Midsomer Murders - Season 20, Episode 2 - Death of the Small Coppers - Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] me good morning [Music] hello anika grady where's my hash he's supposed to be here right now his car's here i'll check the summer [Music] house [Music] hmm [Music] aluminium well that's fine no that one tin tin gold oh hey you give me about my gold not you mrs willis it's hey you give me a gold [Music] when was a ponte vecchio built first appeared in a document in 996 80. come on come on leo details details one more how small is an atom very leo how small really rather titchy what are you playing at can we just go no every second counts how small is an atom point zero zero zero zero zero zero one of a millimeter in diameter okay i can do some more on the walk trying to make your mum proud victim mahesh sadhana head of the local school wife found the body he had been collecting butterflies circulos it's an iq society a membership club for people of high intelligence it was founded here in the village they use the school during the holidays maybe we should join sir i'm a bit of a legend that pub quizzes unbeatable really circulos exams are a little more demanding than a pub quiz winter that's odd someone's lost a butterfly stunning i think you'll find the butterflies quite attractive too hey you two all set i think so you know it's a waste of time don't you there are those who thought think differently of course test me latin name for small covers like can you fly us in one bye mary's virgin explanation made joseph suspect upstairs neighbors and why wouldn't they oh he's sitting the exam again eddie will you never learn that's just it i have learned i've learned so much but it's going to explode who in their right mind chooses to be surrounded by death what about uh mr sudano popped his clogs any idea how he popped them an earth auger drill bit powered through the pericardial cavity might have had something to do with it pre-porridge paint's still slightly tacky painted pre-porridge presumably there's no sign of forced entry so either the doors were unlocked or the killer had a key signs of a struggle this might have been useful ethel acetate he was asphyxiated it's used in killing jars that's what you keep butterflies in you douse a bit of cotton wool and drop it in there too kills without marking i had no idea you were an expert dude in biology see it's not just pub quizzes should we call it one nil to me we did the one where you take a dead frog stick electrodes in and make his legs kick weird things butterflies according to my fella nature's proof of reincarnation why kill someone in the manner of a court butterfly notice anything in particular black edging copper orange wings it's the butterfly from the poster a small copper i believe one all [Music] [Music] welcome to circulars in this our 20th anniversary year in which time our community has come far and you are all welcome to join us or try to general knowledge today mathematics and lateral thinking tomorrow went collecting in the meadows and i was at an editorial meeting i edit the local newspaper we have an office in newton magna so what brought you home a grady palmerston rang he said that maya shouldn't turned up to invigilate tell me would your summer house normally be locked absolutely he kept the key with him at all times is there a spare at school in his desk i think your husband wasn't the only person interested in butterflies and we saw a young woman in the village penny kingdom biology teacher she runs a lepidoptery group was your husband a part of that no he kept his hobby to himself oh someone shoved them through the letterbox any idea who no there has been a campaign i guess nobody likes a club who won't have them as a member was your husband a member yes family member so if this campaign escalated your husband might have been a target not a mint in that room strange don't you think not really her husband who was obsessed with butterflies but kept his collection in the summer house mint repels insects she's not a fan of insects or maybe her husband very good 2-1 we'll need background checks on mrs sedana and look into the butterfly group and circulars i'll take the i thought you [Music] might local heads who would you care to replace that if i knew that i wouldn't have asked for the list celeste find luke it's time he pulled his finger out i meant to be at work i'm not going to sack you am i [Music] morning morning luke part of grace hello [Music] quite a detective finding me here the directions were good sorry to hear about mahesh and nika told grady grady told his wife and radio celeste told the world mr sadana was your boss wasn't he i gather he wasn't a member of your butterfly group he liked to trap kill and pin butterflies we believe butterflies are better alive than dirt i gather some are missing some small coppers they normally thrive in this area but this year none not one i think someone's poisoning the land with pesticides why would someone do that because people in little crosby don't care about the environment they're only interested in someone's iq not a fan of circulars then it's everything i hit what it represents it's divisive it's alif it's a clique it's a cult yeah but apart from that you wouldn't happen to know anything about anti-circular leaflets would you uh who else was a member of your butterfly group you said we me and luke fawcett mainly he's an english teacher well it