Midweek Bible Study | Revelation 21 | Gary Hamrick

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] revelation chapter 21 is where we are tonight let me uh revisit all of this with you on the timeline so let me go back to the wall here and remind us where we are because we're almost to the end of the book of revelation and so we have just come through the discussion about the thousand-year reign the millennial reign of christ at the end of the tribulation period christ returns ends the battle of armageddon and then he separates the sheep from the goats that's matthew chapter 25 he separates the righteous from the unrighteous and so only at the beginning of the millennium the righteous will go into that millennial kingdom those who survive the tribulation only the righteous will go into the millennial kingdom the saints return with christ and we help jesus to govern and to administer uh over the nations that's the role and responsibility of the saints we will rule and reign with him for that thousand year period it will be a glorious time on earth like never known before it will have peace that is unprecedented it will have joy people will live longer than normal even the bible says the animal kingdom will be tame and people will otherwise continue to live life like normal they will have jobs they will go to work they will have families they will raise children over that thousand year period during this thousand year fortunately the bible says that satan has been bound he has been cast into the abyss for that thousand year period of time thus also contributing to the peaceful factor that is present on the earth because not only is jesus the prince of peace ruling from jerusalem and saints ruling and reigning with him but satan has been bound for that thousand years so evil and wickedness is very much diminished now people who were born during that thousand years still have a sin nature so they will still be committing sinful things but it will be much different and the world will be much more at peace not divided governments and divided nations there will be one king his name is jesus over all nations it will be one world reign under our lord jesus christ so that's the thousand years but at the end of the thousand years the bible says that jesus will release satan one last time to deceive the nations why because everybody who grew up and was born and raised during that thousand years has never really made much of a choice for christ seeing as how satan has been bound and so satan is released so that the people have a choice to make at this point and the bible says that satan unfortunately it shows how much he is clever and deceptive he will lead many nations astray they will gather forces once again to battle against the lord in jerusalem those who are so inclined to follow the ways of the enemy and jesus will put an end to that that will be the end of all final battles and wars and satan is thrown into the lake of fire where the false prophet and antichrist have already been that's the end of chapter 19 of revelation and all those who joined forces with satan will also be cast into the lake of fire and so that brings us to the discussion of the lake of fire and the great white throne judgment because the lord will judge those who opposed him in that final war and all unbelievers will be judged they will be sentenced and they will also be cast into the lake of fire along with satan the false prophet and the antichrist that was all of chapter 20 but now the good news is after all of that we come to what we're going to read tonight which is a new heaven and a new earth so what we're going to read tonight has to do with if you know christ your ultimate home and your ultimate destiny and it is a new heaven and a new earth it's not the present heaven it's not the present earth we're going to read here about a whole new heaven and a whole new earth i'm going to start out by reading just the first eight verses here chapter 21 so follow along with me as i read verse 1 john writes now i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away also there was no more sea then i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and i heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people god himself will be with them and be their god and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away then he who sat on the throne said behold i make all things new and he said to me write for these words are true and faithful and he said to me it is done i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i will give out of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts he who overcomes shall inherit all things and i will be his god and he shall be my son slash daughters but the cowardly unbelieving abominable murderers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death so let's pause there and then we'll dig out as far as we can through chapter 21 tonight let's pray lord thank you for this time in your house thank you for your word these things that we read about are heavy and yet they are also hopeful at the same time because lord you are giving us a glimpse in in the things about the things that are to come and you are showing us our future home and our future reward and and so in that sense lord we are very hopeful and and it's exciting to read about these things but at the same time our hearts are heavy because we know that there's going to become great turmoil on the earth and there will be great devastation and destruction and people will die and they will do so because of their own stubbornness their own refusal to believe so we pray god that you would begin to move in the hearts of the most stubborn of people and that you would use us as instruments to share lord the good