MIDSOMMAR: Every Creepy Little Detail Hidden In The Movie

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[Music] welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host definition in this episode were breaking down some of the creepiest details in Midsomer the horror by re aster is filled to the brim with subliminal images hidden meanings and metaphors that make the movie a real trip to get through in this video we're going to be breaking down some of the creepiest details hidden in scenes that not only foreshadow the pot but also the mental stay of the characters there will be heavy spoilers here so if you haven't had a chance to see the movie yet and don't want anything potentially ruined then I highly recommend that you turn off now make sure you subscribe to the channel for videos like this every day and please drop a like if you enjoy the breakdown with that out the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into every creepy detail in Midsomer okay so Midsomer has a lot of theme slice throughout it there's grief breaking free of a toxic relationship and finding a new family Danny our central character goes through all of this during the film after the death of a sister and family early on the entire plot of the movie can actually be seen in a mural right at the start that depicts the events of the film it makes me want to take off my crown and pronounce re Esther as the new spoiler King you deserve it yes spoil your whole movie this opens the film or at least the director's cut vision but please let me know if it's in theatrical too as it bears a lot over the movie get it bears never mind as you can see the painting starts with death which is meant to represent Danny losing her family there are pipes connected to her them and the figure of a skeleton that represents the Grim Reaper next is the grief in despair that Danny feels whilst Christine tries to consult her also checkout pail in the tree sketch in there I'll get into that detail in just a bit they'll then travel and are greeted by the Hargis and Danny becomes the May Queen the bear and people falling from the cliff can be seen as well as pail leading the group with a flute in his mouth this is similar to the Pied Piper who led a bunch of children to well we don't know but it shows that they are being strung along by the character the painting also represents the seasons of winter spring summer and autumn this motif is very much lace throughout the movie with there being mentions of life being divided into seasons through the Hargis we learned that children under the age of 18 are considered to be in the spring section of their life ages 18 to 36 are considered to be summer and this is the age bracket that the central Casper into the film is also set in summer hence the title and nurse this is why we mainly focus on the group autumn is classed as ages 36 to 54 and winter is classed as 54 to 72 this is when the elders of the group die and it's also a transitional phase for them in which they are meant to be reincarnated into nature though this ceremony is centered mainly around death we also know that the hog race don't mind seeing death outside of this as several characters are sacrificed throughout the movie Christina's sacrifice at the end of the film after Danny takes up the May Queen position and he stuffed into a bear and burned alive this motif of a bear and a queen can also be seen very early on in the film when we see a picture of a bear and a girl with a crown hanging above Danny's bed this is a painting by John Bower a Swedish artist known for making art on Swedish folklore and mythology just before Christian is told that he can impregnate a member of the group we also see an image of a bear being burned alive he is placed in a chair directly in front of it which means that he can do nothing but look at it it's placed on the wall against the room that he's about to go into and this will be where he decides to betray Danny or not he tells him his fate however he does nothing to avoid this and thus he is paralyzed much in the same way that he's paralyzed at the end of the film Pal does say in the movie that his family died in a fire and he was raised by the Hargis it could be that they were sacrificed when he was very young and thus he ended up becoming adopted by those in the village we see a scarecrow dalsu on a bookcase during the movie and another figure beside it this represents the corpses that are stuffed with hay and put beside christine at the end of the movie when he's put into the bear we can also see a picture of the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz and this iconography is laced throughout the film at one point we can see that Danny has a painting of two moons in a room symbolizing an almost endless night for her juxtaposing this the days of the festival are almost non-stop and this contrast shows the difference between her two lives upon entering the festival there's a big Sun doorway and also a Sun painted onto the central platform which indicates the two suns in the area we spend a moment with Danny's family in the film and you can see by their bedside that there's a picture of Danny that has a crown of flowers above it this shows that it was always her destiny to travel this path though Danny's parents died in the first act they actually returned later in the movie when she's crowned and can be seen as members of the crowd Danny's sister horn said throughout the movie and she appears behind her at one point in a mirror when she's having a bad trip it's a blink in you'll miss a moment but it's definitely there Danny's sisters face can also be seen in the trees after the ritual and the image of her sucking on an exhaust pipe is superimposed into the surroundings showcasing that the grief Danny feels is in the area and this is forced her to take the path with the group now personally I take this as her being