was he lives in a caravan of the next meadow was but he was sacked last year who buy mahesh [Music] [Music] luke luke are you in there [Music] luke [Music] [Music] so i'm looking for grady palmerston detective chief inspector barnaby i'm palmerston about my hash perhaps we can um talk outside i have an exam to invigilate i have a murder investigation to pursue the word invigilate comes from vigilari to watch over i can't do that from outside of course silly me i'll just have to stop the exam then do you have any idea why someone might want to kill mr siddhana no mahesh was too ineffectual to have enemies perhaps he wasn't the ultimate target i've seen the leaflets nonsense with a perfect meritocracy with a global membership the people who wishes to fail are barely capable of committing pen to paper let alone murder you see murder as a feat of intelligence i see this one as irrelevant i should look closer to home if i were you would you now why i earned the career i brought anika out of premature retirement mahesh was spitting about it preferred his wife at home cooking are you suggesting anika siddhana killed her husband i'm saying mahesh was dull enough to drive anyone crazy a minute ago he was too ineffectual to have enemies are we done there was a man pacing nervously outside that'll be carlton leo's father miss kingdom didn't see eye to eye with the victim neither did english teacher luke fawcett according to penny he was sacked and now lives in a caravan close to troy vale where the victim went butterfly collecting this morning penny we should have a word with mr fawcett but first i want to find the spare summer house key if you can crack this code to mr sadhana's office it seems you're the clever one [Music] ma'am go ahead um [Music] window's been broken in [Music] and there's no sign of a key [Music] luke grady needs you mahesh has been killed well why does that mean that grady needs me he's got you you're a member i'm not right there is that i'm a bit busy [Music] and if you are planning a barbecue this weekend i would hold fire for a while the whole region will be covered in cloud for the next couple of days same [Music] so anyone here hello julie cotton where are you school was leo's first exam well you're meant to be here nothing good ever came out of circulars how did it go did you ask every question it's fine yeah okay science maps and hurricanes yes come on excuse me do you know who won the nobel prize for literature in 1907. brigitte no i don't think it was me i thought maybe roger kipling from the copenhagen police i've heard a lot nice to meet you i'm flaret but why are you here in mid-summer it's a giant circulars of course [Music] what about luke what well i looked for him when he wasn't at the caravan i did eventually find him in the past yes i know about circlers from my father i thought i might give it a go you should have let me know you could have stayed with us i rather like the sound of eddie's bed and breakfast and i didn't want to impose you are bitter man has someone else been poisoned my his siddhana perhaps on the exam documentation he was named as individualiser and yet mr palmerson stood in for him inspector paulson is a very fine detective very fine indeed john couldn't stop talking about you when he came back from copenhagen sarah my wife my pleasure so this is a family affair is it i didn't think it was no grady palmerston rang he needs someone to invigilate and mark apparently someone killed mahesh sudan but i can't stop come for dinner tonight you too jamie eight o'clock great lovely lovely super see you later see ya yeah see what's going on i have absolutely no idea we have to speak with luke fawcett hmm i gather he's in the pub three two [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you forensics have found a partial fingerprint on the broken window tech team have emailed through anika's phone records they seem to stack up mr forces dci bond videos winter where were you first thing this morning um the caravan and then here is this about my hash did you see him this morning yes uh first thing about sevenish we didn't chat fellow butterfly enthusiasts fellow teachers i thought you had a lot in common i'm uh i'm sure you know our history otherwise you wouldn't be here why did he sack you because he was a slave to the national curriculum i believe in freedom of expression and not limiting pupils to pedantic rules and out modest principles seem to get on okay here yes well times change can't be easy losing your job i've never been happier no i should thank him did you see anyone else this morning only the woman following mahesh who was i've no idea i've never seen him before about 40 blondish hair long green coat someone's snooping around [Music] and you're meant to be here i have to focus on leo boy he needs air not circulous not just leo money grady's being a pain could i get in advance i may be old but do i look stupid you'll be doing me a favor giving you a job was doing you a favor [Music] [Music] ah eddie is it possible i can have a cup of tea please god follow me yes how did you find the general knowledge oh so so are you that's tough i really need to shine tomorrow although math has never been my strong suit yeah and neither is lateral thinking i mean how are you supposed to prepare for that practice listen you're in a room and there are two ways out one is in golden flames the other one is full of lions that haven't eaten for two months which