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if the day I seem a bit sweaty I'm not going to apologize we're here in studio they've got the AC on yes I don't I don't want to say something this feels like they've a little bonfire maybe they got a nice like a little ice cube up a duck's butt and every down they squeeze it right and some cold breeze it smells comes I don't know so I'll this way that lets say that bits way to know Chris I know it looks like we're in a studio but in a moment that's not my fingers were to be transported to a coffee shop because this is actually coffee shop trick is where works really well but let's do this Chris I'm going to go through the card and have you shelf the working this will be image so how about sugar sugar which some people say is as opposed to expletive instead pose the thing here we go Chris I'm gonna go Liz to the card you say sugar whenever you want okay look I'm gonna you get a little peek a little peek at the card at the camera okay keep in mind okay now I said we're going to be transported to a place you're gonna go to a coffee shop three two one now haha I know it doesn't we used to look much like a coffee shop this is a coffee shop cartridge but bring it down I want everyone to see look look look look look look at that I got the old mole of sugars huh let's try something to do a little bit of magic here kind of cool lunch you're thinking of a card you just peeked out in the pack but look put the cards down right there okay very very fairly going to use a magic wand because certainly sugar is a kind of magic so look I'm gonna grab a packet wave it over and watch what happens and watch what happens watch watch watch let that look it looks like there's something inside people can feel it the illusion that there's something and they can see the pattern that looks like there's actually a playing card in side the sugar packet now here's the cool part Chris called stopped at a car literally any card he want you could even have a spectator deal as a sign cards for a spectator can deal through the cards themselves they can deal through every card in the pack and they're going to climb without any palming there was any suspicious moves that the one card they're thinking of is gone which only means hopefully that Kings guide to sugar pack you can even hand them the sugar packets they can remove the folded cost they will discover that things in the world are not quite as they so this is truly sick I love this you know magic can be broken down the magic experience can be broken down in certain elements without getting too robotic with you one of the elements of course is a visual visuals because ultimately magic posted the question every single time and cedar does too and maybe all arts in a sense but definitely magic does poses the question why do people believe what they believe right what are the conditions of belief and they're the really depends I'm sure they're different across culture and not just belief but of course beliefs are different across culture but the things that inspire people to decide that that is real or that is false why should I invest that you know you can show the same thing you got an exact same experience or seeming the exact same experience for 10 people and you know some believe some don't some kind of are on the fence and this and that is fastening because perception is a choice I've mixed this before for but John Berger be rger has a book called the way of mmm check it out it's really fast and really opened my eyes through the Pawnee regarding the psychology is looking ok so having said all that the first thing so one piece of information there all kinds of information the way I see them or sense data is the visual then the measure are so beautiful the visuals of them seeing apart the visuals of the card no longer being in that deck as they watch your deals through the cards no problem nothing or they can deal through the card to card song so that visual alone are something vanishing under those kind of test conditions is in and of itself amazing thing and so important as I say on this channel you have to give each moment it's due this has a bunch of magic the fact that a card any card in the world I don't care what card is 480 anything has on the selected card if you reached in and grab your sugar bag I'd open up and there was a queen of clubs holed up inside a sugar packet that would be something people would remember forever just that let alone that turns out to be the selected card ok so there's all these levels now for those of you who are too cool for school ok alright for those into preschool I'm going to show you a couple of versions person you think it was set up in the sugar packet beforehand I'm going to show you how you can do this impromptu okay you all know Starbucks there's gonna be a bunch of sugar packets on the table or someone you maybe grab a handful whatever come on else you grab them and the parcel appears in one and I'll show you that in a second and yeah I'm going to show you this really cool gimmick and a few things so let's let's go on down we'll take a look at it so we've got a whole bunch of things going on here there's a little bit of one-time prep and then you will be good to go I also want to mention so you've got the visual you've got these same visuals ok but then you have audio now in this particular trick the only audio component we the audio stuff that I'm using to make it deceptive and are of course my words so often magicians forget to include their scripts the words they say as part of the secret method entities it's misdirected it's misleading it helps frame the trick for people so your words are easier um there's also so you've got visuals you've got audio and they're all different kinds of information that come together to sort of creative you know this impossible thesis strictly speaking a miracle now let's talk about the methodology about the handling and the gimmicks and all that okay so for starters what I'm going to do is I want to take a 6 of clubs I'm going to fold it really in half and course neatness counts on this one okay so for those of you are doing your mercury card fold I don't know if you want to be using here nice second thing is I'm going to take a sugar packet and now you I have done this with a paper clip on the fly it works fine with a pair of scissors I've actually used the cap of a big pen a cap jab it in but of course if you can it's really nice to have this cutting blade so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna get all the sugar down to one end okay so I have a puffy end and I'm sure we've all been accused of