seeking for attention who are always wanting to please people because they feel like they need somewhere that they can be accepted and so you want to build a system that completely and utterly rejects any form of rejection so you want a want to create a safe space for every member of your family whereby they just knowing their heart that whatever chaos it is out there in the world my my family is my safe space if my child does anything they should know people always say this and sometimes it sounds as though it's easy but it's a decision you have to make and no matter what my child does they can always come back home and tell me and I will not reject them and I will not you know castigate them yes I will be disciplined because what you want to do is you want to be firm but you also want to be caring and you also want to you know be there for your your family so you want to create that kind of family system that produces the quality of individuals that will go into the society and make you know it better because the anybody that is greedy in in in Nigeria now they all came from a family anybody that is still from a family so what quality of individuals do you want to put out from your family not excluding yourself but me myself so I want to build a family that is full of empathy compassion you know and service so that wherever we go myself my husband my children we are all reflecting the same kind of identity in terms of oh we are people of empathy we are people who love to serve other people we do not look down on People based on what they have they don't have we accepting of people so that's the kind of family you want because that that goes to the core of um even your children's upbringing and what they they they they believe about themselves you know and and it also influences their emotional stability too as well you know the way your family system you know is being run so this is so one of the things that helps in family system is is modeling where you are modeling also what you are you are teaching them you know in terms of empathy and compassion and all of that so so this is this is family as part of the nation okay and it's very critical rejection is not by saying I reject you no there are ways different ways that people communicate rejection yeah so I want you to do an audit of yourself okay in what way Have you communicated rejection to your spouse in what way Have you communicated rejection to your children right and is in different form rejection in whatever form probably you have Comm it probably you have given an idea of rejection okay you need to be able to retrace that that's that's an enemy it's an arrow you know towards family everything from divorce to Suicide to people cutting themselves you know away from family all is all encompassing in this one thing called rejection because family is supposed to be a place of acceptance you know that's your first place of vulnerability right and and there you have been rejected so in whatever way you are communicating rejection to your spouse your children it has to stop it has to stop the person may not be like you it has to stop yeah you want to say something as you said the person may not be like the best way to C that tendency for rejection is to understand the personality of each and everybody so how they want to even their love language how they want to be loved what what love and care means to them because if they not getting that love and care in the way in the uniqueness of who they are you know it's communicating rejection so maybe you maybe you love words of affirmation and it's easy for you to give words of affirmation but your wife prefers quality time she wants you to spend time with her but you are saying oh but I say nice things to you but I do this no if you if you communicate in the language you know that thrs your spouse's emotional Bank it it helps to communicate that I'm accepted here I'm cared for I am loved you know so that's one thing that can help I think we can stop sharing screen faces can see because we have finished yeah so like I said one of the you just have to have that mindset of pastoral care right you don't you don't you you don't have to be a pastor to give pastorial care okay a pastor of a title has en tile okay you are supposed to provide that pastoral care to your your family put the man and the wife okay where you you have the heart of a Shepherd right and you just feel to an extent that God has placed this person you know and you must be able to whatever be an extension of God to that person that's what it is will God reject this person the answer is no okay and and you want to be there you want to provide necessary support you know to to that and that's what family is about that's and and I know that if you put all the system together these are the things that drives you know families that dve okay when you understand that these things they affect your family and you need to build systems to be able to you know surmount whatever onslaught of the enemy there is and any ODS that that being planned you know against this system in your home and remember like I said the spirit of God has been given to us to be able to thrive in all these aspects of our nation called the family You' been blessed today so we open the floor for probably comments questions you know whatever you like to share with us ah amazing sorry for taking this much of your time um we hope it has been worth it please do write down each and every of the system and you can have a conversation with your spouse as to how well people are doing in instituting all of the systems there are other systems um actually which we we can't cover at this moment but as we are having the other sessions we cover them there's also even within the home there's what we call the domestic system there's what we call the security system and all of that we cover all of those in subsequent sessions to come so our expectation is that you have an open day today or anytime you want to plan it with your home in your home in your family and exray systems you know so please just talking because for somebody to to open the floor to call so is this all the names one two before okay yeah so any any takers anybody wants to share anything before help you let me start with John okay Mr John are you there ah okay than okay is coach there yes sir okay coach yes replicate this system before kids that's like Institute these systems if that what you you mean so these systems are systems you can create even before you get married even as a single person you can you are already you already a family you know within your within yourself and within your space so you can create the systems for yourself because everybody has is either you being influenced by a system or you created a system for that can influence you so it's either you leaving yourself to the world system to influence or you're creating you're intentionally creating a system so you may already have movies that you don't watch you know because you are trying to guard your heart and your mind you're already creating a system for your heart and entertainment you may say okay I don't listen to certain kind of news you're already creating a system for your media you know and there are certain books you like to read you know articles you like to engage that's already you creating creating a system you know for your education as you are creating a curriculum you know like we're in a we're in a book club now and we get to read you know amazing books that that's our that's we have created a curriculum out of that for ourselves that's how we grow and and engage our minds and all of that so you can create the system even as a single person because it also helps you that when you now meet someone that you want to get married to you are looking at all how do we want to Institute this systems Remember You Begin by establishing your Family Vision which reflects you know you and your spouse's um interest and born out of what God has design your family for your vision your values and then you create these systems because these systems they stand as a vehicle that will get you there see I promise you if you take these systems don't just let it end here go and study like most of the things that we brought to you today from all of these systems we actually listen to it from um John hello right I don't know how to pronounce it suay we we actually had to listen to all the M all of the Seven Mountains if you're not familiar with it the seven months of influence because most when you listen to those um when