Mike Tyson - Rare, Hardly Seen Documentary

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Mike Tyson with the Heavyweight Championship crown came all the jewels the million-dollar mansions and luxury cars and beautiful women so how could this legendary champ who fought so hard who achieved so much end of losing it all both in and out of the ring let's look behind the tabloid headlines and discover how this great fighter became the fallen champ in Tyson was never meant to be a great champion you didn't have the character he was meant to be a shooting star he was meant to be a sensational shooting star was I watching a pilot for a movie is this kid 13 years old is in reformatory his life is about to head towards Attica or death he was a great great boxer walk because I was taking my gloves off so what do you think he said I said everybody came for the world that was a right to the body and an uppercut to the hand and perfect is down cannot control his temper mrs. Tyson did not want to sign a domestic brides complaint he was a womanizer there's no other way to describe him he loved women women loved him and I think that Mike Tyson is unjustly incarcerated I think in Mike Tyson's particular case a new process was derailed we got to put it back on track again I was asked that the three years in prison can Mike Tyson the Lennox Lewis and I said Mike Tyson to beat Lennox Lewis after three minutes in the electric chair I still believe him the best fight in the world Michel Gerard Tyson was born into crushing poverty on June 30th 1966 Tyson doesn't like to talk about his early days on the streets of a Brooklyn ghetto there are no pictures of his mother Lorna but Michael was a third child in the family fathered by Jimmy Carr Patrick crow Patrick never married Lorna Tyson so it was her last name but he was given the Tyson's close to destitute lived in Brownsville one of Brooklyn's toughest neighborhoods the Patrick abandoned the family before Mike second birthday and some would say Tyson spent most of his first 25 years searching for a father figure to replace him young Mike was physically huge but he had a sensitive nature a high-pitched voice and a lisp the other children in the neighborhood picked on him mercilessly taunting him with a name big head Mike French say Tyson probably started fighting on the street as a matter of self-preservation as much as anything else perhaps it was for food and money to survive perhaps it was rage born out of the teasing and taunting heat and dirt Tyson turned to muggings and robberies and would be arrested several times before the age of 12 Mike says when he was nine years old he was hanging out with kids 13 14 years old because he was physically their size but mentally he wasn't there he talked a lot about seemingly unashamedly about some of the bad things he did mugging old ladies and doing you know pulling off these these you know these mugging incidents and as if you know this is me and this was part of me and and take it for it's worth Tyson was in and out of reformatories winding up in the trying school for boys in upstate Johnstown New York Tyson had already decided he wanted to be a boxer and asked to see a staff member named Bobby Stewart who'd been a professional and who taught at the facility Stewart told the twelve-year-old if he wanted to box he'd have to straighten out the words change Tyson's life forever I remember the first time I saw them there marching to the biggest staff on campus were marksmen through from their place I said he's coming we had to put him in a holding room lock up room and he said they said story to me they said he's bad he's uncontrollable fighting everything doesn't go his way he said mr. Stewart said I want to become a fire and I said yeah so arresting you guys I said but if you look it takes off you gotta be a fire you got to be tough discipline he's a new obviously aren't it wouldn't be here in the first place I said I'll work with you I said if your behavior continues wait one slip I says and then you're done I'm not going to spend my time so it was like it's just remarkable I told him when you go to school I said I don't care if you flunk every subject but you behave you behave you don't act out and you try for 12 year old Mike Tyson perfecting the moves he learned from Stewart became an obsession long after lights out in the reform school guards would hear Tyson grunting as he practiced into the night in the dark in his room perfecting technique became Tyson's obsession and it didn't stop when he left Tryon as Stewart found out when they went back into the ring he hit me with a jab I never been hit never been hit with a jab like that ever it rocked me but I didn't couldn't let him know I grabbed it and tied him up and so act like nothing I want to me again again I tell him he I don't think he knew I wouldn't let on if I let on I couldn't let him overtake the staff Bobby Stewart a trained in a small gym above the police station and the tiny town of Catskill New