Migrating your TTN V2 Gateway to The Things Stack V3 (Demo)

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so if you've watched my prior videos you'll recall i demonstrated how to register your rack lora gateway on the things network since the time i shared that video you may have also noticed that the things network is migrating to a new platform known as the things stack and that any gateways registered under what is now considered the legacy v2 platform will lose support in december of this year in this video i'll demonstrate how i migrated my v2 gateway to the things stack this is not meant to be a replacement for ttn's documentation rather it's simply a quick demonstration of how i managed to upgrade my own gateway by referring to their docs having said that i should note that migrating your gateway to the thing stack will break the feather mo nodes built using adafruit's tutorial also demonstrated in one of my prior videos ttn does have instructions on upgrading nodes to work with the things stack but there are some differences in the payload decoder required for the dht22 sensor that i haven't quite worked out yet i started a thread on adafruit's website regarding the same but i just wanted you to be aware in the event you've built and are using one of these nodes please see the thread shared in the description of this video if you need further details and i hope to support or see a resolution on this challenge soon moving on the next few minutes demonstrate how i upgraded my gateway to the things stack as required by the things network okay so this view is showing you the ttn web page on the left and a terminal console on the right and this video is really for folks who've watched this prior video on how to set up a ttn gateway on the things network so to do this to do the migration you're going to want to log in as you normally do and if it's in your cache it'll just log you in automatically this page should look familiar when you go to your console though instead of seeing the gateway in your applications this is what's going to pop up which is new the legacy v2 console is what will look more familiar to you if you've already watched my prior video and you've already set up a gateway to migrate to the stacks or v3 you've got to click on in my case north america click on whatever um region you're associated with and it'll look somewhat similar to v2 i'm going to go to gateways right here i'm going to click on that and in your case you won't have a gateway yet registered you're going to have to create one so you'll add a gateway through that button right there and you'll populate this very much in the same way as you do for for v2 and that again is explained in this youtube video right here i'll include a link in the description of the video so you're going to want to ahead and want to go ahead and populate this accordingly and depending on what region you selected this gateway server address will be populated accordingly and once you've got all this populated go ahead and click on create gateway and when you do you'll see your gateway setup right here although it won't be connected we need to do one more thing to get your gateway connected to do that go ahead and click on your gateway right here and you'll see all these uh all these details regarding your gateway but more importantly you'll see this download global underscore conf.json file or link which will allow you to access the file and you can go ahead and open it with with any text file editor of your choice and here is that comp file what's interesting about this com file uh really the only difference between uh this one and the one that's currently set up for uh for comp for uh the v2 gateway is this uh server address this network server address is going to be different all right so i'm going to get that out of the way i'm going to minimize this and now i'm going to shift over to my terminal window so the next thing i'm going to do of course is uh tunnel into the gateway that's mounted on the side of my house you can see that i'm logged into the root directory of that gateway right now and the next thing i'm going to do is launch the gateway config app what i'm going to be interested in doing is editing the packet forward forwarder config which is the same as that global underscore conf.json file and you can see the directory where that file is located right up there in the top of the window so i want to replace everything in this with the file that was downloaded so there might be an easier way to do this i'm going to demonstrate a way that worked for me basically what i'm going to do is just navigate to that directory and again i'm not a programmer you know i'm brand new to python and and linux operating system so there's probably an easier way to do this but the way that worked for me was i basically navigated to that directory there's the global underscore comp.json file and what i'm going to do is i'm going to make a backup copy of that in case i screw anything up and i'm going to basically copy it to global comp dot global underscore comp dot bak and now if i check you can see that that the file was created right there so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to remove that dot json file now you can see that that file is gone now the next thing i'm going to do is go into the editing the packet forwarder or the global underscore conf json you can see that it's empty now because i removed it and i'm going to take all the details from that file that i downloaded from ttn and i'm going to paste them into that into that cleared out file and again there's probably an easier way to do this for you folks who know linux operating systems uh i don't know how to do this but this did work for me so i just basically copied and pasted it into a fresh copy of global underscore conf.json which i created using the configuration app that comes with the gateway i'm going to hit control x and that's going to allow me to basically save the changes to that file then the next thing i do is if i try to edit it you can see that before it was blank now it's got some some uh lines of data or code in there and you can see that now i do have a global underscoreconf.json file and the next thing i want to do is restart the packet forwarder i'm going to say yes here i'm going to quit let's get this thing out of the way and now i'm going to watch the live data console uh that was uh that was the last data that was forwarded i've gone ahead and i've edited that global underscore comp.json file i've restarted the packet forwarder so if everything's good i should get an update to my live data and there it is you can just see that i pinged uh the server the ttn server so that was all after i downloaded this global conf modified it on my gateway and went ahead and restarted the packet forwarder so just to make extra sure i'm going to go ahead and restart my gateway so you can see i'm doing a shutdown dash r now and that's the time 1543 54 was the last ping to the ttn servers off my gateway now i'm going to try to tunnel back into my gateway to make sure that the gateway is online again so things have been speeded up here a little bit in any event i'm just waiting for that gateway to to come on and accept me being able to tunnel in put in my password which i'm doing right now so the the gateway is back online and now i'm still waiting for uh for that live data to uh to update suggesting that i can ping the ttn servers and there it is it just basically uh pinged it again which indicates that everything is talking to the stacks or the v3 version of their of their servers so now what i'm going to do is back out look at my gateways and you can see here that my gateway is connected so you'll want to verify the same by backing out and checking that that's about it you
Channel: Modest Maker
Views: 1,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nHks-XBq_QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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