Mikey Poor Ninja vs JJ Rich Ninja Survival Battle in Minecraft ? (Maizen)

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let's turn here Mikey I think that way we can take a shortcut well let's give it a try guys I think we're having a celebration today keep one of you guys guarding the aisle and the other one come with me JJ it looks like we're not going to make the cut here so let's go the other way yeah let's go where are the boys going I think you should give us everything you've got Mikey it's the robbers now ouch that'll be a lesson to you if you are robbed it is better to give everything you have otherwise it would be like this it hurts doesn't it this whole thing could have been avoided but it's your own fault for being so weak look at them they can't even fight back I'm in so much pain those guys beat us up pretty bad we got to get up soon looks like Mikey got hit pretty hard too hey Mikey you all right JJ what's wrong with you you look like you've been run over by a car trust Mikey you don't look any better now we can only hope that the robbers just left us alone and walked away so let's just keep moving I don't really want to think about getting beat up by a bunch of robbers I agree it was unpleasant Mikey I think that's exactly what we need there's a ninja school here and there's another school right across the street and it's a lot cooler than the first one I'll tell you that let's try our luck at this ninja School see if we get in it's going to be just fine we'll be taught fighting skills come on JJ let's go hello hello welcome to the best ninja School in the world what can I do for you I urgently need to learn fighting skills from you money's no problem here you go okay thank you very much what do you have to offer unfortunately I don't have any money but I can offer you blocks of land maybe you could use it no I don't want your dirt take it back if you don't have money you're not worthy of training with us get out of here Mikey come back when you have money in the meantime I should get changed look at this locker room even it looks cool I got to hurry up and put on my kimono and get to practice I'm already looking forward to training I wonder what secret tricks they'll teach me so let's go now we have to go to my workout spot I was told it's right across from the locker room I need to make a good impression on the master so he realizes that I'm not just a regular guy but a trained fighter who's in my training room my God why do you look so weak I'm not weak I'm worthy of practicing with you are you sure in that case please follow me we have a beginner's obstacle course if you think you're ready go through it but watch yourself one wrong move and you're dead no problem I'll pass this Lane with flying colors let's see we've got laser Dodges at the beginning it's pretty easy then there's parkour on ladders against a lava pit how cliche I can get through this stage blindfolded what's next Dodge the spikes well there might be a bit of a problem here but it's not critical it's just just a matter of being careful and of course they've combined the lava spikes it may look scary and heavy but it's not I've been in tougher situations than that and finally the easiest parkour on the blocks easy peasy Master I've done it all how about that admit you surprise me well since they won't let me into an expensive school I'll try to get into a cheap one I hope they care about more than just money hello how can I help you please take me to this school I'll give you everything I have just don't kick me out of here I really want to learn ninja techniques all right well welcome you can start practicing great now I get to train at a real ninja school it's giving me the creeps I should meet my master soon he seems like a pretty strong man the kimono is a little torn but what could I expect for the price there's even cobwebs in the building but that's okay the most important thing is Knowledge and Skills okay the important thing is to perform well hey everybody I'm Mikey that's it hit him harder what who the hell are you get out of my school you don't belong here I didn't agree to take on new students God what does our recruiter listen to but I've already paid I'm allowed oh well if you paid that's fine get up on the wall that'll be the start of your training I forgot to tell you I'll be on your way did you think it would be easy no it's not get back up to improve your training I'll be throwing throwing knives at you if I if I hit you it means you're not trying hard enough that's awful is he really a coach I think he's trying to kill me not teach me anything well we'll just have to try and get to the end of this wall of Hell almost got it I'm so close to the end already did you think it would be that easy it's not I can commend you though you've climbed pretty high so here's your Katana take it and let's move on to the next stage of training which is sparring I'll be your opponent I got to show him what I can do only thing is I've never been able to hit him yet how come there's a reason he's a master at this school he may be cheap but he knows what he's doing I can't beat him that's it you're already good at it now let's move on to practicing with throwing weapons here are some throwing knives and smoke bombs as you may have noticed we have some good targets so let's hit them whoever scores the most points wins I like it I'll have to give it a try the distance here is pretty small so getting to the center won't be a problem for me uh after all I've hit smaller targets than this one I wonder how many of these I should be throwing it' be boring if that's all he gave me let me try throwing a