Mind-blowing Norway Road Trip Summer Adventure!!

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t he western side of Norway is just about  the perfect place for a summer road trip   it is one of those countries where you don't  need too much of a plan you can almost pick a   direction and start driving and no matter  where you go you're going to discover new   things and have an amazing experience in  this video we'll be sharing our 10-day   Adventure through the West Norwegian fjords  and surrounding Mountain areas every day was   jam-packed full of amazing scenery beautiful  waterfalls and a lot of fun activities there   will be recognizable landmarks along the  way but some of our favorite experiences   were just things that caught our eye on  the side of the road and that's why we   think Norway is such an amazing place for a road  trip and traveling by car is the best way to go so we start our road trip not in a car but by  rail we had to make our way from Oslo to the   town of stavanger all the way on the west coast  as long as you book The Sleeper Car it's a very   comfortable trip and you'll arrive bright and  early the next morning feeling refreshed we would   collect our rental car at the train station and  head West into the mountains but first we wanted   to explore the main town of Stavanger and this  is where we were first exposed to the old wooden   style houses that surround the harbors up and down  the West Coast while they were not as colorful as   some of the Cities will get to later on in the  video it was still a very Charming place to walk   around but we were there very early in the morning  so not much was open so after exploring the main   Town Center we thought we'd hit the road and head  towards the mountains on the way we stopped off   at the Monument of the three swords where a Viking  battle took place nearly 1400 years ago we headed   west towards the mountains and over the course of  an hour the scenery went from fairly bland to a   very dramatic backdrop that only grew in intensity  the deeper into this valley we went what we didn't   know at the time is that this was just a small  taste of what was to come we found accommodation   in a town called Tjørhom the place had a nice  homely feel and interestingly no reserved rooms   you just took what was empty the next morning we  woke up with just one thing on our minds this the   Kjeragbolten we had discussed for more than six  months whether we would stand on this rock or not   so we had a very exciting but very nervous  drive out to the starting point of the hike   it's about a six hour round trip to the rock  and back and while it's steep in some sections   and it can get very slippery it's generally okay  for inexperienced hikers as long as you've got a   reasonable level of fitness having said  that Anh did it and she has no fitness   so I guess the big question you're all wondering  is did we stand on the rock or not [Music] so we both did it I did it how was it for  you it was so scary I would not do it again I   I don't know I don't know the question is was it  worth it? no I wouldn't do it again it's not worth   it yeah so while we went up with no intention to  stand on the Rock we got caught up in the hype   and did it anyway a lot of people are jumping on  and off and it's very easy to get caught up in   the hype but you don't need to stand on the Rock  to enjoy your day as you can see the views down   to the Fjord are simply amazing and while we would  have loved for the sunshine to be out the fog gave   the place a really eerie feeling and on the way  down we were lucky enough that the fog cleared and   the rain stayed away so we got some amazing views  down to the Fjord and all the way down to the town   of Lysebotn which is an absolutely beautiful small  town that you must visit when you finish your hike and look at that unbelievable absolutely stunning so if you do go and do this hike and you've got a  car then I would certainly encourage you to come   down the hill the rest of the way again I'll stuff  the pronunciation up but Lysebotn you can see   top of the hill here up there so that's the cafe  that's right near the start of where the hike is   and you go five kilometers that way and up  a mountain at the same time and that rock   dangles somewhere on the edge here  but much further down and I'll tell   you what looking at the height from this direction   if you would certainly a new perspective on how  insane it is that so many people stand on this   thing come here after you've stood on it because  if you do it beforehand you won't stand on it look   it's ridiculous so anyway highly recommended we  had a great time we're very lucky with the weather   you can see it's raining a little bit now and we  survived so cheers with a cold Norwegian coffee so we hit the road again for  a near three hour drive to   the town of Hovden where we would stay the night we were both very surprised the next  morning when we set off again to see   snow I mean it was the middle of  summer and it wasn't even that cold   but while snow-capped mountains around us was  a nice surprise this morning we were heading   to the waterfall of Langfoss the waterfall is  over 600 meters high and the sheer amount of   water that comes over its face will absolutely  blow your mind when you're standing up close to   this raging torrent of water you will feel how  violent and powerful it is as it thunders down   the side of the mountain but when you take a step  back and view it from a distance the violence of   the water fades into the background and you  can really appreciate the beauty of the place tell you what you don't know  which way to look on this side   you have the nice fjord which looks  amazing but on this side is the Big Kahuna   look at that now you can only  you can't even see the top half   barely see where the water comes over that Crest  at the top and it goes about twice as far past   that to see the rest you've got to walk up there  we're considering it but we're still pretty sore   from yesterday so I don't know this might have to  do so as much as we wanted to do the hike up to   the top of langfossen we had other waterfalls to  see and just 20 minutes up the road is this beauty   the twin waterfalls at lather