Geolocation using LoRa and Node Red

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in this video we're going to look at three different methods of displaying live location tracking on a web-based map we will be using not only gns but laura Juan Wi-Fi the things network kalos Google and node-red we will also try to employ technology that's under your control and minimize the use of cloud-based services it's not perfect but these at least the first few steps on the journey of assembling the capability of mastering real-time geolocation these are three designs that may be constructed but are based on Kevin Nichols original presentation at the cardiff i/o team meeting in November 2018 it also links into Stuart's site law tracker UK Stuart has been involved in the many uses of radio communication for many years including the tracking of balloons is also the only person I know who's designed and had the Russians launched his own homemade satellite tracking that as it moves over 17,500 miles an hour is no small task but back to browse earth we appreciate that our endeavors here are built upon a great deal of community work and hope that we've referenced them correctly in actuality this event comes about because of the availability of kit rattling around at the bottom of our component drawers at the time an advantage of this is that all of the designs are inherently low-cost let's begin this video on geolocation using gns Wi-Fi and Laurel in the first example we're going to use a traditional gns global navigation system device to fix location you will understand from experience using giannis on a mobile phone the gns has these limitations it relies on the constellation almost strictly speaking of Sirius competing constellations of satellites as circle the earth their signals are faint meaning they are probably not available indoors or where a clear view of at least four satellites is possible they are however accurate to less than a meter right across the globe the cost is that GLS devices consume relatively high power levels this is a particular problem when dealing with battery powered devices this diagram displays the path components the location is threat from a small conventional GPS receiver into a small processor which sends it back via Laurel and radio to a local gateway and then onto a network thing server via the Internet there it is processed and forwarded to an application running on a pie the pie formats the data and displays it graphically using node read genus is not used in the second example here we rely on a myriad of local home and business Wi-Fi routers that spell out this signal into the neighborhood to be detected by passers-by as Google trawl the streets updating their Street view images they also monitor Wi-Fi they record the varying signal strengths and map them back to each router using their public identities called SIDS these SIDS of the names seem listed when you scan Wi-Fi using a mobile phone it's a good system until you move a router to a new location radio signals grow weaker as you move away from the transmitter by comparing the power of two overlapping seats it's possible to take a rough guess as to your location note though that using this technique you could appear here or here where the same relative readings could be taken the accuracy of the location could further be compromised as radio signals may be reduced by walls or reflected by buildings here is an unnecessary waste of power causing a radio shadow and loss of signal Wi-Fi signals do not tend to travel too far and in built-up areas can be found coming from many sources geolocation using this technique is therefore a fair guess although I'm not sure how the system deals with the excellent service emulating from our passing buses you do not have to connect or associate with a Wi-Fi access points to gather these power readings knowing their passwords is therefore unnecessary the advantage of the system is that it is relatively cheap reasonably accurate but requires access to Google to operate technically it's also possible to use the hundreds of mobile phone transmitters to calculate location viewers to the channel for program hunted all know how the hunters triangulate in using these giveaway signals here we see it's the signal levels of the local Wi-Fi that are received by this small we must board it uses on board antennae there is a pin for pin mapping between it and the Laura board which allows very small units three made the we must board has a small esp8266 processor that Ford's the details file Laura on to the gateway and then as before to the things network node-red running on the PI extracts the readings as before from the things Network this is then combined with the data requested from the Google database of Wi-Fi signals and shown on a Google map nor example the third option involves Kalos Kalos is a project that has been set up to use the local law of radio signal levels for triangulation in the same way as hunted used mobile phones above it is however an entirely different approach to acquiring location whereas examples one and two used gns and Wi-Fi to passively geo locate using received download signals this option is active the node actively transmits an upload signal back in the opposite direction in attempt to expose this location paradoxically even though this technique requires the power to transmit this option uses the least power of the three examples the disadvantage is that it requires good lower weighing coverage to work correctly it works like this all gateways in the area promiscuously forward any packet they received to the things network for analysis as part of their function they check and wrap every package with additional metadata about each packet this metadata includes the date and time received and an indication of signal strength this metadata is important to the system as it needs to be able to identify all of the duplicate packets received only one aggregated copy of any packets should survive and be passed to the final application it's also the details held in the metadata that allows the system's calculate the single best return route to send packets back to each and every node call us on the other hand must have duplicated metadata in order to function it requires a packet from at least three gateways to triangulate it performs its calculations both on either the strength the timing or both the strength and the timing of the receive signal each location we have already discussed the problem involved in using radio signal strength and Tiny's no easier to Fadel record the exact Toa the time of