news of christ that as many as possible might be saved we know that's your heart lord and so we pray that you would give us a heart that weeps over the lost and that you would call us to be active in sharing our faith that many will come to know you as lord and savior we love him we thank you for this time together in your word in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen in matthew chapter 24 verse 35 you don't need to turn but in matthew 24 35 jesus said heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away when he said that he was looking to this day that we're reading about here in revelation 21 a future time when there will be a new heaven and a new earth the present earth we're living in will be destroyed the current heaven where god resides and the saints with him will be destroyed those things will pass away and god is bringing about a totally new thing a new earth and a new heaven and a new city on that earth that is referred to here in chapter 21 as the new jerusalem now jesus not only spoke of it the prophet isaiah spoke of it as well in isaiah chapter 65 verses 17 to 19 isaiah wrote for behold speaking from the lord god saying i create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind but be glad and rejoice forever in what i create for behold i create jerusalem as a rejoicing and her people a joy i will rejoice in jerusalem and joy in my people the voice of weeping shall no longer be heard nor the voice of crying isn't that what we just read there in revelation 21 so even the prophet isaiah 700 years before christ saw this god prophetically showed him this and he writes about it there the apostle peter would also write about it in his second letter second peter chapter 3 10-13 he wrote but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up therefore since all these things will be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness looking for and hastening the coming of the day of god because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire and the elements will melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells so this is what's coming now what's interesting is when john writes here in chapter 21 verse 1. now i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven of the first earth had passed away he references the passing away of the first earth in first heaven back up in chapter 20 just the previous chapter look at verse 11 when he wrote then i saw a great white throne in him who sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away so what's interesting to note is that it appears in the language at least in the chronology of events that this present earth and the present heavens pass away and then there's a new heaven and a new earth that is revealed and the question becomes where are people in relation to the old one passing away before the new one gets here and what bible scholars actually believe is that for a short period of time that god will actually suspend us in space in between the destruction of the old and the creation of the new which is not anything difficult for god in fact the bible tells us in colossians chapter 1 verses 16 and 17 for by him and this is specifically speaking about jesus by him all things were created things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all things were created by him and for him he is before all things and in him all things hold together do you know that the present universe is held together because jesus is holding it together you know the earth presently is rotating on its axis at about a thousand miles an hour finishes that rotation within about a 24-hour period and the earth orbits around the sun at about 67 000 miles per hour to complete that orbiting journey in about 365 days so you know if at any point jesus decides to release his hold i mean things would be careening out of control in the universe but the reason why everything is in order and everything is held together and the earth is rotating on its axis and orbiting around the sun is because all things are held together by jesus so guess what if in fact it comes to the time where we are being suspended between the old earth and the new earth the old heaven and the new heaven jesus can handle it because he presently handles everything being in control i want you to try to imagine though as we dive in here to chapter 21 and i'm prepared to teach you the whole chapter but we'll see how how far we get because i don't want to rush through this it's important for us to just to try to imagine you know there was a song that was written imagine about heaven and i want you to try to do that i want you to try to imagine as we're reading through chapter 21 here a world that that this is describing where there will be no more sorrow about anything there's never going to be another bad day for the rest of your life nothing to mourn about no death no crime no evil i mean we're way past now the millennial period satan false prophet antichrist they're all in the lake of fire every unrighteous person who's denied christ in the lake of fire everything is brand new at this point this new heaven and this new earth will there where there is no more death no more crying no more suffering no more presence of evil no more temptation no more fear no more bad news no more crime nothing bad and every person you meet will be honest and loving and sincere and likable and truthful including you that some people can't believe you're gonna be like that either you will only and always experience a perfect loving safe and joyful existence of the presence of the lord i mean it's it's wonderful to imagine but it is really hard to grasp you know that's why paul would write to the corinthians noah has seen and no ear has heard neither