way do you go engulfed in flames yes oh that's not good is it mind neither hungry lions it's i know is there a trapdoor oh i'm afraid not i give up you go towards because if they haven't eaten for two months they are already dead oh that is good that is very good and if you don't get in you might try it right from what i've heard it wouldn't be the first yeah i've heard that some people pay for advanced knowledge of their questions who did you hear this from mostly people who didn't get it oh how can i help officers actually it's one of your guests we want to see miss paulson we need to ask some questions am i a suspect how exciting is this about butterflies when i was out this morning i saw mahesh jirana collecting them and just now i've seen that eddie here has a room full of books about them perhaps you'd like to have a word with mr um robotham with us [Music] butterflies it's a hobby of mine which one's your favorite me i like the blue ones like the uh marsh fratillary absolutely yeah i love that one golden brown on a black background with a hint of yellow on the underside but um nothing blue not even when it's cold not even when it's cold locker i'm new to it all right i wanted to join the local levy watson group i was trying to swat up i just how well did you know mr sudhana well not very i'm not really at all i just run my bnb in and do a bit of cabin on the side our paths never crossed how did you know it was mr sudan you saw in the woods i'm a detective if i want to join an organization i want to know everything about them i saw his photograph several times how was he killed i'm not at liberty to say oh come on please just that following a phone call from mr palmerston sadana's wife what [Music] you'll have to excuse me [Music] anika sadana told us she was at an editorial meeting in newton magna when she received a call from grady palmerston she went home to find her husband dead at which point she rang the police correct grady rang her at 1003 mrs sadana rang the police at 1009 six minutes later newton magna as you are about to see is at least 15 minutes away so she couldn't have been at work when she received the call where was she and why did she lie [Music] [Music] yeah oh hello dci barnaby ds winter where's the farmers tonight yes i do the diary home and living and pet sections how can i help was there an editorial meeting here this morning oh no we had it last week was mrs sedana in this morning i'm not first thing she got here about 20 minutes ago thingy at work today of all days uh to get out the house was too many consoling phone calls earlier you told us you were here when grady palmerston ran but you weren't were you um i i i had just been for a walk why not tell us that earlier mahesh and i had at rao and i didn't i didn't think that it sounded good under the circumstances what did you row about work he hated me doing this job sir a bit unseemly isn't it commissioning an obituary so soon i didn't just arrived it doesn't say who from what it does say is exactly how your husband was killed hoist onto a wall drilled like one of his butterflies who would know that only us mrs sudano and the person who killed your husband [Music] why send an uncommissioned obituary flaunting the fact that you know what happened to show off tech are checking the ip address okay wife anika lied about her movements and says she rowed with her husband but presumably didn't send herself the obituary so luke fawcett has motive against the boss that sacked him agreed eddie robotham said that he barely knew mrs siddharth but has recently bought a load of stuff on butterflies anyone else penny kingdom knows a lot about butterflies and doesn't like circulars what about grady palmerston i did some digging by the way used to have publishing interests in germany france and denmark he was certainly keen to distance the murder from circulars but i can't see a motive as yet another suspect there was a serial number on the drill bit belongs to equipment purchased by virginia welton of borrowdale farm mrs welton [Music] d s winter of course some cid [Music] hello [Music] [Music] the water of life it's good cheers that's definitely not water not for you paddy time for my confession i'm a police officer detective sergeant winter could i please just reach for my warrant card hold it to the side my central vision smashed peripheral okay oh why didn't you just say that you didn't give me a chance do you normally greet your visitors with a shotgun i thought you were an intruder someone keeps trespassing is that firearm license yes was any a warning shot i was aiming at the bucket do you want me to prove it so no no no 17 years ago a student called annas nissen threw himself off urzonbridge in an apparent suicide he was a friend of my father both circus members a parent ana's contacted my father the night before he died he wanted to meet he said he had uncovered a secret about circulars but the meeting never happened and your father thought he was killed yes and he tried to look into it but he was forced to leave the group for voicing his suspicions so why are you here now two reasons i came across my father's notebooks and an entry that said the answer isn't in crosby did he say who was involved no but i have my suspicions yeah let's go [Music] just leave us celeste [Music] i've got your text i need time you don't have any your tardiness rules leo out of contention for membership the rules explicitly state all