fossen this  one really takes you by surprise because   when you're approaching by Road The Falls are  hidden by the surrounding mountains it's only   when you're right next to these massive streams  of water that you see them out of the corner of   your eye it's very distracting so if you are  driving make sure you drive slowly and you're   very careful coming through this area because  almost everyone is looking somewhere else   we then headed towards the town of Oda it was  supposed to be another 20 minute drive but   on the way we came across what might be the most  magnificent Lake I've ever seen it is one of those   places you really just have to see for yourself  to fully appreciate and the reason why I needed   to include this in the video is because it's one  of those places we weren't expecting and just   stumbled across on the way and it's up there with  our favorite sites that we saw in all of Norway   we then pushed on to Oda which I can only  describe as another small town on a big   Fjord this is typical of a lot of these  old style fishing villages that are all   around these waterways and it was a great  place to stop for lunch before we pushed on the way to Bergen we've had to get on a ferry to  cross one of the fjords it was actually very quick   a very easy process this boat's massive it can fit  a lot of cars uh looks like maybe a 10 minute trip we come all the way from over there seas are very  calm it's a very nice inside area with big windows   so you can enjoy the view without all the cold  wind like I'm copping out here uh plus a cafe   bathrooms all that so another hour and 45 minutes  to Bergen and we can settle in for the night   and not long off the ferry we spotted another  powerful waterfall on the side of the road at   just 46 meters high steinsdale fossen is one of  the smaller waterfalls that we saw but certainly   one of the most powerful there is a walkway  that will take you all the way under the stream   of water and onto a viewing platform on the  other side there you have a great view of the   town in the background off in the distance while  getting up close to that powerful stream of water that afternoon we arrived at the city of Bergen  this coastal city is best known for being the   wettest place in Norway on average it rains about  240 days every year and true to form it was gloomy   but we were still able to comfortably explore the  city on foot the highlights around the city center   included multiple places to get amazing Seafood  Street Markets with even more Seafood including   one vendor that was selling whale salami or Orca  salami yes the Norwegians eat whale the Waterfront   Promenade has more of those amazing wooden houses  that are just bursting with character and charm   they even look interesting from the back just  near the city center you can jump on a cable car   to head up the mountain that overlooks the city of  Bergen for the best views in the city only a lucky   few will ever get to see this view with the sun  shining but the visibility was still okay for us   and we would absolutely recommend visiting even if  you do encounter a cloudy day which is very likely   and while up there we were reminded that we were  more than 16 000 kilometers from home that's about   as far as you could possibly get so it's a very  pleasant City to explore on foot but before we   left we had one more stop to make so after passing  through I don't know how many towns and asking for   every shot we go into if they sell  wines someone finally told us that   you actually can't buy it outside  of a state sponsored liquor store so   it's very utah-like anyway we hit the jackpot so  we've had to stock up on a few different types of   wine because we probably won't find another one of  these stores thank you for the rest of the drive   and we've still got five or six nights and  thousands of kilometers to cover so at least   now after these long days hiking we  can settle in with a nice red wine   from Bergen we had the choice to go north along  the coast or North East back Inland we decided   to go Inland and I'm so glad we did because the  next two or three days were the best of the entire   trip later that afternoon we came across yet  another amazing waterfall this is vinder fossen   It's almost like a mini version of langfoss it  has a similar shape where the water Cascades   into a very broad Cliff phase and it has a very  Majestic look to it it's not as big as some of   the other waterfalls that we've seen but it's very  picturesque and it belongs on a postcard it was a   three-hour drive from Bergen all the way to lay  down where we found a holiday park right on the   fjords Edge it was a great Value Place to spend  the night have a wine party and enjoy the view the next day we had a two-hour drive to get  to the nigash brand Glacier here we would do   a glacier hike that took us up to see some of the  blue ice caves and various other icy formations   the round trip is about four hours long and it's  generally pretty easy so anyone with moderate   Fitness will be able to navigate the hike no  problem there are two main highlights of the   day one is the blue ice cave and the other  is after you descend there is a big Archway   at the foot of the glacier where all of the  melted water is running off underneath the ice our next stop was the town of Alden and this was  my favorite overnight stay of the whole trip and   here's why this is by far the nicest roadside  Motel I've ever seen the room had a little kitchen   in it as well so we didn't have to go anywhere  for the night and could just enjoy The View   who said that uh microwave  dinners can't be inspired it's not bad once they give you a a microwave  and some way to chop something that probably   doesn't look great but uh actually reckon  we did okay I don't know what it costs just   how many Chrono I have no idea a lot less  than the restaurant the other day for sure   the best thing about a Norway road trip is that it  really doesn't matter which towns you stop at they   were all stunning in their own way we looked at a  whole bunch of videos and blogs before we came and   a lot of the towns we thought we'd stop at uh we  didn't either through timing or just accommodation   wasn't available because they'd