Midweek Bible Study | Joshua 1:1-9 | Gary Hamrick

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's jump into our bible study in the book of joshua we're going to be chapter one we didn't get very far last week because it was basically an introduction to the book so if you missed the introduction you can always go to our website at cornerstonechapel.net and go to the teaching library or on the church app you can go to uh the teaching library there and for those of you who have been asking me because you either weren't paying attention last week or or you weren't here last week why am i not going to genesis because as i said last week i have gone through the book of genesis twice verse by verse and that's posted on our teaching archive page so i decided not to do it for a third time because the information in the bible stays the same and so you can go back and listen to those teachings if you'd like but josh was a book i've never gone through verse by verse here at cornerstone on wednesday nights and i thought it was a good place for us to jump to since we completed revelation a couple weeks ago because joshua is facing something in his life along with the rest of the israelites that is somewhat similar in this sense that we're facing different obstacles different opposition uh in our own land religious liberty is at stake this won't be entirely a teaching through joshua on the threat of our religious liberties but there is some correlation i think we're living in a time when um it's been like any other time that i can at least remember uh where there is uh such sharp disagreement about things that are right and things that are wrong uh such sharp disagreement about um ethical and moral things and so as christians you know we have to face the reality that we are in the minority and and uh and that we have to be you know genuine in our faith and we have to be um bold in our faith and we have to still you know influence our land and our culture for the glory of god and and continue to to be you know vocal and loving in all of that and so as i think about you know how we have to still make inroads in our own culture we have to fight against any opposition i don't mean that in a any kind of a violent way i just mean you know we have to just be uh people of faith who are strong in the face of opposition in these days and so there's there's some of these similarities here as joshua and the and the people of israel claim the promised land that god had given them and what they have to go through to advance uh the cause of god uh throughout the land and so that's why i've jumped here to the book of joshua uh well with that said let me just give a brief uh overview to what we talked about last week and then we'll read from chapter one and then we'll pray but for those of you who missed it and again just to get kind of a running start this is the first book of the bible named after a person joshua his birth name was hoshea or hashia meaning salvation changed by moses to yahushua the lord is salvation moses did that you can read in numbers 13 16. and joshua was called moses's assistant in numbers 24-13 and will later become his successor so joshua shadowed moses and he was his protege and he studied and learned from him and then god literally transferred the spirit of moses onto this onto joshua so that he could then take over and be the one to actually lead the jewish people back into the promised land after 400 years of slavery in in egypt and after 40 years of wandering in in the wilderness in the sinai peninsula finally getting there the book of joshua covers about 25 to 30 years and concludes with the death of joshua at 110 years of age when you put the chronology of events together it is likely that joshua was about 40 years of age when he left egypt now his friend caleb specifically the bible says was 40 years of age it doesn't say specifically what joshua's age was but probably similar to caleb and these are the only two of the spies who went into the promised land came back with a positive report they were the only two of that generation to go in eventually to the promised land their entire generation will die because of their disobedience to god they will die in the desert and only their children the next generation will enter in so joshua and caleb are very unique individuals in this regard but because caleb was specifically said in scripture it was 40 years of age it is assumed that joshua somewhere near that age also and then he spends 40 years in the wilderness with the rest of the jewish people as moses's assistant so that by the time he actually leads the people of god into the promised land he's around 80 years of age maybe as old as 85 and and and then he dies at the age of 110. so um this is a a unique guy and uh and somebody who is is a great example for us uh when you think about his life if i could just pause here for a moment because he doesn't leave egypt until he's around 40 years of age you have to remember then he was a slave for the first 40 years of his life and he understands oppression and hardship uh being a slave amongst his fellow hebrew slaves and so he understands all of this he understands oppression he understands the inhumane treatment of man against man he's experienced it he's lived it because he's going to be 40 by the time he actually leaves egypt along with the other hebrew people so joshua is somebody who takes away our excuses if you ever want to blame your past for why you are where you are you know our past can shape us to some degree but we we should not be defined by that and joshua is someone who you know went through terrible oppression was a slave to the egyptians um was somebody who experienced hardship in his life and yet that didn't define him he he was more willing to be a man of god than that and and look to what god had in store for his future than to be a man who was still crippled or chained in bondage to his past so he and he moves from being a slave