Midsomer Murders - Season 18, Episode 6 - Harvest of Souls - Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do these tools I'm getting a choice just usual tricks again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've been through this we've got no one to look after him and now hotel doesn't take dogs that wouldn't talk he does you have been promising to take me back to Franz forever now Rochelle 2003 it's just well it wasn't exactly a roaring success the last time we put him in Kent sipoc hua Lian sounds delicious new ocean ocean PC Apogee Bonjour Nelson [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got the stable manager roderick Barkin the body when he was opening up this morning in here his name is harry wyan he owns this place lives up at the manor house tom death sometime between 10:00 and midnight last night morning i'm sure this wasn't a tragic accident tremble to death by his horse I'm certain trampled by it whether or not it's the cause of death jewelry salon that one I'd look at this we found a bullet lodged in the beam over here it was fired recently any firearms injuries to the victim nothing obvious any evidence of a struggle or of his attacker that's not strange apart from the bullets there's no sign of an intruder or any confrontation uniform to conduct the search did this might have disposed of the gun nearby let's talk to the stable manager Thank You cat how long would you work for Harry wine just over six months I work for staff for nearly 20 years Bobby recently took over the business after his father Jasper retired you work here too mrs. Barker came here on holiday 12 years ago never that were you both last night I knocked off about eight I was manning our store until about 10:00 Thank You Mac you have a stall at the Harvest Fair the stables have been doing one for years Harvest Fair is a big deal around here attracts all sorts here's the livestock here value some of it we've stables some of the top event in horses in the county others on earth you just old nags we love them all the same don't we boy have you had any trouble here in the past break-ins there was a champion mare stolen few years ago that's when we had all the security upgraded mr. why I'm have any enemies anyone who might wish him a couple of disgruntled userspace why is that most of them are wines tenants been like Harry's big plans for the place what plan build a world-class Equestrian Center and arena wanted the village to build posh hotels and high-end facility you'll reserve notes on the tenants bought the green Joe Harry's parents live in the manor house yeah thank you don't look so worried [Applause] [Music] I know this is a difficult time for both that we have to ask a few more questions and is introduces a health inspector you recently gave your son control of the business I understand that caused some problems with villagers some people object to change I gave Harry my full support Harry was a wonderful sir we'll need access to all of his personal papers cause he keeps asking my hurt Addis I don't know what to say this is Beth Harris sister and is that Amy Harris daughter and Amy's mother Jessica Mozgov they're divorced Harry got custody of Amy where is her mother now she lives in the village if any of you hear anything out of the ordinary last night no just a damn funfair until God knows when you have any guns on sight mr. Wein yes several more kept in her gun store we need to get a ballistics team to check when was the last time you saw your brother yesterday he was after the pub some of the villagers wanted answers from it [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes I've spoken to before Rowena I have to call you back honey wine was dead I know I know I told him I was here what can I tell Luke I need to see no I I need to see you what's Harry a regular mr. Dealey try and keep him away was in last night oh yeah he came in early a staple closing I understand harem Zod's massage the villages his plans to a pub featuring he made an offer to buy the place but we said no it was all very amicable was there anyone in particular who's opposed to this place Clara Myerscough a local vet she wasn't happy at all Harry was playing to a victor Jeremiah's go any relation to Jessica the unis her mother Nina's bridge leavens of course mr. wall of death Harry told him that this year would be his last he cannot have been happy about that well the ferritin really featuring Harry's plans for the future most of the right owners were up in arms about him but it's bitchin his son's always make themselves heard hurry had a Bonin with watches son Sean outside sounds like our mr. wire had enemies all over the place I'll go to the fair speak of the Nevins see if I can shed any light of their argument with Harry wire I'll speak to Clara and just [Music] we know how do you describe your relationship with your ex-husband miss Myerscough good we both just want what's best for Amy when was the last time you spoke to him day before yesterday on the phone Sammy's birthday soon how often do you see your daughter not at all I don't have access at the moment but that must be tough wasn't exactly what you called a model mum but I'm not