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so today's subject is not gonna really be anything about the welding business or starting a business so if that's what you're watching for today I just wanted to warn you upfront it's not only about that just a subject that I felt like it was really important to be kind of talked about a little bit was with a lot of the younger guys that want to get in to the trade or going into Welding school so I've talked about Welding school before I put my two cents out there about what I believe about them and I'm not judging anybody if you do or do not go to a welding school but the fact that is very important that I am adamant on adamant is that with anything and everything you do you always have to plan always pre plan and I'm kind of starting to see a undercurrent going on with a lot of people coming out of school or about to go into school asking me these questions and what what it's really showing me is either a lack of planning or a lack of someone being there to help them plan and it's just one of those things that isn't really done a whole lot in the Welding schools my opinion is when you go to weld in school they're just there for your money so you can learn how to weld and then go on into life well it's not their job to hold your hand and what I mean by that is before you go spend the thousands of dollars it takes to learn welding through a welding school how highly advise pre-planning look with anything that you do you have to plan before you execute so when you go to execute on a welding school first answer the most major and critical question that is asked to me quite often but it's not something I can answer for anyone I can't answer this for you guys you have to know what you want to do with welding I think the the voice out there that everyone keeps hearing all the time these younger guys is you know go make big money be a welder the best history being and I'm preaching all that same stuff but also I'm very adamant about letting you know the other side is do what you want to do to make you happy do what's gonna bring you excitement when you get up and go do it every day I love to build and I love to create that's that's my thing so welding metalworking that brings me extreme excitement and I'm very passionate about it but I went into learning how to weld when Ari had a kind of a career choice in place I was a pipe fitter I was a pipe fitter welder I welded pipe I learned to weld to weld pipe I learned to weld to weld on pipe lines I loved pipe welding and pipe fabrication so that in of itself as silly as it may seem is the most critical thing for you to understand before you go and do a Welding school before you learn how to weld choose your career path Welding is just a trade skill it is just a skill it does not have a life of its own it doesn't provide for you at all you have to apply that skill so before you get out into the world you have decide where that welding is gonna take you I suggest decide first before he spent thousands of dollars on a weld school learning how to weld what is it you want because welding might not be what you want you just want the thing that you think welding will provide for you but if you can't say I want to weld structural buildings I want to weld you know structural things or I want to pipe weld or I want to build trinkets I want to build frames car frames I want to build choppers you know whatever it is choose that first find the job and and learn a skill to fill the job that's my biggest pet peeve with with weld schools and until I get proven wrong which I know I'm wrong in some way shape or form someone will prove me wrong someday I know that but until that time comes it why I have the problems at schools is because it's reverse engineering what makes sense what makes sense is learn or decide first what it is you want in life and then get the skills to fulfill your life path don't learn a skill and try applying it to a life path that's it's so backwards it doesn't make any sense sorry got a little heated on you guys there but it's something that's so important to me because I hate misdirection I hate people being misled and I hate people just getting chintzed out of their money or getting their money stolen from them without proper guidance and the proper guidance says before you spend masses amount of money you need to have a plan plan on what you want welding to do or where you want to go with welding first and then when you learn the skill apply it to your life plan don't learn welding be a couple weeks out of school couple weeks are coming out of school and then asking me which I love to help I'll continue help but when you ask me hey I'm about to get out of school what should I do now I'm really open-minded about it I don't really have any ideas cuz you know I've I've had this conversation quite a few times and it's a surprising when I tried narrowing it down I have to go through a subset of at least ten questions to narrow down what a person wants because I ask these questions like well I I really don't know and you know and that bothers me because it's not their problem it's the problem that no one LED them or guided them no one pointed out to them like hey make the plan first then learn the skill to apply your plan so that's today's video just wanted to kind of vent I guess a little bit there bringing up that subject is start looking at things in a whole world scope stop being so focused on one single little thing and don't go for the quick easy cash don't go for the promises there's anything I can teach anyone on my channel if welder beats ever reaches enough people to actually make a change in people's lives I hope it is for one reason and one reason only I hope it makes people think and reason before they make decisions I think all tradesmen across the globe if we were all in sync on believing that if we all just took the time to think and to reason before we did actions I think we would be looked at in a lot better way today in the world since you know I've already signed of how most the world really views us as you know lower kind of blue-collar workers and you know that just grunts is what they think of us and I can see why because so many actions that we take are just based off pure instinct or lust or desire without actually self-discipline and reason and putting thought into it before we make that leap so that was a long way around saying think before you act hope you guys have a great day as always I'll talk to you later
Channel: Welderbeast LLC
Views: 283,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sB1JBfu9mgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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