MikroTik complete solution for ISP

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good morning good morning these presentations about the complete one complete solution used in micro cheek for Internet service provider vph is a telecommunications operator in Brazil who use only microchip in all of his network I will introduce and show how we implement about the backbone access and CP with microjig ipv6 it be required season at and gos rules in my role this presentation is a tutorial on how we patch implements and complete an extremely functional solution with micro cheek my name is Flavio kamesh I am an engineer with master degree in telecommunication engineering I do a lot of presentations and a lot of moves for more than 10 years had I have of all of the certifications of micro cheek and I am a trainer let me see the microchip technology's what's the importance of micro cheek for an internet provider it was used for user out education Bend which control over these users network housing or a spare fan BGP customer management service quality monitoring and backbone access network and distribution network to start an Internet service provider you need internet you need something in the middle between before your customers microjig do all of the things between the internet and the customers when you receive a leak you need a - to share this link and to configure this link you need BGP and housing microjig provides this implementation when you implement security against external in attacks from hackers and from your own customers you need a firewall in your internet service provider microjig has this function you have to authenticate users and block the filters pppoe hotspots microjig do it you need to control the band and the plans of each client's queue is my critique server for centralized authentication Hydra server micro cheek has in user manager internal network routing or a spare microjig control of quality quality of service microjig monitoring devices manager micro cheek the dude network interfaces fiber Abnett Wireless everything buuuut a network to take the Internet to the customers reduce antennas fiber converters Suites micro cheek has all on a unique and extremely versatile platform morphing from multiple vendors with different solutions that are difficult to manage and integrate let me see the rip net network design we have four levels network levels in vibe net the first level was the border where they we use Beauty peanuts log file Kos and queues and the equipment was the CCS CCA routers and servers we have the second level who was the backbone where we have only houghton nqs for backbone you use fibers point-to-point and reduce we have the network level access where we have we use it previous firework us and qe4 that we use fiber to the home jota bots in the piece and cps in the clients where the function was PP with clients Wi-Fi gigas appear slack in the equipment was the smaller and the shippers one applied zesty or anything like this we have the internet and the border of micro of VIP net network where we have BGP equipments service of files web service database service C's unit servers and Phi Rho using CCS the next level was the Bo backbone where we have a pot point of presence it can be a tower or not and these towers this pops was connected by radio to order pops to leave the internet to the other places or connected by fiber we have these two kinds of connections of wireless and fiber and one pot can has Wireless and fiber at the same time or we have pops who receives Wireless from one pot and fiber to another pot in this case we have a ring this ring gives the company a lot of good work because we make resilient to fail and other pops can receive other links Wireless or fiber and with this we do a backbone a network connecting different points of presence with fiber or for wireless to has access network in the access network we different access wireless where we can put access point and via wireless has a CP with a client we have clients with wireless we have clients with fiber and clients with Ethernet connection this here was a map from the 2017 in regional each point was a tower our points of presence of the company in the in desire this city was Rio de Janeiro this state was huge area vph in 9th in 2009 has had 34 active network device for years later we have 194 and in this year of this photo will have 1000 and 199 difference achieved network devices in this year 118 pops and we give service of internet for 17 cities internet was an accident excellent product to sell everybody needs internet and day by day year by year more people will need more and more because of that week grows too much and we start to use mikrotik in 2007 in the border of the network of grip net will have the internet but we not don't have only one internet service we have more than one we have two different internet links who was connected to switch to two different Suites and these Suites was connected to different BGP border routers for headand ins the fire was the same thing he was connected to a switch where he can opens in all the links in all BGP servers and Syria not was the same thing this is the how we implement our border for maximum resilient resistance this is the switch we use in the in the border this is the houses using the border the hotel's was used to BGP fire incision ads but each router only one service not all service in the outer this is the switch we use in the now and now the VIP Nets backbone first you have a link now you have a border or a data center where do you sieve this link and administrate this link but for an Internet service provider you need to go with this link to the home of your clients and for that you need to do a backbone we have a backbone