Millionaire Reacts: What I Spent in a MONTH of Quarantine | Millennial Money

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welcome back to the Graham Stenton show my name is Graham and welcome to my show and today we're gonna be going back in time and reacting to some of the videos that I just didn't have a chance to react to previously because my wife I was acting a little bit slow and now these videos are finally beginning to load and this is a video that a lot of you guys have been sending me even to this day even like now you guys are still sending me this video even though it was posted all the way back on April 15th 2020 which in YouTube time is basically that's forever ago that may as well have been a decade ago in YouTube time so anyway this video is called what is spent in a month of quarantine in LA wait for it millennial money I'm not sure I could do though wait for it millennial money without it being a video posted by CNBC make it but I mean technically she's a millennial and this is and she has money and she's talking about money so this is technically millennial money I'm just not sure if it's the wait for it millennial money I think one of the reasons you guys have been sending me this video so much is because she pinned her own comment at the top and she says I can't decide if I hope Graham Stefon never sees this or if I want him to so that he could shame me into saving money Lowell hmm so there's 13 replies maybe I got to do YouTube as a job to make that much money but that's the wrong to though or he will porch you what what why why are people so like savage on this one low we want Graham to watch this we all need to shame us into saving money honestly ha ha ha ha H okay anytime you guys send me the same video multiple times eventually I'm gonna get around to it so anyway let's see how much Morgan spends in a month in quarantine and I don't know how bad it could be let's see how bad it could be it's hard to spend money in quarantine because you really don't leave the house it's a lot of just like post mates deliveries stuff I mean that's really all it is Amazon Amazon is a big one anyway let's watch and see what she's up to right after you guys smash the like button if you guys wouldn't mind doing that it greatly helps me out a lot and helps pay for the coffee you know so a like goes a long way one like equals a one iced coffee anyway thanks guys let's begin everyone is Morgan Yates over the past six I popped on the what I spend video trend and I've shared a little bit about my spending habits as a twenty-something living in Los Angeles as well as what I spend during a week of traveling today I thought it'd be interesting to take a look at what I've spent over the past month of being quarantined in LA thanks so much to Express for sponsoring this video and let's see what I spent she's being sponsored by Express so already right there she's making money in quarantine she is certainly not not stressing out here I don't think she is and Express is a pretty big clothing brand actually I'm surprised Express would be sponsoring it look at this you're doing a fifty percent off of everything so they got to be strong right now I can't imagine what they were doing back in April but anyway she says she's getting sponsored she's got three hundred twenty-one thousand subscribers I bet she's making a decent amount and my guests because you're her friends were guessing earlier my guess is she spent in a month I'm gonna say she spent five thousand I'm gonna say she spent five thousand dollars a month I think it's reasonable right that that's a reasonable amount I think for for like rent and every I my guess is five thousand dollars let's see kind of one of the first thoughts I had was that I was thinking to myself about how nice it was going to be saving so much money over the next month because actually if we were stuck inside I'm not gonna be out spending money doing activities going to eat traveling so even though I was not thrilled about the idea of being stuck at home I kept thinking about wow like in a month I'm gonna have so much more money than normal oh yeah you know what I think I ended up saving a little bit of money but but part of my treat honestly has been because I don't leave the house anymore and I pretty much work from home all day long part of my treat at the end of the day has been going and like walking down somewhere and like grabbing a bite to eat and even going and spend like 15 bucks it's such a nice little treat for working like really long all day long not leaving the house just going and getting a little treat at the end of day getting is getting yourself out of the house from me so far has been worth it because I don't leave a 50 foot radius in my house that's it I move fifty feet this way 50 feet back 50 feet you know to the kitchen and that's it that's that's now been my whole life within 50 feet basically so anyway yeah I don't know where I was going with that and let's get back to the video so kicking things off with week one again this was the week when I thought I was gonna be just back here saving money my first charge of the month was $39 which went to a company called World Vision it's worth a Google search if you are looking for ways to get back for the past 12 years I've been sponsoring a child an 8 year old boy and that's just something that I think's important