#384 LoraWAN + Cryptocurrency Miner = Helium. A good idea?

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Do you want to get rich in a short time? The  Helium People s network currently is growing like   hell and creates a lot of wealth. It combines  LoRaWAN technology with cryptocurrency.   How does it work, and should you join it?  Let s have a closer look. And please, watch   the video till the end. This time it is vital! Gr ezi YouTubers. Here is the guy with the Swiss   accent. With a new episode and fresh ideas around  sensors and microcontrollers. Remember: If you   subscribe, you will always sit in the first row. My frequent viewers know that this channel covered   many important LoRa topics like building antennas,  improving range, etc. All essential stuff for   Helium hotspot owners. If you are only interested  in these things, go to the video description to   find a link to the LoRa playlist. Stay here  if you are interested in the whole story.   What is the Helium network? It is  a competitor to The Things Network   and also an open Sensor network based on the  LoRaWAN standard. Its purpose is to transport   short messages from sensors to the network. It also is based on gateways that are deployed by   individuals and not by the Helium company. The big  difference between the two is how the network is   financed. TTN transports all data free of charge.  This is possible because a lot of enthusiasts   contribute gateways without any financial  interest. Most of them are nerds like me.   On the Helium network, data transport costs a  small amount. This money will be given to the   gateway owners as a return on investment.  Gateways, BTW, are called hotspots in the   Helium network and cost 400-500 dollars. They  use the same technology and even the same   packet forwarder software from Semtech as TTN.  Also, the sensor technology has to be the same.   To distribute the money from  the users to the gateway owners,   Helium uses HNT, a cryptocurrency created for  this purpose. A fair concept, and much more   sustainable in a capitalistic world, isn t it? For my Ph.D. in Business Administration,   I had to calculate a lot of business cases. So  let s use what I learned and do a quick check:   First, we have to understand  a few technical facts:   - LoRa is a Low Power Long Range protocol.  It operates in license-free ISM bands   - It is different from 5G, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth  because of its very low data rate. This is why,   as we will later see, Helium data credits  are calculated in bytes and not Gigabytes   as in mobile phones or Wi-Fi - The protocol is standardized,   and there is only one supplier of chips: The  French company, Semtech. So all LoRaWAN networks   have the same basic function and components - One hotspot can transport messages   for up to 1000 sensors - According to RAK wireless,   one of the big manufacturers of Helium hotspots,   only 50-100 Hotspots are needed to  cover an entire city. Which is evident   because LoRa is a Long-Range technology - Companies can build private networks   if they do not trust public networks What are use-cases for such networks?   Here we have a selection: From Agriculture to  Smart Supply Chain. They have one thing in common:   They are only used if other protocols do not  work. At home or in factories, for example, we use   Wi-Fi. In crowded areas, we generally use 4 or 5G  networks. Only in rural areas without 4G coverage   or in cities when we do not want to replace  the battery frequently, LoRa is preferred.   Let s start the business case with the customers  of the network. One data credit costs $0.00001   and is good to transfer 24 bytes. Let s assume  one gateway costs $400. How many data packets   does it have to receive to reach break-even? 400/0.00001 = 40 million messages. Not bad,   because LoRa nodes, to save energy, do not often  transfer messages. So the deal for the potential   network user is outstanding. The operation of  thousands of nodes only costs a few dollars,   without investment into the network. So we  can assume they got lots of large companies   waiting in a queue to use Helium. Looking at  the short list of reference customers, we see   that using the Helium network must be extremely  strategic and secret. Obviously, none of their   big customers want to read its name here. Mostly  small companies or startups are on the list.   But is the business case also suitable  for the investor of a gateway?   The current Helium network consists  of an impressive number of nearly 40   000 hotspots. If we look where they are located,  we see: They are concentrated in major cities.   Most of the world is not covered. If we zoom  in, we see, for example, that San Francisco has   hundreds of active hotspots. So there must be  a ton of data to be transported to pay for all   those hotspots. Fortunately, all Helium  transactions are stored on a blockchain.   So we can check the data traffic. Of course, we  do not see who sent the data or its content. They   are encrypted. But we can count the packages. And  even better: To show potential hotspot investors   like us how much money we can make, Helium is  very transparent and shows a lot of information.   