application fees have to be cleared through the circulars account before the exams begin why are you doing this you know leo would be an asset to the organization like jane was even if he did stop her from being in charge of social events she wasn't well i know and i'm still paying for that i can get you the money how much do you want are you trying to bribe me i'm trying to appeal to your better nature assuming you've got one i think we're done don't you [Applause] why not tell me all this earlier because it's not official police business i've taken leave to pursue the matter privately you know grady palmerston used to have business interests in denmark yes i know does he know why you're here no i have a different surname to my father you said there were two reasons why you came here what's the other one my father died elizabeth i'm sorry to hear that my mother died when i was quite small so me and my father were very close he had been ill for some time but grief is strange comes at you from odd angles i thought i was fine about his death but then i read his notebooks and now i feel compelled to find out what happened to others where's jamie i'll need to take your drill tool for forensic analysis it might have been used in a crime oh if it was someone took it perhaps that's who i've been hearing does anyone else have access to it carlton cotton scott works for me when he turns up i need his details what was that wait here and put that down who's that police [Music] maybe i can help after tomorrow's exam i'll be marking at grady palmerston's i can be your mold you will be nothing of the sword palmerston is a suspect in a murder investigation yeah possibly two jonah's right i couldn't possibly impose on you in any way brigitte you can use corston's resources to help with your investigation and of course your skills might be useful in hours you're most kind [Applause] puddy [Music] i have problems getting a bottle [Music] oh [Music] thanks [Music] okay thanks the earth auger at borodel farm has been confirmed as the murder weapon ginny welton's printer on it so either she's the culprit or the murderer stole the equipment and wiped it on return how far is her farm from the sadhanas have the same side of the village farmland's been in her family for generations and includes the meadow she employs a land surveyor carlton scott his son's applying to circulars and his wife passed away and guess what his fingerprints match the partial one found at the break-in how come we've got his fingerprints he's got form six months ago verbal assault of the school prize giving the target of the attack mahesh siddhana [Music] are you right sir fine i'll speak to him you speak to penny kingdom the motorbike registration you clocked it's hers [Music] mr scott dci bonded me sorry we have to go we got to be somewhere and did you do with me to explain your verbal assault on mahesh siddhana jane died after a short illness i didn't cope very well and i thought this school could have done well i objected to that everyone deserves a prize principle i happen to think the best people deserve them meaning leo you should have won every prize but like i say i wasn't coping why does leo's progress matter so much to you jane was a clever one a brilliant lawyer who gave up a career to start her family leo was pretty much everything to her pretty much she missed the stimulus of her former life so she joined circulars for the social side she was keen for leo to become a member love look we've got to the chase i've got to get on the edge of this exam of course how did you get on with mr sudhana after your altercation we put the incident behind us we moved on so why did you break into his office cut to the chase enough for you mahesh was the treasurer i've had cash flow issues i realized the entrance fee was going to bounce i figured it might become a problem so you were robbing his study i thought mahesh kept records there i wanted to find proof they took bribes i wanted something over them in case it got ugly and did you find anything no did you take a key no his kingdom in here they like you whereas you try to run me over you may begin [Music] [Music] congratulations your father would have been proud the danish woman do you know that's all seeing us like your husband she's a senior police officer i know nothing about drills or meat hooks i was looking for pesticides in the dead of night well i went earlier but the old witch nearly caught me she's behind the disappearance of the small coppers i'm sure of it don't be filled by the blind old bat act she's as tough as old boots that i can believe she opposed the butterfly farm didn't want it on her land you still haven't explained why you tried to run me down i'd have wanted to hit you who would have is that meant to be reassuring excuse me yes winter [Music] now onto it sorry i gotta go sir something's come up [Music] ten seconds if you read this question before starting the rest of the exam just write your name with the top right burnley congratulations the ordeal is over let the party begin grady no super gators what is it this time inspector we want to talk to you about mahesh zidana's obituary [Music] we traced the ip address your computer well i didn't write it it's too well written for celeste so i'm afraid i can't help you it describes the exact manner of mr sudan's death information privy only to the police mrs siddhana and the murderer yes i get that quite a conundrum isn't