Min. Chris Turner : Sermon WAIT ON GOD

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] hold on to that unchanging everybody ought to hold on to his hand hold on to god's on the changing i'm everybody ought to hold on hold on to my god unchanging [Music] that's a mighty long time and hold on to that unchanging in no time the time is filled with sweat and is it shiny yes it is it is [Applause] unchanging everybody ought to hold on to his hand hold on to my god's son the changing hand everybody ought to hold on to hold on to god's unchanging i know you can feel your hopes on things they turn up everybody on them hold on to that [Music] your journey is completed when it's all over now we're here to god you have been true don't you know fam there and write that a home and the glory glory that you are [Music] everybody on a hold on the two gods i'm changing hands amen and amen again it is an awesome thing to be in the house of the lord amen yeah yeah david said i mean he didn't necessarily have to be in the temple itself but he was rejoicing that he was going to dwell in the house of the lord forever i'm in the presence of god i'm where god is and goodness and mercy amen will follow me all the days of my life david didn't say every last thing that happened to me would be good uh the devil is going to try to interrupt and do something but it's going to be close by and that's why we're preaching that's what we've been teaching and or speaking about for the last few months this is a win-win thing for the children of god whatever goes on on the planet whatever goes on with the pandemic whatever goes on that's negative if you're on the lord's side ultimately you win and so we try to suggest that you stay or if you're not on the lord's side get on the lord's side obey the lord because that's a positive that's a win win i'm telling you uh they were in the fourth quarter and down by i don't know how many points all throughout biblical history all throughout the world's history but those on the lord's side ended up winning yeah yeah even if they didn't live to see the victory the hebrew writer talked about how all of these died in faith not having received the promise but they looked for they prayed for they they had in anticipation they set things up for those who would come after them and be reci that would receive the blessings and the promise oh abraham loved along to see our day i think the bible says uh something like that their day anyway in hebrews he uh walked through this world as a pilgrim and a stranger but he sucked a city whose builder and maker was god isn't that awesome it's a good thing to be uh in the lord always uh we did have an election amen we thank god for the process amen a lot of people don't get a chance to participate in the ruling uh of their governments and or countries so we thank god for the process we won't always like the outcomes but we thank god for the process that we're able to take part in it amen amen there's almost a 50 50 on the country but we thank god for the process amen is that all right we've been talking about i want to welcome i'm sorry everybody who's visiting with us in this house what a blessing it is what a blessing it is i see i see i see family in the house and that's the other family in the house from trenton i see family in the house that hadn't been able to come out uh but but god is good and all the time god is good and if i had my little tennis racket like that lady on the ramparoom i would say i see sister pruden sister pruden we thank you for praying for us as we pray for you and we're praying that things continue to be better i see uh sister yvonne white down uh in florida i think it is yeah there she is we're praying for you sis she had to go back into the hospital praying for my friend karina down in bama from d.c from alabama in dc in alabama right now back in the hospital we're praying for you we're praying for my chicago mom mary she's ill right now and and uh talking with my brothers and uh uh sisters up there who are my family in chicago from my chicago mom amen and we're praying for the family and praying for her god is still god and god is still good we've been talking about here for the past couple of weeks i think this will be the last one for right now uh what to do in the meantime everybody has goals a lot of people have well everybody ought to have a plan everybody ought to have a goal and a desire to do something uh uh uh but until you get to what you want until you get to where you need to be they're things that you probably ought to be doing in the meantime uh before you get to where you're going amen while we're holding god's hand and maybe just a little course on this song that uh sister thomas uh uh showed us the other week amen i don't want god to look down and like who is that when i'm holding his hand i want him to look down and say well that's chris my son not just my son but chris my son and he has your name amen in his data bank in his database he knows my name three-fourths um he knows my name and he knows my name [Music] and oh how he walks with me yes he does and oh how he talks with me and oh how he tells me oh how he tells me that i am his own i am his own i am his own and you know you know my name [Music] and you know my name and i'm glad about it lord you know you know my name and you know you know my name and oh how you comfort how you counsel me and it still amazes me yet it still amazes me that i'm your friend that i am your friend and he knows he knows my name god and heaven knows he knows my name and he know that he knows my name he knows he knows that he knows my name and oh how he walks with me and he talks with me and oh how he talks with me and oh how he tell me oh how he tells me that i am his own [Music] amen and amen again nevertheless the foundation of god standeth sure the lord knows them that are his it's good advice that those who are his would depart from iniquity if you name the name of jesus christ you belong to him if you've done what is required to name the name of jesus christ he knows your name it's written in heaven's book and we do our best to depart from iniquity what a blessing it is what a blessing it is what a blessing it is we talked about david uh uh what he did in the meantime from when god promised him a kingdom we talked about noah uh and what he did in the meantime from when god uh and informed him that he was going to destroy the world this week i want to talk about abram and sarah abram and sarah amen the bible says in the book of genesis genesis the better sheath chapter 12 and verse number one now the lord said unto abram papa father get thee he's going to be abraham after a while the father of many nations right now they're just calling him uh papa after a while it'd be big papa yeah i love it when they call me bic he said unto abram get thee out of thy country and get away from your kin folk get away from your cousins get away from your people i got to do something with you and in order for that to happen i'm going to need you to get away from cousin joe and cousin frank and cuddle fred uncle leroy in there wait a minute i got uncle leroy had one let me change that name uncle you know somebody else that's not kind to you i need you to get away from thy kindred