to a spy he's one of the 12 that moses sends in on this recon mission in the promised land he goes from a slave to a spy to a soldier we see that in scripture too until finally he's a successor he's moses's successor and as i mentioned last week the book is divided into three sections chapters one through five is about entering the land chapter six through twelve about conquering the land chapters 13 through 21 about dividing and settling the land and then there's this epilogue chapters 22 to 24 about joshua's farewell and his death so this is really a book about god's providential care certainly for the hebrew people for the for the israelites but it is also how god is faithful to his promises to bring the people back to the promised land because they had been 400 years as slaves in egypt and now god is returning them to the land that he had promised on oath to their forefathers to abraham isaac and jacob and we're going to talk a little bit about the land tonight too because that's in chapter one so let's pray and then we'll read the first eight verses i don't know if we'll get through the whole first chapter but we'll see how far we get let's pray first father we thank you for this time and your word and we thank you that you can use text that is ancient to bear witness to our souls even today and we thank you for how you show yourself strong to the people of israel how you show joshua as a man who is strong in the lord and who takes heart and is courageous as he faces various conflicts and difficulties and we thank you for his example we pray that we would learn from it we see him as a type a picture of christ how even in his name the same name that jesus was originally given yehoshua yeshua the lord is salvation and how he brought the people into the promised land and we thank you that in a greater way jesus brings us into our ultimate home the eternal reward of heaven for all who believe in jesus so we thank you for this time and your word tonight blessed as we study it together we praise you in jesus name and everyone said amen joshua chapter 1 verse 1 in english and i'm reading new king james it starts after the death of moses but actually literally in the hebrew it is and after and after because it connects deuteronomy where deuteronomy left off this is a continuous story the end of deuteronomy talks about the death of moses so on the heels of that and after the death of moses the servant of the lord it came to pass that the lord spoke to joshua the son of nun moses's assistant saying moses my servant is dead and now therefore arise go over to this jordan you and all this people to the land which i am giving to them the children of israel every place that the soul of your foot will tread upon i have given you as i said to moses from the wilderness and this lebanon as far as the great river the river euphrates all the land of the hittites and to the great sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as i was with moses so i will be with you i will not leave you nor forsake you be strong and of good courage for this to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which i swore to their fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded you do not run from it to the right hand or to the left that you may prosper wherever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success have i not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go so this is a major transition in history in in biblical history certainly for the israelites their faithful uh servant leader the prophet moses has died and and now um there's this huge vacancy you know when anyone who is popular especially with national popularity like this dies uh it can put the people in a state of panic uh but but no need to panic because uh all along god has been preparing joshua for this moment but we see in the opening verses here of joshua chapter 1 this harsh statement moses my servant is dead and so joshua has to step into some pretty big sandals here and he's being encouraged by the lord this is um you know it would cheapen it to say it's a peptide because it's more than that but this is this is god's encouragement to joshua that god's going to be with him and he can do this and he can lead the people of israel into the promised land and so he speaks that way god does to joshua in these opening verses here and he says to him there in verse 2 moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this jordan talking about the jordan river you and all this people to the land which i am giving them the children of israel and he said there in verse 3 every place that the soul of your foot will tread upon i have given you as i said to moses now he didn't just say this to moses originally the title deed to this land was god's and given uh on oath on covenant to abraham to abram uh and and god defines it here again in the book of joshua in verse four he defines the territory from the wilderness and this lebanon as far as the great river the river euphrates and all the land of the hittites and to the great sea that's the mediterranean toward the going down of the sun the west shall be your territory so he spells out the territory now you know interestingly uh to me it was curious um when you go to israel the jewish people are are very um adamant and um very concerned about the land um you know if if if you're if the place where you live is being threatened and and you have this you know insecurity about your country and its borders and and living there then you're going to be really concerned about the land but what's interesting is when i when i talk to jewish people in america they're not so much concerned about the land and i had lunch a couple of years ago with a jewish rabbi who um is is not a messianic jew but he's just an orthodox jew who pastors actually might be reformed uh in his orthodoxy but pastors a a synagogue in washington dc uh contacted me we met up for lunch one of the things i said to him was