become a bit more  popular but every place we've stopped at has been   amazing and we stumbled across this little yeah  beautiful little town with accommodation like   this right on the water for half the price of what  you'd get in in the towns on either side so you   know don't be afraid to look around and just go to  a place just because you like to look at the the   pictures you'll find some amazing accommodation  for very reasonable prices you don't have to pay   you know four or five hundred bucks a night for  accommodation uh this you know would have cost us   150 US Dollars uh and it's and it's amazing  I mean look at it it's absolutely fantastic [Music] thank you foreign we've been desperately wanting to stay but we  had to vacate the hotel so we've made it about   less than a kilometer down the road you can  see the hotel just yeah that building there   so coffee and whatever that is avocado yeah  ice cream and coffee and then we'll reluctantly wow the ice ice cream is  nice darling it's very creamy no have a taste creamy today we were headed to the tourist Mecca  of gay ranga on the way there we were surprised   to find more snow and this big frozen lake just  near the garanga Skywalk it really was an amazing   sight especially in the middle of summer as we  headed up the mountain towards the Skywalk I   was worried that it would be icy cold up there but  it wasn't it was fine to walk around in a T-shirt   and there you had absolutely magnificent  views all the way to that town of garanga when making our way back down towards the town  There's a long winding road with multiple viewing   areas that Overlook The Fjord unfortunately the  sheer number of cruise ships that dock here can   be a bit of an isil and it fills the town with  hundreds of elderly tourists every day including   the waterfall walk which runs straight through the  middle of the Town one big positive though is in   the evening the cruise ships move away from the  shoreline quick update the boat's gone that helps   looks much nicer now cheers it was becoming pretty  clear to us that the best way to enjoy gayadanga   was to get away from the town so we jumped in a  kayak to go and see the Seven Sisters waterfall   which is right opposite yulsa fossen there are  boat tours that will take you there and back but   being in a kayak in between these mountains  as you paddle down the Fjord is a surreal   experience all on its own plus when you're in  a kayak you can get really close to the foot of   the waterfalls and get a view that I just don't  think you'll get on one of the boat tours foreign harder than the way there but the uh the final  bit of inspiration is the view back towards   the town of giranga diranga whatever you meant  to say it and the waterfall that's staring Us   in the face that runs right through the middle  of town so we're nearly back a well-deserved   lunch then maybe some waffles from the chocolate  place our final stop was at a popular chocolate   cafe where we were dying to try their chocolate  coated waffles on a stick crossing swords cheers and you can also do a chocolate tasting inside  we grabbed a few takeaways for the drive to come   on the way out of town there's one  more Viewpoint that you can stop over   to get one last look at the town and the  Fjord next it was on to troll stegan this   is the most epic place you will see in  all of Norway but before we got to the   viewing point we had to deal with some  particularly aggressive sheep oh my God I feel like there's nothing I can say that would  adequately describe the spectacular landscape   so I'm going to shut up for a minute and just  let the pictures speak for themselves [Music] thank you [Music]   foreign foreign [Music] and when you get to the bottom you can stop turn   around and appreciate this  view from a different angle our final two nights would be spent in the town  of shoholt this again sits on the edge of a fjord   and it seems no matter where we go our  accommodation always has some glimpse of   water views we would use this as our home base  for a day trip to Alison the next day which is   again on the west coast before driving  all the way back to Oslo on our last day The View that welcomes you on your way into  the town of Alison is pretty amazing it's a   very artistic and colorful town and has an  almost Venetian feel with the canal that   runs through the middle of town with the houses  built right up to the water's edge but outside   of the viewing point and the architecture  we found there wasn't that much to do there   we did drive out to godoya Island just past the  town of Alison which faces directly out into the   ocean but we found this to also be a little  bit plain so we decided to head back to our   accommodation and prepare for the long long drive  ahead so we hit the road early in the morning to   get back to Oslo and we're racing against the  clock because we had a flight that afternoon   so while we didn't make any stops along the way  we were treated to some absolutely spectacular   scenery that was amongst the best that we'd seen  the whole trip aunt was great company as always   on the drive and slept for about four of the  six hours it was her loss because she missed   out on scenery like this so while our 10-day  road trip was coming to an end we know that   this won't be the last time we explore Norway  if we took a different turn anywhere along the   way we may have had a completely different  experience and of course visiting in the   winter time when the place is covered in snow  is something that I would love to see one day
Channel: TheSlowTraveler
Views: 116,534
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Keywords: norway travel, norway travel guide, travel vlog, noorwegen, visit norway, things to do in norway, visit norway in summer, visit norway fjords, Mind-blowing Norway Road Trip Adventure!!, norway road trip tips, road trip vlog, geirangerfjord, trollstigen, bergen, stavanger, kjeragbolten, Utrolig Norge Road Trip Adventure, norge roadtrip tips, roadtrip-vlogg, ting å gjøre i norge, besøke norge, reisevlogg, reiser til norge, norge reiseguide, norway waterfall road
Id: ZM9kb98EnSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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