genesis 12 and 1 and from thy father's house to a land that i will shoot thee i will make you see i will manifest unto you verse number two and i will make of thee i will make of thee a great nation i'm going to bless you thee you same thing i'm going to make your name great i think i'm far enough away for everyone and thou shalt be a blessing watch it now i'm going to make a great nation of you i'm going to bless you and i'm going to you're going to be a blessing and i'm going to actually bless those that bless you did you catch that part i'm going to do good things to those who could think who do good things to you as a child of abraham in the spirit as a child of abraham amen according to the bible i tell you what if you bless god's people god will turn around and bless you oh i believe that with all my heart if you're good to the people of god god will bless you for being good to the people of god i remember i remember when i i don't remember when i'm not old enough but i remember reading when the israelites came from uh egypt to canaan land and there were people who were nice to them as they traversed or as they traveled from egypt to the promised land and there were people who were ugly to them there were people who tried to curse them not literally cuss them but literally put a curse upon them and they paid folk to curse them and he said i can't do it those are the people of god god said you better leave those people alone leave them and some people would actually attack the amalekites would attack the women and children the hindu part they would attack those folk as they traveled through their land now you got to know that when all these people are coming through your land you know they're eating they're picking your peaches and your pomegranates and your grapes and sometimes they're like two-legged locusts and so i don't want them to come through here they're going to take everything and so curse them make them go another way do something you know god says i put that stuff i let it grow and these are my people coming through i'll bless you again but there were some people who were really nice to the people of god and when god decided that he was going to get those people back because he said vengeance is his i will repay it took a few years but god said now saul as your king your first order of business is to go business is to go back and take care of the amalekites i remember what they did to the hindu part as you traveled even though you weren't born and probably aren't old enough of course unless you're 400 years old you're not old enough go and deal with them kill the goats the cows the animals the sheep and the people and as they were on their way they said to the keynights y'all were really nice that's when we came through you blessed us when our people came through you're on the list of people that god said don't don't bother them don't you harm those people they were nice to you amen and sometimes i'm nice to folk because i want my children to be blessed amen amen i don't want them to get wait a minute i was going to get you but your dad is who okay i'm gonna be nice to you i learned that from brother john harrison but years ago he said i've been i'm nice to folks because my children may be riding through this area sometime and have a flat tire need a blessing amen isn't that something and i said so so so so god said to abraham i will bless those who bless you and i will make your name great and uh uh oh oh oh oh i will curse them that curse you and in here it is in in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed because you existed at one point on the planet not that you're dead now because jesus said before abraham was i am and he also said that god is the god of abraham isaac and jacob god is the god of the living not the dead he's god over but he's the god of the living he's trying to say abraham is still alive in jesus day and i suggest to you that he's still alive somewhere right now but when he did when he lived and uh existed on this planet in human form amen amen god said i'm going to bless the world because you were here isn't that awesome we ought to take that personally because god thinks no more of abraham than he does of us he's made out of nothing greater than we are made of amen and if we are people of faith like abraham was a person of faith amen let me let me let me get on where i'm going if we're people of faith like abraham was a person of faith the the earth will be blessed because at one time chris lived right the earth would be blessed because at one time you you were here and that's something you may not be here to see the full blessing but the earth is blessed because you were here and i learned this years ago and it's one of my favorite statements i love doing what i do because i don't know what i'm doing isn't that awesome that's awesome and and it's it's it's good for the short term and it's good for the long term don't you know one day uh in heaven someone may come and shake my spirit hand and say you know you never met me but when you walk the earth my great-grandmama was a member at the sunset road church of christ and because you preached and taught and were nice and you helped try to be faithful who told my granddaddy to be faithful who taught his daughter my mother to be faithful who brought me to church and and taught me the gospel and here i am in heaven because of something you did when i wasn't even born yet i love doing what i'm doing because i have no idea what effectors will have on generations to come and that's why we try to do right amen so the world and the nation will be blessed because we were at one time here amen while you're here do what you can while you can amen so abraham verse number four departed as the lord in genesis chapter 12 had spoken unto him and he took his nephew lot with him i'm telling you that's his nephew that's his brother's son with him and abram was 75 years old when he left haran 75 years old just starting out on this faith journey with god from his father's house terror and the land of the chaldeans he left there going to where god would promise him a sustenance and a seed amen amen and he was 75. here we have the first indication of abraham to abraham from god that through him all nations would be blessed the world would be blessed god has in mind at this point he's going to give abram who is really not a father though he bears the nickname of father he's going to give him offspring or children that will be the catalyst for great things to happen on the earth for all people there is one problem he still as of yet that 75 has no children amen issue number two is that the man that we now call abraham is 75 years old and he has no children god promises abraham and sarah of spring i said and sarah that's important we'll remember that we'll come back to that in a few minutes they are 65 and 75 years old 75 and 65 respectively here is the great story of growing faith and obedience isn't that awesome your faith ought to grow and as you obey you ought to see the promises of god come to fruition which would incul which would encourage you to obey even more so i think that this will be i'll stop right here with what to do in the meantime god promised abraham that the world is going to be blessed in him