with a lot of different technologies one is radio we have a backbone region what's good in backbone region he has a good transport capacity very excessive prices cheaper than fiber it was has OSPF routing in these reduce of my critique and it was quick to stall to put a link of 500 meters to kilometers 10 kilometers it was easy one point you want another point to reduce in few minutes you can do it and you can go to big distances event using these equipments it was the equipment we use the live in the region this region from my critique can give you up to 1.3 gigabits per second it was a lot of advance depending on how many users customers you have it was much more than the necessary this is an example in Gambia and I encounter in Africa where we do a link from 75 kilometers and near to one gigabit of vans with less than $800 this is the designers event the equipment was the meto macro chick this is the antenna where we have live see some slides ago the distance 75 kilometers reliable and seven meters was the first Fresnel zone you need one power with only seven meters not a giant Tower to put these antennas this is the design of the delink it was near to the Gambia's River and with an equipment extremely cheaper when you have Internet service provider was very important go to far and far enough try to take more more and more clients and radio was excellent choice choose one radio point-to-point for Genesis for an example it was 14 kilometers with near to one gigabit of bandage or with 45 kilometers with 300 meters everybody talks about fiber yes fiber it was the future but it wasn't interesting forget the radio we starts with the rages we start with wireless direct service provider we goes to the fiber yes but we understand fiber was the best but we have a big space to work with Wireless to in this radius we are looking was from backbone of their network and this a pigment only 175 dollars to do a link of 45 kilometers it was not nothing it was cheaper than this and these equipment used Allison sent bands 6 gigahertz of bands no problems with interference and other equipment of microjig use it in backbone nearly two three hundred dollars and two bytes but my webpage has backbone in Wireless and a backbone in fiber in fiber we do our backbone fiber is the future has no escape but fiber no interference high transport capacity more than one gigabit only fiber to work very well but height cost of deployment it was a cheap fiber and the maintenance was very the cost of Martin was height because you need machine to work with fiber to splitters and lots of what other equipments in backbone we use only point-to-point connections and for these these SHP for an example give us eight kilometers of range you can have a point of presence in one point only one fiber and eight kilometers more you have another point of your network or with these one here with 10 gigabytes of network you have a backbone with tangible with this order we use these two these two kinds of CHP in the backbone we use the fiber sweets to receive each pop has as fiber switch connected to one other pop or to the border this switch has 16 SSP you can put six different pops connected with this one here in your network grows a lot this is an example you have two sweets one fiber connecting two sweets to a safe piece and with only two SF paste two sweets in the fiber not a lot of money you can go eight kilometers with 125 gigabytes the fiber cable has a lot of fibers not only one we are using only one fiber of the cable in this backbone but the network grows grows more clients more clients more more demand more funds what we do we are using only one fiber with another fiber and another pair of sh piece you can go to 2.5 gigabytes extremely simple few minutes just to install and to gross the de network we have one cable like this with 24 fibers you can go to touch gigabytes of backbone transport and if you use this one each one give you 10 gigabytes of bandage with 24 more than the necessary now the VIP nets backbone was basically rageous point-to-point and fiber points to point using s SP and sweets we have the network of access the access network the access network we have five different scenarios we have residential wireless clients we have attached residents clients we have has dense fiber clients we have cooperate fiber clients and corporate radio clients for its scenario we use different equipments different technologies to give the Serbs who was necessary in the first scenarios where we have the residential wireless clients we have a customer in this customer houses or company will install an antenna CP with where we have a PPO a clients and individuals it was very important to stability of their network use only one equipment or all equipment compatible with the same technology the best one now is envied wish and we have an appeal an access point in the tower in a pot disappear was a PPO a silver qsr housing or a spare file QE and n evaluation this is the scenario of wireless connection residential disappear was connected to the backbone and the backbone connected to internet this is the access network for clients wireless this is the equipment more interesting more well use it and appear for micro cheek you have two different kinds with a 50 smaller or more dbe's depending on the plan the access area you are working will have these two equipments and this year was an example of point-to-multipoint wireless with cheaper xst we can go with two kilometers and give near to one gigabit it was much more than the necessary with a bigger distance eight kilometers 300 megabits we've equipment better with metal antenna like in dinner dish we can go far eight kilometers with 800 megabits or up to 20 kilometers with 300 megabits lots of