that person anymore I'm doing everything I can to be part of Amy's life again is there anything else I really need to call my daughter no no that would be all for now thank you I would like to speak to your mother though did you manage to speak to her yet mom this is DS Nelson he'd like to ask you a couple of questions so you and your son's run the wall of death together they rise with me sure so I'll go straight you attend this Harvest Fair every year mr. Nevins only for the last 40 plus in Cameron since I was a kid smell a specter petrol fumes in candy floss beats any expensive perfume you also got to know the wines pretty well then over the years by they know how would you describe your relationship with Harry why I can old married couple constantly arguing and no six so here books have you had one of these arguments recently that was nothing he was just having to go me about the noise of my motorbikes disturbing his horses everyone loves the Fonz Bertil he has to live next to one it wasn't anything to do with Harry buying the village green and making this everyone's last harvest fair now that you mention here that topic of conversation did come up it still must have been a blown text more than that to trouble us inspector if the locals want to have us at the fair there was nothing the wines can do about it it looks like that won't be a problem now that Harry Lyons not here to stand in your way it was a shock when Harry served us notice but I'd already been scouting around filter notice he said he wanted to make this place more state-of-the-art wouldn't move in your business have been difficult he specialized in horses it's always worth otherwise one of your clients they used to be before the divorce Harry's decision to evict us was not about business you think he did it to affect Jessica's custody chances I wouldn't put it past him they always wanted to make life as difficult as possible for Jess you're her child - it's Friday you pick her up from school today right yes Sarina wouldn't even need to know if she'd get the phone out reminds me she's just lost her dad I thought you were on my side but you shouldn't do anything rash usually you of all people understand I need to make sure my little girl's okay excuse me feeling brave sir try my best UCI Barnaby Causton CID Elevens yeah I need to ask you about an argument you had with Harry wild last night I wasn't an argument he just wanted to know where that was that's all really no crosswords nope you've torn your tie how did that happen I caught it right this morning when we were checking over I told him not to jump because you are Darren Evans this one's older and bad-looking brother did Harry wine come to the fete last night no I never find him here don't think he's for his thing so after seeing him at the pub you didn't see him again how could it universe here all night [Music] that was clearly tension between the nevians and wires but all closing ranks through the database see what comes back Shawn Jessica Myerscough claimed the divorce was amicable she had been denied access to her daughter doesn't enough now look into it [Music] okay a nightmare police have been at the house and stables all day know they've been calling around here too I need you to would you back me up how do me the place they're gonna ask a lot of questions I need to know your stand by me so well you told me you had nothing to do with it I know but just in case you trust me don't you know it [Music] [Music] they said they'd never had to exclude it up before wound up all the other dogs and refused to eat they blame the owners I've heard mixed reports about that place yeah well thanks it will find somewhere soon but we can say aurevoir de la rochelle [Music] funny Sarah pretty soon see you later oh now you behave yourself Sikes in the doghouse if only I'll tell you on the way we found a mysterious red substance on Harry Williams clothing it appears fake blood fake blood yes mixed with a special type of UV paint very specific in its composition so that it reacts to UV light it's commonly supplied to fun fairs so it's possible Harry wine did go up to the funfair off the wall maybe do we have a cause of death yes the horse didn't kill Harry why on what did ketamine the horse tranquilizer he was given a lethal dose was it injected no there are no visible puncture marks on his body so how big a into a system the ketamine was present in his stomach contents along with alcohol I'd say it was ingested before he was pulled into the stable would ketamine potentially be useful to horse thieves possibly immobilize a panicking animal why go to such elaborate lengths I don't know we need to find out where this ketamine came from and there's one place round here we know we'll stock it thank you very much Jessica's got a police record since Harry was awarded custody she's confronted him several times violently so the wires placed a restraining order now she's not like within 200 meters of her daughter it's hardly the amicable picture Jessica painted yesterday get a warrant and a team got the fair ground I want every inch of it searched there must be somewhere I'll go and speak to the mayor scoffs who has access to the