Mike Rowe Roasts Critics Who Think “Welding Won’t Make You Rich” | TJHS Ep. 264 (CLIP)

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I wouldn’t listen to the Atlantic... ever.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/arizonagunguy 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's an article in last month's Atlantic and it's called welding won't make you rich and that's one of the examples I have that's definitely not true well yeah I mean well hundreds of people came to my Facebook page and said Mike are you gonna are you gonna comment on this and oh my god I mean it's a big article it's almost 3,000 words long but I read it I read it a couple of times and it's it's fascinating and so I not only commented on it I I wrote 3,000 words going paragraph by paragraph explaining as politely as I could why the author may have gotten his head up his ass and and it was amazing right Facebook is this 6,000 word post nobody's gonna read this right I mean you know on Facebook if you put something with three or four into words have people it's not gonna to long didn't read this thing was shared over 10,000 times and reached 3,000 people not because I'm such a swell writer or so engaging but because people are desperate to have this conversation and and they want a rational back-and-forth because a couple of years ago articles began to appear saying meet the hundred and fifty thousand dollar welder and people started realizing that you could actually make a lot of money welding well the guy that wrote this article basically said wait a minute the people who make that kind of money are at the top of the profession you're you're not gonna make that kind of money I'm like what is what in the world is the point of your argument there are lots of actors who don't make what Brad Pitt makes you know there are lots of writers who don't make what James Patterson makes including the guy who wrote this article you know but the country is not suffering from a belief that everybody who welds make six figures they're suffering from a misperception that nobody is prospering and that there's only one kind of welding and people Google welders salary and see forty one thousand five hundred dollars okay so that's it but that's so fundamentally wrong and mistaken you know we were just talking about writing books ninety five percent of the books and Barnes & Noble sell than 5,000 copy yeah the entire industry is propped up by the bestsellers the podcast industry exists because of about 20 podcasts that are pulling the Train mm-hmm you're as among them I'm sure yeah I think so I hope so so you know so in this binary world where everything is black or white or this or that blue collar white collar good bad right wrong smart stupid in comes a guy that says nope welding won't make you rich and you know he goes to a to a town to meet a kid who tried to weld and it didn't work out for him now he was also a kid who was divorced at 21 trying to raise two kids and living in his mother's basement now could those circumstances have had anything at all to do with you know the proximate cause of his inevitable failure I I don't know but it's never as simple as anybody makes it out to be including me you
Channel: The Jordan Harbinger Show
Views: 1,149,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan harbinger, jason defillippo, the jordan harbinger show, tjhs, jhs, entrepreneur, self help, motivation, relationships, lifestyle, advice, podcast, self improvement, personal improvement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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