arrival of each packet highly accurate clocks at each gateway are required errors in timing of sloppy reporting of a gateways location or result in positional inaccuracies with all of these factors taken into account call us estimates location and provides a plot we can plot the relative advantages and disadvantages of each of these three examples before describing any further the hardware and software used in each example we will now consider the key step in controlling your lure or when radio environment setting up an account with the things network to be able to achieve everything in the things network ttn you have to apply for an account it's not just open source and very friendly it's also free and very easy head for HTTPS the things network the hog click sign up enter the username you'd like to be known as be creative as many thousands of users have passed this way before this name is immutable and may not include spaces into your email address in the password you'd like to use and press create account if all is acceptable respond to the confirmation email that the site sends you and return back to the things that work to log in congratulations the things network has an impressive and growing site there are many options to investigate but here we are concerned with this functionality the things network account provides two central services that are apparent once you've logged in and selected console these are gateway and applications the gateway option is the gateway to all the facilities that allow you to set up maintain and monitor the gateways you may wish to deploy this is covered in another video but this video does assume that you already have some connection to a local gateway in fact it's a must here we are interested in and we'll concentrate on applications applications are as the name suggests all of the different projects you run under the things network applications is also the heading under which all of the nodes running a particular function of groups a group of air quality nodes will operate under one application slurry level measurements under another here we're going to run three separate applications one for each of the examples we've previously described shown here are a list of some of my existing test applications applications are where all of the details of the individual settings are maintained and controlled at first sight applications come up here a little daunting as they involve many similar names but these are soon become familiar with use one thing the use of these many terms promotes is good record-keeping being clear about every title and value will save a lot of time errors and frustration believe me let's now see what these terms mean and how they map across into the examples please note that all of the details mentioned in this video are referenced in the space below program sketches and other notes are provided and updated in the github this is the hardware for example 1 the GPS tracker it consists of a GPS receiver an Arduino Pro Mini an RF m95 radio module mounted on a pro mini motherboard a connector and Ariel although to reduce the cost just 86 millimeters of wire can be stolid directly to the board as an antenna note but the antenna should be connected before the unit is powered up as damage can occur otherwise this is the case with all the similar RF devices despite the low power level used the wiring should be obvious from the video as everything is visible and clearly marked an FTDI board set to 3.3 volts not 5 volts is plugged in to power and program the board during development all of the power signaling is sent far the single USB port of a host machine and this completes the hardware description software the arduino ide the arduino is programmed using the arduino integrated development environment the ide this is a really popular programming environment and may be downloaded from HTTP colon slash slash arduino dot c c use of this IDE is very well documented elsewhere but this is what it looks like once it's been installed a newly downloaded version would look significantly cleaner than mine displayed here all of the additional options pulled and clutter that appear on this copy are the results of years of use the reason this idea is so popular is because if it's flexibility it will operate with a growing range of different boards and designs here we needed to configure and operate without chosen board and processor once again we've already covered this IDE in much greater depth in earlier videos so all motor on with just the key changes here the important configuration details are select tools board and pro or pro mini reselect tools processor and this time select 83 to 8p 3.3 fault board if these options are not available select tools bored manager to reveal the board manager enter pro mini into this search box which should reveal the Arduino AVR boards option select install you may need to restart the arduino ide for this change to be recorded then select tools port and select the crab port for the board you've connected port options will vary here due to the local host and particular connections you have and should you have trouble selecting the correct options from a slew that may be offered the advice is to disconnect any unused devices and hopefully the only remaining port is to connected to the pro mini otherwise this is a slow job working through every option until something bursts into life clicking on check board details is a very good way of confirming the correct connection this should complete the IDE setup although I'm sure I recall some missing option after this video has been uploaded do check the comments below with everything set up we no need to grab a copy of the program from the github and modify it for our use paste the program into the IDE in Arduino terms this short program is called a sketch we do not have time to do a line by line explanation of the sketch just comment and explain the important individual changes that will be required to get your copy to operate correctly as an aid we've left further comments in each sketch to provide further assistance simplify things further all of the references here are made with the European configuration apologists to the rest of the world opening two windows side by side maybe these is method of mapping TTN details into the pro minis program in the CTN console we first need to add a new application and then add a device to the application in the process of defining and identifying our application and device we will be granted names and keys that configure and open the system for our safe and unique use