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[Applause] [Applause] protect yourself nothing more to say Miguel Cotto can he remain unbeaten Sugar Shane Mosley Kenny rise to the occasion one more time foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] and they are ready round one [Applause] Mosley three-punch combination landed a right hand to the body [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] total comes in tried to place that left hand Mosey wraps up then creates space swinging in with a wide right hand it's kind of surprising huh tell you what one habit that Shane Mosley has that causing the problem is the fact that he crosses his right hand over to block Jabs kind of leaves him vulnerable to the left hook it does see a lot of Fighters do that you see it starting to inch towards that left side that right hand will come over and try to catch the oncoming but then it's got to get back into a defensive position which if you fire off the left hook in a timely fashion it cannot do [Applause] it mostly range fighting with that jab there's that right hand to the body again he's a good body puncher Mosley I think you know it's overlooked somewhat that right hand's a little short I go from photo but I think it's overlooked because kodo's such a tremendous body puncher I think people tend to overlook that Chain's a pretty good body puncher too first half of this first round Shane working a bit more photo tries to come in with the left hook [Applause] photo staying patient right now back to the inside neither man fires off let's not forget kodo is habitually a slow starter well you know it's only going to get better from here showed good hand speed that time remember what happened in the first round against Zab Judah both men have had their moments here in round number one seen the rights to the body from Mosley good work with the jab now photos with a burst of aggression chasing in with that right hand crowd reacting to anything Koto puts forth [Applause] Mosley seems a little bit tight to me right now Joe oh God when they were on the inside the left hand of Mosley was tied up with the right arm of kodo but with that left hand free he was able to let loose with that uppercut [Applause] coming to the end of round one 's best shot right there overhand right Wally who'd you like there Kono No Doubt Joe tessitor and Wally Matthews with you ringside round two Cotto and Mosley has a good first round for Cotto Joe I'll tell you what Mosley just seems very very tight to me in fact I thought he was breathing with his mouth open a little bit like he might have been hyperventilating in the first round thank you mostly tries to go back to the body with that right hand Carter almost clipped him with a right hand and took that half step forward another thing that kodo's got to be careful of not doing he tends to square up a little bit he starts to backhand his jab a little bit and leaves his entire body Square to his opponent you notice hey poto's able to reach him with that left hand sure what was the distance between the two of them well he just seen the two guys together I know we make a lot about the fact that you know Shane's strong there's a right hand from Toto but poto has the bigger physical presence just looking at the two of them in the ring ring yeah yeah Shane looks a little uh I don't want to say lean but his body looks a little bit narrower you're absolutely right does not have the same look that he has when he fought at 154. [Applause] excuse me John this is not unlike the way his fight with De La Hoya started the first fight back in 2000 and that was Mosley again was a little bit tight and tried to do things a little bit too quickly and it took him about I would say four or five rounds to really settle into the fight now De La Hoya does not have the same intensity of attack that Polo has so I don't know if Mosley has the luxury of waiting that long in this fight triples up that Jab it's a good jab from Cotto right back at him just missed with that uppercut that success with that left uppercut in round number one oh he's you know Mosley has missed several times badly with that right hand he's made himself very vulnerable to the left hook has a good left hook by Mosley good Left Hand by Mosley we'll see if Koto can react and come back with a left-hand Zone when Mosley goes up top two punch combination from Mosley he's been fine with the right to the body but when he head hunts with it he's been off the mark early on kyokoto's been able to turn away from it a little bit he's actually making Mosley extend himself and he could be in a pretty dangerous position solidwork from the Jabba Posley coming off that hit now there's a good shot right hand by Sugar Shane sharp right hand and photo immediately just fires back that's typical photo and now Shane comes right back with the right hand of his own but I'll tell you what that's the kind of punch that generally puts Polo in trouble and he survived it pretty well he did what an exciting finish to round number two as they exchange here good good stuff from the garden all right let's take a look at some of that second round action a real good round for Shane Mosley although there was a real good left hook to the body by kodo and a good jab most of Mosley's good work came in the second half of the round Joe some of those right hands were the kind that you would think would have put Cotto in trouble and I'll tell you what the weather's been pretty good he didn't either it was very interesting to hear the comments from his father and trainer Jack Mosley at the conclusion of that second round because he was echoing some of the thoughts you had Wally where he was saying relax have fun don't be tight yeah it's there's no doubt that he started out