MIND BLOWN new budget laser can do this! Longer Laser B1 30W desktop laser full review test & critic

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thank you oh look another Laser Now what could possibly be better or worse about this one grab yourself a brew let's go find out all right so this is longer's B1 30 watt laser interestingly this is the optical output is between 33 and 36 Watts inside here is six six watt lasers they're all coupled together with mirrors to create one laser beam but in doing so you're gonna get a little bit of loss of optical power so I think 33 is realistically where it's at but this model looks suspiciously exactly the same as the akma model the only difference is this is under a thousand dollars now previously we reviewed the long array 5 which had its own offline controller the B1 doesn't have that it might do in future but it doesn't come with one it does have an SD card slot it's a one button operation and because it's an esp32 motherboard we can then operate it using Wi-Fi so we've got some safety features like this emergency stop button and you've got an isolation key this machine comes with air assist and is Tethered to the machine this is is basically an aquarium pumpkin we've got 30 liters per minute of airflow 0.030 MPA is 18 watts of power the air intake is located on the bottom and looks like we can put a little filter in that it's got a little rubberized feet to keep it quiet we'll test to see how loud this is so long we're making some bold claims about this machine now previously with the akma model we cut 40 millimeter acrylic as long as says that their machine can do 50 millimeters so we'll test that he also says it's happy to cut 25 millimeter wood and that this machine moves at 36 000 millimeters per minute to put that into perspective the X tool D1 is a far more expensive model does it hit 24 000 millimeters per minute now this machine's also got a very impressive cutting bed size at 440 by 450 millimeters also bigger than the X tool now we've got my standard test board to test it against all the other models as you can see we are running out of room but we'll use this board and then we'll test a tiny Square just to make sure these are the same this is nine millimeter Hardwood apply that's 8.69 on the vernias but I've also got some other materials to test that some of you will find very interesting so we've gone on laser tools on light burn and created this cut test file going from 200 to 600 millimeters per minute and from 60 to 100 power now ironically I'm going to be using the X tool honeycomb from my D1 despite the fact it doesn't fit my D1 that's because xtool didn't Supply me with the aftermarket standoffs that you need for it and not only the longer model has plenty of room but the feet have adjustable Heights on the side of the laser we've got this tiny little drop down gauge a little locking pin here that will have to undo drop the laser and then re-tighten up you can see that it's very small and this is flip that back up and then we'll turn it on and home the laser homing as you can see is quite slow right let's give it a test then so we're showing about 72 decibels well I've moved back to home pretty quick after that and see how it's done so as I suspected it's done exactly the same as Acme it loves 200 millimeters per minute let's see if it'll do 250 with a little square on the other one all right let's see how that turned out oh yeah 250 millimeters per minute is cutting beautifully this is a 20 millimeter square on the design with a zero curve width and it's come out in 19.71 by 19.78 very Square so now we're going to test 25 millimeter Polonia wood and for the very best cut I've set it to 2 000 millimeters per minute we'll see how many passes it takes to cut [Applause] I think that's enough at 40 passes let's see how it's done so that's okay but not quite as good as the atmos so far I think there are two things we can do to improve that cut so I've detached the pump and added my compressor Line This is going to deliver far more air at a much higher pressure roughly 20 psi and I've also lowered the laser so it's just sitting off the material hoping to increase the focal length all right so let's see how well that does now [Applause] [Music] all right so that was 30 passes cut all the way through but still some excessive charring in my opinion all right so here's the 40 ml bit of acrylic let's see if we can cut this at 50mm length and then cut that after so I didn't quite bring it to the front let me turn it around that has definitely gone all the way through I've gone a lot slower at 100 millimeters per minute which one of these is closest to 50 mil 49.74 50.25 we'll use that piece turning that way all right let's see how that does [Music] right let's see wow oh my days that is a really clean cut so they weren't joking and that is very precise compare that to this Acme a bit you can see we've got some waving on the Acme a bit like that that's as good as anything so someone said previously why would this be useful surely using a router or a bandsaw would be much quicker well I would agree but the thing is is if you want to do really fine details and that's where a laser comes in being less than half a millimeter you can get some Precision on the go that was a lot of passes though that was 22 passes so in the last video I made this using a D1 let me just show you in the Sun a minute so look at the