this is how it's achieved from applications select applications at the top of the screen select add application for fields appear note their names carefully application ID description application zui the extended unique identifier and handler registration applications ID this is the name that's going to be carried across all references so make it meaningful it's a unique identifier it does not explicitly say so at this stage but there are some restrictions for the name first it has to be unique all characters shall be after numeric lowercase and non consecutive no spaces and it may not start with a minus sign or underscore apart from that the choice is yours the border on the form remains blue if the system is happy on completion but turns orange otherwise description this is the applications description there are other descriptions later but this can be any human readable content that describes the overall function of the application application new UI unless you have a very good reason to enter this which you don't med TC and allocate the application EU I finally leave the hand that has suggested it's selected to suit your region pressing that application should cause several green Flyers to appear along with this screen full of further navigation this overview confirms the details from the previous page and there's a good life for your to this well-designed interface this timer displays the time of creation of the app this is a style being duplicated elsewhere applications the UI applications a UI have been allocated by T TN and here is a source of lots of potential problems by default the app EU is displayed as a 16 digit hexadecimal number it may be copied just by clicking on this small icon but on this occasion our code requires a different format the same number can be redisplay by clicking these greater than and less than characters this is an alternative method of describing the same number but to confuse things further the layout of this format may have the most significant byte or the least significant byte set first it can be switched using this dual arrow swap icon these significant byte first is referred to little-endian and is the format required in our first example click this button to copy it to the clipboard with the application now fully established we now need to progress to the next step to add or register a device or devices with the application this is achieved here clicking reveals more fields is similar and potentially confusing names the device ID is another immutable setting that cannot be longer than 36 characters and has the same constraints as the application ID name a green spot here confirms an acceptable entry the device EUI is where the device eey may be entered this is supplied by the manufacturer of the radio device it's equivalent to a MAC address on other network devices but maybe overwritten at this stage it's not immutable and maybe change later until your device the UI if it's been provided otherwise overwrite your own 16 carats a hexadecimal option the device app key is a 32 byte character let the system deal with it and finally the abbe UI is duplicated from the page before quickly enter details are confirmed by the register buffers turning green this is nice design press the green button to reveal this summary page containing all of the details 2 final comments at this point the first is trivial this small yellow dot is a valuable indication of good operation it's very satisfying when this turns green later when the setup is successfully completed and the connection with TTN established that represents a major achievement the second is important but does not matter here as a default offered is acceptable I'll mention it here as this is a key concept and convenient to introduce at this point as an aside by now everybody should be used to connecting to a Wi-Fi system a process called Association in Laura this joining process has the farlis dubious and proactive term activation and there are two methods of activation these are abbreviated to a VP and ot ETA activation by personalization and over-the-air activation the reasoning behind these two methods might be explained by suggesting that a BP is the quick and dirty method we're joining and hence security details are stored in the node where OTA a is a slightly more complex interchange that's much more secure it's also the method that's more convenient when scaling node manufacture into high numbers we see here default is OTA a to toggle this click on settings this page reveals the activation methods when the ABV button is pressed the page changes to reveal yet more fields device address network session key and application session key you can perhaps now see why good housekeeping was mentioned earlier don't become downhearted when I say this is not the end of it there is yet more to come regarding security when using a BP its these values that need to be inserted into the program on your node in order to successfully join different values are recorded in sketch depending on whether a BP or OTA a is required we will use OTA a as the default selection at the moment the important point to note is that the values have to be copied over from the device section into the sketch as these are the marriage vows that couple a device with TTN let's revert to octa and complete this aside with the program updated click file save a compilation check on the sketch may be initiated by pressing this tick button and if all is well transfer the program to the mini pro by pressing this right arrow button progress of the upload is shown by this bar and final confirmation of success displayed in this text area the program runs immediately the upload is completed the function of the upload connection then changes to receive responses from the pro mini this is the usual behavior for any device using the arduino ide the return details can be seen by holding the ctrl and shift buttons together and pressing M this owns a useful monitor screen returning to this TTM page in the amber button should have turned green communications has now been made but what has been sent click on this data button and the package should be seen arriving periodically each line is a new packet here is the time a counter and a port an important term here is payload the hexadecimal data clicking the blue 12 down arrow reveals the encrypted data again and the metadata encapsulating each packet as mentioned earlier notice this important term uplink uplink is the connection from the node to the Gateway returning data from the Gateway to the node is called the downlink here we can see time