York learning his boxing from a veteran teacher named custom Otto D'Amato would also coach to world champions Floyd Patterson and Jose Torres so when Stewart's pupil Mike Tyson showed real promise it was only natural that he would bring Tyson to the motto for a tryout in 1979 the young Mike Tyson first climbed into this ring and with the motto looking on began to spar with Stewart he was 27 years old stood and a former professional fighter so obviously someone who should handle a 12 year old kid and Tyson shoulders torn every power and force the wood to open up to a point just to keep him in his place you know we're always went three rounds and after the second round he forced me you know push me into the corner stuff I popped him it wasn't really that hard but he made his no bleeding spurt you got a bloody nose and after the second round I told him I had seen enough Mike said we never stop after two rounds we always go three rounds and I saw cus look over the one of the old-timers he was with the boy it got his attention already we want the third round he's good as ever and right there I walked over to him and I said walk because I was taking my gloves off I said what do you think he said sadly we came for the world at age 12 after a start that was far from promising including crime reform school and no father my Tyson's life suddenly had possibilities that didn't involve prison veteran trainer custom ATO not only agreed to work with a young fighter he took Tyson into the home he shared with Camille Ewald the couple already and several young boxers living with them at the time but when first offered the chance to live in the huge white house with its sprawling lawns and when told he'd have a room of his own Tyson couldn't believe it he said here's a kid coming out of a bad setting going through a lot of stuff fast moving it you know a black kid moving in with what uh I think of all white people it's it's hard to just I mean he's scared why for a farm down here I brought him to the custard driveway he's what am i what sis I said just so we're gonna stay me what am I do here take the garbage up I was like watching a pilot for a movie is his kid 13 years old he's in reformatory his life is about to head towards Attica or death and there's Custis then you know seventy two-year-old old Italian guy from the Belmont section of the Bronx is thinking his career was over he had these two great champions in the 50s Jose Torres and Floyd Patterson and now he just was working with amateurs and delinquent kids and he gets a new lease on life Bobby Stewart brings him this unmistakable prodigy a monster in the gym and I think that prolong cuts his life and saved Mike's life Tyson's new surrogate family was headed by D'Amato who was already a boxing legend having trained two world champions when D'Amato talked people in the fight business listened reporters and camera crews visited the small gym and Catskill home regularly they saw that Tyson had immense potential and they noticed he wasn't the typical rough street kid Mike was shy he was quiet he was affectionate he would come up to Camille in the kitchen and give her a hug or even with the other boxers and in the documentary that we made there's a time when he takes his kid Frankie and just goes like this with him and he could be playful and he could be moody you know he'd be you know sad some days happy others and he was very determined about his the way he was in the gym he had a lot of concentration in the gym and he was very fast when you walk into the house is a kitchen table and there's like a bench so that it goes around his foot and Mike is sitting there and I look at him and he's glaring at me I look at this kid and you know I thought he was probably like 18 or 20 years old and then when they told us it was only 13 I just couldn't believe it I loved boxing too and I like doing it for myself did you know I feel so bad you know like if anything goes wrong I look sloppy so many people that you know help me and everything to get me up here I don't want to let them down I can remember Mike asked me to borrow my bicycle and I said sure take a you know you can take a ride on my bicycle and he was looking yeah he just couldn't believe that I would give him my bicycle then he broke the pedal you know when he and he was just waiting for me - I guessed exploder and when I said don't worry about Mike it's no big thing it's just a pedal and you could just see he was just shocked that someone would do things like that for that's a C ain't no ways will hit you done right I remember it's always good to throw the point where you could hit him again at you train to get away from punches not only defensively to save himself but to create openings for his power and for speed and he was taught that specific style to elude punches to slip to straight and to weaved around and and to explode punches in open I mean I remember crush on how to throw the uppercut with the proper snap and Michael come out over here in the