ketamine only myself and you Jessica it's a controlled substance but every usage has to be recorded according to strict rules have you noticed any of it missing lately or any interference with your supplies no I'll need to look at your records of course and my officers will need access to your stores Jess would you get the inspector the log what's all this about Harry why'm was killed with a lethal dose of ketamine we need to establish whether it came from here Haga not hungry see it's just not a good sleep in days must be in love all right leave Malone you'll up there any joke trouble is we're never coming back here oh it would you get up from I know what Harry said I don't imagine old man wine will be any different well you leave Jasper to me buzzer so it's business as usual fair come have some breakfast all right Giles I don't just sit there get the gun plane down I'd better get going check the bike for the first time sorry about it won't you know you're always welcome here Thanks what do they want what a mrs. Nevins [Music] this is everything for the past three months well that day yes thank you why didn't you tell us the truth about your divorce Miss Myers Goff you didn't think to mention that your behavior had resulted in a restraining order you don't understand the Wyatts they made stuff up they don't want me and Amy's life so why not be honest from the start look they take my daughter away from me I was angry I made mistakes all I want is my daughter back and now Harry's dead I'm assuming you stand a pretty good chance of that happening no boys only yesterday sleeping about forget something did they fada left my reading glasses in my smoking jacket it's a search warrant mr. Devlin's fine time you wasted if you're up to anything butch Nevins you need to tell me now nothing to tell that's not in my robe she said something about going over to the fair and you let her after everything that's been going on around here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I found the gun under Sean Evans go straight [Music] are you taking my son it's merely helping us with our inquiries with some evidence hi boys done nothing brother he's got nothing to worry about [Music] we just found a lot of times and sieve crisis with an audience get in the club not going anywhere until I know just tourists why don't we all just calm down a just oh god help you with my god that your son had anything to do with Harry's death there what's your mouth old man let's come here you baked over your dad now enough [Music] this isn't over no it isn't you want to be careful you don't lose too we found some marks on your top UV paint where did they come from we use it on the ghost ring is it used anywhere else couldn't tell you well I can tell you we've not found it anywhere else at the fair you told me that you didn't see Harry whyme at the fair on the night he died is that right yep so can you explain Oh he ended up with your UV paint on his clothing or why we found on this weapon hidden underneath your fairground right that's not mine I swear I've never seen that before in my life why don't you tell us what really happened on the night Harry died I was with Beth Beth William you can ask her if you don't believe me we will don't you think it's time you told us the truth how did Harry get that paint on it there was nothing what was nothing we had a fight me and Harry but he started it because he found out about you and his sister their enemy outside the pub and then he followed me to the fair later and picked a fight it was drunk he started pushing me so I pushed him back and he fell over but I swear that was it he was fine when he left what the hell she got herself mixed up in she was never like this before they're using her like they do everyone can't make her decisions for her you only pushed her away don't just do nothing she's young she thinks she's in love exactly we both know what happens to teenage girls who'll think they're in love FY is confirmed Shawn's alibi now let him go but let's keep a close eye on ya Sean Evans is good to go okay thanks so we've got the community up in arms but Harry's plans and hair is in conflict with the nevins and the Myers cop server personal reasons there's also the question about Harry's death we need to establish where the ketamine came from have you checked the Meijer scoffs records I have there's no discrepancies but we do have a lead on the weapon ballistics have confirmed it was the one discharged at the stables where we found Harry's body the forensics couldn't find any usable prints on it find out where it came from we traced that gun when we find the killer I'm just trying to protect you but he's decent kind caring what's so bad about them it's for your own good try and understand I love him what's so bad about the nevins just keep away from them until you give me a good reason that's not going to happen [Music] [Music] about the same believed her showing us let me tell her next [Music] right shot there for a here's the full path report on Harry wire thanks cap canine care you looking for a career change Barnaby and Sarah are stuck for a dog sitter when they go on holiday next week so I thought I'd