10 Things I No Longer Buy In My 30s (MONEY SAVING IDEAS)

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in my 20s i was mostly busy spending everything i made as fast as possible and the last thing i was thinking about was saving and investing my money but of course now that i'm in my 30s a lot has changed hey everyone i'm rose and in this video i'm going to share my list of the 10 things i no longer buy in my 30s recently i reconnected with my best friend from college and we had a really good time reminiscing about our crazy antics and party days that we had in our 20s so i really think your 20s are a very special time because it's a lot of fun and you are just exploring and learning about yourself but at the same time nobody has any idea what they're doing in their 20s well ever since turning 31 at the beginning of this year i'm starting to see that my 30s are going to be very different from my 20s especially in the area of personal finance and what i spend my money on compared to my 20s my definition of being smart with money no longer simply means not overdrafting my checking account before payday now it's about being conscious of my spending planning for my future building my net worth and you know being smart with how i spend my money and what i buy so i think those are some good things that come with age so without further ado here are 10 things i no longer buy in my 30s first is alcohol so going out is really expensive as you know and if you factor in the uber rides the drinks the round of shots as well as late night drunk food and then the hangover food the next day plus the cost of losing your phone and your keys or other dumb things you do when you're drunk walking out the door on a friday night is like a hundred dollars right there at least you know i used to go out for all night benders when i was in my twenties living in the city and just stumbling home at five a.m with a hundred dollar hole in my pocket but this is not something i see myself doing in my 30s the closest i've gotten to that is maybe that one time in tokyo when we stayed out with some cool locals and ended up at a sushi joint at 6am but you know i actually didn't drink any alcohol that entire night but nowadays the most i'll drink is a glass of wine or two at dinner and even then it messes up my sleep and then i wake up tired so i don't really do it often man i sound old something else i don't buy anymore is extra makeup you know in the past i would buy all kinds of exotic bronzers blushes and eyeshadows but i would end up throwing most of them out because i would just stick to the same look and the same basics every day like maybe you think you're gonna try out that purple smokey eye look one day but do you ever really at this point i know what kind of makeup what brands work best for my face and i have just one of each type of thing so one mascara one eyeshadow palette one foundation etc i do have a few lip colors but that's the only thing that i really mix up and all my makeup fits into one small travel bag besides i found that the best makeup is just to drink a lot of water get some good sleep and eat well if you do that you really won't even need a lot of makeup to look your best most days i don't even wear makeup anymore literally i just put on makeup only when i'm filming youtube videos you know that and styling my hair so see all that effort just for you guys so make sure to hit that like button so i guess that's a nice thing about being in your 30s is that you feel more comfortable with yourself and you don't feel as much of a need to try on all these makeup looks and improve yourself because you're pretty comfortable with who you are the third thing that i no longer buy in my 30s is souvenirs from travel i really love traveling and flights hotels you know unforgettable memories and trips these are actually something i'll be buying more of in my 30s however i will no longer be taking back souvenirs from my trips i remember so many times when i go somewhere and walk into a cool shop in wherever i'm traveling and and i would say oh i'll absolutely use this hand woven basket when i get home or i'll totally wear these wooden hand-carved earrings all the time but in reality you come back and then those things just collect dust and add more clutter if you really want to commemorate your trip write in a journal i have an entire stack of mole skins for my travels that i wrote in since i was 18 years old and reading through them is just so so so amazing because it brings back all the memories more than any souvenir ever could something else you can do is to do a travel photo shoot i've used the service called flytographer and it's a really handy online booking platform that connects you to local photographers wherever you are what better thing to bring back from your trip than a bunch of gorgeous professionally taken photos in an exotic location something else that i no longer buy in my 30s is fast fashion when i look in my closet today none of the fast fashion items that i bought from forever 21 and h m none of these are still there so i spent a lot of money on stuff that i would just wear a couple of times or maybe for a year at the most and then i would get rid of them because it got really ragged after a couple of washes or it just went out of fashion now i've learned my lesson and when it comes to clothing nowadays i'm much more about quality over quantity if i find a piece that fits really well and looks really good i'll buy it even if it's a bit pricier than what you would find at forever 21 or any of these fast fashion stores because if you do the math it's actually more economical to buy good quality clothes that will last you a long time the end that you will wear a really really long time like recently i bought a pair of really comfortable awesome boyfriend jeans at nordstrom and they cost a little more than i'm used to paying for jeans you know a couple hundred dollars and that honestly is more than i've paid for jeans in my life but they are so comfortable