through him i.e from his loins i.e from his children and or grandchildren and or his seed his offspring and he has no offspring how long does it take to get from god's promise to abraham's blessing until isaac got there did you know it was 25 years 25 years from the life of david we learned that it is good to watch to wonder and to witness from the experience of noah last week we learned that while you're you're you're you're you're in the interim uh in the meantime uh uh waiting on the plan of god that you ought to work witness and then you get to go in amen he went into the ark david watched and he wondered how he could glorify god and he witnessed that god was more powerful than any giant and any enemy noah worked as god said and he preached it was a preacher first peter said of righteousness while he worked to try to tell other folk you too ought to get right so you too can be saved i think he probably could have sung that song none but the righteous amen shall see god we used to sing songs like that none but the right righteous none but the righteous none but the righteous i see my sister sing with me shall see god whoa they shall see god niece do you remember that one none but the righteous shall see god amen praise the lord you know what you know what now we just think everybody's gonna see him no matter what you do no you gotta do what god says do in order to get there amen you you will see him every i will see him but uh everybody won't see him in peace the revelator wrote uh i think it's revelation chapter six or chapter seven if you read those two chapters you'll find it some people when they see god will run and hide themselves in the dens and in the mountains and tell the rocks to fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne not a snow avalanche we want the rocks to fall on us and hide us from him that sitteth on the throne for the great day of his wrath is coming who shall be able to stand amen some folk will see him but they won't want to we'll see him in peace amen those who are on his side and trying to do right from the beginning to the blessing from the hearing to finally getting the air from the here and now to the there and then from the prophecy in haran to the promised land of canaan amen to in the interim from the promise of an infant to the person of isaac what else can one do one word wait there it is sarah and abraham what ought you to do uh concerning the promise of god wait wait wait wait just wait on the lord that's your problem you can't hurry god you just have to wait patience is a virtue sometimes even waiting is a learned process uh psalms 27 and verse number 14 almost saying this song sister williams likes to hear wait on the lord and be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say on the lord the lord is the strength of my life whom shall i fear whom shall i fear whom shall i fear the lord is the light of my life who shall i fear that's my points today wait on the lord number one be of good courage that'll cause your heart to be strengthened and then again did not tell you to wait on the law amen those are the points sometimes we have to be reminded peter said i'm writing these things not because you don't know them i'm just trying to stir up your pure minds some stuff you knew better than to do but sometimes folk need to remind you you know better than that oh yeah you're right amen amen so wait on the lord be of good courage and wait on the lord now your points are amen wait on the lord why because god made a plan are you with me god made a plan god made a plan god is the ultimate doer that's why you ought to wait on him if he is or if it is it is because he is or he am when he introduced himself to mankind and gave a name or an essence he told moses you tell pharaoh that i am sent you not only i am but i am that i am whatever he is i am if it be i am god is omni shunt i'm the present and i'm the potent he's all in all all-powerful all-knowing and what else i don't see it i have a prayer i'm the president omniscient all-knowing uh everywhere at the same time he's so big he passes himself going the way he came from amen that's how big god he is and he's ah omnipotent all-powerful he's just all things that are and have life in them he gives them life amen i say uh 45 and verse number seven god said i'll form the light and and i oh create darkness what did you say i said i create darkness chris surely not you god oh that's me that's why darkness had no power over me i made it too amen how you think frankie beverly wrote joy and pain and like sunshine and rain i made that yeah that helps you to grow if it wasn't for the rain in my life i couldn't appreciate the sunshine god made that amen god said i make peace and i create evil not a good god from heaven what did you say god isaiah said god said i make the light i make the darkness i make peace i create evil i the i am the lord the yahweh do jehovah do all these things so god has a plan so what we ought to do is be on his side amen and we'll be on the positive side of it amen his plan included prophecy wait on the lord because his plan includes prophecy prophecy is the revelation of the will of god for future happenings we are part of prophecy right now if you hear the gospel of jesus christ if you uh uh uh believe the gospel of jesus christ amen acts 15 and 7 if you repent of your sins luke 13 3 if you confess christ to be the son of god first corinthians chapter i mean romans chapter 10 and verse number 10 acts chapter 8 verse number 35 36 and 37 if you are baptized amen if you are baptized in water for the remission the washing away of your sins acts 2 38 acts 22 16 the prophecy is you are saved and you get to go to heaven child did you not know that's a future thing that god has promised to those that obey him jesus christ became the author of eternal salvation hebrews five and six or five and nine to all those that obey him we are saved right now but we'll be saved eternally that's prophecy god's plan includes prophecy it's a revelation of the will of god god's will is not that any or that no one should perish he doesn't want anybody to perish and if you perish it's not the fault of god he's done all he's done everything amen to make sure that you get to heaven now the only person that can keep you up amen since we're in an election season and election cycle uh there are three people who can vote on this thing three essences god votes for you to go to heaven the devil votes for you to go the other way you are the deciding vote you make the choice amen it'll be a 2-3 margin and you get to decide which way you go amen god is doing all he can to get you there the devil's doing all he can to keep you out you make the final decision amen god not only made a plan god's plan does not only include prophecy it includes a promise isn't it awesome in this case the promise is that all nations will be blessed through the seed of abraham now genesis 12 and 1 through 3 we just read god advises abram to leave haran and his kindred he also promises to make a great nation of him that promise included another part of promise he promised to provide sustenance to abraham genesis 13 and verse number 14 and the lord said unto abram after that lot was separated from him now they had been uh blessed he