about the oath of god in regards to the country of israel and he looked at me like you know deer in the headlight and he said there's no promise to the jewish people for the land of israel and he was taking the position of what i would say is more liberal judaism where he didn't believe at all that the jewish people are entitled to the homeland of israel which is a great debate today and i said to him your own jewish scriptures give you the borders and he said show me and i took him not to joshua but actually the first time that god spelled it out you can just listen or you can turn if you'd like to genesis chapter 15 verse 18 and this is what god swore on oath to abraham the territory of what god had promised to them on oath this is genesis 15 18. on the same day the lord made a covenant with abraham this is a this is a binding oath he made a covenant with abram saying to your descendants i have given this land and here's the borders from the river of egypt that's the nile to the great river the river euphrates okay this jewish rabbi looked at this as like i've never seen that in my bible i thought to myself i didn't say maybe you should start reading your bible this is the territory that god has given so in joshua chapter one you go back to joshua 1 god is basically restating the boundaries here now he he includes here to the west the mediterranean sea in genesis 15 it goes even further down around the mediterranean to the nile river of egypt but the borders are the same to the east and it is to the euphrates river now which is in iraq i want to take you to a map and just to kind of explain when we think about the territory that god has given to the jewish people that he swore on oath originally what god designed was that the nation of israel should occupy basically this territory here this is from the nile river to the euphrates this is roughly 300 000 square miles this is what's spelled out in the bible i i'm not deciding this this is what god has determined and so it takes up the sinai peninsula all of jordan some of saudi arabia some of iraq all of lebanon all of syria all the way to the euphrates river this is what god originally determined that the jewish people should have as their homeland now the jewish people have never occupied this ever under the reign of king david and his son then king solomon the territory of the nation of israel reached its largest borders basically this that is shadowed in purple so it almost got to the place where god intended but not even quite this is the largest that the nation of israel the kingdom of israel ever expanded um the nation of israel has gone through for 2 500 years a series of other nations that have dominated them from the time that the babylonians besieged and basically ransacked jerusalem in 586 bc until 1948 when the nation of israel the state of israel was once again established in fulfillment by the way of ezekiel 36 and 37. for 2500 years from 586 bc until 1948 there was no nation of israel the people had been dispersed there was no exclusive homeland there was no government there was not even a national language hebrew had been replaced by aramaic which was a combination of a hebrew chaldean dialect later throughout europe it would be yiddish which was a basically a hebrew european dialect for 2500 years the jewish people would be dispersed all over the world they would be oppressed all over the world they would be killed all over the world and those jews who did still manage to live within their ancient homeland would be oppressed and subjugated by various other empires that ruled that territory and this is the list from 586 bc the babylonian empire followed by the persian empire then the greek empire then the roman empire the byzantine empire the arab islamic empire the catholic crusaders the mamalux the ottoman empire and then the british empire the british defeated the ottoman turks in world war one as part of the allied forces because at that particular time the ottoman turks had allied themselves with germany and um the ottoman turks had uh made a an offensive attack against russia the allied forces intervened britain obviously a part of the allied forces in world war one and so the british army took the ottoman empire and pushed them and defeated them and recaptured the british did recapture the territory that we're talking about here tonight and so this is what god originally intended in white the purple was under king david and king solomon and then because the british had successfully defeated the ottoman empire the british empire entered into a a treaty in 1917 called the balfour declaration which determined that the jewish people were entitled to their own state and so in 1917 under the balfour declaration the british gave the jewish people this territory shaded in yellow well the hussein family objected the arab population said that's not fair to us even though the arab nations surrounding israel occupied hundreds of thousands of square miles we want some of that territory that the british empire has designated to the state of israel the hussein family led the objection so in 1922 when winston churchill was the secretary of state for the colonies of the british empire he took out a map to appease the hussein family took a crayon and drew a line down the jordan river and said the west side of the jordan river then will be the state of israel the east side will be what is called trans jordan in 1946 the east side was officially changed to the name jordan it was a whimsical decision winston churchill just decided we're going to draw a crayon down the jordan river we're going to give the west to the jewish people we're going to give the east to the hussein family in deference to appease the hussein family today jordan is still run by the hussein family king abdullah his real name is king abdullah ii bin al-hussein and so they still dominate the the the side of jordan the western side of the state of israel but again this is what god