Mike Myers on "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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we're back I'm sitting here with Mr Mike Myers [Music] oh [Applause] well that's sad that you went insane I've lost my mind uh let's talk about the movie okay so uh doing quite well I understand and uh yes that's not real wood um this was obviously partly it's an amalgam but it's partly inspired by the James Bond oh yeah yeah did you ever meet one of the James Bonds I got I'm uh yeah I get very um I get very shy when I meet my heroes and stuff and I got to meet Sean Connery and I didn't know whether he'd be really mad at me because I had said in the press that Austin Powers chest hair was based on Sean Connery's hair that he is part man and part beast and I said if you noticed you never see Sean Connery and Bigfoot in the same photograph you draw the conclusion and you know I just really went on about how hairy is now yeah carpet and broadland and whatnot and and uh so I didn't know how he would be but evidently he was you know really nice of it I was out of that's going to sound so name driving I was at a party of Elton John's and uh funny I didn't get that invite anyway continue yeah and and he said you know would you like to meet Sean Connery and I said oh of course um and uh he's like uh you know it was that in can again I know that sounds very exotic yeah and uh he said uh are you enjoying Khan I said yeah that's the best I could do good luck with the film old man and I was like thanks I think my wife Robin says what's with the voice the thanks so all night long she just kept saying Yeah she said I married Oscar Wilde evidently a brilliant wit yes it's an intellectual salon thanks what's another like hero that you've met uh De Niro De Niro yeah I met uh Robert De Niro I know and uh Martin Scorsese had come to Saturday Night Live remember he would come all the time and and so I kind of met him in another hero and but I'd gotten over that and he was like uh he said uh Mike would you uh like to meet Bobby and I said yeah of course if you're not you've not met Bobby before I said no no that's great and Robert De Niro had his coat over his arm and he's looking around that with that face of the you know I heard things face you know yeah yeah they're good things you're looking around like this and then he says I hear things and he says uh uh Bobby uh have you met Mike Baez and he just goes no I never did me never met him so it was he just wanted he just wanted you know the truth he wanted the answer right he'd actually we had met and the answer was no no but I had that bad gape thing and again Robin was there just to mock me I was like okay um see you later and that was it it's hard to meet these people oh yeah I'm I'm actually a very shy person so it's hard to you know to meet people who are so incredibly famous like meet Niagara Falls or something right Eiffel Tower I mean they're so crazy famous you know Niagara Falls will be nicer to you I'm sure snub me Eiffel Tower did not give me the time of day right really free I know we uh we should show a uh we have a he's sneaking up on you yeah we have a clip here okay a clip here from the film do you need to set this up for anybody who hasn't seen the movie yet well um yes uh Dr Evil in the movie has a clone made of himself that's 1 8 the size right named um thank you and then uh mini me mini me yes very funny it's an encounter with mini me an encounter with mini me let's take a look at this clip from Austin Powers the spy who shagged me mini me are you hungry something to eat not even a Hot Pocket an ego no no we don't gnaw on our kitty leave me no leave mini Mr Bigglesworth alone I just love him to stroke him [Applause] that's it you know what's hilarious is that this is not a joke this is an indication of the power of this movie Mr Bigglesworth is on the cover of a magazine we find out the team uh I just want to point out that no Nair or or any sort of hair removal device was used in the making of This motion picture cat that's a that's the ugliest cat no no no no I think that's the that's the nicest cat yeah you're right that's Ted Nugent that's the cat's name is Ted nude gent oh and he's hairless and it feels like you're holding somebody's ass so I stand corrected it's a beautiful cat it's a beautiful cat given that new information yes uh you you play a uh a character in the movie who I didn't I didn't I got I'd known you a long time I did not know this was you when the character first comes on screen yes Fat Bastard Fat Bastard first of all let me just point out you can say you're saying the character's name here too tonight because he's the incorrect weight for his height and he was born out of wedlock yes but this morning yes this morning on Regis and Kathy Lee I mean Kent Regis isn't there yeah you know he he ducked out of town but Kathy Lee like this could not was freaked out by the name fat bastard yes so she said fat B which uh I thought was in like a rap or something and uh people who are did the Press junket for Bastard out of Carolina was it B out of Carolina right right I didn't well she couldn't handle it no but it's later at night now you uh in this in in this in this movie you're wearing an amazing prosthetic yeah uh which makes you what 300 pounds heavier than you normally are yeah it it actually is a metric ton we were going for and uh yeah we're going for yeah it was designed by Stan Winston and he designed this fat suit and uh it was uh it took seven hours it was kind of like flying to you know Paris and waking up a 500 pound Scotsman right and uh the thing is that it was very hard to go to the bathroom in it I would think yeah yeah you don't want to go to the bathroom in it no you wanna yeah wearing it yeah whilst wearing it and um they had to uh attach uh a uh a catheter to yeah yeah and it got tangled oh yeah and I'm in this thing for already like for like 10 hours I'm in this thing and it stinks too because it's sulfur based right and my wife Robin came to the set and I was like Robin can you help me please so she had to reach into my body cavity I'm like this thing was like a little flap she has to reached up [Applause] [Music] there's a whole infrastructure and I'd go no that's not it that's not it could be it definitely it then she got it and you know it was hideous yeah I'm telling you it it the infantilization was complete okay it was hideous I we know way too much now now there's more and then another okay there was this one time there's one time uh yeah people must be I mean you can't even start thinking about another one of these movies yet right you just you're not even thinking about that I'm not thinking I I had and this is I probably no lie this is the most fun I've ever had so doing this show doing this show right now [Applause] we're gonna take that quote out of context it's almost fun Austin Powers The Spy Who shagged me of course in theaters now Mike very happy for you to come Julian Lennon is coming up we'll take a break
Channel: Conan O'Brien
Views: 39,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night with Conan O’Brien, late night with conan obrien, late night with, conan classic, best of, late night, original, comedy, sketch, humor, funny, celebrity, interview, first, late late show, late, night, show, special, classic, talk show, talk show hosts, triumph the insult comic dog, andy richter, max weinberg, Dr. Evil, Austin Powers, Wayne's World, SNL, Fat Bastard, James Bond, sean Connery, Robery De Niro, Martin Scorsese
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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