and his brother nephew amen i got a nephew that's close to my age it's almost like my little brother but i'm still um amen amen amen and so so he was like a brother to him demetrius don't forget it amen he was like a brother to him but but but they were prosperous in the land where they were they both had servants in the service programs you stopped letting your cows graze over here that's our grass we're on abram's side but we're on right side and abraham and lot got wind of it and they said hey hey hey hey what are y'all doing arguing it's our stuff and we are brothers you serve us so don't argue if we're not arguing don't you argue that's my uncle that's my big brother why would i go and abraham said that's my nephew that's my little brother you choose the land you want and whatever's left i'll take isn't that awesome he's being blessed because he's hanging out with a blessed person here's a person that's being nice and being blessed by abraham because god is blessing abraham and lot is with abraham so lord is getting blessed too his cattle and his goats and his sheep whatever they have are probably sheep whatever they have they're growing and they're growing in sustenance and they parted ways but never spirits they were physically distant but never socially distanced just like we are today we're we're a part in this building and some of us can't come out just yet but we're spiritually still brothers and sisters we're still together we see you we we see your seat and we got another seat over there waiting on you just in a few weeks amen praise the lord we know we know we know we know we're getting a pla we're getting a place ready where you can come in here amen we've got plenty of doors that you can exit don't have to breathe out air bubble malone used to tickle me i mentioned when i was growing up in rogersville alabama he was somebody would disagree with him he said well excuse me for breathing your air dear in other words get out of my face you won't have to breathe our air you can go on out the side though but we'll have seen your face amen got to get a good wave in the lord lot and abram was separated and uh uh verse 15 god told abraham after they were separated uh the end of verse 14 now look where you are i'm a blessed lot i'm going to bless lot but look where you are i want you to look to the north where up north i want you to look to the south i want you to look to the east and i want you to look to the west as far as you can see i'm going to give you that all the land verse 15 that you see i will get to you and to your seed i know you try to adopt your nephew but i'm going to give you a son missed it i'm gonna give you a son and i will make your seed as the dust of the earth if a man verse 16 can count the number of the dust of the earth then uh they'll be able to count your children and or grandchildren i don't even have a child i'm 77 years old my wife is 67 65 and changed god said it we don't the lord because god has a plan god made the plan and as long as god makes the plan you can obey the plan because the plan will come to fruition i keep thinking about that football coach i keep thinking about that football coach who was over at uh oh my goodness i forgot the name of that school it was a middle school in durham north carolina john doe used to play the drums out there for the uh uh for the games and stuff and i would go out there and listen to him practice the drum and i'd watch the coach and he would tickle me talking to those little boys on the football field as they practice uh if you execute what we went over in practice we will be victorious if you do what i told you to do we will ultimately win the victory i said that's a preaching you say yeah i said he said he coached like one just waiting on the razor ah i'm sure yeah execute the plan and you'll be victorious just wait on the lord do what necessary number two number two be here it is of good courage you wait on the lord because it's the plan of god that will get us what we need and what we want now at least what we need sometimes what we want is brother trump praise amen in jesus name abraham is growing impatient with the lord someone says patient is not the patience is not the ability to wait you have to wait anyway the ability to wait and keep a good attitude while waiting is patience you keep a good attitude while you're waiting child i don't spend this long i know what's going this is crazy just calm down god's got this thing god's going to execute what he says he's going to execute god's going to bless what he said he's going to bless god's going to keep what he said he's going to keep and as long as i'm on the lord's side i'm going to win i'm going to win win he rescues lot abraham in the midst of what's happening uh his waiting he rescues lot who has now gone to the plains of sodom down there and go more beautiful cities at the time and some people rascals came and they took the stuff and they kidnapped lot and his folk you know we preached a sermon on this on this on this text uh and he says uh uh wait a minute somebody came and told abraham they took lot i think the title of that sermon was you mess with the wrong one abraham wasn't worried about what was going on in sodom and gomorrah but when you took my nephew we got a problem and so abraham went and he rescued a lot and the family brought back the goods of sodom and gomorrh brought back the wealth that they had taken brought back the bounty and the king of sodom said man this is awesome take you some of that for your man he said no no no no no i'm not taking any of this booty i'm not taking any of this spoils i'm not taking any of the things that we rescued back for you because you'll go back and say we're the one made abraham rich i'm not going to give you that pleasure god's going to bless me and so all the thing i'm going to worry about is the food that my my my my young men ate when we were going through to fight we took a couple apples i don't know whether the apples are not i'm paraphrasing whatever we took to keep us strong while we went to fight that's the payment but uh god's going to take care of me and so abraham is now uh that's the end of chapter 14 he meets melchizedek melchizedek mel tisidek the priest of god the king of shalom the king of salem abraham met the prince of i mean the king of peace i mean my goodness that man's name is capitalized for a reason jesus is compared to melchizedek he didn't have father nor mother of course he had a father and a mother but he wasn't in a royal lineage how dare he became jesus as a priest like melchizedek all the priests came from levi the tribe of levi jacobs israel's son levi jesus came from judah that's why he's after the order of melchizedek what do you do with being a priest how are you the king and you're not in the levitical priesthood moses the priest aaron the priest was in the lineage of levi how can you be in the lineage of moses and or david and you're not in lebanon well well not david but uh i'm from judah yehuda praise god that's what that means and i'm a king after the order of melchizedek my father wasn't royal but my father is king of kings amen so he's ultra royal amen let me do this here be of good courage abraham what's going on chapter 15 after he walked up and went up and