that before then I'm going to stick the blade in the corner into the sugar basically as far as I can near the end of the sugar packet without going into there we go I don't actually want to cut past because what this has a course is got paper sort of glued together again and paper glued together on three sides and sugar in the middle I'm going to cut along the edge just up in here now you can remove what it makes I don't think it matters it's a sugar in here or not biggest basic lectures with this would Magi sort of a tragic book I don't think it really matters but what you can do of course on a stump over here and remove most of the sugar that is sugar folks and leave a little bit inside but you're going to find that this is so tight anywhere you only want to leave a little bit of sugar okay I'm going to take this card let's see he'll even fit in I've left a bunch of sugar in there will it that is going to work for me okay that's just going to be just enough you want to really talk to all the ways but that's going to be good okay so that's in there now let me show you the setup version the setup version is that you are starbucks you're sitting around with friends you have we have this in your pocket and at some point people go to the washroom or they're sipping the coffee you're talking with cellphone all you do is you slip this in here and with the other sugar and you are set to go okay so that's really the first half of the trick all set up right like that now for this super-sweet gimmick there's so many applications get a six the clubs on Queen of Spades with the glue stick put a little bit of glue just along one end here okay then take a paper clip clip them together or you can even do a little bit tape masking tape you can take it off later on and give it a day to heart okay and what that's going to leave you with is a very cool gimmick I've made one right here and gave it this gimmick and I have a little dot on one end of black shot with a marker to let me know which end is which this is the end that's glued together so I have these two cards that are now glued together loose at one end believe together and this is the gimmick I used to force the card on quick so what's the performance performance is death I've got my Queen of Spades and my six of clubs on top and you want to make sure of course you shouldn't have any groups in here Queen of Spades six of clubs oh please no dupes already in your network up this is on top of the deck and I make sure you can see my little dot here no one will ever know is that performance but I know it's there okay I know this would even have this on the bottom of the deck because self.cards selected you can still Palm off cards as long as you're aware as long as you're not using the bottom sort of bottom two card to the pack you can do everything beans shuffle the cards okay and all these kinds of things but of course when you shuffle you have to make sure that you kind of like I could do it here for example I got to make sure either shuffle pass to gimmick at the bottom right or I'm going to shuffle it in I have to make sure that I want to not die I want to make sure this end is the end is going to be going into say a riffle shuffle okay cuz this way now I know that I'm not going to be split in the cards and the gimmick is still in here okay waiting for alright but let's say it starts at the top of the deck when you're ready to cut at the top or you get it on top or maybe it's the only card trick you do cuz it's so strong maybe this is the only card trick you do at the coffee shop so I'm here I cut the cards that keep little pinky break as we all know then I'm either gonna riffle through the cards with my thumb or maybe from the back I riffle covering the with my fingers little break at the back here and I dribble the cards and you say stop and as soon as I see their lips start to move to say stop I think oh my god I hooked it on a mine this doesn't make sense and I drop all the cards below okay and then I cut the pack either way you're going to force a sense in the top card now I'm going to hold the back and I say I don't even want to remove the card from the deck I don't want to see the card I come over and I just make sure I get the top card only you know they're glued so I show them of course in this case forcing the duplicate six o'clock now I can cut the pack and the six is already gone because when I deal through these cards or a spectator deities through these cars which I've done I mostly deal because I want to focus but a spectator can deal to these cards and I never had a spectator come across the double what they're dealing through the cards and all of a sudden come across the two cards they don't mean any feel the two while they're dealing through never had a speck they're bucking on this one but this is now all set to go okay forget about the shipper there we've got we force the card it's ready to be vanished now let me ask them ask this question a lot on the channel in what order because magic and communication general is about what do you want to communicate and what order do you want to get by that I mean you could go through you could go so show it's gone just shows God and it goes with my hands aren't you can see back then reach over grab the sugar packet from among the others pull it out okay and then show it putting your hand waist and only now show look inside there seems to be something okay so you could show it totally gone from here and then have it only then go to here together or you can do the reverse of course you can grab the sugar packet use it like the magic wand wave it wave it wave it care open remove the card and then at the end deal through now the one thing you should keep in mind is one thing there goes through the cards so it's not there and then move their attention along away from a gimmick away from the deck to something that's clean that would typically to be the way you do it okay if you do the reverse I think it's fine but realize you're going to you might end up putting more onus on the vanish than the appearance and people might be more tempted to go through the cards more particularly okay so again I've never been busted with this game to get such a great and classic gimmick and been around for many years however I said I want to do the impromptu verse okay the impromptu version of the version is you can just have this prepared and rather than secretly loading this is fun of everybody have this in your pocket and literally what I've done is I've have this down in my pocket okay I have forced the car okay you could go through it but you're literally here like this and then I can