offer to help out we plan to be away are you sure you'll have any time that's why I'm reading up about it now you know a dog needs companionship someone working regular hours someone like me you live in a flat near a park you livin it me me with the garden my god with full rent centers in a Labrador it's a big responsibility I was just trying to help just keep your nose out [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay thanks five horses were stolen a couple of them were 30 grand many witnesses Jasper wine said he saw them being driven off in a horse box but he only managed two o'clock three digits of the license plates CDV uniform to set up some roadblocks as a chance they haven't yet been proved out here [Music] well the wild my son is dead now this class today taking the horses reputations everything in this way inspector Doremus whoops Nevins must be why do you say that these things always seem to happen when he shows up I'd like a list of all the horses stated here and they're registered owns those that have been stolen and those left behind good morning mrs. Barker mr. Barkin inspector both here last night of the cottage yeah did you hear anything no the first we knew about was when Jasper right after he rang you a lot of course how did they get in you said you'd improve the security after the last break-in they disabled the cameras electric gate to whoever did you approach with a good knowledge of the ym security systems there's always people coming and going around here inspector cameras are visible someone wants to get them not find away and get out with five horses no it feels worse than me about this inspector I'd never do anything to her the wines sir something you should see get'em it still full maybe Harry's death was a horse theft gone wrong someone's come back to finish the job but this over to camp let's see if she can tell us anything else sir Clara Myerscough was broken into [Music] I'm knew about it when I came I saw you to open up and was confronted by this all of the controlled substances have gone including the ketamine where were you both last night oh I was out on a job a fella Pat Melton did either of you go up to the ym stables yesterday no of course not we're not exactly welcome there inspector now if you would excuse me I need to stop my rounds of clients before you go I'd be grateful if you could provide details of your whereabouts in the last 24 hours dr. Myers cough of course Cyril a lot on the file of ketamine found at the wires matches that was stolen from fara Maya Scott's practice but we still haven't found anything else at the vets Harry's murder coming look at this if we're looking at placements the previous theft that the wires there Nevins were questioned that nothing was proved so I pulled up other instances of livestock theft in the country and match them against the Nevins movements there's an interesting correlation so I see these are the thefts occurred at the same time as the Nevins wall of death was in turn what charges ever brought nothing but there were questioned multiple times see where butch Nevins was last night no no they didn't take hard equipment he's pretty shaken up I really need you to come up here please five years ago you were questioned in connection with a horse theft over the wireless state I'm never charged how about Melton nine months ago I must fail six months ago stealth for 13 months we were in all those places short at the exact same time that's livestock of stone we were also in dozens of other places where no life stop with stolen and no crimes were committed are you gonna list those to any crime that occurs whenever is must have done right that's also why we're never charged because there's never any truth in our house is clean better so you say mr. Nevins and yet the evidence keeps on bringing us back to your door [Music] what's going on I kept Clara on to look after Harlequin after everything that's happened she's my oldest friend I wasn't just gonna throw that all away I don't trust her look at the trouble Jessica's caused think of Amen that's exactly what I am doing I should go you don't have to this doesn't change anything the eviction notice still stands I think the sooner you and your daughter leave the better for all our sakes thank you I don't know you've lived with him all these years you don't know the half of it and marine athili Tech found some email exchanges between Harry and Maria it looks like she was in negotiations to sell the pub our school but the deal went sour strong words well that's hardly a motive for murder agreed but this might be one of the horses taken for the YMCA's to belong to Rory but she was so far away paying a stable fees that Harry effectively repossessed [Music] Harry why a man agreed to waive our stapling fees if we signed her over to him is lightning a valuable horse in monetary terms it must have been upsetting when you had to let her go then yeah it was actually what's meant a lot to us what's your point it must have grated that the person who took your horse was also the person you were arguing with over the sale of the pub sorry what are you talking about threatening emails between Rowena and Harry