originally intended this is what the jewish people today have as the state of israel and even all of that that i've shaded in orange is some of that is disputed territory because of the west bank and the gaza strip what is shaded there in orange the state of israel today is smaller than the state of new jersey can fit into any of the great lakes and this is just a fraction of what god originally intended why is this important to know because i want everybody to understand whenever you hear there can be land for peace if israel would just give up land then they can have peace number one that's never worked and number two how much more land should they give up compared to what god originally intended them to have it's an unbiblical proposition so this is history i'm just giving you the history of it and to show you that right out of scripture these are the borders and the boundaries that god has defined so um this is this is what god has said to joshua to the jewish people they're to go in there to take the land because god had originally promised it on oath to abraham after 400 years of slavery they're going home and so he says in verse 5 back to your bibles joshua 1 5 no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as i was with moses so i will be with you i will not leave you nor forsake you now we'll come back to that but the next verse verse 6 be strong and of good courage for you note takers this is an important verse you can write it down be strong and courageous is found four times in this first chapter four times verses six seven nine and eighteen and we'll explain why be strong and of good courage for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which i swore to their fathers to give them so this is the directive he he's saying to joshua now when you get into the promised land you are going to divide it into different geographical territories you're going to split it among the nation of israel the people of israel which remember were made up by 12 tribes the 12 sons of jacob and so each tribe is going to get a land allotment and so god is telling him when you get there be be prepared to divide the land so that the people that i've promised this to can live in their different regional territories but before they're going to be able to live there in peace you're going to have to go in and conquer it because during the 400 years that you hebrew slaves have been in egypt there have been people that have been dominating the land that are idolatrous they are pagan people you're gonna have to go in there you're gonna have to displace them and you're gonna have to crush all their idols because you can't go into this land and expect to worship me you're gonna be seduced by their idols so there's work to be done first but god is telling him be strong courageous you're going to divide the land when you get there verse 7 only be strong and very courageous there he repeats it again with a very emphasis that you may observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded you don't turn from the right or to the left okay now he's emphasizing the law here by the way this is the first individual in all of the bible that god commands i want you to be guided guarded and governed by my word this is the first individual he sets an example for us that we should be guided governed and guarded by the word of god we're going to talk more in a moment he says that you may prosper wherever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth you shall meditate on it circle that word meditate day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it not some of it not the convenient parts all of it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success for i have have i not commanded you and again the third time be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go let's pause there because there's a lot in here i want to unpack unpack with you four times in this first chapter three of them we've read so far where god says be strong and courageous now why would he have to tell joshua this you know you don't tell somebody something unless they need to hear it all right so the understanding is god knows that joshua has some trepidation here again he's he's taking a huge responsibility and so god is encouraging him to be strong and very courageous but it's curious to me why does god have to tell this particular guy to be strong and courageous why is it curious to me because the very first time that we are introduced to joshua in all of the bible is exodus chapter 17. and when we're introduced to him in exodus chapter 17 he's a warrior he's a soldier he's fighting the amalekites in exodus chapter 17. moses taps him on the shoulder and says joshua it's first time we hear his name mentioned exodus 17 verse 9. joshua i want you to take a bunch of the strongest mighty men of the israelites and i want you to fight the amalekites because the amalekites were perennial enemies of the israelites and so joshua's leading the battle now in exodus chapter 17 there's this wonderful scene that some of you are probably familiar with where the bible tells us that when moses the leader of the of the hebrew people at this particular time because they're still in the wilderness wandering part of their venture to the promised land that whenever moses so moses would go up on the hill overlooking the valley where this battle was happening between the amalekites and the israelites the bible says whenever moses with his staff in hand would hold his hands up in this posture of like prayer or praise to god that the israelites would have victory over the amalekites but whenever he got tired and his arms would drop the amalekites would start to have victory over the israelites and so i try to imagine how this is working like you know did god actually reveal this to him or did he just notice it by observation he's up on the hill he's got his staff he's got his hands up every time he's like okay lord please help hey wow look at