date frequency data rate and other details about the packet but underneath a further copy of yet more metadata regarding the packet as it was received by each of the gateways in the region that received it all of these duplicate packets have been forwarded by the system as a single entity we will return to metadata later for the moment consider fields here we see fields decoded all of the data in the payload nicely displayed in plain English this is good because from the point that it left the node to his appearance here everything has been encrypted part of the security the overall system is that all packets are encrypted the encryption details are those that were arranged during the join process the ABP or ott I mentioned before so can we see each end of the encrypted pipe the answer is yes but there is a slight added level of complexity we have to look at further optional stage called compression the complete system only works efficiently if all nosepass minimal radio traffic in the shortest possible time in fact on the radio interface there are not only limitations on the data rate the bits can be transmitted and the size of the packets they can be contained in but there's also an overall restriction on the total time each node can spend transmitting this can be a severe is only not quite 1 percent of total time to achieve the maximum throughput performance bits and bytes have to be manipulated to make the very most of the transmission opportunities in our example code this is done here in the sketch there's no standard code for this section as every application will be designed to carry different data this section will be unique in every case data compression and bit manipulation and more fully covered in yet another video TTN deals the compression and decompression of packets under the heading payload formats clicking on this option displays for custom options decode converter validator and encoder these options offer the opportunity to enter for short JavaScript programs one for each stage to compress decompress and validate data these little snippets of code were inserted into the chain of packet handling modifying validating and making sense of the raw unencrypted data we'll see this in operation in the next section to review and possibly clarify this first section in this first section we use the conventional GPS system to recover location information from the constellation of satellites orbiting Earth typically we need to see for clearly for the receiver to lock-on and provide a stream of location and timing data sentences the processor picks out the vital data and compresses them into data packets the radio device modulates the data for radio transmission all gateways receiving radio packets surround them with metadata for onward transmission to the things network where they are sorted decrypted and made available to qualified viewers one view is via the console screen so let's take a look at that now this is the application status screen a new block appears for every reconstructed packet to the rise from any other devices that are registered with an application this example and has one at present the time for the counter and the porter displayed along with the sending device ID and the payload in hexadecimal the sense that payload functions have made of the packet are revealed here click on the blue twirl down expands each packet here the uplink payload again and the decoder fields and beneath it metadata the time frequency and data rates are provided but then there's a section labeled gateways this is an assembly of all the gateways that received a copy of the same packet each gate is stamped its identification timestamp time channel and location into the packet the two values labeled our SSI and SNR are the two measures of recorded signal strength the more gateways that receive the packet the more sections they will be under gateway this completes the overview of the T thean consult and how it handles packets with data being correctly received at t TN we can now move on to the next step node-red if all has gone well the sketch has been uploaded onto the mini pro the GPS is receiving correctly and the details being transmitted via Laura when to TT n these details now need to be recovered to be processed in this first example we're going to use the Raspberry Pi and node-red to do the heavy lifting of collecting beta from T TN and positioning the baton on to the world map node-red when supplied on the PI tends to run a little behind the very latest version available on the web step one is therefore to upgrade or install this to update it to the current version and step two is to go further here we need to add two additional node-red modules that are not supplied with the standard distribution these contributions as they're called include mapping functions dashboards and methods of contacting TT n step three is then to run the flow I should begin step one by suggesting that this upgrade could go wrong and that any precious data be backed up before undertaking this process that said pointing the browser on the PI 2 node red org slash Docs slash Hardware slash for our three PI vamp page displays a link to this and which may be copied and pasted into terminal window this excellent script begins with a few questions before installation this will take a little time but on completion allows node-red to be started at the text prompt by entering node - read - start little appears to happen as node read operates in the background only revealing its useful operation via browser interface inspecting the printout provides a reference to this browser link which is either your IP address colon 8080 or more generally HTTP colon slash slash colon 8080 if this opens all is well with the node-red installation you can of course move to any machine on your local network and insert the name or IP address into the browser to see node-red running remotely but do not forget the colon 1880 slash at the end of the address to select the correct port we can now move to step two installing the additional modules there are the recommends that can be entered in that the prompt to install modules but perhaps the simplest method is to click on this hamburger icon here to reveal the palette manager option here are the two tabs node and install there are two additional modules that need to be installed TT N and world map the first is to install TTA nodes click on the install tab and enter TT into the search bar you may as well enter all of the options are very long there are these two currently press this install button in each option until now