it nothing like a mystery to exercise the brain cells is there we need you to explain it i don't need to explain anything young man that's your job i'm disappointed you haven't made an arrest yet i have my suspicions who the killer might be do you now yes i'll let you puzzle it out i think he's the murderer but as he pointed out we have to prove that i intend to think of it as danish things shoei everything in a place and a place for everything everything was in its place here in england we use the crime board as a place for evidential facts not um idle speculation we do the same in denmark but you've moved anika siddhana and luke fawcett side by side and written a fair between them based on what your evidence for phone records if you look over the last few weeks there's the same number ringing several times after one o'clock in the morning flower told me this was what was it a booty called love the number belongs to luke faucet the man her husband sacked an affair gives the motive yes well very good i'll pay her a visit anything else yes the coffee here is terrible what about you one or two things not least grady palmerston knows who you are i know i have to be careful right i'm off help yourself to tea coffee gin and tonic great thanks i'm doing the music at the party [Music] join us you'll need a drink after that well thank you but i really should be coming home well let yourself out have a good night getting rid already they've always creeped me out they're very popular around here your husband penny kingdom luke fawcett how well do you know mr fawcett ah speak on the phone much bear in mind you've already lied to me once are the two of you involved is that where you really were yesterday morning with him nobody likes admitting to infidelity it doesn't sound good does it where were you when your husband was killed did you come straight home after you left mr fawcett no no i i went for a walk i needed to clear my head when did your affair start after luke got the sack do you think he could have killed your husband out of revenge our affair is his revenge and you're okay with that i'm not proud of it but mahesh wasn't a particularly imaginative man and luke is the opposite and he was sacked over his approach to education that's what they said but who knows mahesh luke grady may go back a long way i'm a circular widow in more ways than one [Music] come in hi okay so what are we looking for anything that links him to alice nissen okay palmerston oh okay [Applause] because you've got to go [Music] you're still here uh yes yes i've familiarized myself with the answers and made a start how's it going good yes uh but one of your answers is wrong [Music] x-rays and photons that's the right answer what did you think it was good work winter much more like it was inspector paulson i went to get coffee what happened oh it's terrible isn't it winter really actually i think i can prove that grady palmerston wrote the obituary phrases from his editorials phrases from the obituary they're the same never quite had the wherewithal in both but there is a sense in which in both and who quotes plutarch twice circumstantial winter but surely enough to confront him about [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] shirt they're kind of gross [Music] [Music] big house for a small publisher [Music] mr palmerston [Music] mr palmerston [Music] [Music] [Music] ethyl acetate again cause of death cardiac arrest following repeated and incremental electric shocks overloads the system and stops the heart when set up the murderer didn't even have to be here murder in absentia clever or reckless [Music] all the questions low bro popular culture bands television questions grady palmerston wouldn't know the answers to the victim of his lofty intelligence in the same way that mahesh siddhana was made a victim of his obsession and he was right about bribes thomason kept a list of donations but years ago there seems to be much larger amounts 40 000 pounds 75 000 euros dozens of them explains the house but what were the payments for can you go over everything on the computer of course any link to anders nissan's death yet no perhaps we'll never know celeste palmerston's here champagne uh no thank you be a darling i don't want to ruin my nails [Music] can you talk me through your movements this evening sure i left your wife here and i went to the party my wife was here on her own yes why do you think she did it no i don't well grady was going to come along later they could speak he came home to write it your husband's computer was on seems he was looking over financial transactions relating to circulation do you know about them candicley did your husband know that eddie robot and thought bribes have been taken of course he just told eddie to shut up and concentrate on his tutorials what tutorials with mahesh well mr robe often said that he rarely crossed paths with mr sadana rubbish he'd been cramming with him for months anyone had odd or unusual dealings with your husband recently carlton scott came by last night i don't know what that was about what about today did your husband seem troubled at all no oh he went to school early to meet someone who he didn't say i'm gonna have a swim hold this people respond to grief in different ways winter celebration not normally being one of them are we going to announce grady parmesan's death no i think a stealth approach might be more productive crosby courier i thought your