mirror and just practice it for like in round after round was D'Amato was the teacher Tyson became an obsessive student of boxing not just technique it's history while in the gym he practiced D'Amato's peekaboo style fighting with one's hands high as if in a defensive screen at home he would spend even more time practicing moves as he had late into the night in the reform school and his spare time would be dedicated to studying old boxing films the fighters like Henry Armstrong and Jack Johnson he studied the fighters he studied their mannerisms he he became a boxing expert he knew more about boxing fights than almost any human being alive that's a there you go they go again again with the last guy to stop time teenaged Mike Tyson had found something at which he could excel and for which he would win praise and recognition but flashes of his life on the street shone through I think about where I'm gonna hit him and how many times I'm going to hit him I have everything planned ahead of time and if I know if I hit him in the body once and I see that hurt I'm hitting him in the body at least 20 more times and then if he's still up after the 20 more times I'm headed to the head well he's just like a sponge he first of all part of what makes a guy a good student is their assets physically mentally great physical assets obviously speed good reflexes power and he had an innate intelligence which we later found out but one of the great assets and qualities you need to be a good student is interest I remember he was about 17 I went up to his room in cats CO and I said well what fighters are you watching now what fight is that you admire and he started to talk about Rocky Marciano Tony cans and Harry and Carmen Basilio three white guys and I said well why are you studying them he says they all had short arms they all had a fight guys taller than them and I want to learn from them how to get inside and overcome a reach disadvantage I can remember one day we were sparring he hit me with just like this ungodly body shot and knocked the wind out of me and and I was saying to myself he throws another punch I'm falling down you know and I was like the only thing I could do would think a punch and then there's a light here that shows when the light came on I come walking to the corner and I could barely breathe and I can remember Teddy saying something to me I'm like I can't catch my breath is loose is so powerful I remember they were they were guys from Albany who were very experienced amateur fighters they come down once or twice bar with Mike gone he would never see them again Tyson chose a nickname the tan terror and started winning a series of fights the victories generally by quick knockouts started making the local papers but his growing reputation caused some problems it became hard to find anyone to step into the ring with him in the local boxing cards known as smokers they'd go down to the Apollo boxing club in the South Bronx and they would have lots of fights ER nobody would fight Tyson he is 15 years old nobody wanted to get in the ring with him sometimes when when cuss word have the professional sparring partners come up to the gym they would let Tyson go a few rings with him they didn't want to fight with him in 83 and 84 when him graduated to the senior division where he was fighting guy he was fine men he would be fine men that you know and he was beating them Tyson was undefeated in his early amateur bouts going to the Junior Olympics dispatching five opponents in record time four by knockouts it was the first step on the way to every boxers biggest goal making the Olympic team it was the first positive things had ever happened and it's like for me and he was giving a newspaper for more than a police blotter the quickest route to boxing prominence is an Olympic gold medal and Tyson backed by D'Amato entered the competition to make the US team it would prove to be his first disappointment in boxing his opponent in the finals was Tyrell Biggs later as a pro Tyson would knock him out but out of the Olympic scoring system Biggs Lite jabs counted as much as Tyson sledgehammer blows in the Olympic Trials Tyson lost and didn't make the team she really got robbed you really wanted him I should have been the Olympic camping with his Olympic hopes dashed Tyson went off to fight and win in Europe but without a gold medal marketing Tyson would be tougher among the key backers at the d'amato boxing club were veteran fight managers bill Cayton and Jimmy Jacobs who would handle the early career of the promising teenager Katyn came up with a video you're now seeing a compilation of Tyson's early fights showing his devastating power we made comical sense of all of Mike's fights and and got him right out to the television stations even as Tyson was first turning pro sports writers were not just hearing they were seeing Tyson at work his first professional fight was against Hector Mercedes didn't last long and Tyson's reputation grew was a small arena in Albany