ok well that's ok 39 bucks World Vision ok that's fine I I approved that she doesn't need my approval to spend money but even I approve that that's fine so I was our first charge our second charge on March 22nd our power went out actually paid for like a full day we had no power and we decided to postpone it so I spent thirty two dollars and seventy cents post-meeting a little dinner yeah gosh post mates is expensive that's what you don't realize you you know the price of an item on a menu I know a lot of these prices by heart because ice anytime I look at a menu honestly it's still to this day doesn't matter how much money I'll ever make I basically only look at the price first on the menu and then I see what it is so look at the menu be like price prep so this is the cheapest one what is that and then that almost always dictates what I eat is like price first then what it is instead of like oh here's what I like how much is that it's the other way around for me but anyway postmates just they up the charges of everything you would consider reasonable a restaurant they'll charge you up on that and then they add all these like other like service fees and on the other crap like that it basically amps the price up by like 30 to 50 percent of what you would ordinarily get it's a ripoff but it is what it is it's so much better by the way if you go do something like that you could order it directly from like the restaurant website most of the time and then just drive and pick it up it makes it super easy to do so before we get into eat to thank you so much again to express for sponsoring this video okay and then we got the sponsor portion of this video for express which I have a feeling like if I'm showing this I want a cut of that Express sponsorship too so Express if you want to sponsor my video we could do a sponsorship within a sponsorship like she's sponsored by Express and then I react to her video reacting to Express so it's like a double sponsorship there so maybe we could do like this infinite monetization loop we're all the sponsored by Express and then my girlfriend could react to me reacting to what I spent a month in quarantine and then we're all the sponsored by Express hmm [Music] all right so it's like a fifth of the video so far as unexpressed we need that little skeleton meme where it's just like the skeleton is waiting and the caption would be waiting for the express sponsorship to end that that is me right now so first up on March 25th jumped in big and I spent a hundred and seventy three dollars and 21 cents on just a little sweat suit this is actually a regret purchase she bought a sweat suit a sweat suit what is what is a sweat suit does that just make you sweat in a suit is that is that if you want to sweat honestly all you got to do is just sit in your car in a hot day all of a sudden that's gonna save you one hundred and something dollars from a sweat suit and let unless it's like sweatpants that it's like it's just sweatpants for your body in a suit form maybe that's what it is I don't know some of this stuff is complicated purple company called tan lines which was created by a girl I follow on Instagram who I love following and I've seen her post about her loungewear line for months now and so it's something that has been like just a little seed planted at the back of my head and then one day I just can't it it's very expensive for a sweat suit I will say I don't know it came and I wasn't loving it but that was my first purchase alright so maybe it is actually like a sweat suit is like sweat pants with a matching top maybe that's what it is and my whole thought of what that was was completely wrong so anyway let's let's go with that hopefully second up the same a girl hello mr. groom her name's Yvonne she also has a self-tanner company and I've been wanting to try a new self-tanner for a while now but I did spend $39.99 buying her little tan stuff $40 trip for a tanner so again it's all of this stuff can be just easily done in the Sun just sit yourself in the Sun put on some sunscreen may or may be actually that's not good for you that's not good really ignore that advice it's terrible advice so those are my like Instagram online spending moments of the week on the 26th Adrienne and I left the house to go get groceries and we were stocking up for a long time so I knew I'd spend a good amount of money and I spent one hundred and ninety one dollars and eight cents stalked her for a long time one hundred and ninety one dollars in groceries what is she getting you know it's crazy that's what that's what we ended up doing here we stocked up for a while and groceries a whole bunch of canned foods and stuff like that like just in an apocalyptic scenario if like water went out electricity went out like how can we survive a lot of that stuff's actually really cheaply you get some really good canned foods for like you know like 20 cents each 50 cents each even though the fancy stuff it's like a dollar each really good deals on that but a hundred and ninety one dollars like that must include like meats and fishes because there's no way you could spend that amount of money unless it's it's meat and fish included in that and then another little cost here I spent 825 on a parking that's an expensive day gosh 825 for parking what are you parking almost every single place is free parking when you validate