miss kingdom wasn't a fan of circulars she's not mine or a fan how was maths and natural thinking was hard to tell really i got the riddle one right though you know the one about the the fork in the road do you want to hear it no i can't stand riddles apart from why you told me that you didn't know mr sudan when you had tutorials with him because it stopped so mahesh lost patience with me he refused to tune at me anymore said uh i'd never pass in a mother sundays and how did that make you feel ashamed about angry no just ashamed leaving so soon not really my thing you mentioned earlier doing the break-in so that you'd have something overgrady if things turned ugly i told you i didn't find anything did things sound ugly anyway you went to see grady palmerston last night what about an administrative confusion it's resolved now we moved on like you said you did with mahesh sudan exactly didn't expect to see you in the enemy camp this is my local i'm not gonna sit at home because of that lot although i died i'll stay for the duration unless you are yeah i might do catch you later then on your own tonight looks that way tell me grady chairman mahesh treasurer what do you do crosswords [Music] so why is penny here that's her local i'm crawling with people she disapproves of strange don't you think that's strange as you doing a crossword when you're working baby ran in circles around clueless inspector seven letters baby bran clueless inspector barnaby doesn't count i'd already got it it's three all right he said he'd leave us to puzzle it out it's true to his word something's been bothering me about the obituary though we thought grady palmerston wrote it and we thought he was the murderer as a result but he's clearly not so the obituary was meant to frame him which it did so whoever wrote it studied his language like you in order to point the finger in his direction knowing that we would trace the ip address so why frame someone and then kill them exactly and the answer is no idea oh i think i'll stick around for a bit be careful winter [Music] [Music] that's twice i should probably go i'll say goodbye i enjoyed tonight one that i have for a while me too ah she's gorgeous isn't she [Music] that's the rest of us done for isn't it that i shouldn't because of work of course i'm sorry friends sure friends night try this murderer a prodigal samaritan on the road to emmaus how many letters i'm better if i get the letters four biblical kane able esau hi hello thank you i think i found a link to denmark but also something else look i was going through all the exam papers dozens of them with this the right answer and then this you're not going to get any marks for that one exactly i've checked the entrance an engineer who worked for one of europe's leading car manufacturers so this isn't the answer to that question no it's a chemical composition of an angel oil i think they use the exams to trade on secrets industrial espionage question is who knew about it luke the prodigal son the good samaritan and jesus on the road to emmaus only appeared in one gospel [Music] luke did you uh finish the crossword it's grady's idea of a joke presumably is it we checked the constitution in the event of the death of the chairman the running of circus passes to the next surviving founding member lucrative business circulars of which there was originally four recently three mahesh siddhana dead grady palmerston dead and you might we come in we'd like to search your caravan what for the summer housekeep or anything that might link you to a murder weapon taken from borrowed elf farm did you say grady's dead or electrical equipment used to yes we did kill grady palmerston no you can't come in i think we can [Music] what's in there junk it's just full of junk no you've no right [Music] any differences i had with grady were ideological and not psychopathic i wouldn't kill over it grady palmerston thought you would he knew of your affair with anika siddhana and thought you wanted revenge for your sacking well the great grady thought wrong mr fawcett in the past 36 hours your lover's husband and the only obstacle to you taking over circulars have both been killed maybe that just means i'm next why would you be next wouldn't have anything to do with uh trading secrets internationally would it that was nothing to do with me you knew about it and disapproved was mahesh siddhana involved he banged the money did you fall out with him as well we had our issues can you account for your movements yesterday evening uh i was here until i went to the pub much like the day before i'm a creature of habit like seeing mrs siddhana she didn't go straight to her house after your latest tryst perhaps you did you followed mahesh into his summer house you could have done the same with grady palmerston trust me i didn't you're a hard man to trust penny kingdom thinks that you share her concern for the plight of the small coppers when in fact you're hoarding them here what's she going to say when we tell her she'll be gutted it was her idea to hide them here in the first place any small coppers in there [Music] you know there aren't because they're all in luke force it's caravan where you lured trapped and captured them to protect them by imprisoning them it's no different to mahesh siddhana a world of difference we're trying to protect their long-term future jenny welton has plans to use the meadowlands for crops that's why she's hired carlton to