Mieux comprendre sa sexualité pour l'améliorer | Ronan Moal | TEDxUBO

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Translator: Josephine O'Donnell Reviewer: Robert Tucker Good afternoon. I'm Ronan Moal, I'm a sexologist in Brest, France, and the co-founder of a company called "Heal2Sy" which provides applications to improve sexuality. In my work, I noticed that the people I was seeing shared a number of similarities such as, generally, willingness, and also, some difficulty to understand what was happening to them. They were experiencing difficulties with their sexuality without really grasping the reason why and without really finding the way out. And often, they were feeling alone even though they had a partner. They thought they were the only one who was trying, not knowing what was going on with the other. Even when I have a couple in front of me, both respond that way. And that's what I find very interesting. The majority of these people have goodwill but don't necessarily manage to get along. So, I'm very happy to have been invited to take part in this TEDx because the theme of this year's talks is "Understanding the world". And I think that, given the place sexuality has in our lives, understanding sexuality is, to some extent, understanding the world. So, what is sexuality? I'll need to keep it simple since we could spend all evening on it, or even longer. Fundamentally, sexuality is an instinct. If we're all here this evening, if we exist, it's because all our ancestors have had this instinct within them. And for thousands of years, it was only a matter of instinct. It's only some hundreds of years ago, that we decided to start giving it rules and norms. And to do that, we called in the authority of the time: the Church. It means that to determine the behaviour of sexually active couples, we asked abstinent singles. So you can see that, right from the start, we didn't create the best conditions! It was a bit like asking people on a diet to write the New Year's menu. So to impart these norms, we immediately created the notion of good and evil, a norm that was a heterosexual sexuality within the framework of marriage, affection, and having children. So anything beside that became necessarily outside the norm or even abnormal. And this is the first difficulty in sexuality: In fact, the norm, when it comes to sex, is to be outside the norm. If we could invent a machine that could read our thoughts and write down everything we ever thought, I believe many of us would be willing to pay a lot of money to get rid of some lines in that text. The only limits that need be placed on sexuality are respect for the law, and, above all, respect for your partner and yourself. Beyond that, there are no rules. Yet, whenever we step outside this norm, we always have the feeling of being weird, shameful, or even perverted. And "perverted" can be understood as "straying from the path." So, the simple act of making love using contraception, given "the path" that was a determined initially, actually makes you a pervert. To impart this norm, we've set up an educational system. We all have been educated, and this education starts very early. It is twofold. It's a vertical education, delivered by our parents and grandparents. But it's also a horizontal education, delivered by society and people around us. And we've been influenced from the very beginning. Let me give you the example of a little one-year-old child whose parent has taken off his nappy to give him or her a bath. This child takes the opportunity to explore the part of his body he couldn't explore during the day. Imagine that the parent turns back and sees him. Depending on his own reaction, the parent is going to start guiding the child to the path he or she will follow. If the reaction is harsh - "Don't touch there, it's dirty" - due to the tone, the surprise, the use of the imperative usually reserved for important things, those words are going to be thoroughly imprinted: "Don't touch - it's dirty, okay!" If, on the other hand, the approach is softer, it may be useful to convey certain messages about social behaviour. If the child continues to play with his genitals in public, this could cause problems for him later on. But if the parent conveys it calmly saying, "That's yours, but you shouldn't do that when there are others around. In your room, you do what you want, but not when people can see," you can see that the two babies I've just spoken about are already taking two different paths. And this will go on like that. Society will take care of it too. Next time you go to the supermarket, take advantage and pass by the children's clothes aisle, and you will see what is reserved for 3-4-year-old boys and girls. Little boys have boxers, briefs in navy, black, or brown colour, with a superhero on them right there. Right now, the current trend is Star Wars. Little boys walk around with a Jedi or sometimes a villain equipped with a light sabre. I think Freud would have appreciated the symbolism. Little girls have panties in white, soft pink, or pale blue colour, with asexual princesses, little hearts, or unicorns. You can already see that the message is not quite the same. And even in the underwear's colour, is it surprising that children of three or four have dirty underwear in the evening? They learn about cleanliness. Even for adults, it's a living zone. Except that the little boy in the evening, goes to put his boxers in the wash, and nothing can be seen on them. But any soiling will immediately be seen on the little girl's underwear. A kind of hygienist pressure is exercised on her right from the start. It may seem a little far-fetched, but it can be found all the way up to marriage, in the white dress, a symbol of purity, that is, of virginity. And it's going to continue like that. In slang, little boys are "wankers". Boys wank themselves. Girls are? "Little madams." Even well-meaning parents will pass on messages involuntarily. They will show their children porno films. I'm sure you've done that. Generally, the first ones are Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. Why do I call them "pornographic films"? Well, because they're as close to reality as classic pornography that is mainly intended for a male audience. In Walt Disney films, we show to easily influenced children, especially girls, that if they are beautiful, if they wear a pretty dress, they will cross path with a prince charming, they will fall in love with each other and have lots of children - by the way, we don't know how - and they will live happily ever after, meaning no effort is required. If it's the right guy, it's bound to work. If things get complicated, it means he is not the one. Unfortunately, pretty soon after that, real pornographic films will follow. I say "unfortunately" because the average age at which people see their first porn, today in France, is now only 11 years old. This means that the majority of children see their first porn before they even hit puberty. And we are virtually subject to all these influences, all these elements, from the first day of our lives up to adulthood. We try to shape our personality in the midst of all that, and when we reach an age of sexual maturity, adulthood, we already have a pretty poor record. If you'd like an analogy, it's a bit as if we were computers equipped with an instinctive operating system on which we had installed a lot of software that was more or less good or even frankly obsolete, if not malware. Yet people who have done that have often done so with good intention. It's been downloaded into