seating only a few hundred people and that's where Mike made his first appearance against Mercedes knocked him out of course the first round he looked like an animal I mean when you saw him fight that way and and he fought that ferociously and that's that that well but what he was really doing was he was being effective he was technically using what he was taught he was real good at it Tyson might have been winning in the rain but outside he was to suffer devastating personal losses just as his career was developing his mother would stayed in Brooklyn and who he loved though he rarely saw her developed in operable cancer Tyson visited her one last time at the hospital then she quickly died suddenly all Tyson had left was his surrogate family I think was 83 or 82 so then it's at that point after his mother dies is when he acts in the ex Camille would you be my mother and then cuz think was 84 became his legal granny in 1985 Tyson for 15 pro bouts all ending in knockouts before the fourth round but late in that year as he was marching towards a shot at the heavyweight title Tyson suffered what would be the most devastating loss of his life November fourth cus D'Amato the man who replaced what little real family Tyson had died before his 20th birthday Tyson was once again emotionally alone the championship fight was ten months away but the lessons D'Amato had taught him or what kept Tyson focused as he prepared for the match and I asked my as we're driving along one with that day I said Mike what would cuss say about this guy about bourbon and he said what do you mean I said what kind of fighter do you think us would say this guy is because I wanted Mike to know exactly what level fighter Berbick was he wasn't too terrified to afraid to nervous and my thought about for a second he said ball costs would say this guy's a tomato can I said I just wanted to see if you'd think the same way I do said yet nineteen year old Mike Tyson dispatched Berbick in the second round the former street thug becoming the World Boxing Council heavyweight champion Tyson moments after being had at the championship belt would dedicate the victory to the memory of his teacher cus D'Amato Mike Tyson's managers starting with custom motto would kept the young boxer in the ring fighting every three or four weeks but as the new WBC heavyweight champ Mike Tyson fought just four times in 1987 consolidating the title with wins over James Smith Pinklon Thomas and Tony Tucker and defending the crown with a revenge victory over Tyrell Biggs the man who'd won the Olympic medal Tyson had been denied in 1988 there will be three successful defenses culminating in two sensational knockout of Michael sphynx in Atlantic City because every sucker got landed inside that is the first time Michael speech has ever been done in a professional fight and he's and in serious trouble now we know white woods but my tyson the shy kid from Brooklyn with a lisp had discovered women or more accurately they had discovered him he had called himself the tan terror as a teenager but now the papers were calling him iron mike with fame and money comes attention and then you know things like a lisp or or being of this big imposing guy you know and now all the sudden your money makes you look good and they don't hear that list he's Mike Tyson several champion in the world women are literally lining up to meet him he can pick and choose and that has to be for a guy who didn't know how to handle women to begin with absolutely devastating experience I mean it's a kid running amok in a candy store when you knock that Larry Holmes he had the Robin Givens in one section Naomi Campbell in the second section and Suzette Charles in the third section and they're all very classy women he fell in love with Robin Givens yeah Mike Tyson the world heavyweight champion has fallen in love she was an ambitious young actress who his mother always seemed to be in the picture he was the champ worth millions with a potential for hundreds of millions but considered immature the match seemed improbable but the relationship blossomed suddenly he's wow this is great unbelievable I'm with Robin Givens the star head looks ahead in the class she had gone to Sarah Lawrence I think she was a higher class than he ever thought he would obtain and I think one of Mike's weaknesses was that he always had very low self-esteem he we fight Larry Holmes I'm not exactly sure how it went before the fight or right after the fight Robin Givens tells Mike Tyson that she's pregnant with his baby Ruth Walker gets on the phone to Jimmy Jacobs and Bill Cain says your fighter has made my daughter pregnant I want to marry Mike Tyson and Robin Givens were married on February 7th 1988 Gibbons would announce she'd had a miscarriage shortly thereafter despite that there were hopes in the Tyson camp that the marriage to the actress would work out of course the idea of Mike being married was something that appealed to me I felt it would give him a certain stability