has it entered the heart of man what god has prepared for them that love him and then the next verse says but god has revealed this to us by his spirit so you almost just have to you know try to grasp it in it by your spirit because you know mentally this is so beyond our imagination it's so incredible the things that are described here in this chapter and if if it weren't wonderful enough that you're going to be in this sorrow-free death-free pain-free environment where everybody's loving and joyful and everything is safe if that weren't enough you'll be also surrounded it tells us here in chapter 21 by this unspeakable beauty i mean just the beauty of this the bible describes this heavenly city which again will become the home for all the saints as a brilliant multicolored dazzling city with streets of gold and gates of pearl it tells us here in verse 2 that john says i then i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband that's the description that john gives this new city because it's so beautiful it's with anticipation and the beauty of like how a bride gets all prepped and beautified and ready for that wonderful you know wedding day and you know i just i just remember like it was yesterday i can remember yesterday standing at the altar and and terry was being walked down the back of the church arm-in-arm with her dad and i can remember like it was yesterday just seeing her come around the corner of the back there and standing at the back of the island i just thought how beautiful all dressed up how beautiful and then the second thought was what am i doing i have no idea one of those mixed moments of joy and freaking out all at the same time and john describes this city like a beautiful bride prepared adorned for her husband so i'm going to summarize with you as we go through here chapter 21. i'm going to summarize with you things that that will be there and things that won't be there and some of the things that describe this new this new ultimate home for us and so um let's just go a few things through a few things here and i'm going to give them to you in sections uh so that you can take notes instead of one at a time but one of the first things that we see here obviously is that god will be present because he tells us in verse three and i heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they will be his people now the word tabernacle there in verse 3 is the same word used in john 1 14 when it says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us some translations say and tabernacled among us it's the same word that is used there in john 1 14 as is used here in revelation 21 3. and the idea is in john 1 14 the word became flesh god became flesh and dwelt among us tabernacled among us that's the idea of what it's going to be like in the new heaven when when the lord is just going to be dwelling with us living among us walking among us i mean this is jesus this is a description of jesus just his presence with us continually in in the place where we are ultimately going to live here and and it tells us in in verse 4 number two on our list that death pain and all our sorrows will be absent now i do believe this answers the question that many people have i've been asked this multiple times over the years will i know if my loved one is missing who didn't receive christ as their savior and my answer to that is this verse you know sometimes memory is a wonderful thing and sometimes memory is a terrible thing there's some you don't have to raise your hands but there's some things you wish you could forget right and um and and so a memory is a wonderful thing and and we know how devastating those of you if you know have loved ones who have been hit with alzheimer's or dementia and you watch them you know slowly fade away and they and they lose their memory um that can be such a horrible thing to watch and and no doubt to happen to an individual um but in some ways um having no memory about painful things is a wonderful thing and when there's no pain and there's no sorrow and there's no suffering and there's no crying in heaven i think god in his mercy takes away any memories in our minds that would be hurtful or painful or sorrowful and so i don't think you're going to know who's missing you know you and i are going to be so overwhelmed that we're in the presence of the lord that the memories of the painful uh regrettable shameful sinful uh grievous things we just we're not gonna have it's just gonna be taken away he's making everything new and so that's good also for those of you who continually punish yourself for your past even though you know christ has forgiven you you're harder on yourself than jesus is you know jesus forgives and you don't forgive yourself and and so sometimes you torment yourself with your own painful memories well i have good news for you when you get to heaven you ain't gonna remember that stuff anymore so if you think that you you know it's okay to torment yourself now by revisiting your past which it isn't okay i have good news for you you won't even remember it when you get into the presence of the lord you're going to finally be set free from the shame and the torment of your own past because when we get to heaven death is gone pain is gone all our sorrows will be absent no more suffering no more pain now it's interesting though it tells us there um in verse 4 that that god will wipe away all our tears from our eyes and and then he adds and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying so so why are we crying to begin with you know i mean the verse does start out by saying he's going to wipe away every tear from her eyes and and so i have to imagine that this is a different kind of of crying that um have you ever been in a situation