Mike Tyson - Birdman of Boxing

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now we give you guys I'm not really a bird guy only because I'm not my brother here we went to a guy's place in San Jose about two months ago he got an awesome pool - not as awesome as this but it's cool you know this guy had Mike I can explain it better remember John and San Jose is pigeon coop he had a PVC pipe that ran and automatically put water into this freakin and yo you got that - don't change it David Oh Daniel yeah he got a little thing just written you know Caitlyn sometimes it Nick you wanna do it manually go under yourself manually that's a lazy that's some corporate business [ __ ] yeah excuse me you want to manually London magazine manually I guess I'm talking like that because for about four years living things with Mike I was manually changing the pigeon water - look they have a ton of top for all kind of spill all on your free shoes and it's like smelling pretty sure we got about magpie magpie I thought I said look good thing people we don't go in on you can't going people Cooper go know what's on their feet yeah I know here we go think about going hitch cool tomayto magnets in another coupon isn't effective you're going laughably for fraud that's right you're powerful these are the pigeons won't destroy him if you hear they were destroyed the Federation like they win a lot yeah looks like you've challenged smart byrsa Oh figured out the size so what's on the video these are all this prep this year there are behind me a few months I'll be the baby yeah your baby's here that's why they look like but these will be racing from two to three hundred mile in about three weeks time you're the boss yeah brings all the days you needed you are sort of sucks without the radiators here and there so if you're ten temperature drops down the radiators come get one right they kick into mountain yeah climate control yeah so we get so you constant temperature so you understand format and to make it easy for cleaning yeah doing press okay that's the air do you definitely pull it out pull it out when your trays at night what me watch watch this no idea leaks a switch and it's a conveyor belt and kill you out of here yeah it's just gonna turn it on I think you don't have no one is Clouseau clean you're my - is see how would you say you like that Diana your see anything like this over my life and it clicks it over the end so you don't have to clean it no that is all now write that down for how this gets done we need is in a pinch program Shelley would've loved this idea huh listen um this minute I have I'm up at work mm we're anything for babies meaning I wanted at one point in time it was about about 20 some hundred birds right and we clean the manual every day every morning holiday this is why I'm so animated talking Shmack right now because I'm looking at this maintenance free photo right twice a day every day film to get Clint Clint Clint soon they come in we like this song it's sick if not all day quickly at 5:30 every morning Michael be knocking on my bedroom door let's go brother let's go clean out and say these things to drop down they drop these down for motivation when we're racing them the idea is to get them back as soon as possible that's come best seen like yeah so you make these boxes oh how about the boxes now that's better than automatic drip system where Cameron he's doing force this is a do put it on DVD this is what we will do at home because I said we're in this program now I have a homework who for once in my life and this is what we got to do now we're going to get the conveyor belts gonna get stuff like this we get to Ultimatum aerial map you might do that merrily can't do this on the roof remember now what you guys get the idea you seen somebody do this before or what whose idea was that to do this conveyor belt that is ingenious yeah they do it in Belgium you see well that's why they learn to do the conveyor belt thing you know there's always some kind of rivalry between English birds in the Belgian birds in the States hi this is just an amazing quote awesome right use protein and stuff with them for the fade in with when your rice in them or lizards I'm a neophyte when it comes to racing the bird I'm using after all the rolling birds and the tipper and so we do a lot of protein because they fly for long durations like the templates and the flights we do a lot of protein with those guys you know a lot of protein not a coin and with the rollers I do a lot of wheat and grain with those guys you know the men that I want to light and small and explosive they're not going to fly for a long period of time with their competition it'll give me a 20 minute rolls and boom for next 20 min I want some have dumb explosion the velocity is boom keep on every every 30 seconds every 20 seconds give me a roll give me a roll and a roll yeah that's the purpose of such spice it's like with measured woof yeah it's about this conveyor belt I'm asking for my brother here by these conveyer belts now if there's an existing coop already made because I'm looking at how is how that's building it you have to make it as you may know make it to size heart you know what I'm saying that conveyor belt do it have to be made when the coop is being mated can you do that after you can do after way you'll make it to the size of your keep locking that is awesome does anybody have any deal with it if they have to finance to do it anyone have this rattle to fine see Logan we just live a high time here because we leave this on the floor as well to build up their immunities you don't want to spotlessly clean or else there you