MILLIONAIRE EXPLAINS: My process for setting goals (and ACHIEVING them!)

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[Music] on one of my previous videos I got this comment from one of you guys I have a hard time with just choosing goals like I want to invest more money but I also need to save money I need to meal plan work out get better at my job Etc how do you plan for all of that at once it's overwhelming Jessica I feel your girl and on top of all of that you also need to remember to call your parents more drink enough water work out I get it the struggle is real and that's why in today's video I wanted to talk about goal setting because if there's one skill in your life that you could learn that will change everything for you it's learning how to set the right goals and how to achieve them I run a seven figure business I have rental properties to take care of I also have a boyfriend a dog parents that are getting older so there's a lot of things in my life that require a lot of time and attention from me and if I'm not careful if I don't set goals for myself a whole year can go by very quickly and easily and I'll look back and be like holy what do I have to show for myself this year you also don't have to wait for the new year to set goals I actually set goals every single quarter so that's four times a year and I'm about to show you my entire goal setting process as I reset my goals for the next quarter I've got all the tips and tricks for you on one how to even choose which goals to work on two how to set good smart goals like goals that you'll feel motivated to work on and three how to actually achieve these goals instead of just sticking it in a drawer somewhere collecting dust and you never look at them again so are you ready to get your life together let's do this first step is to pick your goals and my process for doing this is I first do an entire brain dump everything that you want to achieve in your life that you think you need to do just put it all down and I like to do this on a handwritten piece of paper I find that the thoughts flow more when I just write physically instead of typing it out on a computer so that's the first step turn on some music put on a candle be in a nice relaxed setting where you can really allow yourself to dream and think big and just write everything this is not the time to edit yourself in terms of what's realistic or what you might actually want to do versus maybe you think you want to do just brain dump everything so this is my brain dump the next step is to now go about curating this list pick two to three things from this entire list that you actually want to focus on for the next 90 days I know it's hard to choose but it's physically impossible to make 10 things happen in your life At Once by definition a goal will take effort on your part to achieve and if you have your effort divided among 10 different things you're not going to achieve any of them less really is more and just because you choose two to three things and don't work on the other stuff in the meantime doesn't mean those other things won't eventually get done too just not right now you can only focus on two to three things at a time and for anyone who is considering not following my advice and choosing like five or eight or ten goals to focus on at a time please don't do that because when you are going for new goals you're going to be working towards those goals on top of everything you already have to do to maintain your life and just maintain the status quo so when you're trying to create something new in your life honestly two to three I found is the best number so with this bird's eye view of everything go ahead and circle two to three things that are most important to you right now and in order to help you decide here are some questions that will help you narrow it down first you want to think about which of these things will have the most leverage in other words if I accomplish this one thing it will actually help me accomplish all the other things that I want easier better faster quicker so for example I have on my list I want to travel to Europe I want to learn French I want to heal my hormones I want to lose weight I want to clean up my business I want to grow my YouTube channel I want to spend more time with my parents there's a lot on here but out of all these things the one that will have the most leverage for me right now in other words the goal that will kind of as a natural byproduct help me accomplish all the other goals is losing weight why because if I lose weight I'll feel more confident that's going to help me accomplish things in my business it'll make me feel more confident when I go out to meet people and make friends I'll also have more energy to do all the other things that I want because it involves working out and eating healthier there's just going to be a lot of domino effects that will help me with the other goals and so going back to my girl Jessica who left the comment she said she wants to get better at her job she also wants to make more money and meal plan and invest more and save more and so for her the goal that has the most leverage out of all those things that she listed could be to get better at her job why because if she gets better at her job she could potentially get a raise make more money and that will help her save money invest more it will give her resources to meal plan maybe she can hire someone to do it for her things like that so always think in terms of which of these goals will give me the most leverage to accomplish all the other goals another way to narrow down your goals from a whole brain dump list is to just think of having a nice variety among different areas in your life so you might want to try spreading out those two to three goals between like health and business or family and spiritual or maybe relationships and financial instead of having like two financial goals or three career goals try to see if you can have a variety and that'll help you pick and choose a bit more also okay now let's talk about how to set good goals the biggest problem with goals that people set are that they're generally way too vague when a goal is really vague you don't even know what you're really working for therefore it's not going to be motivating and you also just don't know what to actually do so for example if your goal is to save more money what does that really mean if I just put a 20 bill under my mattress that's saving money so is my goal accomplished so you can see why a vague goal is really not effective you really need to be clear what is the actual specific visible result that I'm going for so for example instead of just save more money your goal could be something like save five thousand dollars in a high yield savings account by December 1st so that I can stop living paycheck to paycheck and be more financially secure you can instantly feel how something concrete with a deadline is much more effective overall a good goal will follow what you call the smart framework the smart stands for specific measurable action actionable relevant and time-bound so in the saving money goal example that I just gave that goal is effective because it's specific how much money are you saving five thousand