where you're finally so relieved and you've just been exhausted you know getting there that when you finally get to that place you just are overwhelmed with emotion i think it's going to be something like that we're finally going to be in the presence of the lord and and everything we've been through in our lives and and all of that that that we've endured and and it finally comes to ultimate fruition and we're just overwhelmed with emotion i don't think these are necessarily sorrowful tears these are tears of relief these are tears of like finally it's here but yet it's this beautiful picture of jesus though wiping away every tear okay all right you're finally here all right you're relieved no more crying no more sorrow no more pain no more suffering no more regrets no more shame the former things notice the end of verse 4 the former things have passed away it's done behold he makes all things new that's verse 5. he makes everything new that's the third thing on our list he who sat at the throne said behold i make all things new and he said to me right for these words are true and faithful so everything brand new this is not you know earth you know a a a makeover this is not you know heaven you know fixer-upper this is this is everything is completely brand new fresh light brand new beginning old earth gone old heaven gone this is a new heaven new earth and this new beautiful city this new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband number four in our list that tells us of course here that believers will be present in in verse 7 he says he who overcomes shall inherit all things and i will be his god and he shall be my son again that's a generic term it's it's including sons and daughters but believers are the ones who will be present now i get this question also a lot when we all get to heaven will we still be our own age we'll be different you know ages in heaven and so the bible's kind of silent on this but it would appear that we're going to be some kind of universal age you know it's not going to be like you know there's feeble people walking around with walkers you know you're going to get a rej a glorified body you're going to you're going to have a glorified body like jesus and with a glorified body means and with the no more suffering and no more dying and no more pain and all of that so it's going to be you longevity it's it's like time ceases to be you're in the presence of the lord and there are some who believe that there's going to be this universal age of 30. now why 30. in numbers chapter 4 you could not enter priestly service until you were age 30. and by the way in numbers chapter 4 it also tells us that mandatory retirement for the priest was age 50. so i i got to go uh but uh but you know age 30 and then when saul became the first king of israel he was 30 when david became king of israel he was 30 when jesus public ministry began which was typical of a rabbi it was 30. so there is it's thought that there will be this universal age you have to consider when adam was created adam was not created as a baby he wasn't in huggies he was created as an adult man and at what age was adam created again your jewish rabbis would would say that he was created at the age of 30. there could be this universal age in heaven now universal agent heaven being 30 that's good for those of you who are like 70. for those who are like 16 bummer you know what i'm saying to you but you know it is what it is then i get this other question what about little kids so when i get to heaven will will the little kids still be little or will they automatically be a universal age you know with me and so all of this is unknown this is all speculative the bible doesn't speak about this kind of a thing in terms of how old will people be in terms of their appearance there won't be aging in heaven but you know what will be the appearance i heard uh one guy who um and i think this this could be possible you know wouldn't it be in the mercy of god to allow us to when we get to heaven to see any any child who has died at a young age at that child at that age and then god allows us to watch him or her grow up to be 30 and then no more no no further aging i don't know it's interesting to think about but it's all speculation at this point because we just aren't told but the good news is believers will be present in heaven the sad news is but the reality based on their choices is that number five on our list unbelievers will be absent if you look at verse 8 it says but the cowardly unbelieving abominable murderers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death if you also notice the last verse of this chapter verse 27 it says but there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles or causes an abomination or a lie but only those who are written in the lamb's book of life so again this is a reminder to us that believers will be present but unbelievers will be absent the next section of points that come from this chapter is between verses 9 through 14 so let me read verses 9 through 14. then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me saying come i will show you the bride the lamb's wife and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city the holy jerusalem descending out of heaven from god having the glory of god her light was like a most precious stone like a jasper stone clear as crystal also she had a great and high wall without rather with 12 gates and 12 angels at the gates and names written on them which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of israel three gates on the east three gates on the north three gates on the south and three gates on the west now the wall of the city had 12 foundations and on them were the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb so interesting stuff here uh point number six on our list is that there's no sun or moon no sun or moon will be present but the light will be bright with god's glory this is what verse 11 tells us having the glory of god her light was like a most precious stone very brilliant very bright this city will be and if you jump further to verse 23 it says the city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it for the glory of god illuminated it the lamb is its light now uh some bible scholars look at the word uh need in verse 23 the city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it and some will say well there probably still will be a sun or a moon there just won't be a need for it because the brilliance of the light will emanate from the glory of god my take is if you don't need it then why is it there so i lean towards the interpretation that there will be no sun or moon if it's not needed anyway because the brilliance of the lord's glory will illuminate the whole city now consider what this means this means that there's no night time now again we you know we think very cyclically because we have this 24-hour day cycle and so you know we get up in the morning we go to bed at night and but you have to you have to imagine now there's no night time and there's no night time but there's no need for night time because you don't need to go to bed and you won't be going to sleep anymore you don't need to sleep the reason we need to sleep now is because our body needs to rejuvenate and and sleep is a wonderful healing process but when when you're in the presence of the lord and there's no night and you have a glorified body you don't need to go to bed you don't need to rejuvenate yourself i mean this is totally mind-blowing when you begin to think about how different things will be wonderfully different beautifully different marvelously different uh but you know there won't be these sleep cycles anymore and you know sleep deprivation and and all of that because there's no night time uh no one needs to sleep anymore you know frank sinatra had that hit song years ago about new york city the city that never sleeps well this is going to be the real city that never that never sleeps the new jerusalem because there's there's no nighttime uh there will be no need for any of that this and you know and think about how it also means that there's going to be this constant regulated temperature because right with that without the sun you know part of the purpose of the sun is not only to bring light to the to the earth but also to heat the earth well when you have no sun anymore that means perfect temperature regulation isn't that wonderful no more husbands and wives fighting over the thermostat turn it up turn it down turn it up turn it down it's not going to be any of that jesus is going to have his hand on the thermostat and everybody's going to be happy perfectly you know moderated temperature think about right now with the moon you know part of the moon's gravitational pull regulates the ocean tides no problem not having a moon anymore because it tells us in verse one we just read it there's no sea anymore there's no sea on this new earth now right now you know the earth's surface is about 74 of the earth's surface is covered by water but in the new earth there will be no sea though there's going to be a fresh water river that's chapter 22. we'll talk about that hopefully when we get to it next week but there's no sea now for all of you beach lovers sorry you know no beach because there's no sea but again you're not going to care some of you right now are thinking oh no no more beach well how am i going to lay out well there won't be any sun you don't need to lay out anyway and you won't need any sunscreen either you're going to get a tan just being around jesus do you know what i'm saying to you and so but but the idea is everything that you love now will be that much better there so the things you're thinking well we won't have this anymore we won't have that anymore you won't need that anymore and so you won't even desire it anymore because your desire will be totally focused on the lord and things in this new heaven which is literally on earth you're talking about heaven on earth it's literally going to be heaven on earth this new beautiful heavenly city of jerusalem on earth and the dimensions are given to us i don't know if we'll get to it tonight but the dimensions of this new city are given to us here but it's it's going to be such a wonderful heaven on earth experience that some of the things you think you might miss here you won't miss there it's going to be so new and so incredible that it's going to be anything that far exceeds what we experience now number 7 on our list tells us that the wall will be high and wide with 12 gates of pearl if you look at verse 12 in verse 12 and also she had a great and high wall with 12 gates and 12 angels at the gates and names written on them which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of israel now this is interesting verse 13 says three gates on the east three gates on the north three gates on the south and three gates on the west when you look into your old testament and you see the configuration of the the the encampment of israel particularly when they were moving uh out of slavery in egypt to the promised land uh in the book of numbers it lays out for us the configuration of the different tribes and and here i'll put on the screen for you is how the tribes of israel were encamped and it was specific by god's instruction and so you have here the 12 tribes of israel and i bring this up because it tells us there in verse 13 that on these gates are written the 12 tribes of israel and i wonder don't know