that hey the israelites are winning wow that's incredible whoa now the amalekite's hands back up okay israelites are winning again all right i'm kind of tired whoa oh there they go again oh i got to get my hands back up oh there's one of those israelite guys i never really did like i'm going to take my hands down and see oh no that's not right okay so he's going through this whole thing back and forth right the bible says his arms get tired so aaron and her help prop him up so they put moses on a rock they sit him down and then hers on one arm and aaron's on the other and they're holding up his arms and the bible says as long as moses held up his arms the israelites had victory god was giving favor and the israelites were victorious over the amalekites but every time i hear exodus 17 preached it's all about that it's all about moses and aaron and her okay great moses was sitting and aaron and her were propping up his arms how hard is that you know where it was really hard down in the valley where joshua was joshua's with the sword like ah god yeah hey moses aaron and her how you doing up there yeah well i'm chomping up people i'm glad you can hold up his arms you know and there joshua is that's this guy this guy's in the valley with a sword in fact in exodus 17 verse 13 it says so joshua defeated amalek and his people with the edge of the sword that's the tribute to joshua he's this mighty guy this warrior he's this you know slayer with a sword that's joshua that's why it's curious to me when we get here to the first chapter of the book that bears his name four times we read that he had to be encouraged be strong and courageous be strong and courageous why this guy if there's anybody who's already strong and courageous it would be this guy except that this is what it tells us i think there's a fine line in all of us between faith and fear it's a very thin line that you have to fight to be a person who walks in faith because the natural default for every single one of us is to walk in fear i don't care how mighty of a person you are take it from the lesson of joshua a very mighty man he had to be told four times in the first chapter be strong courageous be strong courageous be strong and courageous be strong and courageous because that thin line is very real in every single one of our lives there's times that i'm sure all of us could say man we just really felt the presence of god the strength from the lord that only came from him it isn't of me and i'm walking in faith and i'm trusting god and i'm doing well and then in like a minute you can also be on the other side of that line go oh i'm scared to death oh i can't believe this is happening to me and you know where's god when i need him you know 15 minutes ago you had the faith of god why are you now walking in fear because there's that thin line where we're always having to fight it even the strongest most courageous among us are having to fight to walk in faith because god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and loving of a sound mind is what paul writes to timothy and it is it is the default in every single one of us to gravitate towards fear to think the worst to believe the worst to to start to panic to start to worry to start to be anxious to start to be fearful i'm not saying that to shame anybody i identify with human flesh like the rest of us i'm saying to us that if a guy like joshua who was a who was a mighty man by nature needed to be encouraged to be strong and courageous it's probably a good reminder to all of us that there's this element of fear that we're always going to have to fight against press against so that we can be men and women who walk in faith amen that's what this story is about so then the question becomes well how can i be a person who is strong and courageous walking in faith and not in fear and i think that in this the first eight verses here that god helps us to understand as he explains to joshua here's how you can be strong and courageous so what i think that he points us to are two things the first is the reminder of the comfort of god's presence the comfort of god's presence three times almost as many times as the phrase be strong and courageous three times in the first chapter is this statement from god that he will always be there it is verse 5 no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as i was with moses so i will be with you i will not leave you nor forsake you as the comfort of his presence further down in verse 9 have i not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go and then a verse we haven't gotten to yet but you can jump ahead to verse 17. just as we heeded moses in all things the people are saying this to joshua so we will heed you only the lord your god be with you as he was with moses so they're just reiterating what god is saying three times in chapter one we are reminded of the presence of god we have to think on that when you get to that place of fear you need to remind yourself god is present with me he will never leave me he will never forsake me you have to just quote scripture to remind yourself of the presence of god it's intended to bring comfort to us so we can be strong and courageous this is what god said through the prophet isaiah in isaiah 41 10 fear not for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand that's isaiah 41 10. what a great verse just a reminder of god's abiding presence he will never leave you nor forsake you so that's one thing that god says to joshua here i want you to be strong courageous now let me remind you three times i will never leave you i will never forsake you i'm with you i'm with you and the second thing that we see here to help us be strong and courageous is the counsel of god's word he mentions here in this in this part of uh starting in verse seven only be strongly created very courageous that you may observe you can circle that observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded you do not turn from