Mike Tyson SAVAGE Moments!

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always confusion with Mike Tyson who's standing by with Jim Gray Jim yeah okay thank you Steve Mike was that your shortest fight ever I'm being witness there's only one God and Mohammed blessings and peace be upon them it is profit I dedicate this fight to my brothers they are bound who died I'll be there to see you I love you with all my heart all praise be to my children I love you Oh God a man what this your shorter side ever anytime an amateur professional ever i Salam alaikum Ida I don't know man yeah yeah Lennox Lewis leg I'm coming for you Mike is it frustrating to train like you did and then have the c7 a 20 foot is Phi only train probably two weeks or three weeks for this fight I had to bury my best friend and I dedicated this fight I wasn't going to fight I dedicate this fight them I was going to rip his heart out I'm the best ever I'm the most brutal and vicious and most ruthless champion there's ever been there's no one could stop me legs to the conquer and no I'm Alexander he's no Alexander I'm the best ever there's never been anybody looser I'm Sonny Liston I'm Jack Dempsey there's no one like I'm from their cloth there's no one that can match me my style is impetuous my defense is impregnable and I'm just emotions I want your heart I want to eat his children praise be to Allah are you saying I'll make the bike Batman who do I talk about we're going our way he's very delusional he can't listen them if he if he was anywhere near that that realm of Grand Isle he'd be able to take his kids to school by himself okay he can't take you can take his kid to school by himself and he took my he's great greatness is not guarding himself from the people greatness is getting accepted by the people he can't take his kids alone to school by himself little scared man is a very small scared man because I'm just running to the [ __ ] link it's Douglas beats Holyfield it looks as though you've got a rematch with buster some people think you'll stiff Alex Stewart and not fight him in December is you should believe that at all because no why because after I left I got kicks to it and give them a slow beating nearly death I'm going to take with the one after that all of your dog this way and then regain my title and hopefully I can fight great erotic this other guy towards for me before he died of yummy rigor mortis Mike you seem to be incensed about criticism that you've received what you're feeling about the criticism that level four in a damn life and still they're going to be there psychologists and say I'm a Squam Swami and I could look at Mike Tyson's brain and got tell by the way he's acting this is what he's thinking which is I mean and the only that's unbelievable that the public believes dish you know I mean they believed it and I think when we did the other idiots and individual for the day in their life and then the other thing that I talk about on television like I'm some dealing more I don't see what I don't see the more total if you're gonna tell me hey Mike how you doing you're looking great shape you look good there for you include me and have to get my face in Mike I think individual they can't say I'm a bum I'm not a good fighter because you know me three-and-a-half years and 11 defenses proved it you know they can't say that so they can see my cute hello fighter but I think you're a dork I think I hate you guys I hate what you stand for you know me or whatever and we have the guts to say that yeah I got caught because other piece of [ __ ] Don King who's a wretched this is just a register I mean for calling him [ __ ] right this is hosting miles this will be my brother my black brother rages on he's just a bad man it's real bad man he abused you in it we thought he would he would kill to kill his mother for a dollar he is ruthlessly than Hitler abou he doesn't know how to love anybody that's just the way it is the greatest in the world man like a baby one letter straight Jackie you punk-ass white boy come in coming up I'll flip you in your ass you punk white boy your [ __ ] you can't touch me you're not man enough I eat your ass or a large [ __ ] [ __ ] you you home coming down in my face [ __ ] you aspirant everybody you [ __ ] come on you [ __ ] you're scared coward you got man enough to [ __ ] with me you can't laugh cool minutes in my world [ __ ] look at your scared man ho scared like a little white [ __ ] stared at a real man I'll [ __ ] kill you love me [ __ ] well pennant anybody's gonna mic Francois Botha six to one underdog are there any concerns in your part I don't know anything about that no nothing about number days know what I can do how about children's mother okay how about the nineteen months for it what about it what about it does opposed any problem to you we'll see I doubted seriously you take into the ring a lot of Rage does that work for you or does it work against you at times you know who can't win a fight anyway what was it what doesn't matter well for example rage against Vander Holyfield worked against you well it is a fight so whatever happens happens Mike why do you have to talk like that well I'm talking to you the way I want to talk to you you have a problem turn off your station you know what I think we'll end the discussion right now then we could you got it have a nice flight Mike coop 36 years old on a 36 I never dreamed of living this long I never dreamed of fornicating with many beautiful woman's I did imagine as much money as I did also nice to you and talk about fornicating with you and then just stuff like this because if I was eloquent which you still look at me become bit made like chronic ate more than other people just who I am I sacrificed so much in my life at least get laid you know me I've been robbed of most of my money can I at least get a [ __ ] I wish when you guys had children for I can kick them in the [ __ ] head of stomping their testicles for you to feel my pain and that's the pain I had waking up every day are you talking out of turn I normally don't do interview with women to left I phonic ate with them so you shouldn't talk anymore they she wanna tell me what what did you think in that first round when he was moving trying to do an ollie on his left I know when I when I came to this fight I was