clients of wireless we have using this technology the other kinds of Sanaa do have us the residential clients using access network attached we have a customer in the house of the customer we put CP a 1080p like hep light this applied to the EPS client and it was a wireless appear for the clients only for the clients it was connected by a 10 H network cable to power box these power box do people a server Phi Rho Q s housing OSPF Kiwi and voltage monitor this is the photo of the power box and the power box was connected to VIP Nets backbone who was connected to internet let me see this is the power box in the power box first at an h1 we come with power in to energize these equipments and in at 5 with power off we come out with energy too another power box located nineteen matters to the other in the first one we come to with energy and in the Ethel five we come with power power out the p-wave out more ninety meters another one the POA in the way out and with this week o movie movie movie lots of kilometers these three ports here was used for clients I can have three clients at each nineteen matters nine ninety meters and in the order I have more and more and you go movie and put more and more clients if you have more than three clients in one space you can put another para box you use the at four to energize a second power box you will have two clients in the first part box and four clients in the second power box at the same point this is the food the line in where the energy comes the end power off to the order how to power box and the clients and this is a photo of how it works each one of these was a power box one power box K which this house another cable Ethernet cable power box a Treach cable party box one house across the street another power box and moving moving and you could go to all of us city lots of know your imagine was more important this case here we see two houses at the same power box we can have up to three without 2nd power box and in one point you put one like this where you put the energy the energy the your batteries your your no brakes who passes to give energy to all of this network this is extremely cheaper if we'd like to start a network nothing was cheaper than this and we use power box but it can use a simple switch it will be cheaper then using power box you lost management but you reduce your cost the third scenario was residential fiber in reducer fiber we have a customer when you in the customer connected to royalty who was connected to how the hoodoos the PPO a server fire oak US housing kiwi and go to the backbone the connection was from one fiber in connection from fiber you can use these equipment another power box but enough power box with fiber in you have a building three three apartments in the building not necessary lots of n you use only one and pass a tonight cables between the clients in the same place in the same building the same apartments in different apartments more clients with only one fiber and only one SSP and we have another scenario with corporate clients it was the most most important clients the who pays more it needs a different kind of service these clients has a dedicated side service we have only superior customer in the customer who do be purifier of us and others and one dedicated fiber directly from the customer to my switch in the pulpit clients use fibre to the home one fiber one fiber lot of splits to attend the clients the corporate clients know they use only one fibre dedicated connected directly to the switch in the pot this switch was connected to the router who was click concentrator where the services work and back one connections backbone the last scenarios was the clients with corporate rages Oh fibre was very interesting more but one client who needs internet 100% of the time need more than one internet link and has two different internationals all fiber if you want car in front of the building of the your clients short the the fiber old fibers will be destroyed at the same time the more interesting scenario was if you have a link in fiber and a backup link with another equipment with another with rage was excellent for the second line line better then two fibers or one fiber and one Ethernet link for an example because these two links use the same has the same risk to stop in front of your house was the points of failed who was the to two different fibers to the same points Oh one fiber it was to the left and one from the right okay but in these points these two fibers was in the same point and if this point goes down your internet fails we have a lot of space in Brazil imagine now of the world to the links in rage cooperates leaving dedicated and this is this scenario would have the customer has wireless CP who was configured as a bridge point-to-point not point to much point and in the tower in the pop who have a second who was dedicated only for these clients with two antennas two directional antennas you have a good signal the best signal because one was directly connected to the other two only one and you have a good service in the wireless we have the other service and the pot connected to backbone this is the cooperator Aegis clients who pays a lot for this kind of service the vph has a distribution of he pays we use the AFC to distribute the first we have the first part use it for customers each concentrator has sieves one network like this who can get up to 1000 clients and can be summarized easily by a spare example concentrator one this network starts finish among part of the network we use only for address the networks and the routers okay each public appear has 1000 parts associated with the pair of the clients this association is fix it so it's easy to log and locate the clients who has a problem with