us, and you probably have in you, as much as I do, all kinds of inappropriate programs. I expect your parents has taught you to put your hand over your mouth when you cough. Haven't they? It's actually a very bad idea. When we put our hands over our mouths, we scatter all our microbes over them. And then we spread them onto armrests, door handles, almost everywhere. In that way, everyone gets to share them. The majority of illnesses are transmitted by the hands. It's not a good idea at all. So it might be well not to cough in people's face, but ideally, we should use our elbow instead of our hand. Except that back then, when we first learn that habit, we probably didn't have the same knowledge in microbiology. And now, since you are aware of an inappropriate program, you're also starting to become aware of what conditioning is. You will probably think of me next time you cough. That's why it's complicated to understand each other, because we are all computers with a different operating system and different software. And two people who try to understand each other's sexuality, it is a bit like a PC and a Mac trying to communicate. And if that was not enough, Nature also interferes. I'll save you some time, there are 11 of them. (Laughter) Counting is the first reflex we usually have! Yes, because Nature's interest is not the individual's interest either. Nature's interest is in the continuation of a species. And everything done is to that end. We are conditioned for that, so when we make love, in the eyes of Nature, we're making a child. Homo sapiens has existed for 200,000 years, the pill for only 40 years. Needless to say that our brains hadn't had time to process this data. And all it takes is one contraceptive accident for us to hit that reality. So, this is also going to influence us in spite of ourselves in the choice of our partners for example, which has actually little to do with their skills in playing guitar or reciting poems. It's mostly biological, even if psychological and sociological factors intervene as well. There's very little chance, for example, that your partner has the same blood group as you, although there are not that many blood groups. And if their blood group is the same, their Rh factor usually won't be because, simply put, immunity groups correspond to blood groups. So making a child with someone of the same immunity group means giving the child the same copy twice; but having a baby with someone of a different group means giving the child a much wider range of immunity and increasing his or her chances of surviving disease. Yet when we meet someone, we don't necessarily think about having a child. But all that has already been decided despite ourselves, by our instinct. And Nature will continue to work like that. When we fall in love, here again, I'm sorry to say it, but it's not quite like in Disney films. It's rather because your body decided that you found a compatible partner for breeding, so it secretes substances in your brain that basically drug you. Well, it's a pretty nice kind of drug; we are irresistibly attracted to the other person; and it's been like this since the dawn of time. When marriage wasn't arranged directly - so that questions could be avoided - people fell in love. They were hurried into marriage out of knowledge of what would follow. And when after one or two years, their passion faded away as the chemical secretions diminished, there were already one, two or three children. Women didn't earn a living. Men were not autonomous at the household level. Society didn't allow divorce. So people used to continue like that as assisting spouses. Today, we can live for many years with someone without having children. Women are independent, and men are too, usually. Being with someone is therefore a choice. And if we do it, it's because we want to gain from it. We want it to be something pleasant that helps us develop our personality. And we find this in desire too, that's why desire is important. Even with the expression "to desire someone", it's not clear whether it means sexuality or the person in general. So when people don't feel any sexual desire from the other, they have doubts. They sense that their integrity is being attacked. They start worrying, losing confidence in themselves. That is why today, we should see sexuality as something completely different because everything plays against a fulfilling sexuality. It is always about Nature. When a child is born, in the eyes of Nature, the parents are no longer of interest. One could potentially look after the child, but the second is incidental. All the time parents spend playing around is not time spent looking after the little one, and this is a very bad investment in Nature's view. By the way, there are species where males go away after mating, if they've not been eaten by the females. We're not doing so badly! But for example, in the human species, when a child is born, if the mother is breast feeding, she experiences every time a surge of oxytocin, which we call the "attachment hormone". We also get this surge when we have an orgasm with a partner. Except that here, it's going to be six, seven, eight times a day. Add to that fatigue, waking up at night, and the shock of pregnancy, really, it's going to be pretty easy to create a rift between the parents, or tensions and things like that. So, the most important thing to understand regarding sexuality is that everything is playing against you, and if you rely on love, spontaneity, and Nature, you will go lovingly, spontaneously and naturally, straight into the wall. We are the first generations to live what we are living today: 60 years of sex life, the possibility to choose, to find pleasure in it. So it's entirely feasible, but it's the result of a construction. You can experience something nice sexually, and it's possible that it lasts, but you need to learn to communicate since, as I said, it's like a Mac confronting a PC. Don't even try to understand what the other thinks. If you try to read a file for one with the other, it won't work. It's therefore necessary and very important, that you delete the education you've received, and replace it with a sexual ethic, a collection of moral rules and values that are yours and chosen by you because they were meaningful and relevant for you, not because others do it. Others put their hands over their mouths when they cough. You also need to learn how to communicate, dare to talk about what you like, and dare to listen to the other even if you don't understand. If it's important to her or to him, we must listen, and, if necessary, seek help because it's not all that simple. But it's possible. Above all, you must not regard each other as enemies, not wait for the other to make the first move because if you both wait for the same, this could go on for a long time. We must dare to turn to the other and say what we feel, express our desires, and not necessarily try to understand everything, it's too complicated. And you need especially to realise that, as a sexual partner, you should, above all else, be partners, friends, and allies against everything else, that is, the enemies: Nature, society, fatigue and habit. And in that way, we can succeed and do something very enjoyable and very constructive. There you go! (Applause)
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 445,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, French, France, Life, History, Medicine, Sex
Id: oMrZYU8k3_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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