why I'm Brook I was gonna tell you agreed a price with him and then the last-minute hearin aid we incur we weren't gonna sell this was supposed to be a fresh start a sale that you agreed with Harry was a lot less than the market value why were you even considering it I was fighting for our future look every penny we have into this place and it isn't working a hat Act before we lost everything I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through it's awful and what happened to Harry how's Amy doing I don't think she really understands you let me help she needs her family around I'm her grandmother too and she still has a mother who loves her I don't think that's a very good idea oh come on Serena surely this has gone on long enough look you know I can't agree to that Jessica has changed amy has already lost her dad you want to take her mother away as well look I can't trust her I'm sorry you have just told me about the pain of losing a child and now you are going to inflict that upon somebody else that's hardly the same thing I think you should go [Music] we all make mistakes arena sometimes mistakes have consequences [Music] this was our dream this is what we talk - no this was your dream I didn't talk about losing everything on the stinking business [ __ ] any idea of the financial mess we're in we can't earn our own camp we've got enough haven't we don't know we can buy somewhere else all those leftover what for I've found a doctor thinks I've got a really good chance what it's gonna cost thousands not hundreds this could be our last chance my life's gonna be you mom I'm not going through that again rule I can't so do you think she'll like it I think she's going to love it I talked to Sarina why did you do that my thought she'd listen now that Harry's what happened she didn't agree but she will okay you should have asked me first we're not supposed to talk to them I was just trying to help how am i screwing up my chances just stop it you're in this position because of what you did take some responsibility for once perhaps Serena's right maybe you just can't be trusted yet Wow I don't believe it you're on their side aren't you yes yes [Music] Thanks amongst other things the new cans and lovely I know it's just he's never been away for us for this long before yeah it's gone holiday then he's gonna have to get used to it chicken deck we do grow me frogs legs yeah I thought I guess into the holiday spirit maybe I'll just go down there and check these okay [Music] [Music] escaped I thought she was on my side at least she is she's doing everything she can to support you is she I need money which haunts do I have against the worms don't know no you don't understand it's a complete mess go do something c'mon Jess that is why I wanted to talk to you before I went to Serena after girl [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] Jessica she was discovered by her daughter this morning and claims she found the door unlocked what happened here cam it appears the victim was incapacitated with a cattle prod and then drowned is it an opportunistic attacks it's likely the killer seems to have improvised use whatever scans a hand as a weapon but no sign of the force entry mr. business is targeted then she is where's Jessica this way looking for Amy when she comes to visit Jessica I need to ask you some questions when did you last see your mother last night here in the surgery upstairs we had an argument what was it about Amy she said it was all my fault she was right then what happened I just had to get out I went to the pardon but I came back I went straight upstairs see mom had already gone up when I got up this morning still no sign of her how do you noticed anything different or strange about your mother's behavior lately nothing do you think this has something to do with the break-in what if they come back you'll have my preliminary report next couple of hours I'll get the PM don't ASAP Thanks we need to find this murderer or I won't be going anywhere well it would be no trouble thank you happy to help we'll get a full assessment from Sacco later it's too early for them to join conclusions I know what you can about both Klara and Jessica's activities we need to know if there's a link between them and the horse left why Taro's targeted yes Nelson really thank you we found the horses [Music] the license plate find out who this belongs to [Music] someone left in a hurry the black mare is missing lightning the one heroine took from the Lima Bean how far would someone go to get their beloved horse back I want a bit extreme isn't it never underestimate the bond between animal owner knows it all this plugged up and over the cam [Music] with some a nectar organic beer I've not seen this before see if we can find out where this came from will do sir know how you measure a horse's height in hands how many hands you are yes you innate back from your last night what are you suggesting nothing but police are bound to ask questions I mean it's no secret you and she didn't see eye to eye I wanted her and her daughter gone but I'd never lay a finger on [Applause] yeah Misaka do you recall who you sold any to recently I'm not off the