this for sure but i wonder if the gates will have the names of the tribes that are identical to the encampment configuration and if that's the case because it does tell us specifically in the text that there's three gates on the east three in the south three on the north three in the west then it might end up looking like this you're going to have the gate with the names judah issachar and zebulun on the east side of the city on the south side of the city you're going to have gates that are named gad simeon and ruben on the west side of the city you're going to have gates named ephraim manasseh and benjamin and then on the north side of the gate of the of the city those gates might be named naftali asher and dan and so if in fact the the gates are named after the 12 tribes of israel consistent with the encampment and the bible says when they would um and camp at night then those might very well be the names on those gates but back here in our text it tells us also in verse 21 check this out in verse 21 the 12 gates were 12 pearls each individual gate was of one pearl that's a big gate that's a big oyster too by the way but one single gate is one single incredible pearl so when you know when people talk about the pearly gates i don't know what you had in mind when people you know talk about the pearly gates they are actually gates of pearl and each gate is a huge single pearl and again you have 12 of these three on each side of the city and um it tells us also that um the in verse 17 it tells us that then he measured its wall 144 cubits according to the measure of man that is of an angel so 144 cubits is approximately 200 feet so what it's telling us is that these walls are approximately 200 feet thick and each of the gates within the walls are a single pearl so very fascinating the wall will be high and wide with 12 gates of pearl by the way god's not opposed to a wall just thought i'd throw that out there and and you got to also consider why does the city need a wall there are no enemies there's nobody to keep out you know walls just sometimes define things walls just sometimes are a picture of safety they they define the city there's no need for a wall in the sense that we would think of walls but i just thought i'd throw out there in the new city god's got high and thick walls and he's not opposed to walls like that's that's so inhumane of god no just it's just a wall all right let's get through at least number eight and then we'll have another town hall about all that all right number eight on our list is the foundation will be deep with 12 layers uh verse 14. now the wall of the city had 12 foundations and on them were the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb okay the lamb is the title that jesus uses most than any other title to the book of revelation like 26 times so it's a reference to jesus he is the lamb who are the 12 apostles so the foundation of these walls are 12 layers and each layer has a name of one of the 12 apostles now the question then becomes well certainly judas's name isn't on there so then there's a speculation well okay so we have the 11 well who's the 12th and some say well probably the apostle paul and so their names are going to be etched in the foundation so you know it's interesting to think that you know god loves everybody in fact we won't get to it tonight but later here in chapter 21 he's going to specifically call out the gentiles who were saved and who were part of this holy city but be that as it may we have to remember that there's still a significant role that jewish history plays even into prophetic future you know if for people to to say well you know god's done with israel and and you know the jewish people had their chance i mean that isn't that isn't accurate then that isn't true um god is not done with the jewish people and god is not done with the nation of israel and in fact it tells us in the future holy city that the gates will be named with the 12 tribes of israel and the foundations of the wall will be named with the 12 apostles so you know god is keeping history intact as we go forward into the future and we'll get into the rest of this next week lord willing but a beautiful city for us to just try to fathom and try to drink all this in this is our our future that god is telling us about that our hearts would be prepared and be joyful as we look forward with anticipation of the things that are in store for us amen so we'll pick it up there next week let's pray lord thank you for this time together tonight in your word and it is hard sometimes for us to imagine lord would you have prepared for us but we thank you that by your spirit you've revealed these things that we would get a glimpse of the things that are to come of your beautiful city prepared like a bride adorned for her husband waiting for us what you have in store for us lord we look forward to it and it's good for us to read these things to remind ourselves that this is not earth is not our final home that we're only passing through and there awaits eternity for us in your presence around your throne worshiping you in the presence of other believers just rejoicing and so lord continue to help us to keep our gaze upwards and we get so earthly minded and we get so weighed down by the cares of this world thank you for your word that reminds us of the things that are to come that are literally out of this world we love you lord and we give you thanks in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 43,933
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Biblical sermons, leesburg va, cornerstone chapel leesburg virginia, great sermons by great preachers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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