Millennials and Baby Boomers Seek To Understand Each Other | Middle Ground

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we built a society where we're told to go to a college find someone we love work a job for 50 years when we're gonna live happily ever after but it doesn't happen we don't necessarily feel it you guys actually set us up for success [Music] can I have my Millennials stand in the right pool of light and my baby lures on the left full of light when it comes to jobs you should do what you love I'm going to say hell yes do what you love that's like if you don't love it you won't do a good job then you quit and bring a copy down ecstatic sadder I agree I mean I've tried to put myself in a position to stay away from things that I don't like I hated going to school so I left and I can how powerful that was I'm the CEO and founder of tens ot I went to UCLA hated going to school so I dropped out after three years and you have an entrepreneur it just occurred to me though I wonder if whoo you know maybe we're all fortunate enough that we can because not everybody gets to just do what they love maybe circumstances don't allow that depending you know I'm just fortunate I was brought up in a family that allowed me to explore options and paid for me to go to college and even though we all agree that you should do what you love yeah I agree with you completely and I went through my mind but I think that it's important at least for me to say everyone should be able to do what they love and to have that be an expectation for everyone and not have it be an expectation okay well you know if you have challenges in your life then you'll never be able to do what you love we had a Japanese restaurant growing up and I cooked tempura you know did my homework and took naps on the stacks of bags of rice that we had in the back did I love it no but we did it because it was part of survival I did computer science and I was a programmer for ten years before I sided to pursue what I really loved which was music so did luck I don't agree with that statement do you love all the jobs and I should be your goal to do what you love don't you think like whatever state you might have to take steps to get to that but that's what I worry about if we're gonna talk about generational differences I own a couple of businesses in Missouri and I think sometimes the younger generation doesn't get that part that just be to do what you love sometimes you have to do some things you hate to get there Millennials don't work as hard as previous generations I live in southern Missouri and I own a couple of businesses there so I do think when I'm in LA I notice a big difference so I think part of it is a geographic thing you know I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere where you know people don't have role models necessarily that are to look up to that are are is motivated and it's also really easy to get free stuff you know low income housing food stamps and disability or they'll come to me and say well I can only work 25 hours a week because if I work more than that I'm gonna lose my low-income housing like I said I think that's partly the society where I live makes it too easy not to work I think a baby boomer is somebody who is taught to work hard and that if you want something you have to figure out how to go out and get it and don't wait for somebody to hand it to you if you try hard enough you can you can get about anything you want I wasn't talking about you guys so it all depends on who you know and who you run into around me there sure a lot of Millennials that are working hard and I hear stories about others who are lazy but isn't that the truth in any generation absolutely I work with the younger generation all the time and so I I mean they come in 24/7 you know they're working very very hard and I couldn't work without the younger generation I wouldn't want to work the younger generation I think Millennials work harder than previous generations for less safety nets and less structural stability and I think you see people who maybe they're not trying to go to work as hard because they know that if they try and they lose whatever assistance they have or if they try to go to school and they get in debt and they can never pay it out or know that they can never you know live in a place other than that low-income housing unit then there's like a lack of agency maybe to try but also so many forces and then you know you have all these companies that are trying to get leaner and deliver on short-term profits so they hire people as contractors like all my friends are contractors and they don't have health insurance they don't have any of these other things and so like they've got to work harder so I guess when I hear that about Millennials and makes me upset just because I know how hard my friends are working I think the word millennial is often used to portray a small slice of Millennials I don't quite fit some of those stereotypes but I don't think there's a single stereotype either young people today face harder challenges than any previous generation I think the biggest challenge facing young people day is the environment and that we're growing up in a world that is not being taken care of and what that means for you know me and my children if I have children what type of world they're gonna be living in and I just think it's not something we're addressing at all I think the social media makes it like I said it can be a great tool but I also think it can make life more difficult for people because you can get offended or bullied or relationships can be totally different now because of you know people break up with you over a text or whatever and I think that's adds benefits with challenges too that we didn't have as an adult I find it hard compared to my mother and her generation when it comes