the writer to to the right hand or the left that you may prosper whatever you do this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it so there's this strong emphasis on the counsel of god's word so god is saying i'm going to be with you and i want you to heed my word this this is part of the instruction that moses gave you god's saying i'm restating it and so we're drawn to see two things here the first is he says i want you to observe or literally it means to obey all of my word the hebrew word is shamar to observe or to obey and it means to keep to heed to observe to obey and so as he says here i want you to observe to do all according to that written in the word i want you to obey this this is good for you because he says listen there's this natural built-in benefit to it i'm going to make you prosperous in all that you do if you follow my commands it goes well with you and the bible emphasizes this to us this is one of the things that we talked about on sunday what marks a true disciple of jesus well it's because we walk in his word we obey what he says john 8 31-32 jesus said to those jews who believed him if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so walk in that truth john would also write in first john 5 verse 3 this is love for god how can we show our love for god to keep his commands and his commands are not burdensome and why are they not burdensome because if you really walk in truth as jesus told us that the truth will set us free there's no burden in being liberated that's a wonderful place to be and god's word is given to us so that we might have a proper uh guide for our lives and that when we do according to what god says it just goes better for us the bible says in proverbs that the way the transgressor is hard we bring hardship into our lives when we live contrary to the word of god it goes better for us when we obey the word of god that's just the way it works the bible says in james chapter 1 verse 22 but be doers of the word not hearers only deceiving yourselves if you're only here and not a doer you deceive yourself for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror for he observes himself goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was but he who looks into the perfect law of liberty notice that and continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this one will be blessed in what he does and so there's this constant attachment of god's blessing to our obedience when we do what god says it goes well for us so there's this emphasis here on observing or obeying the word of god and then the other thing that he adds there is the word meditate that we need to meditate on on the word of god that's verse 8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it the word meditate in the hebrew means to ponder to consider to think about what you've just read it's interesting too the same hebrew word can mean to mutter listen i found this interesting to growl like a lion to coo like a dove and i i thought that's kind of an interesting translation of the hebrew but it it started to remind me of you know when you take your bibles and go to a place where you know you have some quiet time with the lord maybe you get a cup of coffee and just some kind of solitude as you're starting to you know meditate on the word you're just kind of like whispering under your breath as you're reading and feeling there's this muttering that happens as you're meditating on as you're pondering it as you're taking to heart what it says and this is what the psalmist would write in psalm 1 1-3 blessed is the man is is the is the woman is the person who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night and as a result he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper so again there's always this attachment to god's good favor to us when we listen to his word and put it into practice may we be doers and not hearers only you want to be strong and courageous i hope we all do well let's always remember the comfort of god's presence and let's always walk in the counsel of god's word that we might be strong and courageous people we'll pick it up there next week let's pray lord it's easy sometimes for our hearts to get weighed down by fears and worries anxieties but even as you told joshua you would say to us through your word be strong and courageous and how can we be that lord except for your presence that is always with us you will never leave us nor forsake us thank you for your abiding presence and for the counsel of your word instead of getting all fearful and worrying about things that we can't even control may we take time to observe and to meditate on your word getting it into our hearts and into our soul to guard our minds in christ jesus to bathe our thoughts with your word to drive out fear because your perfect love drives out fear lord so the more we have a view the less we're going to have a fear and worry and anxieties we need to rest in you and i pray tonight for those who are particularly going through a fearful time maybe they got bad news of some sort maybe it's relational troubles maybe it's fear over a child whatever the case might be i pray god that you would replace that with the presence of your holy spirit to bring strength and courage to their hearts and that they would abide in your word to be strengthened in faith because of what you reveal to us through scripture help us lord that that line is so thin between faith and fear help us to walk in faith to not be people of fear but to trust you lord and we thank you in jesus name and all god's people said amen and amen god bless you all you
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 27,752
Rating: 4.9367313 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Biblical sermons, leesburg va, cornerstone chapel leesburg virginia, great sermons by great preachers
Id: GFx30r8XgZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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