top of my head no sorry could have been anyone fair weeks pretty much hey what makes you think here from here anyway the brewery they told us this is the only pub in the areas of light really they also told us you've only ordered two cases and found six bottles presumably bought together cast your minds back sorry gone out we need to take your fingerprints one the bottles were recovered from a crime scene connected to an ongoing murder inquiry where were you both this morning well I was here customers don't serve themselves I was looking after a mate look whatever it is you're insinuating we've recovered all of the wines missing horses apart from lightning I imagine you must have missed her a great deal yes she was important to me important enough for you to want to steal her back I'd love to get lightning back inspector I'm not about to break the law okay sorry it's a my nectar I'm more of a GT girl myself but always nice to be abroad ring well it might be connected to the Harawira murder case thank you I've solved your problem by the way sorry it's Sykes I told for to be I take him so you know how to worry about that anymore yeah but I was gonna offer oh I suppose he's no good yeah well maybe I will they're the best dogs it'll win what how the hell did that [Music] don't come you again put it Hey hey not sharing five minutes sorry you're on your own something's come up [Music] Nelson the ruin it and Niles alibi check out I'm still looking into that but I think I see news on the horse box it was registered to a mr. Adam fool however he claims to have solved it just last week for cash who - - a mr. Nevins [Music] well you should say that the owner said he sold it to a mr. nevan's a week ago i buy and sell all sorts of stuff family friends must have it for cash sight unseen including horse boxes yes look I'm not trying to be difficult inspector I just II to look back through my records do that I'll get one of my officers to assist it are Sean and Dale here not seen them we'll need to speak to them to this inspector can you account for your whereabouts last night I was here with Trina is that right mrs. Nevins mrs. Nevins Jeremiah Scott was murdered last night I encourage you to tell us the truth tell him love no not this time Trina come on now I was here with you all night no you weren't not last night this is Nevins sneak back about two o'clock this morning it was out before them Trina don't do this where were you mr. Nevins I asked you what you want why couldn't you just tell me I had nothing to do with Clara [Music] I was with Jerry Barker from the Equestrian Center thank you [Music] you promised me this would never happen again right Thanks that was camp she's matched the fingerprints on the beer bottles found in the woods there belong to Roderick bark really chuckling past you turn it on with butch already treating me like that I was trying to prove myself gets away from it how do we be known it doesn't matter you have to understand it place the wire they always came first for you it's like you're always fooling yourself today I'm not me you coming with me or one [Music] which is welcome to you [Music] [Applause] I'm talking to you basically sniffing around asking some questions about a horse box not my problem well it will be if they find it I reckon it's time you stop worrying about me and so to look at yourself or jewry by that getting a bit old fry you don't deserve money watch your mouth son you know when I was a kid he teaches you to ask me what I wanted to be my truck [Music] and I told him I wanted to be just like my old man nothing's changed you knows what this seller could be proud of it's like a further that tone [Music] I had nothing to do with stealing any horses sit down mr. Barkham close to the table please for the tape mara Thank You mr. Barker we found some discarded beer bottles up there you'll fingerprints all over them I'm awful not very like too quiet you had all of your clothes in the car tuned up somewhere in hurry my wife I was leaving her phone app she was seeing someone else the only thing I can't figure out is why you'd do it you'd work for the wires for 20 years why betray that loyalty yeah well I'll be a lot of people who are loyal to you who the wives Harry it's making me redundant I devoted my life but those stables and he was just gonna throw me on the scrap heap where the DES ketamine come from I don't know like nothing to do with that mr. Barkham the robbery you participated in could be linked to a double murder you need to tell us what you know I was just nervous look after the horses there are meant to be long gone or with you roadblocks and everything we couldn't move them so I didn't steal them just you know I alt I took out the CCTV disabled the case help - no comment mr. Barkham who else was involved no sorry inspector of Sigma peace gonna move from me that's your prerogative and it won't do you any favors when he gets to court [Music] it will kill mom it's not my first identity I know what you did [Music] to give a shot [Music] check rod bar cams phone computer he's not going to give up his accomplices than they defined in ourselves will do I think rods telling the truth about the