know you want them to get a little busy that's my learned I just learnt that they need that you need to be accustomed this is a box you need to be consider that sent and everything and America are coops are spotless yellow bins but I was going to say your old men Shelley some manpower we was like listen right I went by the pressure we all you know cuz I'm you know when you tell me to do something my mind get on him I all right let me take it to another level so I'm not a bird man I was living with her for four years and finished right so I would get up every morning at 5 o'clock like that tape because he was Michael Mahoney let's go I went and got sophisticated I bought boots the thing what's this doctor thing they come over your face man I had plastic gear on and gloves that went bought a pressure washer I might be a pressure washing Mike's cool right who love is like you may go get your machine clean the coop duty every day but this like now you telling us you need to stop on the floor but when that in that first year you want them you know to get a bit used to a bit of disease and there is immunity of Camille and I can fight it off yeah and like my saltwater fish tank when you first start your fish tank up you can't put fish in there for a few weeks yeah got let that water acclimate in and get dirty really even the feeders he keeps up here so when it's feed tom you know you just take this down and dumping it that's right you know straight on the floor let them eat half hour and so and then now figure 15 if you want if you a piano top and dump in there or to eat it all and it's the way to them to get the pigeons into a good routine it's the food you like and even his son it got to the quite you coming outside get studies come on sighing chased inhaler remember he's a taster bird he's it going to Cooper drive a couple of miles watch my bird flies on the corn here we have named walking come walking so close my version my projected rock no scattering at the time you can get one in the car we drive a few by and they weren't homers we drive a few blocks few miles away and don't let me go back home and you're not even homers of course these guys got to down the mountain application is good they go all over they got worse now they've been doing this since the Crusades yeah you know but what's different theater like Holland and Belgium is the mecca of pigeon racing but all the pigeon men usually in them countries stick to either short distance racing sprint racing or long distance racing here in England we try and do everything like Darren are pigeons I'll do one 200 miles and win three 400 miles and win races even five 600 miles and win races so we try we have a mixture of races and we try and do shorts ready with what you win or cabin or category yeah walk out of the river so we got Usain Bolt for the Sprint and then we got the big marathon pigeons as well are we looking during yeah you'll see it has what we call the full wing at the moment oh um if we hadn't done the darkness it would be molting these flights now and it wouldn't be coming through well so we're doing numbers in the wing ah if they get lost telephone you lost it used to be honest Ilana Bantu are they on the band - I just have a fun times I need to have a book racing book any bird you catch or if he's numbered he's in that book yeah never know who could return them to like I just got this number well he could steal you away yeah I know but listen this kind of went dignity and plus the bird the bird on better go back he just had a bad day and I lost so he gets recuperated hit go back home yeah chuckle you know some news somebody burned some of these birds on a bird from America I don't know but bird from Amsterdam was caught in America no how come he got tired and fellas cruiseliner I was gonna line up and he was in America and how did it forget it and because he went a cruise ship jumpin the cruise ship and when he got recuperated people fed him and he got recuperated and they started flying and he got lost in America mmm they caught him you're coming home no there phone calling the guy since the moment that's awesome yes what is a beautiful girl hey it's a baby she's not fighting at all she's not fighting at all happy it's just normal you've got one my birth buh-buh-buh-buh-buh give me a puss - a heart huh she get little nervous now huh no mine we will look at the the older ones soon and they're even more they they used to you yeah they you say instead of them I'm no different because we have the sexes separate for the old pigeons Sapir so they all stay here for this year then once that once they molt again at the end of the year they become adults and they now go over there only take another good either did you overhear - yeah we'll protect it yeah you shouldn't we're going to jail to the crime so these are now the old pigeons so really these are things that leave us - [ __ ] you Rick it's not your favorite yeah it's nice you know it's probably mother father pride is white tonight with white in his family people just had a beacon yeah you know my birth that I'm there solid white and they have one they may have one little they may have a black feather like this yeah and I'm all his baby all the babies are black all right so these are old all the [ __ ] birds in him would you just with your grand champion pull the chump is in the back every time please easy through such you know that international you guys and make your happy guy so I love this burger after the race I love that very huh yeah howdy when is it so good the Darrell these birth as you know these birds look high-maintenance yeah like stallions yeah she's Adele he's