say to someone you give the cards a couple of cuts and well they give the cards a couple of cuts I stepped back and put both my hands in my pocket and I wait I kind of wait there and sometimes I'll get a laugh okay and in that moment of course I palm and finger palm I get there so now I can literally go over to an unprepared Bowl and take it okay all I'm doing it's in palm I pick this up I come over and I'm just apparently going to remove it and I just reach in among them and pull this out now got to be careful because people can see a bit of the pattern which is why when I initially fold a lay off cover just like this alright but that's a beautiful way to be able to go into it in a more impromptu setting of course - what you can do guys for those are interested in this you can have this here you can start by giving this to somebody to hold on they give it a wiggle and say something so that does it feel like I don't know if there may be a steel ladder in there or or perhaps a battleship from the 1700s before they even invented battleships and this way you're not saying into a folded card in there but they're examining and then of course if you want you can then after they've done this you can do a shuttle patch you can do your switch you can even say this is a ditch I use for my air tight thinking is I would take this from somebody do this switch here and say remember you could have taken any of them from here and you just leave it in with the others okay so there's lots of options here and of course there are a lot of different ways you can go through the cards to show the cards gone and each way has their virtue anger style right you can do it very scientifically one at a time going through tell me when you see your card and notice that at this point they don't know the cards advance okay they don't know it's all so what you can do is you can say rather than saying look the card is gone you can say well look you're think of your cards tell me when I okay if I know your card tell me as soon as you see your card tell me and this is a great way to build fear because everyone's waiting for the person to say that's my card and when you go through the whole deck let me just save you some time here does when you go through the whole deck and people cards gone it's great fear great drama okay another way to go through wooden again we just blew by the Queen of Spades gimmick there there it is and of course with with the card neatly that's the wrong end with the card glued to it okay another way to go through the cards it rather than one by one is you could say look it and I think this has a more dramatic feel okay because what you could do of course let's say we've done this we've done the wave and I cover that little tear there and I show both sides they can see it looks totally legit there's something in there lay this down right there yep and having pulled focus to here any possibility of this I come back to this and if you want to maintain the momentum of the track then you can go and I want you to see look I'm not sure exactly which was your card but I want you to see none of these I'm showing you both sides now so this is in groups this has a nice flow to it a nice feel okay another way to do that okay each way has their virtue whatever you're doing the one by one or the groups whatever this ending and of course this is an old principle having a tear in something beforehand loading it in and then destroying the evidence during the final handling where you then you're here care nothing to see nothing to discover the secret work that a little bit of sugar coming out of here and a little bit of sugar like this push this up and take your time there's no need to rush this and remember the moment it is clear the sugar packet only the memory is and this is where I you know when I used to rush things are the younger performer I'd have people say always probably underneath the sugar packets what was in his hand it didn't really come out of the sugar party people love to deny the impossibility of what they love to you should present a mystery to them the people going up there there's a whole bunch of personality types you don't want to get on board so this is the ball it take your time even I didn't ask people is the folded card truly inside the sugar packet that's not an illusion right they don't know once you to move on to the corner and you act almost is just the moment that you clear at explosions going to happen the world's going to stop really plan and then people unfold with one of these card tricks the diesel that you know I will put this card trick up against a whole bunch of other cards or certain ball flourishes and and shuffles and all this stuff it's so direct and it's just one of these things that shout thanks for watching see you next time you didn't actually think that's all that rabbit wrongs going to say at the end of this video do you I'll keep it short ah I know in some of these videos I go in to great lengths and I really want to give the value to you guys so I hope you appreciate the detail I know there'll be some college below you talk too much I guess get it I get it but for a whole bunch of my fans I know you're really appreciate the details the options in all of it so hence why I went is so much detail on that trick definitely give this a try really soon the gimmick there's so many different things you can do with the gimmick what a great vanishing image you can so many ways you can make cards apparently travel or vanish and transformations all these different kinds of things wind doesn't as you're new to the channel obviously subscribe click that subscribe button and guys this is particularly strong cartridge from counting on everybody who watch this video to really hit that like button really hard ok so subscribe to the channel and I've got the videos come up most weeks I put up two videos Tuesdays and Thursdays giveaway free prizes this is the magic Channel look play [Music]
Channel: SankeyMagic
Views: 168,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, tricks, tutorials, street, secrets, revealed, sankey magic, tutorial, DIY, magic tutorial, card trick, magic trick, illusion, supernatural, cool trick, cool magic, spellbinding, prank, magic DIY, Jay Sankey, vlog, magic tricks revealed, magic show, coin trick, easy tricks illusion tricks, magic videos, Penn and Teller, CN Tower, card in sugar, Incredible Magic Trick, card in sugar trick, card in sugar magic tricks, mind bending tricks, learn easy magic tricks, how to magic
Id: tnXI32bi1xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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