break-in at the vets though something not right about it look the thieves only took the controlled substances from the drug store they knew what they were after and then knew where to find it yet they turn the place over in a seemingly haphazard way it doesn't stack up you think the burglary was staged possible yeah Jessica provided a witness statement didn't she speak to her again sir forensics have completed their report on a horse box guess whose fingerprints are all over it mr. nevan's mr. Dale livings you go to the vets and speak to Jessica I'll find Dale if you stole the wives horses what else is he capable of doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] it's Myerscough [Music] okay yes I just [Music] secure the fares perimeter they won it all right on interviews and statements for every moment [Music] what can you tell us camera time of death within the last two or three hours cause of death would appear obvious in this case I expect what you see is what you get again the killers used what Evers come to hand nothing premeditated about this they're getting impulsive let me know if you find anything else will do just speak to Jessica Myers girl she seemed pretty shaken up now ain't you been out for more operator the question please no Han you're asking too much Sarina trusts me you have to this is my last chance you're the only one who truly understands room please [Music] yeah so Nvidia tonight we had not met God fix I said did you know that Dale was involved in the horse theft at the wiles farm no um so it's a guest who's getting far too big for his boots I just slapped him down long ago is that how you do with things mr. Nevins what the hell do you mean by that or your business your reputation I mean a great deal to you don't know how far would you go to protect them the only person who's threatened my reputation is sitting in that big manor house inspector so why are you here not speaking with Jasper why is I gonna leave it to the police not there anything we have to hold it no thanks mom cause like we can't do nothing it's time the saying did once and for all [Music] and he news on Jessica Bosco not yet but Dale's voicemail messages confirmed that Jessica masterminded the packed up wires she stays the break-in at the vets and provided the ketamine so what's her motive she needed money to fight the customer or perhaps it was revenge on the wiles for not letting her near daughter she's clearly desperate we'll have to find her I've got an update on the gun as well the met have matched it to one involved in several crimes in East London we just need to find a link there must be something more all this trouble started when the fare arrived and they're both families have lost their oldest sons what if this feud between the two families goes much deeper than we thought [Music] Jasper will be home any minute we still kept him after all these years I imagine Jasper being too chuffed about it he's a lot more understanding than people think [Music] we both know that's not true Syrena earliest I can find a little fallout between the two families is 1980 Jasper wine didn't seem to have a problem with the nevins before them then a whole catalogue of stuff official complaints about the nevins but noise pollution traffic anything they confuse them all there's over one long weekend a year also Jasper wrote letters to the council demanding the Nevins were banned from the area but look at this Syrena why'm was crowned harvest queen in 1979 when her maiden name was Harris and who's this next er this is butch Nevins and Jasper why am I don't look to be fielding much in that picture so apart from marriage what happened between the harvest fare of 1979 and the harvest fare of 1980 that turned this relationship so toxic that's what we need to find out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Sabrina just took off looking for her I don't know where she went tried to stay calm mr. Wayne we've got every available officer out looking for your granddaughter but I think it's time you started being straight with us what do you mean in 1979 something happened between you and butch Nevins what was it what a notice that got to do with anything I believe it's of vital importance three people have been murdered your granddaughters missing what happened but it was just a stupid fling long being forgotten ancient history Serena and Butch yes mr. Marvin before we were married Sabrina had a brief liaison with Nevins that was autumn 1979 yet he still got married early the following spring we were engaged time of her involvement and she felt pregnant by Nevins I had to bring the wedding forward for appearances 1980 Perry wasn't her child what happened to the baby we agreed to tell everyone it was stillborn it was given up for adoption did butch know about this he was told it died like everyone else who else knew the truth only us and did you ever find out what happened to the child after it was adopted no we didn't know anything then last year there was a letter from the adoption agency child was trying to get in touch do you still have this letter [Music] bro aim is for missing I think Jessica map taken up please please call me it's