oversee it in her land she can do what she wants if she does she'll wipe out small coppers and others you care an awful lot about butterflies don't you nature's proof of reincarnation absolutely symbolic of rebirth that life goes on it's important you weren't looking for pesticides on her farm were you you were planting them your poster spread the word that a species has disappeared and then you were gonna mysteriously locate the pesticides on mrs welton's farm that might have killed them creating a public outcry quite the campaigner aren't you you said you were putting up posters the morning mahesh sadana was killed that's right we've driven around the village we found five not very many is it grady ripped the others down tit for tat for me leafleting about circulars grady palmerston is dead and he recently paid you a visit when and what did he want yesterday it was private at some point yesterday grady palmerston went from being someone to frame to someone to kill something changed perhaps in your meeting i don't know what you're talking about he wasn't happy with me leafleting he was flexing his muscles that's all you take set one biology and the brilliant leo scott is down in set two with a different teacher why biology's not his forte now what according to the original circus membership list the four founding members were mcdonough d palmerston l forced and the bistro v for virginia married name greatest boss in denmark she divorced returned to the uk and reverted to her family name welcome so she could be your link not grady with your permission i like to visit her of course uh take winter i gather she can't get trigger happy where are you going penny kingdom said grady palmerston was trying to flex his muscles she's not a member of circular so he couldn't get out of that way but he did own a newspaper something come up i can go on my own if you want yeah maybe that'll be good i'll i'll ring mrs welton let her know that you're coming thank you that's absolutely fine i'll be waiting [Music] grady palmerston penned crosswords and editorials did he write anything else i owned the newspaper he could write what he wanted did he have anything over penny kingdom something to do with a student leo scott by any chance he's not in her class and his father told me the school could have done more the school did loads after jane died the school asked penny to be there for leo she spent a lot of time with him organized a grief counsellor all of that so what went wrong it's more what went right carlton was grieving he was lonely and vulnerable benny felt for him he was attracted to her they started a relationship until carlton's grief turned to guilt and he ended it was this relationship public knowledge mahesh was the only one that knew so penny becomes a thorn in circular's side she organized the petition putting pressure on mahesh not to let the school be used for circular exams it didn't work nearly did close enough for grady to want vengeance he twisted mahesh's arm to let her go by the end of the term and your husband told grady about penny's affair with carlton scott how did you find out grady could be [Applause] vindictive treacherous teacher abused position to seduce grieving father was this going to run possibly next week grady wanted to speak to her first news though isn't it not around here there's gossip it's goldust professionally that could ruin her reputation [Music] you have your father's eyes and his notebooks [Music] come inside i have something for you you don't seem surprised to see me grady followed your father's obsession with a with an interest that borders on paranoia we all knew he wasn't going to let it go you mean the four original founding members what happened to anderson your father was right [Music] in the light of brady's death there's no need to hide the truth and has uncovered that grady was using circulars as a front for introducing contacts and exchanging information all over europe did grady parmesan kill anas grady arranged for them to meet they rowed and he pushed him off the bridge he admitted it and we all agreed to cover it up why well we were all implicated we all knew about the espionage [Music] he said he'd take us all down with him only your father suspected i gave up circulars altogether mars took a back seat and luke disappeared into his own world other things ended as well [Music] your father talked about you such a lot i want you to have this [Music] he always hoped the two halves might rejoin [Music] perhaps now i have to take you to the police station and you will have to make a statement about your involvement of course it's what your father would have wanted [Music] yes miss kingdom [Music] i know why grady came to see you yesterday i've seen his article was he going to publish it or just use it to silence you publish it if i contested the sacking that was coming my way the old charmer now your job is safe and the article won't be published i'm a biology teacher i believe in life not death two people you were in conflict with have been killed so i was going to leave anyway really i've already been applying for jobs grady was always banging on about how i don't fit in here he was right maybe i'm the problem trying to change people that don't want to be changed carlton scott does it matter it might matter very much how strong were your feelings for each other my feelings were very strong and his according to leo they were he said it was nice to do