haunted by the fact that she could have actually saved her parents when we first see them they are visibly breathing showing that at the start of the movie they were alive Danny in the opening is hysterical but instead of phoning the police she phones Christian he tells her that it's nothing and that she's overreacting had she not listened then she likely could have saved her parents lives and thus she subconsciously hates Christian and looking at whether there had been other faces spotted in the movie I did come across some post that said there was one in the snow out the window at the start however I wasn't able to find this this also meant to be wandering the airplane scene but again I couldn't spot this apparently if you line up the smashed head of the person that jumps off the cliff you can see that the islands in the face are similar but I can't really see it here even when I lay them out on top of each other now speaking of the cliff jumping scene there are what looks to be faces in the rocks behind the group I don't know whether this is for Daphne but it's something that struck me when watching the movie Danny finds a new home with the Hargis and this is exemplified in several motifs and at many points in the movie throughout the majority of midsummer Danny's clothes are all really baggy and they don't really fit it the first outfit that doesn't hang off her is the dress made for her at the village and this cases that she fits in better with them than everyone else hell gives Danny a picture that he sketches of her and he tells her that it's something that he only does on birthdays when Danny is pronounced as the May Queen he two draws one for her signifying her new birth Danny and Christina in their relationship pretty much go around in circles refusing to end it with one another even though they're both then happy towards the climax of the movie Danny dances around in a circle as part of the May Queen ritual this cyclical behavior represents the constant spinning of their relationship that is continuously going around in circles and getting nowhere Danny is becoming exhausted by this however she manages to break free and in the same moment gets away from Christian Danny has pronounced the May Queen whilst Christian cheats with Maya Maya rearranged is of course may hats off if you spotted that one may seduces Christine with a love potion and the recipe for this is actually showcasing a painting even down to the hair in the food lovely that wish the wife would do that for me when the potion or rather spell is being put over Christian we can see that his drink is a completely different color to the rest of the group showing that something has been added to it now judging by the hints in the movie this is blood women lis blood that the only women get I'll leave that up to you imaginations what that is anyway when Danny catches Christian cheating she cries out loud and a group of women ritualistically sob with her this contrast is sobbing that she does with Christian who doesn't really seem to react or care at all this happens at several points are the movie and they seem very distant emotionally with Christian having little empathy for her however here there is a shared empathy that shows she has more in common with them at one point he tries to light a candle for her but he can't this metaphorically shows that they are struggling to give their quote unquote flame alive and it shows the deterioration of their relationship the ha gasps initially start off in all white clothing however throughout the film they start to gain color most notably red which indicates the blood that has been shed for the festival the are rune that appears during the movie at several points translates to a journey growth or evolution which is what many characters go on throughout the film the death rune appears on Christians clothing marking him for sacrifice and letting us know that he doesn't have long left the carpet did the shining pattern is often lace throughout films and you may have also noticed it in several movies however in midsummer it appears it's Danny's blanket and it's a nice little note to that horror classic I'm sure there's a lot more going on but for the meantime that's our entire list I really want to re-watch the film just to see if there's anything that I missed but after three watches those were the main things that I spotted now obviously I loved hear your thoughts on midsummer and if there are any other scary details that didn't make the list comment below and let me know and if you enjoyed this video then please give it a thumbs up and make sure you check out our breakdown of all the times that Pennywise was hidden in the background of a scene in a chapter 1 & 2 we go over all of the hidden appearances so it's definitely worth checking out if you want to know more you want to support the channel from as little as 99 cents a month then please click the join button below we massively appreciate it and as a thank you you get access to content early you want to come chat to us after the show in the follow us at definition YT click the discord link in the description below every month we 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Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 3,159,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midsommar, midsommar easter eggs, midsommar hidden details, midsommar hidden faces, midsommar things you missed, midsommar ending, midsommar ending explained, midsommar review, midsommar full movie, midsommar spoilers, midsommar analysis, midsommar hidden meaning, midsommar meaning, midsommar meaning explained, florence pugh, ari aster, scary, creepy, scary movie details, subliminal messages in movies, hidden secrets in horror movies, horror movie easter eggs, horror movies
Id: loOqTSdObWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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