in the day our bridge the muscle amazes me my food no one to look perfectly nice I don't know I seen them they were purple that usually had a real hard time when it's purple and yes it's named Coco I've seen purple in there before what was you looking at bro thoroughbreds right colours when they come out from the race they're all purple from all the toxins that build up inside them and all the bad but so what you do you leave them through probabilities and then they'll ever work on its own and clean the tops and then and then I put some you put stuff in the water what cleans up toxins all out the body you know wow man how's this work I mean I can't feel it oh look good no see out you listen you never see almost any that now I don't using all stressed out red but sure it's a white around the pupils tell me would that mean the one around the butcher peoples like that it remains good condition yeah yeah yeah I think I'm humbled without the white around be just red and bloodshot black veins popping out so when they're not relaxed and calm and the condition say the walls go guys get water yeah the shows that they fit clean yeah this is how most people to look up yeah because these are the old pigeons they only want them to get you immunity fills the immune system of this life you know you get kids one of our streets never can ever get isn't it you know the old gypsies that you know Midland Caravan don't get cold or anything and you get them the lad you know brought up in the ass you know central agent goes out catches Colts right away sir but sometimes we have twin birds you can't tell them apart towards the twins and so here use one bird so he went out and say he's here already I love this help see them walking is here to Nauticus can it and they can't have the same number you can't forget that sorry no more education come on she didn't all kind of feel of this off but there's a market for something somebody's gonna try to see it figure out a way yeah yeah then in this take man you getting shadows neither birds they didn't hurt real bad all this kind of stuff seriously yeah you really getting a lot of trouble to the violation games opinions yeah so these these are all the [ __ ] birds are the male ones now as they're older and they don't see that the female ones till just before they go home to the race again that's not the motivation to drive them home and then the female ones that here waiting from when they come home and we do the reverse with the female once females with ever done knows I've had many DJ's burger Michael is everything dance palace I think that one in a row chair and the rejected oh you all the ready shall kill you so you must like a cop very nice drawing of some of the guide birds I've known yeah these are stronger than the guy business that we have everything I'm taking on Tyson oh you guys are laughing you'll see my show then huh yeah I see my show you our lab throw a lot of ratings over y'all got laugh for like these birds are not at the part or race with our birth this guy had the show about pigeons might be will have to come over to the snakes we to do that yeah please maybe we could do a show here and race against the guys here yeah hmm Oh SOCOM Wow yeah this one yeah only they have to worry about it of a hawk predators and diseases other than nightly with the lego rally such a beautiful bird I need a bird like that you guys [ __ ] Birds at other countries yeah how long the incubation period and if the guy three quarantine it'd be about four weeks that's not bad for a burr fall within my group yeah we can get some sent to you hold on okay yeah Kruger weapons out the background it's nitrous with lots of good pigeons that is paid a lot of money for that one big graces but now retired and just breathe this one once it wasn't share yeah then you such as well see this is just like really around yeah just you know nine a relax the most North American pin your flag to look like Darren always ready to square out American visited I guess you know people don't like the mark skies up there all right if you got an American anybody in the mall this is a special feature other words I hear with a pin this guy has potentially this is my you winning two world champion in general generally national twice we say nice ones like UK national where you can go yeah Michael England champion oh yeah yeah for UK champion but they got work out they to you know I worked out tournament I was gonna stand on 2000 that's lasted from 561 just under 400 mile to Nationals when it was two-year-old Wow that was against what four six six thousand eight thousand years oh wow twice and won I won by you stop just not won by either even by twenty five yards per minute these are all the special ones Mike only very decent come from home today yeah where else are even against the family members big we're a what first activating positive pigeons but they 18 plows are as well I want a car and the clinic I want one from rags you want automobile yeah mmm big black smoke I will call them smoke yeah beautiful we're strong it to mechanize this is smoke guys these are still breathing I can't do that version is their home over I ain't have nothin bird them around you know she got magpie and muffins yeah it looks like on so my favorite walking from anything they start flying real quick this one got be done before they're seven days I'll grass the tree big you can never get one on and unfortunately they're not worth anything anything I've got a ring on my bird and some of my birthday come back I'm I hope you got a hold it up but they still flying look doc hanging out cool nail and frequency but they had a holding a hot