FAT Mikey vs STRONG JJ Battle - Minecraft Animation / Maizen

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listen Mikey why did we even leave the house I just wanted to walk with you why did you ask me to go for a walk did you have a reason or are you up to something again H look McDonald's here maybe we can go eat what do you say we go together what I'm not eating McDonald's you know I don't eat fast food I'm going to go home and watch cartoons well whatever you want JJ I'll eat it myself it seems like someone came but today there aren't many customers hello are you ready to order I want to try all the dishes you have in two portions and get them ready as fast as you can here's your order we could put everything on one tray nice appetite there's so much food how hungry I am I just wanted to try it all how delicious I had to order juice what a delicious meal now we have to try this sauce it was delicious now I am pleased after good dinner I need to sleep perhaps after a break I will order more Burgers I think I got a little lost how do I get out on the Main Street H I think this is a gym I should probably come in I just wanted to get a little pumped huh how many dumbbells in different machines what on this joke you need to pull up I saw it in the movie what this is a barbell they look very heavy there are so many dumbbells it's incredible okay you need to try to practice I think I'm alone here how many dumbbells here I just wanted to do Sports start with these dumbbells like they are not very heavy and it's harder than it looks for some reason my hands are sick after all these weights are heavier than I thought H I want to work lifting this bar they look very heavy I think I can now my hands do not hurt well I feel stronger every second now I want to try to pull up I think I can you have to jump up and grab the railing great now you have to pull up and it's not as hard as I thought it's like I'm getting better I feel stronger I can pull up with one hand now I'm unbeatable now I have pumped myself muscles it was hard but it was definitely worth it huh I just noticed but my body is just in perfect physical form now I have the depth of my stomach I'm like Superman hey hansome don't want to go out with us you look very cool I think I've had a bit too much I need to urgently find a toilet I think there was a toilet on this side how my stomach hurts is that you JJ yeah I see you've made Mikey a little fat if you want I can help you get your muscles pumped and you'll be just like me how heavy is this Rod of course Mikey what were you thinking how you could lift it is just impossible I got it I could lift this barbell well done Mikey listen I even liked it I want to suggest a swing I feel a little stronger every second thank you J J now I have an incredibly inflated body hello boys do not want to walk with us you have such an inflated [Music] body well JJ you think I can't catch up to you don't make me laugh Mikey you can't catch me even if I'm standing still I almost caught you it's good that the kids are having fun but JJ is a very nice and obedient child you're all right Mikey I told you to watch your step you're not hurt let me help you look stop pretending you fell your head in the sand the most you could do is get naked what happened do you see that dear have you already run away why is Mikey lying in the sand and why is our son next to him what did you do JJ did you push Mikey JJ tell me what's going on here we were playing catchup and he hit his foot and fell into the sand if you're lying to JJ you'll be grounded for a week I think you lied to us JJ because you pushed Mikey you're going to be punished for a week and lying to us is going to be punished we'll treat your wound and feed you don't worry we'll punish Mikey very severely hey Mikey what kind of drama are you playing at if you hurt your foot so much why are you walking it's your fault JJ don't bother me I'm so sick of Mikey he's got a temper all right well I'm ground it for 3 weeks and what you have for dinner I am very hungry I'm very hungry too here's your Fried Chicken eat and not choke I have to go my mom makes the best chicken in the world and you don't eat Mikey you did that on purpose didn't you tell Mikey you know what's going to happen what's going on here I see you're eating chicken you're all right JJ did you drop the chicken go stand in the corner it will be your punishment I'll clean up after you it's not not fair Mikey did it so why am I being punished and how long do I have to stay here and where are all the others that have left me alone what did they really go for a walk leaving me standing in the corner it's not fair H I'll leave home what's good for you Mikey what did you forget about me I'm your conscience don't listen to your conscience think you really hurt Mikey but it was funny you set up your friend you got him punished you owe him an apology I owe JJ an apology I thought he was home look dear Mikey ran away we cannot leave him alone I'll get him don't worry he can get hurt fast to run after him like there's no one else here I don't want to go home I'm constantly being punished for something I didn't do I'd rather sit here I finally found you JJ I ran home but you weren't there and I remembered this place what I'm sorry JJ I was wrong let's be friends again H all right I forgive you but this is the last time it's so good the kids made up great finally I went on vacation I have to take my place like there aren't so many people so where can I sit great then I'll sit here what a beautiful view of the window wow how much