a little bit tighter he seems to be warming up to his task [Applause] Shane holding on with that right hand wants a good right to the body by Mosley that was steaming right to the midst of what a snap Jack Snappy jab from Miguel Cotto that right hand moments ago lower part of the sternum there he dug it underneath Koto tried to come over the top that time with the right hand and Mosley once again ties up there's that uppercut on the inside that he had success with in round number one good fight so far here yeah you know we've only seen these guys in there seven minutes in total but I'm very surprised by the effectiveness of Proto's dad so far [Applause] doubles it up went downstairs upstairs didn't bring the right hand behind him there's a shopping behind the ear Bosley he's himself that Mosley is able to land and Cotto not affected the way he once was earlier in his career by shots like that now those were effective though I'm telling you man those shots behind the ear I guarantee you he felt though oh he's putting something in the bank right there big big shots from Mosley so far both were right hands but as we've noted we've seen shots from that photo has absorbed that have not worked out that way of continuing on around like this three that was a very very dangerous uppercut that most of the story just threw it a little bit short and didn't quite get part of the way he wanted to hey we knew it going in Miguel Cotto gets hit I think we'll see more of that uppercut because that's the punch that due to her Cota with as well early in their fight is how he reacts after he gets hit which is typically the difference with the undefeated photo [Applause] thank you [Applause] right hands of the body from Toto put short hook there by Mosley left hand and there's that left hand of his own and Mosley comes right back with a right hand Mosley is committed to the cause and there's a right hand by kodo back and forth they go double right hand what to the body one upstairs swinging away codo comes back boy this crowd is getting their money's worth and they're only nine minutes here we go you see that right hand by Mosley caught Koto behind the ear then he follows it up with another one which kind of grazed and now Koto who's actually his hand speed is held up very very well I think in comparison with Mosley's you see that right hand may have wobble chain a little bit things perfect out everybody got a towel okay everything is working the words that came out of Jack Mosley's mouth moments ago now the right hand has work that has two rounds Wally how do you have it through three I gave Mosley rounds two and three so I got him up by a point but I'll tell you something I am very surprised that Mosley is not using his hands feet as kodo starts very very well here with his left hook he is really setting down on single punches like he's he's determined to knock this guy out thank you [Applause] that's kind of surprising I think it's a little bit dangerous looks for an entertaining fight oh yeah for our purposes it's great Shane opens up but he's been true to his word I'll tell you what Joe he told me on the other day and he said it at the press conference that he was going to go toe-to-toe with codo and he's done it short right uppercut very effective Koto tries to come back with a right hand to the body Shane puts a left hand to the body kodo back with a snap jab tries to chop down with the right hand he's had success the past two rounds with that [Applause] very good body punches two of them come in as does a left hook upstairs from Coda snap jab he's had success with that utilizing it so far both men trying to send uppercuts on the inside with one arm three [Applause] he's in for a bad night here even though I've got him with an early lead here if he can hurt photo 's gonna walk through him like he did walk through Judah from malignagi good solid right hand from The Undefeated Champion overhand right again from Mosley yeah but no real reaction that's been the thing that has been so shocking these are Big thunderous shots that Moses sending off let me tell you a non-staggering Koto at all if we're shocked you can imagine how Mosley feels remember that question mark we put next to the gym leader you can remove it [Applause] wow did you see a little frustration of Mosley there he knows what he's accomplished and what the results should be but they're not the results he's getting wow mostly really drove that right hand in that time there have been five or six of those but Kota is still right there in front of him firing back comes back with a short left hand crowd reacts Mosley charges forward again good solid fourth round boy oh boy fifth round Welterweight Title Fight right back to the jowl right hand from Koto Mosley fires back a right hand of his own now working underneath on the inside Bulls who tries to push back [Applause] well you know what I really don't know if Mosley can maintain this pace I swear this is a brutal fight and it's koto's fight brutal is a descriptive that you can often apply to a Miguel Cotto fight yeah this is his fight huh and it's a descriptive that he welcomes yep and it's not something that you would generally apply to a Shane Mosley fight not at all stylistic speed tactical smart none of that applies here and the decisions you make maybe to hang on just a little more just a little longer when you get to the inside instead of working and you want to know something total hasn't even really started working the body yet no it's been utilizing the jab right hands mixing in a left hook see some swelling you see some swelling on the face of Shane Moses fatigue the mouth is open yeah halfway through this fifth round Cotto just forces you to go to a place that's not comfortable nope place you [Applause] know I gotta say I'm very very impressed with Carlos so far been able to match him for hand speed and he stood up to the punching and this is a Shane Mosley that's not exactly disappointed no no Shane's very good [Applause] [Music] a good short punch inside my photo we'll have those opportunities throughout and he has that kind of build and that kind of torque where all it takes is six inches don't turn that over you're not making it effective there's that shopping right hand that Mosley has had success with throughout the early goings here tonight well you know here's the thing about codo man two-punch combination steps forward after absorbing that right hand and delivers you know what I was going to say you got to get caught up early because he gets stronger and stronger as the fight goes on he's a boulder going downhill [Applause] Shane tries to fire off that right hand again last one Koto uppercut on the inside lands a left hand to the body let's take a look some Koto action here he had a real good round number five you see the left hook in there and I think the big surprise the story of this fight so far has been two stories the inability of Mosley to hurt photo and the ability of kodo to match hand speed [Applause] if you showed me some of the punches that Mosley landed in the first half of this fight before the fight I would have told you it was going to be his night not the case correct and you're only going by history the history of both guys you wouldn't be wrong to think that a puncher at 147 pounds who is glad to be back in eight ounce gloves against the guy whose chin has been questioned throughout his career yep but tonight he is as strong as he's ever been Miguel coda and I don't know how you do that I really don't know how you strengthen the chin but photo has found the way well I think the one thing that you can say for sure is that at 147 pounds of the more he matures into 147 pounds and figures out how to be the right 147 pounds his foundation is better yeah it gets easier for him to get to the weight without you know without dehydrating without you know killing himself which affects the chair absolutely uh see the jab from Kono has really been for me the punch of the fight [Applause] lead right by codo [Applause] Shane looking for another openings instead Koto driving home a left hand to the body Shane misses over the top of the right hand [Applause] snapping jab from kodo minutes ago here in round six and notice something now Shane's getting on the pony starting to rethink his whole idea of how he was going to win the first switch scene of it circling mark it down minutes are going round six left hook comes in Shane Mosley is circling he has tasted the power yep he realizes he realizes the strength advantage and things have changed and he's looking to gather himself and recalculate this formula and you know I was going to suggest this change a couple of rounds ago but I thought nah you know maybe he's just gonna keep hitting him keep hitting him and uh Mosley has come to the conclusion that it's not working inside [Applause] he looks a little weathered here as we come to the end of round number six swelling in the face mouth open backing up circling out and still the bull comes forward looking to trample Miguel Cotto finding his way as we reach the halfway point of this Welterweight Title Fight I'm going to take a look at a beautiful right hand counter by Koda watch he reads Shane as he dips boom right over the top that's a great shot and he's not neglecting the body either take a look at this he misses with that left hook over the top I thought we're going to see a body punch there but it's pretty good left hook I tell you right now we are watching One fighter really come into his own here and it's not Shane Mosley I don't know you know what I don't want it I don't want to take away from koto's performance right now not at all and I know you're not trying to eat it but I think Shane is fighting well he's not fighting like a 36 year old man no this is as good of a 36 year old man as you're going to see in terms of speed but this is a 27 year old man who clearly clearly is entering the prime of his career you know he gets better every time I see him [Applause] that was a good shot there by Mosley a right hand over the top so one thing he can hang his hat on in this fight [Applause] that's the one thing you know will still be available with Miguel Cotto now trying to cut off the ring Moses catches him coming in Koto separates with a left hand [Applause] closely now trying to keep his distance and try to get he's trying to get color to commit himself first so he can lunge in and then counter catch him coming in but you know kono's a little smarter than that [Music] all right [Applause] again you see he's able to reach Mosley with the jab and that really does surprise me every time you see Mosley drop his hands like that and kind of wave them back and forth that's a sign of frustration the right hand by Mosley right back comes right back and returns fire [Applause] started throughout the night just when Mosley thinks that maybe just maybe a good shot can turn things around Toto is there to meet him I'll tell you what kodo is a killer of spirit he really is he does he went to despair look at that Moses Landing the punch and then backed off land a right hand like that typically you're going to follow it up tell me another guy who's covered up like that not the case foreign [Applause] works his way into the front door knows he tries to pull out his way off of that position but the left hook came in another right hand trying to get over that left of Koto [Applause] end of seven well in Matthews how do you have it through seven well I'll tell you I have got most ivi codo a uh an expanding