uh fought back and rescued lot and the family and rescued the goods from sodom where lot lived and the king has been restored his stuff he has a conversation in chapter 15 with god i'm talking about be of good courage you were waiting on the lord but you're getting impatient you should be of good courage i know he's got some issues because in chapter 15 verse number one the bible says in genesis after these things the word of the lord came unto abram he still abram at this time in a vision saying that was all right abram i saw what you did fear not and then you blessed or were blessed by melchizedek amen my priest of prince the king of peace that is he says uh fear not abram i am your shield and i am your exceeding great reward don't miss it i'm not taking anything from you king of saddam because you'll say you made us rich that's why son said i'm never careful about folk who who's thinking they're pulling us up out of a ditch no god has always been on our side you don't get to brag what you did amen god has always planned to bless us because we're his children he can find any means to do it so don't get it twisted and get this paternalistic spirit over yourself we came and rescued you know god always had us say he was just waiting for an opportunity to bless us i'm telling i'll say it till god comes back amen i'm of good courage and i'm like abraham god has always planned to bless us god had always planned to bless abraham and when abram saw that and when god saw that he said no no king of sodom i'm not going to give you the glory that abram is with because of the king of sodom bless them no no no no no no no no god blessed him and god recognized and he came and he came and hollered at him for a lack of a better time abram i saw that i am your reward you don't need to take that money i got money for you amen in other words i'm your blessing i'm your blessing chapter 15 verse number one he said i'm your shield and i'm your exceeding reward and abram said lord god you keep talking but i still don't have no children what are you going to give me seeing that i go childless i'm probably closer to the other side of life uh going downhill and to the top who am i going to leave this with i don't have any children why give me a bunch of stuff and i don't have any children i got one good guy at the house he was born into the house and his name is eliezer he's from damascus and abraham said you haven't given me any seed verse number three genesis 15. and i got one guy is that guy going to be my heir i might as well just leave it all to the butler he can make me great and i'm leaving to the butler come on god you hadn't given me a child yet in other words in other words subtly reminding god that he hasn't fulfilled his promise what are you saying i'm saying abraham's getting impression we laugh at sarah laughing but abraham is odd too my goodness god you know i don't have any children i'm out there fighting i'm on your word i'm rescuing my nephew because i thought he might be the heir but if people keep kidnapping him we don't live close by each other anymore maybe it's liaison maybe my butler's going to be the guy who is it how do i have a kid did you remember you said you had said you was going to give me a bunch of kids when that's what he's saying he's getting impatient be of good courage that's what i mean courage is uh while you're waiting while you're gaining patience chill have a good attitude say lord i i know you're going to do it i just know you're going to do it i may be getting a little gray on the bottom and empty on the top but i know you're going to do it i reminded the brother jack evans saying one time somebody told him brother evans your hair is turning gray he said yeah yours is turning loose [Laughter] abram abraham is getting just a bit impatient and verse number three genesis 15 the bible says and abram said behold to me thou has given no seed and low one born in my house is going to be mine heir verse 4 and behold the word of the lord came unto him saying this shall not be thine air i didn't promise you the butler was going to get it i told you you'll see but he that shall come forth let me explain that to you from you in thee shall be thine air and he brought him forth abroad and said look now toward heaven i had to look at grass now let me let you look at the stars i had to think about dust now i want you to think about stardust look at the stars if you can count the number of the stars uh uh uh uh then you can be able to count how many children and or grandchildren in the offspring you're going to have god made that promise to abram again and he believed the lord verse number six and god counted that to him for righteousness his wife did the same thing that abram did amen now it's been 10 years those folk nine years those folk who were 75 and 65 are now 85. wait a minute 75 and 85. yeah okay there it is they're getting older and so sarah comes up with a plan and a plot she too has grown impression it's been 10 years since the promise uh big daddy i i'm 75 years old now i'm i'm probably going past my season uh grown folk amen so genesis 16 and verse one sarah abraham's wife had bear had no children and she had a handmaid and an egyptian whose name was hagar and sarah i said unto abram behold now the lord hath restrained me now wait a minute you're being a bit presumptive and some making assumptions god has restrained you from bearing yes they come from the lord but you can't tell what god's going to do your problem is you thought it was up to you you and your husband you rather look at the leds i'm thinking about a lot maybe they're going to be my heirs god didn't say that here your wife is well i got this handmade and technically it'll be your child and he did say it to you no he promised you and if you two are married you all are one and so you get the blessing too can i say it again i don't need to right what's yours mind and what's mine is mine i mean what's that you know what i mean what's yours is mine what's mine is yours amen because you two are one said i said unto abraham the lord has restrained me from bearing genesis 16 and verse number two i pray thee i beg of you go in unto my maid and it may be that i may obtain children by her and your children did the same stuff jacob and his wives abram hearkened unto the voice of sarah he did god rejected their input on his plan that's what i mean by be of good courage trust the lord god's going to do what he said he's going to do you don't have to help him you know what we are behind on the light bill at the church we're not but you know we need to rob a bank it's for a good cause don't you help god with his plan god's gonna take don't you go outside of the plan of god to act like you're doing something good for god amen it's better to obey than to sacrifice yourself going to prison to pay like don't do it don't do it amen amen amen uh so what i'm trying to say is uh uh be of good courage god did not accept their input on his plan because he already had it worked out you just keep the faith you just keep the faith you just remain faithful if you think you can help the lord facilitate his own plan at least remain within the confines and the construct of his word i wish i had time but just stay in the word of god if you got