the police or something like these a public API one I use it for an example one 92021 will use the first one thousand ports the second EP the other thousand parts associated to one of the a piece of station and distribution of VP's I can go to the first up to the 64 because it was only 65 thousand parts in each appear I can use only 64 eps recommendation of a FC I use for all of the people residential and business the first option and this is the how we can use to do easy to understand the day P in the clients the first octet was a hundred the second and is can be from 64 to 95 31 possibilities the second one 0 to 99 100 possibilities in the last one one two six two and 65 64 64 possibilities all with these these sequence we can have nearly to two hundred million two hundred thousand users English and we associate all of my our clients have a PVCs and Vivek Wadhwa all of the network has a physicists and all clients received if the client will use the PVCs or no it was on problem of the clients but all of the network use and all the clients receives any PVCs and the ipv6 was like this to be easy to understand if I know they pivot four of the clients I easily understand the pb6 because they was very similar example if the APB's four of the client was 160 401 the p v6 was 64000 one with the mask of the clients CPA customer premises we see the data center the backbone access and the last one was the CP of the clients disappear is important in each client for management to easily the clients from the rest of the network to implement the bandage and fire controls directly in client's home with these your backbone stays more clear because all of the hard work was good in your clients you open the file in your clients you it was the band which was controlled in your clients your clans goes to the back one only with the bands who can he has most people controls the bands only in the end of the backbone nearly to internet but when you do it the clients can use all of your network with hundred percent of bands up to date of the border of your network on one glance Kane can go down your network if he has a virus or bad idea we implement a CPA because of their two starts the default in the clients in the clients house and you can give a wireless to add value we mark the packets of the clients in the clients one with the curious and this customer promises CPS was very cheap nowadays and this CPS gives to your clients graphical service because my critique has graphics ahem consider the band which he was using time who you access the equipment each residential clients has a CPA client like the superior works as a pppoe client to authenticate the user the the the network between the access network haven't any EP works only in pppoe without ap in interfaces the one interface of your client has only pppoe clients you install it and in Access Point or the first router it was only PP period several active no EP is active and the CPA has another user facility was that the gossipy server for the client we give the gossipy automatically not necessarily configured manually we do a personalization of the CPA for the clients can access and see only the options he needs to configured like the Wi-Fi network some viral networks of options was disponible for the clients the clients can change the DHCP EPS for the network without call the support of the company we have a wireless Y pre-configured to easy helps the client and we implement this like in the router to give the pH to the clients bbc's to the client don't take a sip it should be easier each appear in the router of the clients was associated with one port focused all clients tells o open port 80 open ports 2200 open the ports was open and he directed directly to the Z - 2 DZ piece the client only needs to put one of these EPS in the network device who needs one of these pots for the other equipment that the a gossipy gives the pair from 200 to 250 3 and the Audrey Pierce was associated to designated ports and the Gateway was the 24 this is the equipments use it for this one equation with less than $20 all the features all the help you give it it was very cheap to put one in each clients very very interesting it was used in home Ethernet clients in clients who has used fiber we use this other one we can use the X the X was better but more expensive or the GS who was very cheaper but it was only a switch wireless client to use these equipments different equipments for different distances if the clients was less than 8 kilometers we can use a new axis T it fit he was more than 8 we can use le Hg and more distance more equipment different equipments antennas for different distances the Japan microchip on and Sahaj we have the network of the customers who was a half serial 1918 who was private ep 1 9 2 HH was the microchip pattern the phone in the customers PC we have the CPF who gives this EP verdigris before the clients and has a carrier network to the network to the backbone to transport these in the border we have a session edge router who change it for a public appear and goes to the internet internet BGP we have one city match for each four thousand clients as you not to wear is very expensive in networking processor for the router we use lots of differences not one for each block of network of clients like these the file we have two files in the network of BPH one spiral connected to the customers to control the customers in another file with the border control internet in the middle in our backbone not file not necessary because all traffic was organized it was futile and was control it it was good because all of your house isn't in network works better because all of the trash you take out before go to the backbone the file in the first fire was works or in