dollars it's also measurable like you can actually measure it is there five thousand dollars in your account or not it's also actionable because you kind of put some details in there you're saving five thousand dollars in a high yield savings account it's specific like what and where it's also relevant because you kind of included Your why because you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck you also want to be financially secure a really good goal has sort of an emotional reason behind it and last but not least it's time bound save five thousand dollars a month by December 1st it has to be time bound because if there's no time limit you can take forever to do it therefore you never really have to get around to it now in terms of time frame I've mentioned this before but 90 days is a really good time frame I mean I've never really heard of a New Year's resolution that people follow through on because one year is just too long generally just the way human nature is is if you have a whole year to do it you're gonna take a whole year to do it and by the time a year has gone by you've actually forgotten about it so 90 days is the perfect time frame and this is based on tons of Articles and lots of research I didn't come up with this but 90 days is long enough that you can actually make meaningful progress towards a goal but it's also short enough that it feels urgent that you feel like you need to take action on it now if you want to have long-term goals like a five-year goal or a 10-year goal or even a one-year goal that's fine but I want you to think of this more as a North star that you keep in your head to guide you in terms of what direction to go in what direction your goals should lead you in but when it comes to actual goals 90 day goals is the way to go so for me I've gone through my brain dump list I've circled the three that I want to focus on this quarter and initially I just wrote down I want to lose weight I want want to learn French and I want to build my business now these are obviously vague so I put them through the smart framework and this is what I came up with one work out every day Monday through Friday at 9 30 a.m by September 30th so that I can wear all my favorite clothes again and feel super confident again on video for the learn French goal I put do one french lesson every single day on Babel which is a language learning app and do this every day until September 30th so that I can communicate with my boyfriend's family when we visit them in France for Christmas and then for my build my business goal I made that more specific into publish a top quality YouTube video and email newsletter every single week so that I can eventually write a best-selling book so you see how each of these goals went from very vague to really specific time-bound with an emotional reason behind it something you may have noticed is a lot of my goals are about recurring actions workout every day Monday through Friday do one french lesson every day day until September 30th I prefer this more than like become fluent in intermediate French by September 30th that's like a milestone goal versus do one french lesson every day that's more of a habit goal and I find that habit goals are a little easier to wrap my head around and stick to because it tells me what I need to be doing every day instead of like I need to be here by a certain time that's a little less actionable to me so that's a little tip for you if that helps this just makes it feel a lot more doable because I can't always control the outcome like yes I want to lose x amount of pounds by a certain date but maybe no matter how much I change my diet and work out maybe my body physically isn't able to lose that much weight healthily by that time so I'd rather say something like work out every day and eat a certain way every day and whatever weight that is lost as a result of that is what happens but at least I'm doing my part it just puts you in the driver's seat okay once you have chosen and set your goals the next step is really think about how you're going to achieve them this is the secret sauce the part where you actually execute on the goals and make happen in your life the most important thing you can do in order to make sure your goals get achieved one is to First write them down because writing your goal down makes it 42 percent more likely that you will achieve them it's definitely worth doing and now the next step is to break the goal down into really bite-sized action steps that you can take pretty much immediately this part will be a game changer for you it's pretty simple to set goals and have a vision but when it comes down to bringing that Vision down to earth and making it manifest in the physical world I think that's where a lot of people struggle so when you have a goal you want to start thinking what needs to happen right now to get this going like right now so for example when I set that goal of losing weight and working out with a trainer every day from Monday through Friday me I thought well what needs to happen right now one I need to ask around and find a trainer two I need to hire that trainer three I also need to go through my clothes and set out a couple of workout outfits that I can use every day and four I also need to buy some weights or maybe resistance training bands I'm gonna need to have some sort of equipment and a place in my house to work out so you see how I took like a pretty big ambitious goal into really really no-brainer kind of to-do's that I could do literally in the next few hours another example is if your goal was to save five thousand dollars by December 1st or whatever then the breakdown of what needs to happen next would be one research a couple of options for high-yield savings accounts online to open that savings account three research three meal prep recipes that I can rely on to save money on groceries for set up an automatic transfer from my checking account of 200 into this new savings account so once you have broken down your goal into immediate next few action steps the next step now is to schedule all of this into your calendar I hope by now you are using some sort of calendar tool whether it's a physical notebook calendar like super old-fashioned or Google Calendar or something digital because really if it's not scheduled it's not real it's just something that may happen one day but when it's in your calendar on a specific date at a specific time you know that it's going to happen you've committed so with these little bite size action steps that you've written down schedule them into your calendar right now like I'm going to research uh personal trainers tonight at 6 00 pm and then also at 8pm I'm going to set out some workout clothes and order stuff on Amazon that I need for workout equipment like Make It Real by putting it in your calendar also this is a good place to put any recurring things that need to happen so if I am really going to work out every single day Monday through Friday at 9 30 then I'll put a recurring daily event from 9 30 to 10 30 every single day so it's there in my schedule now I don't know if I'm going into too much detail with this but in terms of the productivity tools and software that I personally use I use Google