Mike Rowe Goes Head to Head with a SHEEPDOG to WRANGLE Sheep | Somebody's Gotta Do It

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get back would you just say get them to get back that means she's going out on a gather on tonight's episode you could do that to any other breed on the planet and they would I'm not even sure I'm getting it you better spell it out for me she teaches humans how to teach dogs how to handle sheep what do you do what he is putting together what I'm telling him but now she'll try to train the most challenging animal of all the TV host with authority issues this is how it ends for me with a heart attack chasing sheep it's gonna be fun [Music] laughs have you ever wished you knew what your dog was thinking they're personal philosophies or what they tell you if they could speak I do and I'm sure these dogs would have something to say these dogs are not just bred to be cute they're bred to work and they have a long history of working the herding dog has been with us for as long as animals have been domesticated loyal hounds have been protecting flocks since the days of ancient Mesopotamia the Romans brought sheep and Sheepdogs to Great Britain when they invaded back in 55 BC several years later Terry Parish brought this kind of intense purposeful dog training to Southern California Terry still trains dogs for ranching work but she's also been a Pioneer in herding dog competitions and she also has 11 winners in the past few years to show for it which brings me here to Escondido California to meet the lady in charge what is your first last name Terry Parish so what's going to happen to me today well today you're going to learn how to train herding dogs how long is that going to take probably 10 years but we'll give you the Breeder's Digest version that'd be great you have to run you have to run I can run I got my convince your camera is exactly straight are you doing that thing on purpose or you you just don't even care anymore do you I told him to do that to make me look skinny unbelievable all right so we have dogs on the premises we have sheep on the premise yes and we'll have ducks on the premises why so that you can her Ducks why because you might be tired after sheep I'm tired now you might be a tired but what is harder to hurt ducks well why wouldn't they wouldn't they fly away from you we cut their wings so you were utterly in charge your producers told me what I had to do ignore all that oh okay we are at your disposal with respect Steve with great respect a tour well they made me do like 10 pages of stuff all that stuff we just travel with in the event that we run out of toilets real quick I'm going to show you what a finished dog should be able to do that'd be great I know and you'll make it as interesting as possible every step of the way absolutely there's about 50 sheep up on the top of that Hill I'm gonna go get a really famous dog what do you call it Bryce dogs only know what their owners tell them so my task is to learn the commands and see if I can get one of Terry's dogs to listen to me but first Terry and her dog Bryce are going to show me how it's done Bryce my border collie he doesn't know they're up there but he's gonna go out and he's going to go up and find those sheep and he's going to bring them down the hill and I'm going to try to get them through those two gates yes and around this red tub right and then put them through those two gates and we're going to stand still that'd be amazing where will we be standing right exactly right here can I meet Bryce first none of you stand still very long he'll pee on you but just don't take it don't take it personally means he loves you hey Bryce wow what a good dog yes he is a good guy she called him and he came right to you absolutely I've never experienced that with Michael no oh mine will come to you before today's over all right so how old is Bryce Bryce is seven seven finished eighth in the National Champion International championships in 2012. rice stand that means he's going out on a gather what the heck is that what's in your mouth oh that's my whistle are you talking to him now I am what are you telling me to look that way look at it Go holy smokes [Music] of somebody's shooting the dog it's a lot more interesting than me right now [Music] good he's kind of going okay they might be over there no they're not they're up on the hill he has no idea where they are you mean this hill they're up on the very top of that Hill the big hill yeah you're gonna run him all the way up there well hopefully he gets up there the wonderful thing about a border collie that's not like any other breed is right there what'd he do what he is putting together what I'm telling him you could do that to any other breed on the planet and they would not get this I'm not even sure I'm getting it you better spell It Off [Music] the important thing is all of this is five commands that's it primarily go by which is a that's to go the clockwise left turn the away to me that you've been hearing me blow the has to go right turn counterclockwise that recall that I've been giving is to come back to me and then the walk-up which I'm hoping to blow here soon there he is she's got him he's got the Sheep already Sheila good grief how did he do that because she's smart he's my dog you're kind of relieved now aren't you oh be honest well I knew he'd find them I just didn't know how long it would take does he know to bring him through the gate so you're gonna eat enough what do you tell him get back here get back here I'm not telling her to go right I should have put a GoPro on it shut up yeah we should