MIN MIN: Day 1

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I mean yeah gonna be about this I thought you were the actual minute for a second you on my shield I'm so upset stop that oh I forgot my aerial smash attacks what's so funny to me is like whenever Sakurai showed off his character I was like oh is he really just spamming caps smash and now I realized oh that's just what she does this is it hell yeah that's your comedy probably - you spilled oh now you Damon we're gaming yep I want to say whenever they first announced an armed spider that wasn't 100% what I predicted yep thank you Sakurai I can't wait to get s smash from across the entire stage so I see none of us like fighting our opponents yeah I mean at least spring man got his stage in the game yeah that's honestly kind of we can't get make a spring man on his own stage but aren't you at least happy that we both lost we're dueling Joe live out here right yes I'm earning it he's showing off a new pair here what is spacing when you're men men like what does that word mean to you like if we had a graph on like minions area of threat it's just the entire stage I don't know how high you know I'm dead oh I forget I'm tiny Oh have fun bastard I'm just so tired of them giving every Me costume to meet gunner yeah I mean where's the love for these two I will say vault boy was definitely not what I expected I thought it was Mickey Mouse when it first came out first up fair kill women brawling the human history act I don't think it's gonna happen again so I do have a question you what you think Minh Minh is gonna be like a fun character do you think it's gonna be like you see your friend picker and you go oh oh I think that you guys have already started saying Ah any time I pick her so a little bit yeah so what is going through your head whenever you happy I like to Minden flowchart on why it's just a circle of to move sugar we're going down get it it's cousin Fall Out Boy hi dog doing them so it's not very funny it's okay I've never played a second of fallout or seen a second and pull out for that matter oh well I'm referencing the band Fall Out Boy oh that's that's good thank you that's funny isn't it I have Ariel Joe I mean I know you say that jokingly but Joe you might be the best amendment in the world all right turn your brain off better than anyone I've ever seen like this it's honestly terrifying I don't know what you're about to do all right I can now play the game here still win look it's kind of cute what happens to his hand so you might need to teach me I don't I don't think my minions looking as good yeah well Brandon what do you think is going wrong right now I'm not in the center of the stage we won't okay pure thank you your answer was wrong like I said in men and I think this character may be clunky but I can't wait to go into online doubles without team attack oh that's all I've been thinking about actually so token Senora see like we just had to know how this character worked on Springs own that's what everyone was curious about right that's what I've been asking now for a long time thank God I couldn't cover up I owe you go upstage I didn't mean to i watch out over there buddy oh god no I just realized clout wait don't hit me Joe yeah I yep no yes I actually to think for that one you're playing the character wrong I'm sorry what consent were you up I'm at zero now so from when we were impressed by the range on this move yeah see I could tell you weren't thinking like that's not your fault right there you're doing the best you can I was playing this character as intended wait I got it here's optimal oh oh yeah I'm getting s imagine it's like if I take a moment to start fighting Braden that's when F smash McGee over here comes out full cause oh go about trade Cup that's the first train combo I've ever seen you do have all the tools necessary I just couldn't fight him alone I know I needed you hmm I got an idea he's proud though or I think we've had our fun I'm gonna try items on spring stadium because I've said it before this looks like probably the best item stage ever oh I'm so much stronger with items on you know it's true God yeah you just have to be aware of so many things the spring pads are a huge dynamic now yeah and I love them because like the bad part about stage hazards is when they become like too much of the state but it just like you have all the agency in the world for this let's go to you oh okay [Music] oh that's height but what if it kills what if it did anything anything I wasn't been full I'll say that was the coolest 1% combi that I've ever seen don't say Braden I won't see my new final smash or they bumped it oh we have to make a new final smash tearless now but oh wait this is Bacchus let's just see how buff is this Oh cuz it does he died oh yo you got to carry it off stage that was crazy bro good reaction no they nerve polity no post match this patch I can't believe she's such a low tier now please thank you goodbye [Applause] if you would have rolled and said down the controller though it's really quick the piano I found it found it that's the counter play I was gonna wait cuz it's not like I had to read anything he's just got a friend's button that's kinda lame you're not letting me play the game you're not really playing the game either my boy Felix will finally make it appear extend-o-arms you should have been ready for that fully signed the cutscene you know why okay well I did all worked out I don't know you know brains eviscerated you guys think about the good things are you dying like the fact that I live I'm still thinking that there's minmin arms coming at me so I have to be doing something oh jeez I did like teenage oh my god Brady would you like to play this game I'll go down with the ship I don't care don't let me into my zone under this platform nope watch out do you have anywhere on the stage that's not your zone oh no you just had to bury think you stalked me mate happy I feel like this whole item section has been embarrassing Oh watch out guys oh it's party both of you I'd be careful about you you do have two arms after all oh yeah how do you know those you see that I'll play right there good that good boy I'm so smart wait oh I wanted it I wanted that kick for so long flat oh that's not yours it in actually they've been killing off the top oh and I'm I think the only buff I would want to add for MinMin is if ergative attack was like across the stages oh yeah she's use her arms for it yeah I felt the only way we can make the character feel more fair I can't believe this yeah yeah I like how we're all not trying to interact with each other at all why would we yeah that's not what that's not how smash where these all fit to be played this is my stage now maybe bit of miscalculation on my part down there oh I am no no I know I don't know always it always has to be be so fine well that was the closest kill screen I've ever seen Wow I know you can hit up close range you want the mailing route of daily life tendonitis let's get them mad [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,247,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: 66WrjgzT-XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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