Precision on that and that glossy finish is done using resin so one of my faithful long-term subscribers actually said in the comment section Josh I missed the days when you actually made stuff rather than reviewing these lasers and I get it I get it I get where you're coming from in the meantime why don't I meet you halfway on this one let's build a table and we'll do a bit of blacksmithing shall we it's crazy something half decent in a very short amount of time I've employed AI for assistance AI came up with this design and then I've amended it using some magic on light burn if you're interested in this I'll definitely do a full tutorial on how to do something like this yourself this took me 15 minutes to create and according to light burn only 19 minutes to cut so let's get a little bit of wood and see what we can do I'm using a larger sheet of plywood instead of using the honeycomb I'm just putting down a few washers to give me a bit of space off the table slip this under the machine this is the massive benefit of these adjustable feet I've got one back foot that's on the sheet and three that are off so I can basically lower these down to the thickness of the board looks fairly good okay I think we're ready to make the first cut [Music] well I don't know about you but I think that is awesome so this is the positive we've got to cut the negative now I think I'm going to slot all those bits back into this part so I don't lose anything but this time around I haven't got a fancy dark wood to do the negative instead I'm going to use the blowtorch and burnish this all up there we go that's nice and even all right let's cut this out [Music] well I think that's come out all right question is does it all fit together okay nice what I have under this is 12 millimeter or half inch board so I'm going to assemble this together and then I'm going to glue it down to this and then using my router I'll then cut the thing out first thing I'm going to do is turn this over and now I can very gradually start assembling everything together so as you may know from previous episodes where they just did the kerf width so it's a very tight fit so definitely a hammer job all right then let's Forge these legs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you so hopefully you're still with me if so whilst we're waiting for that to cure I got some subscriber suggested materials to try that is Stone and leather okay let's see how that works [Music] all right that's got a lot of loose debris on it if I've brush that off a minute [Music] God you know what I am amazed at how deep that's etched into there now it's come out of these little funny lines there that's because I used an offset fill which means that the laser head kind of spirals around rather than going side to side so I think I should have done the side to side more because I didn't realize it would cut in that deep so that was using 1 500 millimeters per minute 100 power you know what I'm going to test this again and put an inscription on the back I think [Applause] right so that has kind of blown me away a little bit how deep is that etching all right so that's half a millimeter deep at 2 000 millimeters per minute and I actually forgot to turn the air assist on on this time it's a big No-No you must never do that you must always have air resist on I mean this laser can do a full-size gravestone and that sounds morbid or even Stone plaques I mean honestly that has opened up a huge amount of opportunities I'm gonna be getting me some more Stones so a few years back I managed to acquire all these leather samples this one is a three millimeter thick waxed leather it's waxed on both sides this is a two millimeter piece with just the wax on one side I've even got pink leather of course a lovely shade isn't it two mil an FYI I'm actually developing a small leather product which I'll be making available soon but anyway for other leather Crafters let me see if this is any good for you so we'll start with this three mil thick double waxed piece now for very clean cuts I think 2 000 millimeters per minute will work nicely we'll just do a number of passes if we haven't gone through straight away I'm using these very strong neodymium magnets to hold it down with Okay so let's try that all right this is me messing it up that was four passes that was three passes I tried Forza guesstima and then I saw that it dropped on the third so let's get that out and have a look there we are not bad at all I don't think let's try a little engraving just here and how about we do it it's fastest speed 36 000 millimeters per minute 100 power so although that worked really well um I can honestly say that was definitely not going that fast there are definitely settings for acceleration which might be quite low I'll need to experiment on that a bit further because although at some point it might be going 36 000 millimeters per minute the braking and accelerating is what's going to slow it down right let's try this two mil light leather with this nice dark tanning on it well I think that's worked better yeah very nice so that was 20 000 millimeters per minute and three passes at two thousand millimeters per minute to cut and that took exactly one minute and two seconds to do if you'd like to get one of these you can win this one for a Fiverr all these machines that I receive I've been raffling them off so far Ken Stone won the any cubic Cobra Neo we also raised 