he he was a womanizer there's no other way to describe him he loved women and women loved him and I felt that this was a good step I was all in favor of his marriage the tabloid headlines were still to come the published reports of fights and the Barnard's ville New Jersey mansion Gibbons and Tyson had bought Tyson though was already telling his friends that the marriage wasn't working and those who spent time with Tyson daily saw a dangerous trend with Robin Givens and her mother taking over he beats aah tubs on plain Lineback Robin Givens and Muro pronounced Robin given out I'm mrs. Tyson everything goes through me and they start spending his money before they got married she was terrific she was kind she was warm she was considerate but once they got married she announced I am mrs. Mike Tyson and I'm taking over and when I heard that I knew we were in trouble I knew Mike was in trouble I said this is gonna be bad this is bad this is this is bad and from then on she tried to pull him away and in Tokyo in 88 after one month of marriage he came in the room one day and started crying and he put his head on my shoulder I said what's the matter and he said I made a mistake I said what said I should have gotten married this is bit I shouldn't got married I said Mike everything should be okay this will be okay I was wrong I was wrong just how wrong was becoming clear Tyson and Givens were driving one of his Bentley's when they started arguing Tyson became so angry that he jumped out of the vehicle and told surprise police officers they could keep it though the next day he sent an aide to get it back in training Tyson looked great as he prepared for another title defense but outside of the gym things were getting badly out of control Robin Givens mother Ruth Roper was painted the newspaper stories as the architect of a scheme to grab Tyson's Millions Givens rushed to her mother's defense on live television to be here today because I'm angry because my mother who has been the best mother and clearly become Michael's mother and if you can just see their relationship it's a beautiful relationship is is really being crushed by all this sensational charges flue allegations that Givens and her mother were trying to eliminate the people who'd brought Tyson to greatness Givens portrayed herself as a loyal wife trying to protect her husband against boxing sharks she claimed were stealing Tyson's money with a vicious behind-the-scenes battle for control only in the ring - Tyson seemed safe but that too would change this fight with Sphynx he may have been one of the two best heavyweights of all time the moves he made in that fight were extraordinary to knock out Spinks who was a very capable fighter in 91 seconds but his foot but then he fired Kevin he broke off from me Ruth lopa hits bill came with a wooden lawsuit the day to fight that I know in my heart mike tyson knew nothing about 1988 became a blur of embarrassments and disasters for the champ just two months after the triumph of the Spinks fight and the break from his longtime manager and trainer Tyson was arrested after breaking his hand in a street brawl with Mitch Greene a boxer he'd beaten two years earlier in the ring the argument had begun inside a boutique in Harlem Greene verbally hit directly at Tyson's weak spot he's a young dumb look where that got an axes wife for prissy guru girl whatever you do just that what I said Mitch Green wasn't the only one saying and it's Inc Tyson would have to choose between his old friends and his new wife Robin Givens was saying his manager bill Cayton had cheated him that he needed to change the people handling his career what wasn't widely known was that she and her mother had been getting advice from Don King the colorful and controversial boxing promoter King is painted by Tyson's early friends as one of the principal villains in the story it was almost as if Robin Givens was to jab that set him up for the right hand of Don King I'm a controversial figure because I succeed in spite of not because of many people that has been beleaguered with the problem that I've been assaulted in the cell with I would have been gone a long time ago they would even be here Don King had become Tyson's new father figure if Tyson had spent his life in search of someone to replace the dead he'd never had friends say starting from when he was very young often his choices didn't work out oh when you're out on the street looking for guidance know who do you get it from and it's easy to get attached to people sometimes you realize later in life that your friends were really your worst enemies Mike Tyson was the world heavyweight champion and on the streets of Brownsville where he'd spent his early years there were murals in his honor but in a throwback to his days on these mean streets Tyson had broken his hand in a street brawl behind the scenes Tyson's personal life had become increasingly bizarre the arguments between Tyson and his wife Robin Givens continued and escalated