smoke bomb hope I don't piss them off right I think I can fight back against the master now I just need to create a smoke screen and attack first so that he has less chance to Counterattack you think you're strong enough already well let's find out and he's strong I shouldn't have underestimated him he's a master after all I don't think I can beat him yet I admit my defeat Master spare me I made a mistake no I think you're ready for what I've been preparing you for let's go outside as you may have guessed our school has enemies and it is the job of my students to undermine the reputation and fighting Power of the enemy so I'm giving you an important Mission you must sneak into a building and steal the Scrolls cool I've been sent on a real Mission I will definitely not let my master down wait here's a special ninja outfit for you you'll have a better chance of going unnoticed now go and do my bidding that's so cool a real ninja costume I didn't pay all this money for nothing hoof here I am at my destination it's a pretty big building I need to check out the surroundings and figure out how I'm going to get in there's got to be an entrance around here somewhere oh yeah there is but it's not safe to go in here there's a whole bunch of people watching so I'm going to have to go around the easiest way is to go up to the roof they won't be able to see me there there it is the glass ceiling I need to stop the dynamite so I can get in as quickly and efficiently as possible I look so cool I look like a ninja okay time to set the timer we have to act fast as soon as the ceiling is broken we have to throw smoke grenades all over the room so that the enemies don't have time to realize anything anything now that they have a limited field of view it's time to get inside I can take them out in a couple minutes in this fog I was trained by my master for a reason as I thought it's pretty simple the main thing is to keep your distance and fight back in time although there are quite a few of them I think I'll have to run away a bit to make it easier to deal with them the smoke is clearing so I'll have to speed up and finish off the rest of them it's going to be a little easier now because I've already destroyed most of it basically I just have to finish off the rest of them one by one and I won't have a problem it worked I got to the Scrolls but they're heavily guarded I have to get them out carefully because if I touch the lasers I'm not going to get away with scratches but I'm running out of time so I got to take my chances I've got the Scrolls that's good now I've got to get out there's still a few enemy units left but they're not a problem a couple of smoke bombs and throwing knives and they'll be all gone that's it slowly shoe away there JJs I'm almost at the exit I'm actually kind of bored all these opponents are so weak it's like I took a toy from a child just zero resistance well that completes my mission which means I can return to school in Triumph I can finally get out of this suit it's cool but it's pretty heavy and dense that makes it kind of uncomfortable okay we're out of time so let's move on to the next workout here's a throwing knife just throw them at the targets maybe you'll learn something yeah the approach to training here is pretty lame I wonder how JJ is doing I think his training program is much better hey don't stop me from throwing this is too much oh well all right throw your knives all you want you won't get much out of it anyway anyway stop you're so cool that's why you're getting a new training session I'm going to give you a real Mission come on follow me don't you think that's a bit much you haven't even taught me anything I don't even have any equipment how am I supposed to deal with them where are you going I'll tell you all about it outside there's an enemy building not far from here so go there and steal the Scrolls from them all right hurry up don't come back without them so here I am I think I'm the only one too small for this whole building well I can't help it if I have to handle it ninja style first we need to figure out where the entrance is their defense system is amazing the whole building is filled with lasers we've got to get them out yeah we should smoke bomb them and then take them all out quickly I think my plan is working here you go I'm going to get the Scrolls oh there's too many of them I thought they wouldn't all come running at me I've got to get out of this place right now somebody help me I can't make it out here they've got me cornered I knew I wasn't going to make it it's all because of that annoying Master that's it I'm back hey School meet your hero Master I've got good news because I'm not back empty-handed here are the Scrolls you asked for all four of them you really surprised me JJ there's a reason I agreed to take you on as an apprentice because you're already the best of them all the important thing is that it's done Master now I want to go see my friend Mikey I haven't seen him in a while and I'm wondering how he's doing I wonder if he's become a first class ninja too knowing Mikey he might as well have pulled it off well I'm going to go over there and find out for myself yeah it's not exactly a pretty site around here reminds me of an old timey Place hey is there anyone here who knows where Mikey is he's a friend of mine and I want to see him oh no it can't be I'm such a bad Master look he's probably been captured I sent him on a mission not too long ago but it was clearly out of Mikey's League you shouldn't have sent him out there I think you can find your friend in the tall orange building good luck what a master okay looks like I'm here