272 pounds for the Samaritans trust and also Jeff peacock who won the 20 watt longer A5 and that also raised 936 pounds for the turkey disaster appeal now this time I'm gonna be fully honest I'm not doing it for charity what I'm trying to do is recuperate my expenses so I can give you guys a genuine review the five quid this could be yours but also I've tested longer for some discounts for this in the description all right let's check on that table thank you all right then Moment of Truth but that is a much better view out here in the sunshine and as you can see the majority of this looks amazing that this guy decided to go full Jurassic Park on me that's my fault really I should have made like a proper cover such is life when you're rushing so yes this is a very small coffee table but if we wanted to say do a big dining room table there are ways that we can get around that in fact that's something I'd like to try in another video now there's lots of things I don't like about this table because I had to rush it but there are definitely things that I could improve on it which leads me to this machine has this been rushed to keep up with the competition and are there bad points for me to say about it my first issue is that the air assist it came with I don't believe is very good to be honest all of them on these machines have not been as good as a compressor line so if you're thinking about getting the most out of one of these commercially get yourself a compressor just know that that's an extra cost now to save money we've got these cheap limit switches now I don't know if it's to do with those but the Homing doesn't seem to be accurate we take this leather piece for example you can see right there I tried to cut the same square out three times never every time it was misaligned it could well possibly be that it's something to do with the programming because once it's completed a cut it goes back to its place of origin and then when you tell it to go again it's kind of like jumped a millimeter and it's done that consistently three times that may be something to fix in the software but I don't really know if you're more experienced than I am let me know what you think about that now I'm moaned it X tool for leaving the little aerial in the way to be fair is a bit too harsh because most of the other brands as you can see leave all their controllers right in the way if you want to put big boards going this way these are always going to be a problem don't think it's very difficult to just lift that up a little bit we could probably re-bolt it ourselves but longer should really think about that for future models now it's been commented before but having the plug sockets on top like this one they become a bit of a dust trap and two it's no good for the wires to be stuck up like this constantly because as you can see they're bending and that's where you're going to get a fault in The Wire now behind this tape is a fire sensor and you can probably guess why I've taped it off some of you know keeps getting triggered by daylight which can be very frustrating especially if you can't home it properly now I don't know why they've put this cable connection externally like this maybe they ran out of room but all these little pins here are exposed so if something was too short across those you could possibly damage your machine just a little bit of resin or glue on top of that would make a big difference so on this model you've got these standard roller Wheels now the 200 pound more expensive models use linear bearings which are obviously going to last a lot longer than these will so you've got to be aware that these wear out over time you'll have to replace them they are very cheap to replace and as they wear out you can adjust the Locking there now it seems to be made very solid but if you're going to attempt the high speeds that you might get a bit of wobble out of that but realistically it's performed just as well as all the other lasers and probably next year there'll be even bigger modules to put on these the things you must invest in also is a cover and extraction because all the dust and fumes that you're creating is going to harm your health and Too much exposure to that laser is going to ruin your eyesight forever I would say it's worth getting the proper glasses as well not the ones that come with these well I really hope that's answered your questions but if you valued any of this video then please let me know in the comment section like And subscribe and it makes me able to do more of these things so how about you guys stop watching YouTube now and get out there Forge for yourself a life worth living I'll see in the next episode cheers foreign
Channel: Joshua De Lisle
Views: 427,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joshua De Lisle, laser, laser engraving, CNC, laser engraving machine, laser engraver, DIY, stainless steel engraving, metal engraving, metalwork, 3D printer, stainless, 10w, 20w, plasma, amazing, industrial, manufacture, wow, wifi, how to, set up, machine, how do you, tutorial, design, designer, cad, cam, 5w, 30w, 33w, cut, wood, metal, acrylic, desktop, cheap, affordable, best, top, 40w, 50w, co2, etching, inlay, home, diy, homemade, workshop, make, maker, craft, longer b1, b1, LONGER, stone, table, leather, AI, longerlaserb1
Id: S_wORK_tqYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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