with rumours being printed in newspapers about the most intimate details some of them completely false they inserted into Mike's head that Robin was having an affair with Donald Trump this is the beginning of the end because this is it two things for dunking it put Mike's perfect marriage on the rocks and it also cracked the relationship that Donald Trump had with Tyson Trump the prominent New York developer had tried to straighten out Tyson's increasing financial and management problems and secured Tyson's fights as an attraction for his Atlantic City hotels for a while Trump added stability to Tyson's professional life but his personal life was increasingly troubled September 4th 1988 Tyson was raced to a hospital after he smashed his wife's BMW into a tree Robin Givens rode in the ambulance and almost battled with photographers trying to take Tyson's pictures paper claimed Tyson had attempted suicide after another argument with Givens so anybody wants to kill himself would he hit the site the site of the car he would go straight for that for the tree he went on the side of the car it's scary because I was standing right over here I knew it wasn't like trying to commit suicide what I did know Mike can't drive at all Mike just can't drive so I just brushed that off that was so silly when he tried again with another vmw had 25 cars so was so silly it was ridiculous Michael is intimidating to say the least I think that there's there's a time when he cannot control his temper his temper wasn't the only thing getting out of control Tyson and Robin Givens appeared on the ABC program 2020 and Tyson sat there dossal a as his wife ripped him apart on national television but the most damaging line about the world champion was yet to come Michael is am adding the press okay yes I mean that's just a fact and just recently I've become afraid and very very much afraid I like to read hell I'm gonna basically my nature and me come from my background thing but I mean I'm not a violent guy I would never want to hurt anyone one of them was gonna hurt each other and she's decided to do it then to expose what they were going to because Robyn never realized that Mike's buttons were being pushed when we walked into the house he was a 200 pound gorilla Robyn does the 20/20 and paints his brutal picture of Mike Tyson in the way he was dazed like he just wasn't there with a few days later daddy you know he blew his stack at no time did the police observe mr. Tyson strike or threaten anyone blowing his stack this time met a huge argument with Givens in which Tyson reportedly hurled furniture out of the window of the Barnard's Ville mentioned the couple shared soon the police arrived they just as quickly left but Tyson's marriage was in shambles as was his image they convinced Mike that he was manic-depressive which he wasn't in fact Mike actually stated to the press that he was manic-depressive they put him and I say they they hired or retain the services of psychiatrist who put him on lithium a very dangerous mind-altering drug so that and kept reminding Mike to take the drug which he should never have taken in the first place suicide was major damage control and Tyson's longtime friend stepped in hiring their own psychiatrist when I saw him he showed no sign whatsoever of psychotic thinking or behavior and none of the criteria that are required to establish a diagnosis of manic-depressive illness Gibbons was on the way out but despite the favorable diagnosis Tyson's temper was so afraid that one morning when he spotted the cameraman taping his training run he hurled his Walkman at the lens Tyson wouldn't admit it but his breakup with Givens was not something he wanted his friends say he really was in love with his wife I made a huge mistake I forgot what was like for a young guy to think he was in love to be love to thinker in love and lose the woman of your dreams the Lulu's this woman for whatever reason Mike was distraught he was really sad he didn't show it he's a professional but I should realize he was that sad that emotionally distraught and I should have stayed with him I should have been with him I should have taken him on a trip somewhere to make him forget his troubles and he would have been fine that was my mistake because everything was chaos I was fighting with a wife with manages and I knew promoters and managers fighting I was torn between everybody cuz I wanted to be loyal to everyone I never had a chance to be glory to myself I think he became more of a loss all trained less and less hung out more more with these pimps and drug dealers and rap musicians and there was no bun in his life to reinforce the positive values and no one in his life who loved them enough to say no you can't do that by all accounts Mike Tyson was headed for a fall he was still fighting and for the moment holding on but those who taught him and saw him rise were seeing their hard work evaporate February 25th 1989 Mike Tyson beat underdog Frank Bruno but Bruno started strong