from the adoption agency the child Serena gave up sought her help they wanted her to have a blood test establish if she was a match what for some medical Mellon medical emergency whoever sent this was clearly trying to find a viable donor what did you do we declined you will have to understand we had hairy and better to think about a million we didn't want this this mock tractor there let's also ask Serena to make the biological father aware did you contact butch Nevins no I didn't think it for the best Thank You mr. wine I'll get on to the adoption agency we need to find out who was asking for Serena's [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you it was Niall and Rowena Deeley who were trying to contact surreal because their daughter who needed the donor Rowena Amy's child [Music] you [Music] okay thanks the dealer's cars been spotted up at upwards [Music] I'm here so what she's about I'll explain come on the drink [Music] what do you do I'm piggles far away from this place as I can [Applause] somewhere safe [Music] like dog it's Serina Amy's gone missing I'm on my way to the village to look for her it's really there no and no she's not in a minute but she'll be back soon um why don't you come over I'll help you look okay okay I'll be there in a minute [Music] just come on [Music] Livan distributive Jessica responders shout I'm not sorry that's working before why do you feel so strongly about oh no it's like to lose a checked you know whether they should go through that what happened to your little girl [Music] she was sick she needs to keep me transplant what we couldn't find a donor your families tested my relatives were but and I always adopted he's never had any contact with his biological parents doesn't know that they are once your number thanks you go be Eddie oh come on what's the rush have another drink no thanks not all the time yeah let us out I don't think so dad [Music] and it all available units like versus the black dog come seed with Kershaw one suspect could be armed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Selena come in please [Music] just run oh yeah well give me all Harlan one big happy family [Music] wondered for so long what this moves and feel like both of you finding out what you did to the son you abandoned and do you mistake it you know childhood [ __ ] this way she never told you she'd want to give you tell me war thought it was the right thing [Music] Serena when I was pregnant her baby didn't die you told him I died she didn't know what else to do we had a son how could you keep that from me and even after you got my letter you still didn't think the talent or letter I needed your help my little girl she was sick I never asked either of you for anything but I needed you to help me I was trying to save her life no you just run around getting people pregnant don't you how many other illegitimate kids if you go out there mr. Daley huh don't come here cool sir I need to finish this you're talking about your little girl don't you want them to know what happened to her she died we couldn't find the donor in tapes that must have been terrible didn't have to happen they let her die so I needed them to feel the same pain and instead you killed Harry and Dale so both of them would know how it feels she killed myself why Clara No did she have to die here doing that she was a friend and she told me everything once you figured out your award I can't imagine what you've been through this has to stop now you have no idea I promised that I promised that it would all be alright but I'd watch my little girl sicker and sicker and there was nothing I could do I was her dad I was supposed to help Samantha your daughter to die no one should lose a child I wish I could go back and make it different should have done something to help I'm sorry I can't forgive you have to see no I'll stop you won't ever forget what you've suffered doing this won't take away the pain of losing your daughter what happened to her wasn't right or fair sometimes no one is to blame not butch Serena not you it's time for all this to stop well everyone it would be a good dad I miss her so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] your granddaughters safe mr. only article thank you they never got to hold her money to do away [Music] I told myself it would get easier but it never did [Music] it's quite something isn't it the power of the love between parent and child did not fall these years Department to never be broken one way or another you can never really escape to your family knows [Music] I've donated goes to charity they're my favorites have you pack your passport oh you won't be needing that surprise well yes it is what about La Rochelle 2003 what about key 2007 its sights ready Sykes I'm afraid there's been a change of plan right Sykes is coming with us taxi [Music] send us a postcard here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] every time [Music] like it [Music] [Music]
Channel: FilmRise
Views: 120,973
Rating: 4.8684211 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 31sec (5311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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