the best fighter in the world I men live that can beat me what broke him down was it got to leave a body punches well I was I was in upper body when I heard him actually he was crying in this making woman gestures let the world how mine but I knew that he was breaking down soon you're saying that Biggs was crying when you hit him yet when when did that happen and perhaps the fourth round on so you knew you had him by that not by me was point me to toughen you taking the punches what's the opportunity because now I know there's no doubt in my mind that I'm going to take away the rug out I mean it's good these shoulders heart that he's a great quiet and you want to take me I guarantee you the floor that even be more slower if your arm fun intimidated included mean any way whatsoever go to know what that doesn't work think you tried the first time well you have to come out here and have a feeling your excuse of the house all the time we're going to fight any which we go just accept that I'm come in and do the best you can I dare you talk to me like that you should usually get up and kneel to me now not scare you tonight at a twenty eight I'd also say you call me let you come ready you understand because I'm on a committee is that okay okay you know I don't know why you talk to me like that when you know I'll kill you for it so I like the work you like you talk so Mike Tyson is Mike Tyson even ignorant little kid you know mean and we gonna be like I don't want to bring myself down to his level so I don't really want to change that I'm gonna go in there and we're gonna fight and that's the bottom line and I can't wait to the 28th I'm gonna make you my girlfriend hey you know something a little more dignified out with your hand you know I'm not dignify that with a hand typical don't bring myself down to your level there's some PT I'm buying that class you know got none of that this week make sure you kiss me good with a big lift and some nasty stuff in there that needs to be a fight almost hello miss Barry nothing's a Tyson bared his teeth at one page in exchange between his BFF look fully filled in a lot of pain from that you see the blood on the ear oh definitely a fight while feelings running very very hot indeed in there Holyfield was outraged by that what is the referee going to do about that [Applause] one point deduction for Tyson here now let's take a look again it's just here he gets into the position there watch you see he fears it [Applause] there he biked him there you see him listed peak and Holyfield in agony at that point crying over three and the awful lot of plan well this is getting like a sprint in the second round which open the gash on your I tell us about that first place I mean fighting me on the first round but did anybody make in the second round and Suzie [ __ ] now I watched him he had me holding look right at me and I saw him in the bunk but don't go flying but again he kept going down and coming up charged is me and no one warned too long it took any point for him what am I to do this is my career I can't continue getting buddy like that I got children to raise because guy keeps bugging me trying to cut me and get me fat bone cuts I got a retaliation now immediately you stop you stop fighting immediately right there and you turn the milk Wayne and you said what and he the result was you did nothing but what did you say - Mills right at that time I don't remember what I told him that he but I know I complain about being buddy and complaining about that on the first fight listen hold the fields not too tough boy a 150th he got a little Nick's on and then he put I got a I got one high I got when I he's not instead he got is I got one I be we take one I got another one I'm ready to fight he didn't want to five ready to fight right now no Lena no milk Blaine tough to fight it wasn't holding building stuff oh he didn't want to fight fully let me add something we don't know what those it we're not a mini mill 30 stop the fight you bit him was that a retaliation for the I when you bid a minute ear regardless on what I did he's good book me for to fight but you got to address it like I did address I addressed it in the ring why did you do that so Mike I mean without a proper remark me look at me look at me look at me I gotta go home and my kids will be scared I mean look at me man what are you gonna do now serves your career Mike will you okay well strawberry stuff from you never work with me on a real fact we talk more than I did what is that it's some bad things real nasty thing that's a white blame I'll [ __ ] kill you week we spoke earlier today to find me I define my work as a father I'm many things you know I'm anything yeah I'm a convicted rapist I'm a I'm a Hellraiser I'm a father I love him father I'm I'm I'm a semi good husband you know I mean what you know I'm just a man out here trying to enjoy my I was born quiet never have nothing I don't know how to act all right but the real thing is I'm just I'm in here to be me I don't kill you know what Emma who or to to anyone thinks I am at this stage of my life but um yeah I'm a pretty much of a tyrant Titan yeah that's why I'm listening right how know nothing about being that we can bond and I'm not a fight right I'm a [ __ ] right she's not really really really really I'm not saying like I'm a black person in Bobby I'm a street person I'm violently wannabe a tree person I don't even like I only like typical Street people stuff but that's just who I became and what happened in my life and the tragedies don't like made me that way but you know I'm Mike you know I'm not my loving into anything I guess em and I just want to live my life and I know you guys talk bad about being a got a really bad snake back there about me but you know I make sure you talk about me your grandkids and kids out there to go know about me I'm gonna make sure that and then we're going to forget about me the great grandkids we go to why I wasn't out of a fine individual
Channel: Savagery
Views: 5,356,044
Rating: 4.8763976 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, SAVAGE Moments, Mike Tyson Savage Moments, Mike Tyson Funniest momemnts, Mike tyson vs press, Savage Interviews
Id: hXB8iJYxmjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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