Because I know how LoRa works, it is easy to  find a hotspot at a good location. Its name   is Fluffy-bronze-turtle. Interesting name for a  professional network. BTW: Potential customers,   for sure, are also attracted by the knowledgeable  hotspot operators. To create your own opinion,   maybe you watch some of their channels.  I leave links in the description. Trust   is everything for such networks, and so far,  lack of trust in public networks was the main   reason companies built their private networks. Fluffy-bronze-turtle s location must be excellent.   It has lots of connections and for sure will get  a ton of data traffic from downtown San Francisco.   And really, last month, its owner earned 280  HNT. Which today is 280x14.41=4034.8 dollars.   Not bad for an investment of 400 dollars. The  business case for us potential hotspot owners   is obvious. The hotspot is paid in three  days. No Ph.D. needed to see that!   BTW: Here you see the curve of the HNT value in  dollars. From 24 cents one year ago to 14 dollars   now. 5858% increase. Mindboggling! It is obvious:  The whole business world uses the Helium network!   So let s check fluffy s data traffic. Fortunately,  we can see all activity and even can export it to   CSV. Here are the results: Since its installation,  this hotspot made 1510 HNT or 20 000 dollars.   1298 HNT for POC_Witness, 191 for POC_challengees,  20 for POC_challengers, and 0.00 for data_credits.   Strange. If we add a few places after the comma,  we see that it really received a few data packets.   But what is the rest? POC means Prove of  coverage. These are messages inside the network,   for example, to check if the hotspot s locations  are accurate and if they work. With this concept,   Helium only had to pay 20 000 dollars to check  if the hotspot works. What a great idea.   I am sure this low data volume is an exception  and has a reason I do not understand.   Other hotspots must see much more data traffic.  So let s check another one: Passive Purple Ram.   Also nicely located in SFA. His  owner got 4717HNT or 68 000 dollars   because his hotspot runs for a whole year.  Incredible! But also here we see the same pattern:   Data credits are less than one cent for a whole  year. Extremely strange. Fortunately, we can see   how many data credits were earned by the whole  Helium network over the last 30 days. 32 million.   Not bad. Let s check how much the  customers paid for it: 325 dollars.   So the entire turnover of Helium as a network  for data in the last month was 325 dollars!   So it seems, Helium found a way to distribute  a ton of money to the hotspot owners   without data traffic! Anyway: Who cares about   transporting data? We want to get rich,  and Helium obviously creates wealth.   I also do not know how my car works  in detail and still can use it.   Now I remember what a few of my viewers wrote:  With my knowledge about LoRa, I can get rich.   How cool is that? Shortly before my retirement, I  have to hurry up. Unfortunately, Helium Hotspots   are sold out and have a long waiting list.  RAK wireless, for example, only delivers 250   hotspots a day, and the waiting list is longer  than the list for a vaccination appointment. So I   remembered the call from the Helium representative  last year. Helium is open and allows Makers to   build their own hotspots. These hotspots are  nothing special: just a Raspberry Pi and a   concentrator plus the needed software. The same  parts we use for standard LoRaWAN Gateways. Of   course, I have the material here, and I even found  their Github page. Very good. A concentrator and   a Raspberry Pi costs less than 200 dollars. Much  less than the 400 dollars for a ready-made device.   Then I discovered that, unfortunately, Helium  does no more allow us to build our own gateways.   Certainly, they have a good reason to no more  allow the saving of at least 200 dollars.   So, if you want to participate, you have to  hurry up and order one, or maybe ten hotspots,   wait till they arrive, and install them in  all places you know. The more, the better.   If you do not want to wait, you even can buy HNTs  without any hotspot, wait for a little till they   are much, much more valuable, and sell them with a  considerable profit. An excellent plan, I think.   There is only a tiny problem: Some people  might tell you that the facts we saw up till   now very much look like a Ponzi scheme where early  investors get a reward as long as the network is   growing. You decide. I assume you are an adult and  know that you are responsible for your dealings.   As always, you find all the  relevant links in the description   This was probably the last video on this channel.   If my plans work, I will have  no more time to create videos   because I have to spend all my Helium money.  See you in Marbella, Miami, or Tahiti. Bye
Channel: Andreas Spiess
Views: 60,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mining, crypto, cryptocurrency, hnt, miner, hotspot, miner hotspot, peoples network, rich, raspberry pi, lora, loraWAN, helium mining, helium miner, helium token
Id: nerQCrOam5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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