Calendar and I also use a task management software called Asana and Asana is basically like a high level to-do list that you can organize in projects and so whenever there's a big project that I'm trying to accomplish I'll break that out into tasks and then I'll assign myself tasks every day and then when it's an actual appointment that where I have to show up at Zoom or at a specific place at a certain time then I'll put that in my calendar in Google Calendar so Asana for tasks that just need to be done that day but don't have a specific time and then Google Calendar for things where I need to show up at a specific time that's kind of how I use the two and it works really well for me I've also heard plenty of good things about notion so you find whatever works for you initially when I started this I did everything on an analog notebook calendar and I would write everything down by hand and by now I've evolved into something a little more digital and modern and the last tip in order to achieve your goals is every day remember to try and connect your tasks or at least the majority of your tasks to your goals I actually talked about that in this video here but it's so important to not get swept up in the everyday hustle and bustle and end up spending days and days and weeks and weeks of your life and realizing you have done nothing towards your actual goals so the way I make sure my daily tasks are connected to my goals is on my daily to-do list which I have in Asana I have something called today's big three and these are the three to do items that if I just do those and nothing else for the day I will feel accomplished and I will have made some progress towards my goals sometimes I have to put out fires sometimes stuff comes up and I'm not always able to be that connected to my goals every day but as much as possible my big three are goal related and then when I'm done with those big three then later on in the afternoon when my brain's already a little bit tired and I've already given the best of myself to my goals then I'll work on all the other things that have to happen in my life admin answering emails calling people back so I really want you to check in with yourself often if you find yourself spending your days doing a lot of things and they're not actually related to any of the goals that will move you forward in life that you really need to reassess maybe you need to let go of some commitments maybe you need to let some people down call them and say hey this thing that I said that I would be a part of I can't do it anymore I'm really sorry but I just need to focus on other things that are important to me right now if you're anything like me you're a people pleaser and you want to say yes to everything and then later on you end up being resentful so in that case first learn how to say no in the first place and if you've already over committed yourself it is sometimes okay to back out something else you might have to do is find ways to delegate or get some help maybe you need to ask your partner or your friends or your family to step in and take some of these things off your plate I don't have kids but maybe if you have kids maybe you need to ask your partner to take care of them in the morning so that you can work on writing your book or whatever your goal is maybe you need to hire some help you don't have to have a ton of money to maybe get a couple hours of help from like a personal assistant or a virtual assistant these days with websites like taskrabbit and upwork it's really easy to find very qualified people at low hourly rates to do certain things for you basically you have more control over your time than maybe you think and you just need to design your life like carve out the time find a way to make time for your goals prioritize yourself more than prioritizing doing things for other people and making other people happy all right and one more thing to achieve your goals this is like a super tip is when you write down your goals and you plan them out and schedule it in your calendar also write down a list of everything that could potentially derail you and usually you'll have a really good idea of what those are already so for example in my work working out every day with my trainer goal I already knew that the things that could derail me are if I am binge watching a Netflix series I'm going to want to watch more episodes and then I'm gonna go to bed late and then I'm not going to be able to wake up for my workout session I already know that that's something that will most likely happen so write down those obstacles and then figure out how you're gonna deal with those right now before they've already happened so in my case I've decided to be proactive and I'm going to just finish binge watching the Netflix series that I'm addicted to right now and then I'm not going to start another one like while I'm doing this whole workout goal I'm not going to be watching Netflix series if I'm watching anything it'll be like movies or something that doesn't encourage me to stay up late binge watching another example is if you already know that you have trouble saving money because you always end up ordering ubereats when you get home and you're tired so you spend way too much on eating out why don't you deal with that now go to Trader Joe's Whole Foods and buy a bunch of frozen meals that you can just take out of the freezer and put in the microwave like you already know exactly how you are and you already know exactly what tends to stop you so just deal with those now as for my final thoughts if you don't achieve your goal remember to not beat yourself up goal setting and achieving goals it's a skill it's something you will get better at over time it's also important to be kind to yourself like if you don't achieve a goal maybe it's because you didn't deal with obstacles ahead of time like we talked about maybe you set a little bit of an unrealistic goal that physically couldn't be achieved in a 90-day time frame so in that case you don't have to give up on it you just kind of adjust your goal to be a little more realistic another thing is maybe stuff in life just comes up like for example I had this goal of studying French and working out and losing weight since the beginning of 2023 but I really haven't been able to work on those until this quarter because I had a home renovation that was just dragging on and on and on and it was throwing off everything in my life so I just wasn't able to work on the goals even though I wanted to but instead of feeling bad about myself I realized you know what like stuff came up that I couldn't have predicted and it is what it is that's life maybe family members get sick just stuff happens so make sure to just like roll with the punches and just keep going anyway this was my process for goal setting thanks for hanging out with me today while I set up my goals for quarter three of 2023 let's finish strong this year I really hope you found this helpful and yeah thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Rose Han
Views: 187,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: investing with rose
Id: p2LT9wlmjPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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