Shake in the plane well where is Mikey hi JJ I'm a little late oh you are Mikey I'll sit next to you do you mind finally we can fly on vacation honestly I'm a little scared of flying planes what a big storm outside the window how can Mikey sleep at such a moment I hope we can fly to the island and nothing will happen what is it that shakes the most you see this JJ uhoh the wing of our plane caught fire uh-oh what happened is how much my head hurts we were on a plane and then it fell like I'm not really hurt just a little hit my head I need to find [Music] Mikey so Mikey's sleeping again we need to wake him up H come on you know where we are are now what's going on and why am I lying on the sand you have no idea how well I slept wait a minute where are we you know Mikey I'm not surprised you can be serious for a second H okay follow me we need to see this island wait it was not all a dream H how could this happen and what do we do now I think I can see it it's a small house so you and I are not alone on this island uh-oh here I am what should I do with you if I'm honest I wouldn't mind eating you let us go now you know who we are we'll get out of here when I untie these ropes the head of the village calls you says it is urgent he said you should quit your business and go to him great now we have to figure out how to get out of here H I'm asking you to be quiet yep listen Mikey our wives are there we have to save them we don't have much time we have to act fast I don't want to be noticed by the villagers I'll go first you follow me yep as long as nobody sees me you're JJ I knew you were coming we got caught and tied up I thought we were going to die Mikey's hiding behind that house run to him just don't make any noise I'm so glad you're safe I was worried you might get hurt we need to get out of here let's get out of here all right let's get out of here how tired I am and how we were not noticed by the terrible villagers I don't think they know what happened right now now we'll have have lunch what could have happened where did they go they were here how could they untie the ropes I was only gone a few minutes it happens all right we've got an escape there are two small boats we can sail home on hop in the boat and follow me I'm just asking you Mikey be careful or you might fall overboard knowing you Mikey has to go outside now he promised that we will walk today why is he so long away I'm on my way JJ put some more I'll be out soon I hope I don't have to wait for Mikey till tonight Mom Dad I have a question I can go outside with JJ we agreed that today we went out together I don't know Mikey it's kind of hot outside today you sure you want to go out now maybe another time Let It Go just put this hat on your head I think you'll be fine just a short walk okay Mikey I don't want to wear this hat but I guess I don't have a choice h and here I am JJ finally allowed to go for a walk but first I want to throw this hat away imagine I was forbidden to walk without these sleepers my parents think that it is too hot now hurry up Mikey can't you catch up with me are you okay Mikey I'm not very well I think I what's wrong with you Mikey why you passed out so suddenly it seems like you should have worn a hat after all Mikey hold on [Music] what's going on is this strange feeling what happened why don't I feel anything I'm a ghost now I'm transparent now I wonder if I can walk through walls I can fly I feel like I'm floating in the air and where I am now like JJ said that he took my family to the hospital I think someone's coming Mikey means you are lying here I thought that in the hospital you will quickly regain Consciousness I'm going outside to breathe so JJ can't see me then what to do we need to follow him why doesn't Mikey regain Consciousness maybe he'll wake up tonight I think JJ's really upset that I passed out after all he did not put on his hat the hospital said that Mikey had a stroke of sunstroke and he lost Consciousness but he should have woken up already wait JJ can't see me and why did he come to my house hey JJ I made you some food eat up how was your day today so to be honest thanks for making me [Music] food how tired I am I think I'll lie down I wonder if I can touch things so JJ sleeping in my bed tonight I don't understand why nobody can see me hey JJ you're kidding me I know you can see me the witch really can't see me and what am I supposed to do maybe when JJ wakes up he'll see me honey we need to talk about Mikey I wanted to talk to you too you called the doctor like I asked I talked to the doctor he said we need to visit Mikey so tomorrow morning we'll go to the hospital H what is is happening something has changed I seem to be disappearing I don't understand what is happening hurry up the doctor said that maybe Mikey will wake up today maybe he's awake and doesn't know where we are wake up Mikey he's coming around how do you feel Mikey you're fine he's coming around how do you feel Mikey you're fine I got dirty I'm covered in dirt I have to take a shower but I think I can clean up the dirt myself all right I practically cleaned up all the dirt I hope mom cooks dinner why do not you turn on I do not understand yesterday everything worked but work to who I say my leg this is so painful what do we do we don't even have money for food what's that sound you're fine what happened I hit my foot on the stove somehow the stove stopped working stove stopped working this is such a bad time what are we having for dinner tonight I haven't eaten all day hm we need to get money we now have almost no money