and i just knew i had to get them because i knew i would be wearing this for like the rest of my life i mean at least for several more decades and literally i've been wearing them almost every day since i got them so fast fashion purchases and impulse shopping i do not do anymore i know it's tempting to walk into an h m and just grab all things off the rack because it's also cheap but a lot of time you end up with a bunch of stuff that you don't really wear you know like do you really need those snakeskin pants or that hooded teddy bear jacket so these days whenever i go shopping i just go with a list of things that i need to further build out my capsule wardrobe and my capsule wardrobe is basically just a bunch of really versatile quality pieces that you can mix and match and that all go with each other and with that you can just build as many outfits as you will ever need the fifth thing i no longer spend money on in my 30s are expensive gym memberships for a couple of years in my 20s i had a 200 equinox gym membership that i used maybe like six times a month okay i'm not judging anyone who spends a lot on a gym membership because everyone has their values and whatever you want to spend money on is up to you but for me now i just cringe thinking about it because even though i only went to equinox maybe max two times a week i still kept the subscription on because all my other co-workers went to equinox and that was like the place to work out and so instead of cancelling the subscription i would just try to get my money's worth the one or two times i went a week and just use a bunch of their nice kills shampoo and body lotion just to get my money's worth so now that i'm a little bit older and hopefully wiser i have decided that i no longer want to pay 200 a month for a gym that i barely use i've also decided that i hate gyms i would much rather just get some exercise doing stuff that i enjoy like dancing hiking yoga and if i ever want to do a real workout i can just find something on youtube or find an online fitness class to stream at home and all this is way cheaper and of course nowadays a lot safer than going to a physical gym when the pandemic is over i do plan on maybe going to gym a little bit once again to lift weights but this time instead of a 200 gym i'm gonna go for something cheaper like planet fitness or gold's gym those are like 20 a month because literally all the equipment is the same and i don't really care about keeping up with the joneses and looking good in my peer group because honestly who cares they're not the ones paying my bills they're not the ones who are going to help me retire early reminds me of this dave ramsey quote that i really like we buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like another huge expense that i no longer have in my 30s are expensive hair and beauty treatments so i used to do eyelash extensions every month gel manicures and pedicures every two weeks perms keratin straining hair treatments twice a year and all the skin and beauty treatments on the regular and it was really expensive and not only was it expensive but it was super time consuming to go to all these appointments all the time so after a while i just couldn't be bothered anymore i mean i do it once in a while as a treat but no longer as sort of a recurring thing that i do just to maintain myself eyelash extensions are super high maintenance i do not like them anymore so i'm really cool with giving that up and of course nowadays i do get my nails done once in a while to go on vacation or for a special occasion or just when i want to treat myself and get all that nasty stuff scrubbed off my feet but i find that i'm perfectly fine just having natural no polish nails most of the time if i really want some shiny looking nails i put on a light colored nail polish at home and that only takes me five minutes and doesn't cost me anything i also no longer pay for expensive hair treatments to change the texture of my hair so i have wavy-ish kind of straight hair just something in the middle it's not really curly or really straight and i used to try and change it all the time i would either get like permanent straightening treatments or permanent curly treatments but you know what now i'm just gonna work with what i've got honestly i am pretty much wearing my hair in a bun most of the time i really only style my hair for these youtube videos so this is something that i don't miss at all going oh natural and just working with whatever mother nature has blessed you with is always going to be a lot cheaper less time consuming and overall much more empowering but i will say the one thing i haven't given up yet is coloring my hair because one sad truth about getting older is that you get some white hairs so yeah i still get my roots done regularly and yeah say no more we'll just not go there the seventh thing i no longer buy in my 30s are overpriced salads green juices and smoothies so now that i'm in my 30s i've gotten a lot better with meal prep and knowing how to eat healthy at home without spending hours and hours every day doing it so that means i'm no longer buying 10 green juices at juice press and 12 salads at sweet greens that leave me starving as soon as i eat it because honestly the markup on these things is ridiculous and it's not even stuff that is hard to make at home of course it's really hard to have a really really nice delicious well-aged perfectly cooked steak at home but for something like salads and smoothies and juices these are relatively easy to make with ten dollars you can buy enough organic produce at whole foods to make three or four or five green juices you know so why pay ten dollars just for the convenience of having someone else wash and chop up and do the juicing for you besides making your own juice at home or making your whatever at home often means it's a lot more nutritious because it's going to be fresher juices start losing vitamins and minerals the moment they're made so drinking things and eating things fresh