three-point lead 68-65 I have not given Shane Mosley and round since round three round number eight Welterweight Title fights much anticipated Showdown Bridging the generation gap 36 year old Superstar to the 27 year old undefeated star in the making [Applause] Mosley just looks you know if not exhausted on his way there [Applause] playing Central [Applause] is it me or does it seem like his hand speed is important no it's it's you and his handski has improved you're absolutely right or let's go the other way perhaps Mosley has slowed down and we're not noticing it because we're punching at the same speed now why would codo do that all of a sudden he makes the turn I mean everything seems to be going pretty well for him I don't see any reason to turn South Florida I know he's a natural Lefty but really trying to counter for the right hand looks like a fly off a windshield I'll tell you if it comes forward what must be going through Shane Mosley's mind now you know he came in in full belief that when he hits Dakota with those shots he's going to get a reaction if not a knockout and at this point here we are eight rounds into this and he hasn't even made a dent he hasn't made a dent and he has landed some hammering shots good right hand from kodo from range he delivered it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mostly just has not had enough on his jab Lily to set anything up with it and by the same token you know in contrasts photos jab has been a ram ride you're a very useful weapon for kodo if he could fully commit to utilizing that Jabra never used it a heck of a lot no it's the left hook [Applause] you can almost feel the sense of anticipation is out of the building now you know what I'm saying oh he's done that it's like this is settled yeah let's take a look at what Koto did in round eight that right to the body and then the right to the Head Over the Top and there's that jab again that popping jab from kodo now we'll see that right lead which came from way outside boom I'll tell you what something happened in the corner of Mosley between rounds there do you did you hear who knew what round it was right away mostly he's keeping track he's keeping track because that's what the fighter does when they're going into survival mode you better believe he's like bouncing down yep his father Jack said flat out you gotta pick it up yeah you have to hit him harder with those Jabs so that we can set up the hook oh that's a big question mark your mouth is open and your eyes are looking long and tired is also a challenge round number nine those lungs are on fire [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] that was cupping left hook by photo he did not turn it over and get the front part of the glove you know it looks to me like he's taking a rest you know I think he knows yeah he knows he's got a big lead at this point you know I don't think he's worried at all about being hurt by Mosley he may be taking a rest but Moses happy for it oh no doubt he's doing two guys a favor [Applause] Mosley the overhand right hand good left shot from Mosley best one in about four rounds by far timed it right Koto just dipped that right hand and it hit the mark so now Mosley looks to be more the aggressor here with a minute to go in round nine and you know we may still get you know one of those Miguel Cotto moments where you think you know he's done you never know he's been controlling throughout these middle rounds that is something Moses got to stay at because as tired as he is you don't want to get into a wrestling match that'll just wear you down more oh yeah takes just as much energy to deal with the grappling as it does to throw and absorb punches [Applause] everything is that yeah so Shane Mosley is having his best round by far since the early Goings yeah photos right back though oh man all right let's take a look Mosley had a very good round in round nine but I'll tell you what I saw something terrible at the end of the round and I'll tell you after this replay there's a left hook which really didn't have a lot on it from kodo but you see Mosley's legs at the end of that round wasn't really that good a punch but look at Mosley said [Applause] it's so funny because the storyline continues Mosley has moments of success that are actually discouraging absolutely discouraging for Mosley that's a tremendous observation chases him down again against the ropes round 10. how will it play out a right hand lands from Mosley and maybe now maybe Koto is affected yeah fell into the ropes [Applause] oh my God the referee the water to be wiped up at the most untimely moment you could ever pick after being hit by a right hand and clearly affected a little pause in the action and even the Kono Pro Polo crowd [Applause] chanting Mosley it's amazing we're at Madison Square Garden where Miguel Cotto put on a spectacular performance for three-quarters of this fight Shane Mosley has rallied back here in round nine and ten and the crowd is rewarding him I'll tell you you know what they like a great fight good for them but I mean Mosley has fought valiantly you know if not always well but not always effectively he could be tightening things up on the scorecards yeah he might be both men working with the free hand on the inside now still over a minutes ago and what has been a very exciting 10th round Mosley is so tired you can just see lifting that right leg there being pushed back easily right uppercut comes in asked us a second from Shane Mosley I'll tell you what Joe there's only one word to describe Mosley's effort in this round that is Gallant because he is exhausted he just got hit with a great leftover this round must feel like an eternity to him he feels that way to me There's an opportunity to fire up and he