you listen to when you listen to those Um mountains of influence messages you just pertain it to your own purpose and to your how you you engaged toward you never really quite think that this is something that I need to intentionally bring into my home so that because it helps all of you move in in the same direction of dominion whereby you're not leaving anybody behind there's something we teach in our Thrive course where there's this triangle where everybody is moving in the direction of Dominion in the direction of the king you know so you're not leaving anybody there and I promise you if you take this system and you go with it you do a further study on it you you pray with it with your spouse you ask the spirit of God or over by yourself you ask spirit of God how do I because everything is by the wisdom of God right it's not by our it's not by our own doing not by our own strength not by strength it's not by our own might it's by the spirit and you intentionally write out how you want this system see your family can never be the same you know most of the things that really trouble us as Believers is that we think that Grace will get everything done but Grace only gives you capacity to do what needs to be done to get you the result that you should get so your family can never up by just surviving by the grace of God no you're not just surviving by the grace of God the grace is giving you capacity to do certain things that is bringing the results that people are seeing are now asking you how are you doing it so it's important that you take this thing seriously see God is positioning his people for demonstration is a season of demonstration I said the same thing in the last meeting she God is positioning his people for demonstration and he's trying to for one US of what we need to be doing now to position ourselves so that you don't come and say Lord Lord I thought you know you are thinking you know and you are wondering why you are having to deal with the people deal with situations like people of the world but God is positioning you and you need to put some intentionality and this thing has to be done if you are married has to be done by team work you do it together with your spouse so that both of you can move forward this is what the information God wants us to have in this season to position us as a family that can rule you know and take authority and and power and dominate our world just as he wants it to be you know God is tired of his families you know being mediocre as in in terms of people should are now looking out in the world for families that are living by example he wants us to be the ones that are the light and the truth so we need this system we can't even God the Bible says that God created the world he created the structure he created he created everything before he rested you you not want to rest when you have not instituted um system your family will just on autopilot so if we don't have any contributions of which I just to just to also share that um um the question is very valid and this this these systems or this influence they influence everybody whether you're in family or not okay so for the fact that probably you are single doesn't exempt you from the the influence of these systems right and that's why you need to prepare yourself you know on daily basis as you live what is the impact of government or what impact do you have what governmental system rules you you know in terms of media economy family education religions and entertainment what are the systems you are put in place to be able to withand all the Ws and all the onslaughts they are not the these things they they don't exist to help you no right this is where the enemy wants to exact upon to to be able to bring the believer down so just as a human being you must have this but as a family it is essential it is necessary and if you put these things in place while you are waiting you know it just attracts to the right person because you you have a foundation okay you have a foundation that is working for you so I think it applies to to everyone yeah so do we have any contribution before we call it a you don't want to talk uh yes amazing thanks John I understand that uh thanks I know you're in a busy place thank you uh mommy kids we have our mommy in the house and um also John thank you to be intentional about family yeah it doesn't just happen that's true that's true thanks John for your phone appr yeah any other want to be sure that we communicated the message that we sent accurately and you got it you ready to R in do you want to share anything a family meeting this supposed to be a conversation anony anon's is up Anthony you have the floor okay can you unmute Anthony okay good evening all good evening sir good evening Ma so can you hear me yeah I can hear you okay so thank you so much for the opportunity um I would want to know how frequent would we be having such kind of gathering because the last I had nor with the thbe family I think I we had this meeting with and it's been couple of months so I want to know how frequent be having this Gathering thank you okay Anthony thanks for your question you will get more details they're going to come um they're going to come um we we we actually function as led by the Holy Spirit okay and it's snowballing into something great and we're going to you're going to get more details of that king of very soon very soon with all fact started but the instruction is to start with me alone so so sorry everybody is coming in soon pressure thank you very much Al I see you yeah so we have u in the absence of any okay so there's a comment I've never had this perspective on systems of the world that's apply within the family great discussion thank you so much thank you okay so do even if you have questions uh Sonia do you want to say anything K uh Charity she say something son are you speaking you're un muted blessing bnie yes sir Ruth Ruth is here and your husband should be here too yes know anything oh God maybe we just come this is family meeting where is supposed to be empowering each other nobody wants to talk like okay okay so this this saying thank you um we'll be having like we said um we'll be going deep down into all the various systems and mountains and um bringing people who you know we we know that you know are thriving in these mountains to to give us the family perspective okay please go ahead who wants to speak I'm saying hand no no no no that's that's yeah so bringing people in please when we call try to make yourself available and so that we can get to learn it's very important right it's very important share ideas um okay okay so we get to share ideas share experiences how we are doing with parenting our children at a young age how do we Institute this system how do we establish them in our homes you know become be accountable you know accountability is one of those things that you don't easily find these days because you know we used to live in a society where some your friends parents can see you on the road and call you and knock your brain you know say what are you doing here you know and people can just speak to one another nowy you know but that's not how we so I'm going to be calling more of this we trust that you'll be available to to also share you know your your own lessons with thank you very much thank you everyone thank you so much for being here we pray that the spirit of God the spirit of God that inhabits every aspect of our marriage will give us the grace and capacity to guard the spirit of our marriage even to implement this system it might look like a lot of information but the spirit of God will give you more Enlightenment in this direction as you move forward and if you need any assistance in um creating the systems don't worry the the next um session will not be long from now as soon as we're able to get confirmation from the speakers the people that will be covering maybe two of the systems at the same time maybe two or three depending on how long they can take it as soon as we get confirmation from them we're going to send out the invitees we already have your your details and if you are here we probably don't have your details please you can find a way to maybe go to our social media maybe Instagram handle or something to just send us a
Channel: Thrive Family Network
Views: 40
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TJ5efFRJdik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 54sec (6294 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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