to me trying to buy a house so when it comes to me trying to save money because I'm one of those contractor workers and I do want a family and so is do I continue doing what I love but do I did go back into the low rat race and try to get ahead and try to do X Y Z that's the pressure that I face companies that hired you for life and you had pension you had that's all gone the world cost of living is so high or if you live in a place where it's not high then there are no jobs you know I think it's harder for you guys it's good to hear all your points I still think that we actually have it a lot easier and I think the problem is that we expect too much I don't think that we should deserve to assume that we're gonna get to immediately be able to afford a house and I think that we have a lot of things going for us and I learned a lot of really valuable skills completely for free you can join Facebook groups and meet other entrepreneurs doesn't cost any money you can literally take classes at MIT and Harvard for free and classes online yeah and you guys didn't have that the access information was in there I totally get the financial and environmental challenges so I think that we have the resources to kind of solve them it's important to you know want to have leave each generation better than we found it because if we lose sight of that then you know what are we working for my children will grow up in a better world than I did [ __ ] yeah absolutely absolutely because I'll make sure that yeah I think absolutely absolutely for me I am determined when I do start my family that they will have a better life than what I've had I'm going to make sure as a father as a provider that that has to happen period point-blank I don't have children but I'm speaking for children in general even though I first said life is harder for a younger generation I think you're right and you know health care is getting so much better so much faster and then the Internet has made so many more things possible that I do think that young people will grow up in an easier world overall than we did I definitely agree with a personal sentiment that we all share but I do I do like think that one of the things we didn't really have to talk about was I like we don't necessarily feel that the you guys actually set us up for success hmm like essentially we built a society where we're told to go to a college find someone we love and go buy a house and work a job for 50 years when we're gonna live happily ever after but it doesn't happen I just don't get like how you guys assumed that we were gonna be able to do that exact same thing no no I know I don't assume that but what I do is that I put the work in so when you put the work in and maybe not universe a larger mindset of the boomers is necessarily you know you guys work like I did you got to be okay like what I think the expectations are changing like I everything you said about the house of the marriage you know I mean in my generation and that was my job as a female was to catch a husband that's what we went to college well that's why women went to cut that's what my college and I think your generation has so many more opportunities and a wider vision of what happiness can look like and that it doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna live in a house with a picket fence and you're gonna have to point to kids and they're gonna stay interesting job forever I mean I think you have so many more options available to you some of that has shifted for you so I hope at least it has I think that's what I love about the younger generation now is that they're working on themselves first as supposed to fall in love and you know getting a guy that's gonna be all well and good it's too late but I think what we're saying is we've been sewed up with creek without a paddle well I'm a mom so I'm looking at the future and I feel for you guys you know who you're working hard which is great but everything is getting more expensive from the environment yes that is a concern but one of the things that really concerns me is a national debt and we're borrowing and borrowing from the future or kicking the can down the road letting you guys and your kids and your grandkids take care of it so I you know I on behalf of our generation at least on that aspect of life we're really sorry where we are we're leaving a big mess for you guys and I just pray for you guys pray for our children I am hopeful too I'm optimistic for our kids but I'm also well aware of some troubles that we're leaving our next generation yeah but I will tell you this you will survive it I don't want to survive you are driven I want you can't be entitled to anything we're not entitled we we want what you got we want the what was it the New Deal that Roosevelt settle for so secure we want that too as I was saying we want the basics of the American Dream period hey you guys what's up my name is Dan and I'm Jason and thank you so much for watching our episode we'd love to know what you think in the comments also let us know in the comments below what other episodes you guys want to see from middle ground we love hearing from you guys hit subscribe watch more videos [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,319,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live greater, millennial, millennial interview, baby boomers, baby boomer, middle ground, discussion, open discussion, millennials, pros and cons, millennials vs baby boomers, millennials vs baby boomer, millennials vs gen z, generational differences, older generation, younger generation, millennials lazy, baby boomers and millennials, baby boomers generation, economy, why baby boomers don't understand millennials, work ethic, college
Id: D1eB--DsKfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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