some new ideas make sure they come from the old book if you have some new ideas make sure they come from the book of books and they close up the close up the printing on this couple thousand years ago and say don't add anything to it don't take anything away in other words god's plan is perfect some stuff in there that we can glean from and do some new things but we better not be outside of his will in his way amen i thought i'd drop that off uh while i'm saying that you impatient folk who who started preaching last week and want 3 000 members this week didn't god tell you to wait on the lord there's some stuff that you need to learn before your uh blessing uh before you are pastoring before you are teaching before you are leading all those folks before you become an elder before you become a teacher before you become a teacher head so you know what i'm talking about before you become a minister before you become a servant before you become that's some stuff god wants you to do and you'll keep learning after you get a position isn't it awesome old as i am i'm still learning and i'm not that old but i'm still learning amen amen because there's some new stuff coming out and i need to know what the old word says about the new stuff so i have to go and learn what god thinks about this right here which we didn't even have they passed some laws to get some biblical stuff what are you gonna say about that i'm going to say what god said amen now wait on the lord first point was i promise you abraham when you're getting ready to leave tara's house here in haran that i'm going to bless you and all this is going to be blessed what do i do in the meantime god well the last thing you ought to do is alter my plan the last thing you need to do is try to make some stuff lawful or legal or righteous that i called unrighteous war unto them that call good evil and call evil good amen it's only evil because god said it was evil and you can't make it right because you like to do it amen who do you think god is the heart is deceitful i think we thought talked about that the other week it's deceitful who can know it you'll have your own heart to fool you amen amen some stuff that's wrong feel good that's what sin is who would sin if it was terrible well i just hate to do that but i guess i will no you like to do it you have to keep working not to amen wait on the lord that's what the psalmist said wait on the lord and be of good courage because when you're of good courage god will strengthen your heart didn't god come along to tell abram no it's not eleazar no it's not lord sarah it's not ishmael what i need you to do is trust what i said it's going to be who i said it was going to be be of good courage and when you sometimes falter on your steps or on your journey well isn't it a blessing that god will come to you and rescue you and not kill you like my coach did in football not take me clean out of the game because i didn't run the right way i didn't run the right play he put me on the kickoff team and i was fast as lightning i could jump and run and hey man he called me spider-man one of them called me spider-man you're just all in the air all kinds of ways catching the ball and just running before them boys were catching that one hand i was doing some other stuff amen but but i got the i got the ball and the ball was kicked to me and i caught that ball yes i caught it and i knew i was faster than probably anything out there the grass was softer than the track so i'm fixing together i'm pitching the up i may just run these 90 yards all the way to the other end zone i just have to figure out me a path to go through and 11 people coming here trying to kill me can't go this way big guy can't go this way and they're coming forward can't go this i'm making tracks but i'm going side to side instead of down the field i was hauling i was running i was really running but i wasn't making any progress it's like a rocking chair back and forth but i ain't really going to i'm exercising my legs were getting down and i'm telling you i'm cutting and bobbing and weaving but i'm not going that way where the goal line is and of course somebody just bam knock me down tackle me that's that was their job and i thought surely they're gonna put me out of the game everybody in the stands saw this all the chilies are like what was he doing i gotta be on the side with my head down coach said coach gerald clark kk chris k chris next time you get the ball ball run with it so i'm going back in yeah god doesn't take me out because i made a mistake myself you know next time you get uh a chance and an opportunity to do what i ask you to do execute the plan please execute the play make progress toward where we need to go amen isn't that awesome god doesn't take you out because you made a mistake god didn't say abraham i'm through with your heart that you can set the eliezer sarah this is crazy you laughed at me you won't get this no he didn't he said he told her you know what i will tell you again wait god rejected those men uh uh that abraham as abraham's heirs i'm almost finished now uh pointing to abraham and sarah uh to their literal miraculous fulfillment of his promise and in other words you thought because you were involved in it was about you i mean all about you of course it was about you but it wasn't a whole about you now since you think you can make up stuff make your own heirs and add to my plan i'm going to make sure you can before i do so even on low days even on distressing times i consider that god may be trying to tell us i'm going to wait till you can't help yourself so you'll know it was me that did it i tried my best not to be arrogant because sometimes uh arrogance will make you think that you it's all about you and you're all that and a bag of chips and then god comes and popped the bag in the bag full of air like the stuff here now and two or three chips down i didn't have much of me as i thought about of air amen and god waited till abram and sarah abraham and sarah were 99 and 90 89 years old before he said oh then i tell you to wait good grief we got a 14 year old kid now what he does and let him do i'm too old every time i'm going into labor and my husband oh too we can't be up all night it's been 24 years since you promised crying baby abraham and hagar they've got ishmael he's 14 years old god again reminds them of his promise and advises them then i'll tell y'all to wait and so he says in genesis 18 and verse 9 and they said unto him where he said unto you unto abraham where is sarah your wife she's in the tent god said i will certainly i don't care how long it's been if i said it's going to happen it's going to happen wait i will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life that ought to be about nine months sarah in case you don't know what he's talking about and your wife will have a son and say we heard it oh really he heard me wherefore did sarah live where what's he doing why is she laughing abraham and sarah said i'm old and my husband old too now i'm sure i'm past the time i thought i was old at 65 i'm 90 now i know ain't nothing happening therefore sarah laughed within herself verse number 12 genesis chapter 18 and i'm almost done after i'm waxed oh shall i have pleasure in my lord he owed