have cared [Music] unbelievable right on honey unbelievable [Music] hey I don't think foreign [Music] I had to tell him he took a wrong whistle that's bad he took a wrong whistle how do you know you just didn't get me wrong I never get wrong with this no no did you not hear who I was I can't even remember your name to be honest go get in the tub Bryce there we are he literally just jumped in the tub oh yeah he's he ran a lot out there so he just ran probably a couple of miles oh at least hard hard In the Heat of the day yeah when our national finals the Sheep were twice that far so now that thing is how do you get from a dog that knows nothing and a person that knows nothing to become like that dog and this person yeah how's that happen we're gonna find out all right are you training dogs or people we're training people that's what we do see that's what makes us different there's a lot of facilities you can take and train your dogs yeah we train people to train your dogs which is the challenge it's Terry's unique dedication to her craft that draws people from all over the world to develop and deepen their relationships with their dogs and help give them a sense of purpose there's really not a lot of true herding dogs left in the world but a lot of dogs go back to a hurting beginning the smart dogs really go back to that right and so the genetics are still in there the dog tends to Silk have the drive to get there but not the knowledge of how to pursue it like a corgi they're closer to what your Terrier would be even though they're classified in a hurting group but corgis really really like to chase with those short little legs oh man Terry believes that all dogs are bred with a purpose and by training them they're able to utilize that purpose that also makes them more obedient the thing about hurting that that's the advantage that we haven't even discussed yet is it really does make a dog a better dog because this is about discipline right this is about taking all that drive shaping it into something useful but the owner has got to be the boss it's got to be the boss the boy or girl boy boy good boy he doesn't know the difference you call him a boy or a girl yeah so I mean he's he's completely transformed yeah I can tell if we skip a lesson he starts getting a little Toody with me it's a job that he likes it makes him a better dog at home for sure how many hurting corgis are there in the country there's not that many there's a few but there's not that many I grew up with dogs big dogs that stayed outside and pretty much did what they were told but when I moved into my apartment I got a small dog Freddy doesn't listen to me ever he's also famous Freddie's been on magazine covers he's got his own blog and the notoriety has clearly gone to his head I got a little dog and I heard about that and I was like my dilute my Illusions about you were too shy look it wasn't my idea they were gonna give him the needle and I felt bad really yes so I got a little dog he's half Terrier he is not trained so I'm going to be absorbing and retaining as much as well actually the reality is they were bred to serve a purpose right so people are going oh my God my dog is like chasing every skateboard out there oh my God I went to dog park and my dog gathered up all the dogs I bit them and now I'm kicked out of dog park these are all true these are the phone calls I get but these are dogs that just need something to do all right so just once again so my seven or eight viewers understand what's about to happen the dog is not trained not at all your job is to keep her from chasing sheep your job is to get her to do circles around them right where will you be he's standing here laughing along with everybody else I suppose all right good this is going to be a lot more active than where you guys were before okay so go stand right next to the sheep and set yourself up as though you were kind of protecting them okay so but what is my goal to get them all in the middle in a circle circle both ways yeah you got it not to worry here she goes [Music] now just keep pushing our rounds outer shoulder good that's it oops don't fall get over there now go back to your sheet so that she stays on the outside there you go so Mike when you're done just holler done okay okay so it starts off you're trying to teach that dog that behavior and it just extrapolates from there and by extrapolate Terry means that the dog learns the five basic commands and is then ready for further training we're thinking we might want to switch some work ducks for a few minutes I'll lift it up that's an IQ test you really didn't give me a running shot hey Terry Parish makes training Sheepdogs look easy all right so here we have duckies but a real specialty is training people to train their own dogs as she's about to teach me using Ducks that's right Ducks the good thing about working dachshund especially with dogs is that it teaches dogs to read a flight zone with greater finesse than even sheep so when I want to put a really good finish on a dog like a really precise little flanks ducks do it precise little flanks so you're gonna go go around those ducks and I want you to put them through that gate then through that gate and then pop them in the pen no dog just me chasing ducks [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong you left one now you gotta bring up through this one cameraman oh a little harder than it looks now see if you can get them in that pan oh very good do we eat them now no you don't want to eat them all right that's a dog do it stand back here there Now watch how careful he moves see those little