otherwise they don't park there otherwise they'll park a mile away and walk if I have to which normally me parking this parking deck it's free because you like validated under like an hour or something it's just free and I've never stayed for longer than an hour but given that now they're like lines outside the stores it took a little longer than normal but apparently it's a very expensive parking garage yikes oh trying to think which show which target that would be in Los Angeles because most of them have like the to our limits gosh I can't even I I'm thinking it's maybe the Westwood one that ones notorious that one could charge you a lot if you're there in Westwood I'll so that day as soon as I got home I went on Amazon and placed an order that was $13.98 where I just bought two big packs of double-a batteries and then the next day on the 27th I have another Amazon order this is back at the beginning again during like the toilet paper craze it was a stupid craze let's be real here I mean of all the things that you would be purchasing why would toilet paper be something that everyone would just at the same time consider stocking up on I mean I would much rather food and water then a whole bunch of toilet paper I don't know why that was the thing that everyone just oiling paper I unless everyone liked it like it's not like we have a salmonella outbreak course you're gonna have to like toilet paper is gonna be in use a little bit more right it's anyway it's silly and this is what I was starting to learn are the cons of quarantine and that is that I just have all this time all this time to think of ideas think of home projects think of things I want to do and on this day March 29th if you wouldn't believe that I took it upon myself to decide to start redoing parts of my home I don't love this then I'm just quitting I'm never allowed to touch anything again yeah but here's the thing though okay so it's like people need some form of entertainment mine just so happens to be working I really love it like that that's what I do to entertain myself let me go and work a lot of people don't have that they don't do that so if you're sitting at home you need something to do you can't just sit and watch TV all day so I think of all the things at least home improvement projects are a good value they get you to do something they make your life a little bit more interesting and like instead of going out and spending money it like is going out drinks and like seeing movies and something you're doing home improvement projects I think there are worse things than that I've been brainstorming for a while like ways I wanted to redo that this was the day and then I pulled the plug on things I've been looking at at West Elm of all of my purchases the purchases I am happiest with are buying nice furniture and like upgrading furniture things so at West um I spent four thousand and eighty four dollars and ninety six cents whoa West Elm is so like I was almost about to swear they're so bleep word expensive gosh you know that's the thing with West um honestly you can get nearly an identical item by just doing a reverse image search of whatever that thing is and then you can find it like for a third of the price somewhere else like it's just West Elm is so expensive and let's say go to wayfarer like wayfarers is typically the place where I would say like you get you get decent furniture it's not amazing it's like it's not like handcraft it like someone is sitting there like chiseling away at a piece of wood for weeks on end and then it just gets shipped to you for like $20 but it's decent furniture for the price but like West Elm is it's up there it's definitely up there I also spent 820 $1.24 at Wayfarer this is still a pending charge cuz I guess this is backordered I'm just like a little small like loveseat couch type things funny there she goes there she mentions Wayfarer where she spends one fifth of the price at wait there one fifth of the price on a couch lot spent there that's like almost five thousand dollars on just furniture that raised my total for a week two to five thousand four hundred and sixty two dollars and ninety four cents I own wrong so I said $5,000 for the whole month and already were in week two and she spent five over that over that Wow next up on April 1st rent was due as I mentioned in my what I spent in a week in LA video I still spent one thousand four hundred and thirty seven dollars and four cents on my portion of the rent back to roommates and we live in a three-story little townhouse I think it's actually a great deal for what we have yeah okay so $1,500 a month let's say times three $4,500 a month for a townhome in LA yeah it's decent you know I I have to say it's not like they're getting a crazy good deal you're getting they're getting a deal I think it's a reasonable price so $1,500 a month for her I think that's actually pretty okay also that day I've heard just on line another game i've been following again this is like instagram made me buy it instagram dangerous place to be right now I followed the account we're not really strangers for a while it's just a cute little especially like right now it's just like a little mindful account good encouragement they created a little like card game with all these like levels of questions and the point of it is just to get to know other people so I bought that