to and the lord said unto abraham what's ever doing laughing uh she shall of a surety bear a child can i bear a child because i'm old is there anything too hard for god y'all couldn't do in the first place i'm here i'm god i am i make it happen that's why it took so long you were trying to make it happen moses 440 i'm going to show these people put them up put them up i'm going to show them i'm going to rescue them and god said you're not ready you think it's about you had you gone out there said the lord is ready to rescue us go god he blessed david as a young man i come to you in the name of god i'm going to defend his honor you coming with the short and shield goliath i'm going to get you get him david moses i'm going to deliver y'all okay he's not ready took him 40 more years god said let the people go now you're ready amen amen so so so so so what is sarah doing laughing is anything too hard for god at the time appointed i appointed the time not you that's the point i will return unto thee according to the time of life and sarah will have i will tell you what it is before ultrasound it's going to be a boy she's not even in the family way yet i'm telling you it's going to be a boy when god said it that settles it amen genesis 2 21-1 and the lord visited sarah just like he said he would and the lord did unto sarah just like he said he would amen he shall strengthen you he will bless you if you just wait on him be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait again god said i said that david said on the lord amen wait on him and he'll save you god waited for david to grow into manhood before he gave him the kingdom but he did deliver him from saul and then he delivered unto him the kingdom of israel god waited in the days of noah first peter 3 20 21 said while noah prepared the ark and while he prepared that ark god saved eight people from the destructive deluge amen and uh yeah yeah god waited on him and god blessed noah and saved him because he saw his sid canoe his sadiq his righteousness upon noah god blessed us and blessed the world and noah became like adam our progenitor because he obeyed god while the ark was preparing god was waiting so if we wait on god he'll wait on us aren't you glad god waits on us god promised that he's going to do something with your life and he's just waiting on you to get right so he can bless you he could have cut us off because we weren't learning fast enough we weren't studying hard enough we weren't following uh close enough and you know what chris is too far away he ought to been close to me by now i'm through with chris and jesus says wait i'm not finished with it let me fertilize and let me jump around him for another year and god blesses uh thank god for jesus grace and mercy amen we thank the father for the son who is our propitiation who is our mediator between god and man he waited on abraham and sarah to get out of his way so he could deliver them a son what do you do in the meantime wait on the lord there it is amen you just wait on the lord and watch what god is going to do be ever careful to to bless and glorify magnify the lord's name when he does what he said he was going to do it may take a long time but be glad that god says what he's going to do and then you'll be blessed by it get in his plan get in his purpose and you'll be blessed in your deed amen all things work together romans 28 romans 8 and 28 for those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose one moment of patience may ward off great disaster one moment of impatience can ruin somebody's whole life somebody said many a man has left the dock just before his ship came in i'm sitting on the dock and that's wilford peterson sitting at the dock of the bay waiting for my ship to go and i'm watching the tide rolls away don't you leave your ship is coming child never make your most important decisions when you're in your worst attitude or worse mood that's what robert schuller said be patient i'm trying to get us to appreciate and wait on the lord accept that there are some things that are just out of your control i can't stop the pandemic i don't know how to do that except to talk to one who can and i'll wait on god to do it how dare they have a pandemic and we want to have a celebration it'll come amen aristotle said patience is bitter but his fruit is sweet trust the process god delivered unto david the kingdom jesse only saw a shepherd boy god saw a king and david had to wait david didn't take matters into his own hand it took him 15 years to get from the pastor to the prowess and he just said i'm just going to kill saul i know i'm next in fact the person who killed saul and saw sons david was so upset he killed them because i don't want this to be attributed to me i want folks to know i said don't you touch god's anointed knowing full well that god's anointing and his spirit had left saul but david didn't want to harm him because it would make the nation look bad so david killed the person he wouldn't he didn't mind killing now telling you david to get you he killed big big goliath that's a little boy and matter of fact when they came and had those parades after war saul has killed his thousand but david good coach he's killed his ten thousand i'm gonna build you a house god david said i want to glorify you and then no man you got too much blood on your hand i'm telling you they will kill you he had no problem killing amen in the name of jesus in the name of god even god said that's too much blood man i just want that attribute i bet your son solomon he's the the more somber sober guy but uh as far as killing goes so but david wouldn't kill saul in other words he waited on god he waited on god to finish what god needed to do yeah yeah yeah he didn't take matters into his own hand the whole world had accepted evil that's the new norm and sin as the new norm god saw one man noah and noah maintained a lifestyle of righteousness and god delivered him in that awesome delivered today with the kingdom delivered noah out of the flood amen noah preached that everyone should prepare and he hurried up and did what god uh said to do and then he waited hurry up and wait i can't wait yeah you better wait just wait on the lord amen hurry up get do what god said and then wait until god shows up god promised unto abram and sarah abraham and sarah blessings and that blessing included sustenance and included also blessings for the whole world i'm going to bless those that bless you all nations in the world are going to be blessed through your seed all of these things here it is belong to god in the first place they were his to give and they are his to give when and if he desires so if he promises just wait wait on the lord it's gonna be all right we win we win do what you need to do keep washing your hands amen keep your sanitizer close by amen keep them as close by amen keep your distance but keep your hearts closed but keep your body sometimes this is amen in the name of jesus uh-huh uh-huh the lord does not operate on our time schedule we're on his side we are continually in a win-win but he doesn't necessarily operate when we want to he just knows to show up when it's time to that's the blessing of god amen while he's working out our blessings while he's fulfilling our his