kiddin ya you know when a falcon hit him see the hawk gets a bullet was holding when the Falcon is me cares him in part that's right in half he hits because so fast he's coming out on his boring Tim right now let's just get more alone out science you see 14 years old the 14-year though 1996 this is the age of my daughter this is Reina they 14 that means your sex sometimes a pigeon you know the pigeons that sit over the first egg and that shouldn't do so the ink it's not incubated it before you know when the lay the first day to sit on it and start incubating it straight away that's what I produce that one that one gets you know that she's out before latley so what I have to do then is swap them over you know to it or the next line why is that will get fed more than that darkness birds just join us help you still gotten lost way that you know on YouTube with Uncle Frank I'm not a definite eyes right don't the role in the end yeah yeah amazing how many is that I don't know how do I have until mmm Jersey now I get all with you look amazing did you clean that one's up yeah you know that masala kid from the neighborhood come here when I go camera head look come on Clinton school maybe I'd always look kid for who very good you need to get that convey about yeah we will have that now it will ya this is some extreme pitting [ __ ] right here just reliable enough yeah just you know I just played bocce I should make money out of it I get a good pitch more pigeons away to myself like you know come back to you all pretty people are good people yeah even if they murder they killed or putting people to good people trust me I know sound bizarre stuff to good people anybody take care of these guys and you know the money to get out and saw what they put in more than they're gonna get out you know they were put in more than they'll ever get out and this is heavy so I spot a sponsor or the national racer giving cars brand new cars and gold medals and and the charity work is unbelievable mystery millions everyone like gives self at all this thing everyone gives the pigeons they give a legend biggest champion pitch and eyes you know the amount of money I think we raise about five million pound a year for charities so as much as there are they're all good guys and this is a dying breed in the state just trying to die in breathing that's what we're trying to build a breed back up that's where we don't take another title doing an international show on Animal Planet very yeah this is just amazing this is how to rock childhood death work often Napoleon and one King yeah one other brothers they're watching it only that this man she put on a pigeon send it to them I guess a minor role one of those guys and he bet everything he had into it I knew that he known that meant outcome ahead everything he had on the world had been on Willington and that's how they got everything were busy from bank to bank it was good when when they lost and won at Waterloo that was their man they hit a lot of that a Napoleon lost this is um this is the first book that we domesticated by men it's Christmas Day and every that is done before so much money in ancient times defamation were so much money for manure with so much money you see the ancient poop and engine Cooper not necessarily just wide they're really high really high in the air really tall let me and then previous scrape down the scrape down on the Sun telephone menorah these are raptures and I've been around since prehistoric time they so they have a pretty snug fossil of epiphany got larger though okay see they have to close under arrest that's how you can show your historian look at their legs that same damn alligator pain reactions they do let's say it used here that I've come closer in place there and get me so I Darwin Darwin first get involved with pigeons used to have them now you to do anything with a bird I saw that in the science and science is he had someone actually turn off the light yeah one of the word world of pigeons whose name documents you haven't shown some kind of mess oh yeah yeah yeah see the member jovi that I don't much keep in tank just like you know I lose my [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah if they're domesticate you want to hang out playing but you're keeping wild the way to keep them domesticated the most an income smaller the coop where we can grab the winner more room than what was in tenerife the fella said I don't I don't have anybody around the sheds in here if I go to the pigeon club when I get back take all my clothes off you come in watch it exactly guys you go to some guys Cooper in pity - they don't know what that means they have the little thingy plenty to eat then face your hands educated this that's people artists they think I'm people there's never been known that that pigeon gave a man there's a deeds you know but it's know people are really leery that human beings can give the engine a theory but when Susan cook and who started painting proof that I really got involved applause I do a boat to bury to clean this cook was a we're gonna do this trade yeah the Polish man when I lived in I think it was only 14 this is gone clean the gutters outta gear some pigeons rocking out fighting the vices up the ladder and walking out Kim this is what they go to the right Bob yep and yeah maybe making a 29
Channel: Liam Galvin
Views: 679,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson Pigeons, Mike Tyson Pigeon Racing, Mike Tyson Birdman of Boxing, Liam Galvin, Yvette Rowland, Darren Peters
Id: I-hfzy7j0b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2016
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