the access point or in the power box in the second file works in a society near to the border they access the file in the first were connected rates to the clients was it necessary a big equipments because we have one two clients in these equipments we have lots of network firewall rules and it works very well in the network in the border of the neck you need an equipment very bigger very more expensive and more efficient food because the traffic was bigger in this point we use as I say it was only to remember it was good place to ever do we do the own spoof Network control we drop all packets if it comes from the first file and the EP wasn't one of the delegated to these clients if any package comes to the first fire and the EP wasn't from the this network it was drop it the same thing in the border if any packets goes tries to go out of my network and it wasn't from my network it was drop it the Balkans was filtered in the in the pyro - coming in and come out and each router only accept connections from the other houses or from my management ep I have a group of employers in the network expesive canet work use it to access and manage the equipment my customers with recipe was impossible to access any equipment in all of the network only the management appear or the other houses it was another future input and remember all of these network filters must can be twice won in ipv4 viral and everything one more time in ipv6 viral because : the necklace has the natural has the strip in all equipments you need to do two final definitive virus configuration qsr in whipping edge we have five different classes of cells the first class of cells was monitoring at this class we have the network of monitoring and the routers this class has the bigger priority the second class was devoid at this class we have the web servers the third class was whip at this class we have declines with full guarantee of bands in the more important cloud era clients we have one classroom a name it business with companies and residential residential was the customers with the low Chicot small priority if you lost no problem no impact in your country in your company this is the classes the first class monitoring has a max limit small but the limited was the same as the small limit and the priority was true this package was market with a type of service - in the package the second one was the class wipe it was the max minimal image was madam not too big but the there was the same as limited 400 percent of guarantee and priority 3 and this package was marketed as a type of safes tree the other class VP is variable because I have clients with same 100 megabits 20 megabits difference bandage the max limit was variable but the limited was the same as the max limit 100% will be granted it was priority 5 and package type of safes 5 the business client has max limits by difference maximum limit because we have lots of plans different plans but 50% of this max my limit was guarantee and the residential 25% if husband's they want why I used type of service because type of staffs was one flag into the EP package the other queue is the other quality of Sam's uses words only into the outer but I need to do the quadriceps one points to the network to the other point to the network to guarantee all of the traffic because of that I need to mark the packets with one mark who can goes out of the house and continuously for all of the network and type of safes was used exactly but because of that it wasn't each company can do like he would like here is the customer in his package has one mark who can goes to all of the my network all of my houses and all who know this package who comes from this kind of service this kind of kind of this point and I have a wipe wipe server to my clients not only Internet what I give telephone to it gives you have a big network if your client can pay you for network internet and for telephone it was good more money and nothing more to do but wipe to works very well I used the Kos for myself it works only for myself not for any wipe in the network my voice works well because I mark basic I used the Mac Mac build on my VoIP service EP if the package was coming and the Sochi address was my web server he will go in the chaos to know if the customers goes to my web service the destination address is Mike web server this packets will go in the manage or VoIP but any other wipe will not get Kos or Mele customer goes with his search address goes to the outer the outer marks the packet and gives the package to the backbone Internet to customers the packet comes to internet and the first router marks the package before gives to the backbone the client has qsr from clients to Internet's and Internet to clients in my network all of the clients has guarantee of service because of that I mark the pockets in the border and in the access point for this we use PPD we weave address list this is an example of the mark wipes a type of steps equipment another example of the configuration of wipes a package this is only tutorial for duty mark the quality of cells remember in ipv6 we need to do all of the same network quality of service because we do quadricep for ipv6 and for ipv6 ipv4 and v6 and the vph company started operation in 2004 in 2007 we started using microjig in 2017 we have 4000 customers using only micro G courageous and routers we are the success story and micro chick is part of that thank you [Applause]
Channel: MikroTik
Views: 6,521
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Keywords: mikrotik, routerboard, routeros, latvia
Id: iPeurDFX5OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 33sec (3033 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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