Milgram Experiment (Derren Brown)

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back there are nine subjects left I can only use four for the heist so week after the seminar I arranged to test the limits of their responsiveness to Authority so a week ago I arranged for them to take part in what they now think is a piece of unfilmed academic research at a university and nothing to do with the show supposedly looking into the effects of punishment on learning and they believe now that this is part of their growth in fact it was a reenactment of a powerful experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram in 1963 to look at how normal people can commit atrocious acts simply because they're following orders Milgram's parents were Jewish refugees in World War two and his pioneering work speaks volumes about the nature of responsibility it's being filmed with covert cameras thank you women they're introduced to an actor pretending to be another participant you didn't come from the same room no no no we don't actually know how punishment affects learning after a brief introduction our subjects are tricked into thinking they've chosen their role as teachers in the experiment and if you just tell me what your positions are learner and teacher no no our subjects observe the learner being instructed by the scientist who is just another actor this electrode is connected to a generator in a certain room where are we going with the teacher okay just make sure that we have a good contact with the skin and so it doesn't cause any blistering of burning is that comfortable that's okay can we just place these structure under up just to avoid avoid any excess movement those aren't too tight oh no that's okay no the teacher we will read out some word pairs to you blue the learner is told is going to be asked a series of memory questions by the teacher he will have two Road pairs and then correctly remember them when offered multiple choices if the answers incorrect you will receive an electric shock the teacher is then taken next door and shown the generator which ranges from 15 volts all the way up to a lethal 450 volts the domestic electricity supply in the UK is of course 240 volts our teachers are given the list of questions and told to increase the voltage each time the learner gets a question wrong they are then given an example of a low voltage shock and try and estimate in volts the amount of shock before you getting okay oh do you know how much that was in US 75 it was actually 45 oh my gosh - to begin shoe horn steam the point of this test is to see whether the teachers our subjects will call a stop to the experiment or continue to the point where they are administering seemingly lethal electric shocks to the victim simply because the scientist is telling them - that's correct the next weighted bicycle the options tire race helmet shorts that's incorrect so there'll be 120 volts I don't know won't do this anymore as you continue postage there is not a hemorrhoid anymore this requires you to continue yeah even so I don't think I'm gonna do any more correct according to plan our accomplice provided many wrong answers each protest was coordinated to a particular shock voltage on the generator and his responses were played via a CD that's wrong 150 volts correct the correct answers captain shoe Cup that's wrong 225 volts he's in a lot of pain too nucleus that he's not he's not comfortable we must continue to the experiment the lowlights a lot yes go on till he's learnt the words correctly okay Forrest that's wrong 240 volts are you sure that's not causing any lasting damage he sounds in like he's in a lot of pain well it's not smoking people are not hopeful what does that mean though they're not harmful sorry I'm not not I'm not getting you when you say that that they might be painful but not harmful to cause no long-term damage okay so what does that mean that it doesn't leave any scars it calls us no damage this seems very that seems very cold and calculated to me this doesn't seem like a very anyway golden that's wrong main 300 volts staple the options diet jar balcony bowl I'm gonna answer if the learner doesn't answer a reasonable time say four to five seconds and you have to treat the answer is wrong and follow that procedure did you hear that learner just any response may come on while guess please continue 345 volts if you still with me I'm sorry but I can't do this honestly can we stop this experiment because I can't do this this iPhone continued we'll have to discontinue the experiment yeah okay fine that's fine I'm not going to do this he correct 405 volts and sorry I then it is someone on a check them so it says he's not making any noise now and he was before and I'm quite happy to go on but just a little bit worried about she would continue yeah just a bit worried because he was like he was like complaining for about that but no harm though I will come to these he's not making a noise now it's essential we continue with the experiment balcony incorrect 450 volts if we promise he's not yet one please continue a procedure you say it hurts but isn't because it's like it says they're dangerous initial will be alright yeah please continue okay I think just continue the experiment then all of the subjects were told the true nature of the experiment was to see how they would respond to Authority and that it would eventually form part of this show is again I can tell you that it's absolutely fire you actually weren't administering electric shops at all in the original Milgram experiment psychologists were asked to predict how many people would continue to the point that they were administering the highest shock on the board their prediction was one-tenth of one percent they were wrong the results of our experiment were almost identical to the original over 50% of participants continued up to 450 volts the majority of people will administer lethal electric shocks just because a guy in a white coat is telling them to 450 volts 450 volts 450 volts so 50 so after the results of the Milgram experiment I've now chosen my four subjects that will go forward for the heist bowl is important Phil was impressively resourceful when he was caught stealing sweets and held in his anguish during the milder than defy the scientist I did want to include a woman in the group Jen was the only subject to take a long time to recover after the Milgram experiment so I felt I shouldn't use her Veronica didn't steal from the shop so that left Vicki of all the subjects she was the only one to have known the original Milgram experiment and call a halt to her involvement in it can I just say I can't do this because I've heard of this experiment before so I think she'll be quite interesting to use although I don't have to actually take the bait or not Alys stole most from the shop seems to be highly responsive most outgoing and seem most happy to continue the experiment until he was stopped washing it made more notches on the thing Danny stopped the experiment but in such an outspoken way that I suspected he would have real strength of character to bring out it's not even reacting anymore
Channel: philosophyblackbelt
Views: 1,888,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stanley, Milgram, Experiment, Shock, Authority, Figure, Obedience, Blind, Derren, Brown, Social, Psychology, Heist, Bank, Robbery
Id: y6GxIuljT3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2007
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