just like the old man said or orange building and it says ninja restaurant I'm definitely here but is there anyone here oh yeah there's a lot of them they shouldn't have captured my friend as soon as I pick this lock I'm going to give them a tea party to remember wait a little while Mikey I shouldn't have any trouble picking their lock I can't believe that stupid Master let Mikey go on such a Dangerous Mission I'm sure he didn't even explain how to act in an emergency that's why Mikey was captured well I know he's alive that's it the door's open now it's time for Revenge I don't think you'll have enough smoke bombs so catch the regular grenades and remember so will anyone who dares lay a hand on my friend did anyone manage to survive well it won't be for long I can deal with them with a katana that's right these weaklings are no match for me I've cleared the area now I got to find Mikey I'll lock the front door from the inside to make sure I don't run into any more enem troops on the way back apparently he's being held underground so that's where I'm going and they've got a pretty strong security system I'd say that if it weren't for my training with the master it's just like my training lasers spikes give me a couple minutes Mikey I found you I'm going to get you out of here come on Mikey get up no time to sleep Behind Enemy Lines JJ is that you God thank you so much for coming to my rescue I had already resigned myself to the fact that I was just going to get killed here but I'm okay now so I got to get out of here more enemies should be coming soon all right just be careful here okay we made it out of that basement now we have to escape the building let's start by checking outside Oh no just as I thought reinforcements have arrived apparently they've got the whole building surrounded JJ something tells me we can't get out without a fight so let's break the window and try to distract them at the very least throw smoke grenades at them Mikey hang in there you don't want to get into a prolonged fight with them there's too many of them let's just run away sometimes it's better to run for your life than to go all the way I agree with you JJ Mikey follow me I figured out a way to get rid of them it's going to hurt but it's going to work here you go now we have to run upstairs and distract them you run I'll throw smoke bombs down the aisle come on JJ I believe we can make it work what's the next step we can't keep running upwards forever sooner or later there's just going to be no more floors and they'll catch up to us then we'll either have to jump or fight the whole crowd don't worry about that just yet I have an idea but it's a long shot although we still don't have a choice okay Mikey let's go to the roof I'm going to tell you my plan but don't get too scared it'll be fine as you may have noticed in this town the houses are pretty close together and they're not all the same height so I thought that in the we could get down to the ground by jumping on the roofs of the houses what do you think JJ I think that's a crazy idea but since we don't have any other options we'll do it your way go JJ well I'm off to be honest I thought it would be harder apparently it's pretty close now come on Mikey don't be afraid I did it I can jump oh I'm so glad I almost had a heart attack at one point see all in all it's not that scary the main thing is to accelerate and jump well so keep running a couple more houses like this and we'll be able to get down safely here comes another jump I'm just going to accelerate and voila I'm on the roof of the neighboring house come on Mikey show me how it's done of course you just have to oh no he snapped I hope he made it out alive I've got to get down there and help him all right I'm down now we got to find Mikey somehow oh that didn't take long Mikey are you okay come on buddy get up looks like he's been through a lot but it makes sense falling from that height without getting hurt we should call an ambulance right away why don't they lift him up oh there's the hospital building in that case it's easier for me to run to them and tell them everything why are they keeping him in there so long I'm really worried about Mikey already I mean it was my idea to jump on rooftops JJ I have some not so good news for you Mikey's back on the men but he's got a lot of injuries I did the best I could and the rest will take time you're welcome to check on it Mikey how are you doing are you sure you're okay it must hurt a lot I should apologize for the whole rooftop idea if it wasn't for me you'd be just fine now you're lying here all bruised and broken it's just awful but don't worry I'll take care of you I think the ninjas are still trying to find us so it's not safe to stay here I'll just get the supplies get the stroller and get you out of here that's it there's no doctor which means I have time to take you away come on Mikey I'll help you into the stroller do something JJ all these doctors are so annoying that's it we're out now let's get away from this place I think we've had enough adventure for one day in a way it's good that I don't have to run
Channel: JJ World
Views: 309,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, minecraft but, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mikey, maizen security house, maizen challenge, mikey and jj security house, minecraft security house, maizen prank, maizen, maizen survival battle, mikey poor ninja, jj rich ninja, jj ninja, mikey ninja, poor ninja vs rich ninja, mikey ninja vs jj ninja, maizen ninja
Id: dPYLuGDrb-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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