Tyson for the first time seemed less than invincible in the ring he'd no longer slip punches he came right in straight he didn't bob and weave he didn't punch in combination he was no longer the same fighter he was when he was being taught by Kevin Rooney he walks Tyson in the first round rock them he can doesn't finish him you shoot if he doesn't Mike knocks around the fifth round eye I saw a hundred mistakes a hundred Tyson wasn't really challenged when he knocked out Carl Williams five months later in a first-round walkover his next scheduled bout was with Buster Douglas a title defense with someone who should have been an easy opponent but Tyson seemed to have lost his intensity the animal power that had propelled him to the top he was overconfident out of shape Buster Douglas wasn't shape and proved it blasting Tyson hard this landed that punch but he was he was beating Mike the whole fight interview look at that fight from the introductions on Mike was not himself his mind seemed a million miles away he lacked that animal intensity it was like an imposter and invaded his body might never trained for that fight Mike was in no condition for a fight Mike's techniques eroded and we the other guy starts throwing punches Mike starts getting hit because he doesn't practice the techniques anymore and when you add a combination together at a very finely tuned Buster Douglas confident trained at the right spot at the right time very relaxed trying doing his best it was the wrong combination for Tokyo and Mike got knocked out in ten rounds and while I was champion I gave everybody a chance and I didn't like anyone making any kind of excuses when I beat them so by all means I'm not gonna make any excuses I lost the reason I lost and I mean not a relevant you to losses the Lord you take the bitter with the sweet so we don't cry I still believe them the best fight in the world just give me another chance the titles are meant to be won and they meant to be lost you think happens but you like it fed I'm the chyme to perform a champion it's give me a rematch Tyson wanted to fight Douglas again but Don King didn't seem to be pushing hard for the rematch as the controversy swirled there were even louder questions about the pairing of the ex champ and the promoter allegations that Kings side called sour grapes complaints that King should not try to be both Tyson's manager and promote his fights a manager tries to get as much money for his fighter as possible a promoter tries to pay the fighter as little as he can because he keeps the difference between the income and what he pays the fighter so there's a basic conflict of interest between a promoter and a fight though he'd started his boxing comeback with a series of four impressive victories Tyson went out of the gym was alone and isolated then Don King asked him to come to the Miss black America pageant and Indianapolis saying it would help his tarnished image Tyson's bodyguard and chauffeur says Tyson was in no mood to go having spent the day at a memorial service for a friend and Don insisted that he do distant annapolis thing he needed to do this because he needed to go there and represent all the black people of America and and it should do - you're a black man and and he hides behind that black rage of black and black and black and finally he gets to this guy to a point we saw I right I'll go just lean on get us two tickets and we'll be there I was on the USF flight with Mike Tyson that morning prior to boarding when they leverage my Tyson's our Duncan's nephew police officer shows up the donking has a new set of orders that they are escorting Don Mike Tyson to Indianapolis and I'm to drive one of the Ferraris back to Ohio and wait for Mike to come home hello my name is Desiree Mike Tyson would later say his evening with Desiree Washington hadn't seemed that out of the ordinary to him but the teenage Miss black America contestants story told to a 911 date she'd remember for all the wrong reasons okay the report coming in to Indianapolis police headquarters July 19 1991 was the kind of sad story police hear all the time but this time the accused rapist was Mike Tyson a world renowned heavyweight boxer we don't fight we don't fight me citywide membership stop please Wow and he just didn't stop wrong Mike Tyson had met Washington when he was brought to the Miss black America pageant by promoter Don King the visit was a publicity stunt in the middle of Tyson's preparation for his first big-money fight after losing the world heavyweight championship Tyson had asked Washington out on a date she'd accompanied him back to room 606 in the Canterbury Hotel his room well after midnight Tyson's account of what happened recorded an audio tape when he testified before a grand jury was that the only thing he'd done wrong was not treating Washington nicely after they had sex he hadn't walked her to the door okay I want you she said I wanna be you me and you along yeah I want you yeah what did she say she's okay