we've been using the term node to mean the thing or end device in node-red terminology nodes are these on-screen elements held in the parrot on the left next we will install mapping functions enter mapping into the search to see the available updates inspect this one press install and wait for a few moments i've speeded up this video it's probably wise to restart node-red after these upgrades mouse click in the text window and enter ctrl C to reveal the prompt enter node - red - stop and then node - red - start watch the resulting lines to check for errors after the restart the node should appear in the palette if they have we can progress to the third step importing the example one flow from github one of the many joys of node-red is a very simple method of designing or importing designs in connecting nodes accord flows and are formed by dragging nodes onto the canvas and connecting them by left mouse clicking the small grey input and output circles at either end there's no limit to the number of inputs or outputs that may be coupled in this way blue circles and red triangles warn of incomplete setups double-clicking on a node reveals a flyout with elements that require configuring once complete click on this red deploy button this will clear all of the warnings and start the flow importing designs is simple designs are stored as text files head for the example one load red flow on the github simply copy the example 1 sketch into your clipboard and click the hamburger icon import clipboard to open this window click the new flow and left click in the gray pane and right click to paste in the flow if all is well the import button turns red suppress it the graphic of the flow appears attached to the cursor drop it into place using the left mouse click this is a relatively simple flow but has to be configured to suit your situation the first blue TTN node has now been replaced by the uplink note but performs the same function it's a node that collects States from TTN double-click it to reveal this flyout it should have four parameters named app device ID and field I've inserted name which you're welcome to change app is the next field this requires some important settings so click this pen icon to access this flyout this is where the node is linked to your application enter exactly the ID as it appeared earlier in the CTN site then enter the region or the broker again this is available from the TTN application page finally wine to the base of the application page and cut and paste the access key from the TTN page into the node red field this allows node-red to complete the first stage of the security settings mentioned earlier click update to complete this stage the earlier flyout reappears now the device ID again copy from the TTM page needs to be pasted across completing this phase press done nodes that have been edited support this little blue dot on the top right hand side we've tried to keep this example as simple as possible to get you up and running in the shortest possible time and in the process demonstrate how brilliant node-red is the second node is the workhorse a function block double clicking this reveals the JavaScript code within here we see how node red works short snippets of JavaScript designed to quickly pass on messages in payloads a little like a hot potato this node formats the payload ready to be passed to the third and final world map node click on this reveals the options that you will adjust to configure the system to operate with your parameters to complete the flow click on this deploy button it records the changes clearing all of the outstanding blue dots and begins the flow a little housekeeping involves selecting this debug tab to receive feedback about the performance of the flow and this dustbin to remove any legacy notifications after small pause a drop down notification confirms that all this operational as further confirmation this green connected dot appears showing that the parameters have been correctly configured a node red is in communications with CTN this is another significant and pleasing stage but where's the output but if all the selected map will appear at your address slash world map it may also be invoked by pressing the ctrl + Shift key together and tapping em the same combination used in the IDE no IDE earlier the map should appear and if always been configured correctly the button located correctly all in all this is a very impressive achievement for very little work the options up here in the right hand corner provide an impressive array of display options this completes example 1 making the map publicly viewable could be the next stage and this involves exposing your PI to the Internet a few essential precautions have to be implemented beforehand all of this is beyond the scope of this video but have been covered in earlier editions once the precautions have been taken discover your IP address and use the port forwarding rules on your router to expose port 1880 on your system to global view on their happy note we will move on to example 2 geolocation using Wi-Fi Wi-Fi geolocation this is the hardware used for geolocation using Wi-Fi just two small PCBs the first is a we must bought that combines an esp8266 microcontroller and a Wi-Fi chip the second is from our good friend Charles's CH 21 his Laura note board has an RF m95 radio module a few support components and headers to solder it again an RF connector the small antenna have been added although a short length and why would do if nothing else this looks good it's based on Frank's Beck's design build a Wi-Fi localization note from the TT and learn section linked below the wingless board is programmed using the same arduino ide that was used in example 1 modifying the ide to work with the we must board involves adding the board details to the ide and then selecting the newly installed choice to do this select file preference and copy this address into this arduino boards manager URL and save by pressing ok now our head for boards manager and select esp8266 repeat the loop by returning to tools board and selecting the 80 to 66 option the IDE is now set up to use the port now you'll need to tell the IDE where on your machine the board is connected as before go to tools ports and select your local port and we're away the example to sketch can be copied from the github and pasting the IDE windows before again as before returns TTN and add a new application and add the device once completed copy back the details from TTN into the sketch the path should now become familiar press save and then the upload button check when there