stuff and see his father smile again reborn even grief comes at people from odd angles did you tell carlton about grady's article i left him a message i had to warn him in case what are you looking for my phone must have lost it last night [Music] penny penny [Music] [Music] uh [Music] who else was in the pub late on leo luke uh eddie jamie did anything happen anything that could have upset anyone i kissed jamie and who witnessed that anyone who happened to be looking [Music] who's that i think someone has targeted is targeting people connected to you hello why i think because they care for you and your relationship with someone else [Music] and they want to be a family again [Music] uh [Music] where is he i don't know out where would he go a favorite place think i know you think you're clever don't you stealing penny from my dad i haven't try this one this this what riddle i hate riddles tough if you get it right within five minutes you live if not ah love a boy gets cupid's arrow you come to a fork in the road two people stand there one is an angel that will always tell the truth one is a devil that will always lie one release to life and one road leads to death you have to ask one of them a question that will determine the way to life only you don't know which one you're asking the angel or the devil what is the only question you can ask to determine the correct answer five minutes meet me at frampton woods there's a clearing in the middle i don't understand what's going on you asked the angel um no wait wait hang on a sec um you asked the devil told you you don't know which one you're asking i think he went to the school and stole a key you're saying leo has something to do with this did it not occur to you what your actions were doing to him what are you talking about your son suffered the trauma of losing his mother but in the fallout from that there was a support system there for him someone who eased not just his pain but yours you ask either one which way no no no no no no wait um two minutes come on every second count why are you doing this i was leo's friend that's all you were more than that you were part of a family and then you two were taken away and replaced by circulars and intelligence i thought that's what his mother would have wanted you might have wanted an outlet for her son's emotions too don't you think but you blocked that you sent leo down a different route entirely some butterfly effect what happens to a caterpillar that can't be reborn it eats itself and dies no no stay there you stay this fire is the crossbow let him down leo leo please please don't do this be late it's not it is what took you so long dad why couldn't you see the penny was the answer why does everyone i love always leave me i did what i thought was best i did what i was told i stuck to the rules i did what you wanted i was spending my time hoping you'd see penny again and protecting that possibility i don't understand mahesh i heard mahesh warning you about circulars threatening you breaking into his office was easy and i saw the email to grady plotting he was gonna say you would have had to leave so you taught him a lesson i turned him into one of his dead butterflies and then he tried to pin it on grady what changed i saw the article on grady's computer about them it was so unfair you wouldn't have stood a chance i i just want you to be happy again dad and no one no one is going to take that away from me leo please you got to stop this no i can't rules and rules remember rules are rules he has to answer the question he has 30 seconds what question you see come to a fork in the road two people are standing there one is an angel that will always tell the truth one and the devil they'll always lie one row leads to life that at least to death you have to ask one another question to determine the roots to life you don't know which one you're asking though what is the only question you can ask to ascertain the correct answer really don't mind if you take this one sir not a problem leo don't do this [Music] no please don't if i was to ask the other one which way to go what would they say and then you do the opposite yes yes has today has to be him to answer details details five okay if i was to ask the other one um which way to go what would they say and then you do the opposite you're too late no jamie i stood by and did nothing when one life was lost i wasn't going to let that happen again i did it come on gotta get a wiggle on if we're gonna beat the traffic charge this one to us eddie what plus tip only ten percent oh come on john 15. eddie's a bonafide circular member now you passed hey oh sorry well done eddie thank you for everything i learned more about my father than i ever dreamt thank you let me know how everyone gets on thank you for letting me stay last night you're welcome and you must come to copenhagen soon so you can drink some more out of it i'll start lining my stomach immediately bye i wonder if they got pub quizzes in denmark just saying hmm question one what happens next time you go awol well there's an answer to that question sir because it won't happen again correct ten points [Music] you
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 673,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: yd2XoBpuVXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 56sec (5336 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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