and it was expensive for a game it was thirty nine dollars and 32 cents or oh I mean forty dollars per game but hopefully you play the game more than once that that's the only thing I don't like with board games at least for me usually what ends up happening you you'll get a board game you play it once maybe twice and then it sits there for years and then maybe eventually you bring it out again and you say like hey guys have fun would it be to play Monopoly and and then you never get around to actually playing Monopoly so hopefully one day we'll get around to playing Monopoly I think that would be fun I really want to do that and then the next thing on the second at Urban Outfitters I got three items for the grand total of a hundred and eighty five dollars and four cents I got a new like little graphic banty thing I got a swimsuit that looked really cute oh and then I bought this like tie-dye little Led Zeppelin sweatshirt that I loved that was a great purchase oh man that that's that's a lot let's see if maybe they are affiliate links here other items mention I can't tell they look they look like they could be affiliate links I'm hoping they're affiliate links maybe not so I'm gonna assume they are so at least she can make some of this money back I hope and then the last charge of the week on April 5th I spent a hundred and fifty five dollars and fifty cents online at Lulu's because I needed to get a new dress there's no way she could possibly wear this many clothes I'm listening to this and I'm just I'm running through my head like how many items of clothing like this is a year's worth of clothing that she's bought in a matter of two weeks there's no way there's no way you could any human being and possibly worth an amount of clothes in it I I wear like the same stuff now the same day like because I don't really leave the house so so what point is there to go and wear something different I'm just gonna keep wearing the same thing guys I may be that that's TMI so my total for week three was 1973 dollars and 32 cents if we take out rent then technically that week I would have only spent five hundred and thirty six dollars and twenty eight cents yeah you know I think it's reasonable in this to maybe take out rent and so cuz I mean you would be doing that anyway you have to this is just like extra charges so right now she's almost at six thousand dollars and just discretionary spending so far this month and finally we have week four I kicked off the week I was just thinking of my family and my best friend Caroline because she had just made the decision to move her wedding and I sent some little gifts to both of them I said it was like a bottle of red wine and then two bars of this like delicious overpriced expensive chocolate for whatever reason it costs two different amounts one of them cost 53 dollars and 38 cents the other one cost 50 dollars and sixty-five cents oh that's so much all you need to do honestly just go to Trader Joe's you can get a great bottle of wine and some really good chocolates for like a few dollars and then you could just deliver it in person you know you go you can figure out your own shipping on that but you could do it for like half the cost so easily and maybe even get a better bottle of wine I don't know I think trade reduces some pretty good quality wines I I think I don't really know well so if you guys want some wine delivered right now I'll have my referral link below and you'll get $22 gosh everything she mentions is a referral link imagine if everything I talked about was a referral link okay guys I'm gonna get on my macbook cRIO computer here referral link down below in the description where i'm about to drink my 2010 iced coffee referral link down below in the description where i'm just gonna go and check on my stocks today which by the way you can get your two free stocks down below in the description when you sign up for we bowl deposit $100 in the platform they will give you two free stocks on the platform yeah oh look at this guy's I got actually I actually do have to free stocks look at that so guys thank you so much for using my referral link down below in descriptions you got two free stocks and I get two free stuff let's go let's do this together actually this is really exciting so you could see which two free stocks I'm about to get so let's do this live and again the link to this is down below in the description hold on there we go congratulations you got two free stocks okay so let's see one of my free stocks here and let's click it there we go so we got one stock here for eleven dollars and twelve cents not bad and then let's get my next free stock oh we got another one look at that so right there just made $22 oh that's amazing so there you go guys if you guys want your two free stocks again the link is down below in the description deposit $100 one of those stocks by the way could be valued all the way up to $1400 if you haven't done that yet super easy to do and then up in more videos I could see what two free stocks I got so anyway yeah link down below she's right about that though just plug everything you may as well then on the tenth I got another big idea which was deciding to recreate Coachella at home which we're gonna be doing here in a few days there will be a video about that so I spent 198 dollars and 23 cents on things to recreate Coachella and all