didn't his father imploring him you have to work but Cotto fires back instead quite frankly John I will says Coda good left hook Coto late rally here Mosley trying to meet him punch for punch they close out the 10th Round In Style loud on its feet at Madison Square Garden all right let's take a look at that mostly uppercut this is just a beautiful punch and he slides it right between the gloves look at that I can't say enough about kodo's chin tonight he just keeps coming back every time Mosley scores he comes right back and that's got to be discouraging his health to Shane Mosley Championship rounds round number 11. Wally how do you see it so far through 10 Rounds between kodo Mosley you know you're right about tightening up the scorecards right now I've got it 96-94 for codo because I gave the last two rounds to Mosley so conceivably Mosley's in this fight I just get the feeling that he is so rung out I don't know what he's got left I think depending how you score the fourth round is the differential in this fight I agree with you last two rounds to Shane Mosley those middle rounds to Coto early going we know what we saw as Mosley runs round two and three with the big right hands and codo took the first round so things have indeed tightened up here left hand to the body the left hook lands to the body from Shane Mosin [Music] [Applause] right hand because he countered that Miss left hook perfectly and you can't do it any better than that another right hand comes in foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] er's the one who looks to get away has a pretty slick move by photo I didn't think he had it in him wow just missed the right hand a right up the cut by Carlo we got some blood on the right side of Moses that's what I'm looking at right now see if we can get a good look at it certainly a lot of swelling away he's getting that soft look around both of his eyes photo good work with that three left hand for a moment there Mosley tries to turn that up or cut into something [Applause] a lot of swelling around that right eye of Shane Mosley yeah his whole face you know from the nose up is very soft remember what Proto was able to do to the right side of the face I'd rather not last 20 seconds off right now he's done it a couple times in this yeah Mosley's turned into the Hunter and what an ethical by both guys huh knowlesley really turned things around in round number nine he became the aggressor and it works total now wow the twists and turns that each and every round has had in these last three has been spectacular incredible 12th and final rounds Wally it wouldn't be shocking on the ringside scorecards if this was a determining round uh it would be to me I must be honest with you you just had it 96-94 yeah okay so if you have a margin yeah believe me I was in love with the idea of the turnaround for Mosley as well because it's very dramatic but I think Polo won that round and I think Koto definitely did some stuff in the final minute of that round yeah after Mosley came out in the first minute he'd rather fire less than fire first absolutely and I think the turning point of the round was that Miss left hook by Mosley and uh right hand and then after that and you know he really was never the same so I think Mosley needs a knockout when I hear Jack Mosley saying use your legs I hope he means you know to drive in with your punches you need this no doubt about who has won the battle in just judging this as a fight of one man imposing as well on the other Koto has gotten the best of it but Mosley that's a slip Mosley has had his moments has courageously fought back he really has and you know codo I guess is doing the smart thing here he's actually trying to stay away he doesn't want to give Mosley the chance of you know that last gas knockout that pulls out the fight I was kind of surprised though as he caught up backing up in this 12th round agreed he banked a lot of rounds in the middle of this fight thank you I think he knows it I mean let's face it nobody knows better than the two guys in the ring how this is going now to me Moses got 56 seconds right now to get this gun and I just don't think he's got it look at that complaining of a clash yeah gotta fire off at some point right instead it's kodo and blood now streaming down the right side of the face of Miguel Kono and it's too late to make any difference [Applause] well you know what let's give codo his props man he met Shane Mosley for hand speed and stood up to the punching power and I don't think anybody would have predicted either of those things the chin always been a question mark the hand speed thought to be a big Edge for Shane Mosley both those questions answered by Miguel Cotto and now could be moments away from win number 31. Serena in the world Madison Square Garden two of the very best in the world stepped into the ring tonight and we go to the scorecards Glenn Feldman and Peter trimetera both have it 115 113 winkins 116 113 to the winner by unanimous decision [Applause] still on the field and scores [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Miguel Cotto unanimous decision now 31-0 Shane Mosley
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 1,089,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top rank boxing, boxing, miguel cotto, miguel cotto highlights, miguel cotto vs shane mosley, miguel cotto vs shane mosley highlights, shane mosley, shane mosley vs mayweather, shane mosley vs miguel cotto, mosley vs cotto highlights, mosley vs cotto full fight, cotto vs mosley highlights, cotto vs mosley full fight, cotto vs mosley, mosley vs cotto, miguel cotto vs shane mosley full fight
Id: DinB2JsPdN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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