he's call me just anything else I believe he's grabbing every cloud Mike Tyson was used to fans and victories but when he came to the Marion County Courthouse he was headed for the worst defeat of his life Tyson would see what was left of his glory stripped from him as a jury of eight men and four women convicted the former world heavyweight boxing champion of rape sentenced to six years in prison Tyson was led away in handcuffs he's been convicted beyond a reasonable doubt he's a convicted felon he's a rapist he's good penitentiary like everybody else does every minute that mr. Tyson is in confinement is amazing it was more than half his lifetime since young Mike Tyson had spent his time behind bars and Tyson's attorneys battled unsuccessfully to keep him out of jail pending an appeal but the conviction on rape charges proved more than a legal knockdown and it sounded as if it might be the final bell Mike Tyson seemed to have destroyed himself as spectacularly as he burst upon the scene Tyson was never meant to be a great champion he didn't have the character he was meant to be a shooting star he was meant to be a sensational shooting star but halfway through his sentence in an interview Tyson said that what he emerged from prison he'd fight again and he declared he isn't upset with a woman who him of date-rape I'm not angry I just I used to spite the action welcome to Larry King Live tonight on our king-sized week Mike Tyson so there's no bitterness or is it I'm not gonna display not just one time I like to have a little revenge in a man I I would go from this perspective whatever happens I mean and sometimes you hit me with your best shot and we see how I handle it when the same thing happens to you we must always remember never to take a person I never take this personal Tyson's friends say it was the completion of a tragic Circle Tyson was totally alone the key figures in his life were gone just when Iron Mike needed the most and if any lesson that Mike Tyson has taught me as my experience is that money cannot buy you happiness it can only buy you time until you realize that you're not happy and that's that's that's the question here he wasn't happy when those boxing lights went out in those rains and everybody got a cut of their minions and I was still sitting with the same guy who I met six years ago who had no friends no interests but my situation of my life had to be conducted totally different than it was before Mike I've never acted before conducting this was just a child I won tight I was just 20 to 10 20 I went to tide I was just a job and I left I had no chance to cultivate myself because if I did cultivate I didn't cultivate in the proper direction because everything was chaos in prison Mike Tyson says he is a changed man he has converted to a new religion Islam but he's fallen back to an old belief about those around him I believe everyone that involved in my life one day of other would it betray me I believe values I'm told you believe artists Leroy Nieman is one of those who visited Tyson in jail he's smaller lighter but he's clean as I his compassion is clean you know and his eyes are just completely pure and clean he listens he's he's relaxed he's counting the days I guess Don King was facing his own legal troubles having just been indicted for insurance fraud when he was asked about Tyson's future right yes yes yes I've been robbed and abused and taking the lens of one of my life and lied to I'm not going back into that same predicament again I mean eventually I'm gonna have a family and I have children and I have so the example for that so I'm a specialist in it I'm just a specialist there's no doubt about it and I love forgive me for being vain but I'm just expressing the fact I'm the best in what I do I'm just a total bit get the guys out there that are great they're great fighters I can't do anything else this is what I wanted WBC heavyweight champion of the world well Mike Tyson make a comeback some say his time spent in the Indiana youth detention center has only served to make him hungrier and more willing to do whatever it takes to regain the glory of his past but whether or not Mike Tyson ever becomes champ again there's little doubt that boxing promoters around the world will see his return to civilian life as an opportunity to stage some of the biggest most lucrative boxing matches of all time when Tyson is released they'll be waiting you you
Channel: undefined
Views: 279,433
Rating: 4.8106208 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson (Boxer), Documentary (TV Genre), Boxing (Martial Art), Don King, Showtime Boxing, Mayweather, Pacquiao, Mayweather vs Pacquiao, Heavyweight Boxing, Heavyweight (Boxing Weight Division), tyson, iron mike tyson, heavyweight champion, kid dynamite, youngest world champion, don king and mike tyson, boxing documentary, wbc champion, gerald tyson
Id: IPrti4NEqjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2014
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