steps yeah okay that's Precision you don't move like that for sheep he'd be more fluid he'd be a little more active go bye go bye go bye bear stand there see how he's keeping track of everything right seeing those two are going that way okay I'll go get those and I gotta put them back with those see and that's him using his eye yeah a lot of eye contact Border Collies have a lot of eye now Gina are we what I tell them what's counterclockwise I know what you're thinking it seems confusing you're wondering what's going on you're curious to know how many different languages are going to be spoken today and how many different breeds how many different animals are going to come together in this in this happy Confluence of confusion and I am wondering the same thing now the 10 years of dog training has been compressed into a couple of hours it's time for me to command Fiero on a herd first of all you're going to send on a gather it's like you saw me with Bryce first thing you tell them to look Fiero look look he seems to see them oh he does okay now what do I tell him to go by e go by go bye no he's not going to listen to me as long as you're standing here well the thing is is you're just going to tell me what to tell them to do I think that's the best oh okay so when you're ready you tell me what to tell them all right I want them to go clockwise a little bit so I want to come right at their backs we want to put them over there oh geez it was counterclockwise a week [Music] [Music] but see why this is so difficult not just not knowing the commands it's the fact that things are always changing so there's a lot to it there's a ton to it are you kidding it's like well it's it's another language and uh like you say you've got the sheep and they're they're not really they don't want to go over there this is like shooting pool with a noodle that is an unfortunate metaphor Terry see why this is why I said it'd be easier if I just had you stand next to me and tell me what to say except I did that and the poor dog's going to have a stroke I think it's pretty obvious by now that this is no easy feat Terry has perfected her craft over the years into a fine art making it look effortless which is nothing short of impressive that's amazing are you even thinking about the commands or they just [Music] you think about it but all my dogs are on different whistles so I have to keep all the whistles in my head why wouldn't it be simpler if everybody because if I want to work for dogs together when I want to work two or three dogs when I was ranching and I when I came out here I had this whole valley I was raising the entire Valley does anybody know more about this than you yeah probably people in the UK where it all started we're not going to the UK so this for you started not as a hobby but it was a it was a practical reality of your business no I actually started because when I was 12 years old I had seen my first sheepdog and I fell in love and I finally got a border collie when I was an adult and I said bye golly I'm gonna do hurting oh boy I lived on the beach and I had ducks in my backyard and I was pregnant with my second child and my daughter was a toddler and I would load my ducks up in the crate and I'd go to a schoolyard put my baby in a playpen and I'd train my dogs this unorthodox Training Method has stuck had become one of Terry's go-to tools for training dogs as well as people do I work my dog do you mean run out there with the stick no just walk up there and tell him what to do you're a good voice Fiero you're a good boy [Music] you're killing me we're in Escondido California I'm struggling to herd sheep perhaps a different approach why don't I be the dog okay and you and you tell me okay you want to do it on the sheep I want to do yeah want it on the sheet what else would I do it on well we could do ducks again we were so good at Ducks you know now those Ducks make meat those Ducks made me feel foolish [Music] this is how I die this is how it ends for me with heart attack chasing sheep okay so obviously you look I see [Music] all right so now I want you to do a go by [Music] e go bye go black go back go Michael Michael bye bears [Music] and go bye Stan [Music] walk up Stan go bye I didn't think this would be this funny are we there stop hey you lost your sheep bad dog you know you're a scary dog you're not kidding I got worms I [Laughter] go bye honestly I'm not sure how much of this I can apply to Freddy all I can say for certain is if he's watching this from home he's howling with laughter but I have a newfound appreciation for Freddy's frustration and A Renewed commitment to give my dog a higher purpose something that exceeds the thrill of chewing up my shoes certainly when I next pass through the dusty fields of Escondido I'll be sure to bring Freddie along so that he too might bask in the glow of the benevolent dictator Terry Parish if nothing else you'll enjoy the Ducks [Music] foreign
Channel: Mike Rowe
Views: 592,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike rowe, dirty jobs, sheepdog, sheep herding, sheep herding dogs, border collie, border collie herding sheep, border collie herding, border collie herding ducks, herding ducks, herding, escondido ca, escondido california, Mike Rowe Goes Head to Head with a SHEEPDOG to WRANGLE Sheep, mike rowe herding sheep, mike rowe sheep herder, sheep dog, sheep farming, sheep, lamb, mike rowe dirty jobs, mike rowe podcast, mike rowe tbn, somebody's gotta do it, m1m2m3, m1k3r0w3, m1m2, j03s, r0w3
Id: nWbablMRs3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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