will give you the most health benefits i also make my own smoothies and salads at home as well because all it takes is a few hours of shopping and prep on sundays to have a fridge full of fruits and veggies that are just ready to throw into a juicer a blender or a salad so try it out for yourself it's good for your wallet and for your health and all it takes is a couple of hours on a sunday going along the same vein of food and nutrition now that i'm in my 30s i no longer spend money on packaged foods packaged foods instant food any kind of junk food i no longer buy now that's not saying that i don't sometimes have a craving for mcdonald's french fries once in a while like late night doesn't happen often but it's been known to happen but for the most part i really focus on eating whole foods as close to the earth as possible and i used to be able to get away with eating a lot of crap in college and you know in my mid-20s but now when i eat that stuff i don't even feel good so my stomach will get bloated my brain feels really foggy when i eat a lot of crap so of course a big greasy bag of french fries now and then is awesome but nowadays i mostly stick to the perimeter of a grocery store where you get all the fresh produce and the meat and fish if you stick to the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the aisles that sell all the packaged food and the junk food which often have a much higher markup by the way then it's going to save you a lot of money and also probably cause you a lot fewer health issues later on in life so i really do think eating this way avoiding packaged and junk food will not only save you money now but definitely down the road because you are going to be a lot healthier as a result as i get older not only am i a lot more conscious about what i feed my body but also about what i feed my mind so the next thing i no longer buy in my 30s is magazines now i'm not talking about news magazines but i'm talking more about tabloids and like lifestyle magazines like cosmopolitan self vogue etc these magazines always have really eye-catching headlines when you're standing in line at the grocery store but whenever i read one i inevitably end up wanting to just buy a bunch of stuff so i can look like the models in the magazines and like try to have a life that looks like what i'm seeing in these magazine pages and i find that i never actually really learn anything that truly enriches my life plus how many articles can you possibly read about how to get flat abs in five minutes a day in my opinion these magazines are just one big marketing ploy that prey on your insecurities to get you to buy stuff so nowadays i find myself reading content that makes me think or understand the world better where i can learn something such as the economist or you know the new yorker times books and things like that okay on to the next thing that i stopped buying in my 30s and that is stilettos so stilettos are obviously really sexy and attractive but god are they uncomfortable how many cheap pairs of heels can you buy from aldo before your feet start to become deformed and you start having knee problems now that my clubbing days are long over for the most part i am definitely more about the comfort and the good orthopedics when buying my shoes these days it's all about the flats the combat boots flip flops sneakers and maybe some thick heeled sandals my philosophy is if you can't walk around in them all day don't even walk in them at all so when i'm at the mall and i see a bunch of pretty shoes i definitely feel that temptation of like i must buy everything but when i get home i forget about it and i'm always glad that my wallet is at least still intact plus how many shoes does one person truly need i think it's really about having this minimalist mindset and really only spending money on what you really need and for shoes i think you maybe need 10 at the most at least if you're a girl at the most so you have things to go with different outfits and i know that carrie bradshaw glamorized shoe shopping and sex in the city which is my favorite show of all time but remember like she would also max out her credit card to buy stilettos and manolo blahniks that she actually couldn't afford so stilettos are cute but there's nothing cute about being broke and maxing out a credit card so a lot of stilettos is definitely something i stopped buying in my 30s the common theme here is that overall in my 30s i am a lot less concerned with looking good for other people and keeping up with the joneses so i spend a lot less money on things that superficially improve my appearance and that make me look good in front of other people not just appearance wise and nowadays my focus is more on actual self-care overall i feel that getting older has been good for my finances because i'm a lot clearer on what my values are in life so health and wellness minimalism family learning etc and this makes it a lot easier to spend money intentionally so that when i do buy things i can feel good about it instead of feeling guilty so that's it for my list of 10 things i no longer buy in my 30s how about you guys what else has changed for you from your 20s to your 30s buying habits and otherwise let me know in the comments i post new videos every wednesday about making money saving money and investing money so be sure to hit that subscribe button for more videos and join the family thank you so much for watching i really really appreciate you so be careful out there be well and i will see you next week same time same place thanks for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: Investing With Rose
Views: 477,494
Rating: 4.9225497 out of 5
Keywords: things i dont buy, what i stopped buying, things i no longer buy, things i dont buy anymore, minimalist living, minimalist lifestyle, how to save money, saving money, minimalism, minimalist tips, investing with rose
Id: mnUbKByuKrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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