prophecy to us and for us and through us his promise to us let's operate on these premises watch like david did witness like david and noah did work like noah did and wait like abraham and sarah learned to isn't that awesome i think that's all i have today wait on the lord be of good courage he will strengthen your heart again i say wait and if you're going to wait on the lord and win you got to be on the lower side hear the gospel of christ believe it repent of your sins confess jesus christ to be the son of god i believe with your mouth that jesus christ is the son of god i believe that jesus christ is the son of god i'm not ashamed to own that jesus died on calvary and by his blessed holy spirit he has made me and set me free isn't that awesome i'm not ashamed oh praise the lord i'm not ashamed i'm not ashamed don't be ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ it's the power of god unto salvation once you confess it amen romans 10 and 10 amen be baptized before the remission baptized buried baptizo buried underwater amen that god might wash away your sins as he promised that's not my plan that's god's plan i don't understand it it's just water right that's what god said just get in the water what are you going to add something to it don't do it amen amen just do it this is what god said just do what god says amen and then he promises to wash your sins away and that's what separates us from god we can't be in a righteous god's presence with sin and he said jesus so that whosoever believeth on him would not perish but have everlasting life and jesus afforded the eradication the remission of sin when were baptized into his body into his church the church of christ isn't that awesome and if you've done that and lived to guilty this is because you're a human and you make mistakes sometimes you don't make mistake you did it on purpose uh just turn return repent and pray and have prayer offered on your behalf turn back to god he'll turn back to you amen that's an awesome thing and he promises if you have if you confess your fault one to another he'll continue to cleanse you from all unrighteousness through his son jesus's blood if you stand subject to the savior's invitation if you just want to pray for somebody else we beg you we bid you to come as together we stand and sing the song of encouragement god bless you may he bless you real well we want to thank you again for joining us for our regular worship services here at the sunset road church of christ that meets at 6 11 sunset road in burlington new jersey today we finished up a three-part series on what to do in the meantime when god makes a promise when god makes a plan uh what we need to do is prepare uh for what we need to do until that plan comes to fruition what do we do between uh god's promise and god's presentation of his promise to us the fruition of that promise we dealt first with the lesson coming from david's life god promised him the palace that he would be the king and david learned that he must watch wonder what he could do to glorify god and witness that god is great and god is all-powerful and god is all winning we're in a win-win situation when we're on the lord's side next last week we dealt with noah what to do in the meantime god promised him that a flood was coming he was going to destroy uh those who were wicked and or evil noah uh had the sid canoe the siddique of god the righteousness of god upon him and god said i'm going to spare noah because genesis 71 i've seen thee righteous before me in this generation so noah witnessed he was a preacher of righteousness according to first peter and he worked he did what god had for him to do david watched wondered and witnessed noah witnessed and he worked but today we dealt with uh genesis chapter 12 verse one through three abraham and sarah who were formerly abram and sarai god promised that all nations would be blessed through abraham and sarai's seed sarah's seed god promised that those who bless them would bless or bless abraham he would bless them and that all nations the whole world would be blessed through the lineage of abraham and abraham kept wondering why i don't have a child i don't have a season i'm doing your will i'm rescuing lot my nephew i'm doing right by him i've gone out into a land that you said you're going to show me greatness and i haven't had any children yet how are my seed going to be numbered as the dust of the earth or the sand of the sea or the stars of the sky if i don't have the one child it took 25 years uh for god to bring forth isaac there were a lot of things that happened in between god's promise to abraham and sarah but god wanted them to do what david ex what david uh asked us to do wait on the lord psalms 27 and 14 which is my first point wait on the lord be of good courage there it is number two and then again he said wait on the lord be of good courage means don't get doubtful don't be dismayed god's going to make it happen in god's time you don't get to determine the time so the thing that you've got to learn to do it's a learned experience again wait on the lord to fulfill his promise amen they tried to help god abraham thought maybe eleazar my butler serving in my house a steward over my house will be my heir i'm gonna get all this stuff and have no seed to will it to i'm gonna give to eliazar god said no you're not sarah said my goodness maybe he was just talking to you take my handmaid hagar the egyptian and they had a child ishmael israel is 14 years old god comes back to remind them you should have encouraged yourself in that i would do what i needed to do uh in the time i needed to do it who cares that you're 99 and 89 years old i made sure you couldn't do it so you would know that it was me sometimes god will make sure we can't do anything so we don't get bragging rights and we'll have no option but to say thank you jesus we know it was you god thank you lord we know it was your essence it was your power that brought us through and so god took 25 years to bring his promise to fruition but he did what we've got to do is learn to wait on the lord god operates in god's time but it's always the right time we love you and we thank you in the meantime if you're waiting on this pandemic to dissipate if you're waiting on the vaccine to come in the meantime just wait on the lord be strong in him and he'll encourage and strengthen your heart we're in a win-win situation because we're on the lord's side we encourage you to be on the lord's side god bless you may he bless you real well in the meantime wait on the lord witness work for him and wonder how you can continue to glorify him and he'll continue to bless you and put you in places where he can receive more glory through you god bless you may he bless you real well it's our prayer oh lord oh lord i've come i've come to receive to receive my blessing i'm patiently waiting oh for the harvest is now i've got that a hebrew 11.
Channel: Sunset Rd Church of Christ
Views: 1,561
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Chris turner, church of christ, bible, God, Jesus, Genesis
Id: MIKB2lHyryI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 31sec (4111 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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