are no errors in the text screen at the bottom and we're away the node should now be transmitting you can go further the device has been recognized at the other end bite things Network by checking that this dot has changed from Alberta green the data streaming in may be seen by pressing this data button the first half is working now to recover the date from TTN and present it on a map return to the node-red copy the example to load red code from the github and paste it into the new canvas using the imported clipboard function double-click on the blue t TM message or event node and the flyout appears we need to set up this second application so click on the pen button the second flyer it appears and here transfer the application ID the regional broker and the access key click update to return to the first flyout enter the device ID and this time include this field as shown we did not do this in the first example otherwise everything else follows the same path press done to complete this entry we now need to setup the link with the Google site that's going to provide the Wi-Fi database access and the mapping features Google features are enabled and controlled using an application programming interface and API setting up and using the account to obtain an API tends to change but this is well covered in their help files the essential steps for gaining the security rights involves searching for Google geocoding and acquiring an API key this is your private entrance to the system for your secure access so don't go broadcasting it on any YouTube video you may see the familiar pattern with the use of the API with Google and the access keys used with TTN we can now work through the flow these two function notes prepared the contents to be forwarded to the Google application using this HTTP request node the JSON mode converts the reply before the message is passed back out to the google mapping function to be displayed as before press deploy and here are the results this final example just uses the Laura signal to geolocate it's technically the simplest to establish and is also the method that uses the lowest power of the three shown here in addition it has advanced you see that does not require any special software or Hardware node it simply involves registering the details of the node with the kalus project the disadvantage of this method however is that it will only respond effectively in an error well covered by Laura Kay twice the reason for this is that the location is derived from either the signal strength or the relative TOA time of arrival of the signal at each gateway three gateways to zero in on the exact location inside and even outside the triangle additional gateways are an advantage but it's reported that improvements tend to fall off after six are employed the package transmitted from the node for geolocation purposes may be tiny the shorteez blip of information close to the Gateway this blip may only take a few milliseconds to transmit but to operate at a greater distance the largest spreading factor is required causing the transmission to take longer and in the process drain the battery more rapidly there is also a further issue nodes just wake up and rudely just blows out their packets of data with no regard to any other user on the system it's a cheap and cheerful scheme that was used quite successfully in the original a lower Network a predecessor of today's internet behavior such as this may be acceptable when there are only a few participants but as numbers grow the chances of two nodes transmitting at the same time and both signals getting scrambled and lost increases it's called a collision only the Japanese system imposes courtesy on their nodes where each device must wait for a moment of silence before transmitting everywhere else it's a free-for-all the accuracy of the system will therefore deteriorate as the traffic levels in an error increases you'll be interesting to see how this laura1 function survives in the cities of the future the hardware used in this demonstration remains greatly unchanged the RF m95 lower radio module the mini Pro and the Laura mini board from ch 21 although here we also have a local champion stuart designing and distributing his own boards that can be seen on laura tracker dot uk' the code that unloaded from github should be familiar by now and is only the very minimal skeleton sketch the values are cut and pasted across from the things network site the final parts in this jigsaw is the connection of Kalos into node-red to make this map Kalos is what is known in ttn terms and integration the process begins by applying for membership or call us at this address this is a single application with the next step described in the resulting email and a login here head for products and sent a plural and localization and click on subscribe' the profile is subscription page appears with primary and secondary keys that can be copied and pasted returns the CTN site application click on integrations and add a further integration into any process ID then enter one of the three access keys the key selected will determine whether the location calculation is made from signal level time of arrival or time of arrival enhanced by Wi-Fi data enter the subscription key and this completes the phase save the details the final step is configuring node-red drag-out let's eat and complete the field the function though contains the message formatting details we configure the world map to suit your local requirements as before Bristol Oi to complete and start the flow holding down the ctrl + Shift key and tapping em is the shortcut for opening the map page there will be a short delay but if all is well the position button should soon appear the path in node-red is therefore the connection to TT n with the details of the application and device the formatting of all of the Gateway details ready for transmission to Kalos for their processing before the conversion of the string for onward transmission to the world map is configured with your local parameters one final enhancement will be to display all of these results on the web for public view but do take care with setting up node-red before making this move so this completes this video as usual it's covered quite a lot of grounds but I hope this makes some sense if you have been thanks for watching you
Channel: Richard Wenner
Views: 14,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geolocation, LoRa, LoRaWAN, Node-Red, Raspberry Pi
Id: eF5QeC-DZ2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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