why would you do all you need to do to recreate Coachella at home just play blink-182 from your computer just just YouTube that fullscreen blink-182 playing live then you could do like some post Malone playing live do some like some 3d woods like some virtual stuff and then you could camp in your living room that's it just just you know a few pillows out there a blanket you're good to go so I'm gonna bring this to the grand total and then I have some spending analysis we're gonna do that brings our grand total for a month in quarantine to 8,000 580 dollars and 93 cents $1500 about was rent fine so she spent like seven thousand dollars in a month I'm just completely discretionary something so let's say then of seven let's say a thousand of that was like more so necessities you know like like you got to go grocery shopping some of the stuff that she she's prepaid for in advance that's okay she would have spent the money anyway so even then if we knock an extra thousand dollars on she's spending like six thousand five thousand dollars a month Don why having up another category I added up all of my non-essential spending so all that online shopping I spent one thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars and at twelve Sen I think a thousand thirteen hundred dollars in a month on clothing is right but then again for me if I spend a hundred dollars in a month on clothing it's a lot like the most expensive clothing items I will buy are usually these jackets and what I'll do is a Zara so for anyone who's curious it's always Zara and these jackets range anywhere from like $59 on the lowest usually about a hundred dollars in the very like the most expensive and yeah like every now and then if I go in there and I find a good-looking jacket that fits me really well I'll buy it but yeah about a hundred dollars is my max and they look good for YouTube videos honestly I think in a year I I maybe would spend like 200 bucks maybe 300 ollars a year on clothing so yeah I guess my final thoughts it is what it is I wish I had cut back on online spending and going forward the next month there's literally nothing I need that is all thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video alright so it's definitely way more than what I expected but you know almost $5,000 of that was furniture it was overpriced furniture but I I can't imagine her spending $4,000 a month $5,000 a month on furniture every single month because where would she put it because then she's got to spend $3,000 a month on rent on a bigger place to keep all of her furniture so I mean overall it's bad she's probably making decent money though I mean that's the thing some of these things it's like you could see on their own and think like oh that's ridiculous but if she's making like you know three four or five hundred thousand dollars a year then it looks a lot more reasonable because you want to think how much is she spending in relation to her income I have a feeling she's probably making a decent amount of money my guess is maybe 150 to 200 a year she would have to be making at least 150,000 a year to justify this type of spending I would think I would think it just to hopefully have some savings but overall I mean besides the furniture and stuff like it's not terrible it's not good it's not that bad either I've seen way worse but yeah it's definitely higher than what I expected so uh so yeah guys so with that said there's any other videos you guys want me to react to just email it or even better just comment the title of the video down below in the comment section and then if you see other titles that you like just like those comments so they get pushed to the top and then I will see them and then you know if there's if there's ever anything to get so many likes I'm gonna react to it so with that said thank you guys so much for watching I really appreciate it make sure to destroy the like button subscribe button and notification bell also feel free to add me on Instagram I post it pretty much daily so if you want to be a part of it there feel free to add me there as on my podcast to the iced coffee hour we post there every single Sunday morning 9:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time so link to that is down below in the description and then finally you guys want those two free stocks like I showed you earlier affiliate link down below in the description weeble is going to be giving you those two free stocks when you deposit andra dollars on the platform with one of the stocks potentially valued all the way up to 1400 always like I mentioned so anyway get those two free stocks let me know what G you get thank you so much for watching and until next time
Channel: The Graham Stephan Show
Views: 589,630
Rating: 4.9433098 out of 5
Keywords: investing, investing for beginners, how to invest, how to invest in your 20s, how to invest in stocks, how to invest in real estate, how to save money, how to save money fast, how to be a millionaire, best stock trading apps, stock market investing, stock market investing for beginners, investing 101, real estate investing, robinhood, how to build wealth, how to build wealth fast, passive income, millionaire reacts, what i spend in a week, millennial money, reaction video
Id: 9jfZDabqntE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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