we can't even buy food look I have a plan let's rob a bank it's a good way to make money in a short time how do you want to rob a bank we just need to come up with a good plan you're right Dad we've never done anything like this before you will study the bank I will think of how we will rob the bank you will break into the bank and learn everything there not so many people in the bank today stop talking stay alert don't worry everything will be fine no one can get past us the bank is right across the street I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen today come on you always say that and nothing happens stop telling me you're not my boss and I'm older than you so you have to listen to me sorry I'm late did you find out anything yet yep see there are guards they fight you have to distract them stop yelling at me you're acting like a clown am I a clown you're acting like a child who is that what who are you talking about hello boys do not help the poor girl who is in trouble of course we'll help you anything for you I broke down my car it is right there send I will show you everything fine she now it's up to me it's so good to be out on the street today JJ you're doing great to be a cop like me and your mom wait don't run away from us I can't anymore my legs are going to fall off Dad aren't they Bank guards what are they doing here they have to guard the bank now so why are they here one girl asked for help we ran after her it was near the bank we must hurry it may be robbers I have a bad feeling okay there's nothing you can do about it I must have been fooled listen baby JJ it's your first time robbing a bank yes but I know what to do be careful as the robbers told us already left but I'm sure they left evidence stay alert I have a good feeling great listen let's split up so we can find the evidence faster H what is it I think I found something these are trash bags but what are they doing here the guard said the girl asked for help I think these packages belong to thieves my wife seems to have found something look JJ there are car tracks here we can find the criminals we need to follow the tracks I think we'll find the criminals soon I hope no one finds US stand up it's the police you're all under arrest each of you will go to prison well we surrender it was a foolish idea to rob a bank but since you didn't spend any money and no one got hurt and you got yourself a job of correcting yourself so you should say thank you look let's hold hands I'm so glad we finally decided to go out together yes me too I've been wanting to take you for a walk for a while I'm glad I took a walk could you cover your face with your hands okay I have a surprise for you great can open your eyes these are flowers what are these flowers beautiful H thank you JJ it's JJ's friend we need to watch themed where will we go next it seemed to me that someone was hiding behind that tree from the heat I just imagined it h listen I'm a little tired from the walk let's sit on the bench rest a bit what a comfortable bench how nice that I decided to go for a walk listen you didn't notice anything because I keep thinking there's someone following us H what should I draw I came up with a drawing of a diamond how good that I have a Magic Pencil and then I decide what's that in your hand what well you have a diamond in your hand huh where did you hide it I didn't even see you get it is it a gift to me you want to give me this diamond what stop it Mikey you think I can't catch you you know I can run faster than you stop it great I can get away from JJ I'll draw a horse but no horse with dragon's head Edge where's Mikey that's what Mikey is doing huh that's what a horse with dragon's Edge head is like and what am I supposed to do now I've never seen anything like it and then this horse will attack me where did the horse go and here she is like a horse I can't see now you have to somehow defeat her or at least make her leave the village but how can I do that okay it doesn't matter I have to find Mikey he's always bothering me honestly I'm sick of Mikey he's always bothering me if he's tired of me then I'll do it I'll draw a guest see how he can handle it see what does when he sees a ghost H what well it was easier than I thought and now I want to make a big final I'll draw an anvil what's going on why is JJ unconscious what happened right above JJ's head this is going to be really funny stop it Mikey what are you doing with JJ don't you dare do what you wanted it was just a joke you're telling a joke here's a joke ly thank you for not hitting you in full force if you had not come then on my head would now be this Anvil you can pull me by the legs thank you very much you saved me you know you're a very good kisser I'd get in trouble more often if you kissed me every time H I wonder what Mikey's doing now I think I hear something and you're Mikey how are you hey JJ I hope you're not mad but we having fun I remember how funny you felt when you were attacked by the gut how is that JJ
Channel: Maizen - Minecraft Animations
Views: 216,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, animation, minecraft animation, maizen, jj, mikey, jj and mikey, maizen animation, jj and mikey minecraft animation, jj and mikey family, zenichi maizen, mikey maizen, jj family, mikey family, fat maizen, strong maizen, fat vs strong, fat jj and mikey, strong jj and mikey, jj and mikey fat, jj and mikey strong, fat mikey, fat mikey vs strong jj
Id: 8RSCwp9K5qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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