Midjourney v6 Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced Prompters. Part 1

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hello my name is th and I like to experiment with all kinds of AI Technologies mid Journey V6 is quite different from earlier models so join me in discovering what is different and how you should go about prompting now so let's just start from the beginning how can you use it you should check out your settings with Slash settings to see which model is the active one or you can just add-- V6 or-- v6.0 in the end part of your prompt it really depends on if you want it as the default for all of your prompts or do you want to specify it each time but otherwise use the current default version for Mid Journey now let's see which arguments can be used with V6 first up is D- AR which stands for aspect ratio it means that you control the shape of your image and say if you want it wider or taller the default is as usual the ratio 1: 1 that produces an image which is 1,24 by 1,24 pixels if you make your image taller or wider the image will be elongated in One Direction but it will go smaller in the other direction for example a 16x9 image will be 1,456 by 816 pixels you cannot make your image bigger with changing the aspect ratio meaning if you prompt for 4,096 by 496 you will not get it as the equivalent pixels as a result that is what upscaling is for and we will look at the options for that later on in this video aspect ratios have been problematic during the launches of previous versions so it's really good that we have this one included right from the start without any limitations you have prompted your image in v six now what there is a menu under your generated image in Discord with nine buttons If you have been using mid Journey for a while you will recognize these buttons but if you have no idea what these are let's briefly go over them the U1 U2 u3 and u4 buttons are for upscaling an image from the grid that you just got the numbers go like this from 1 to four actually there is no upscaling happening if you press any of these images they will remain the same size you will just get that image separately and some additional buttons which we will look at in just a moment the button that looks like a refresh is for rerolling the same prompt meaning that it will take the exact same prompt and do it again I think it just takes the same prompt and changes the seed except when you have the seed explicitly set in your prompt then it will give you exactly the same images again but it just wastes your generation hours by doing the same thing all over again so be mindful of that and the remaining four buttons are the V1 V2 V3 and V4 these are for when you like an image out of your grid but would like to see some variations of it you will get images out that look very much like the original image both the roll and variation buttons also allow the use of the remix feature that allows you to completely change your prompt as well if you have set it as enabled in your settings so if you have it off mid Journey will go do its own thing right away and if you have it on you will get a popup with the prompt text where you are able to edit any part of your prompt or even the entire prompt if you wish to do so so now you have an upscaled image this is where you will currently see some differences to version 5.2 simply because V 6 does not yet have all the features that version 5.2 did but mid Journey has promised to add the missing features gradually at some point right now you will see six buttons under your upscaled image so let's look at that you basically have two options to upscale and with both options you will get a 248x 248 pixels image out of it so 2x upscale there is no 4X upscale yet for V6 the only difference is that the subtle option tries to keep it more like the original while the creative option may change some details in your image then you have the very subtle and very strong buttons which do basically the same thing as the V1 to four buttons under the grid image except you have the option to get more variation out of it with the strong button and then you have the heart button that basically sets the rating of this image on Mid Journey's website to the highest option it is for organizing and and finding your favorite images better later on the web button takes you to that particular image on Mid Journey's website it is one way of downloading or looking at your images for some reason I still prefer to click on an image and then click the openin browser because I can then open the full size image which I don't think is as easily accessible via the website the biggest it will go on the website at the moment is the size of your browser window and not the actual size of the image okay so those were the main features that are available in V6 currently we do not have pan Zoom or VAR region options which at least to me seem really important I have noticed that it is sometimes harder Now to control what you want out of an image for example mid Journey no longer wants to listen to some of the photography language that used to be helpful when trying to establish if you wanted a closeup or a full shot of a person I'm still trying to learn and figure out how to do that in V6 so I will surely let you know when I have these tips to share with you but one thing to try out at least for now if you don't want close-ups is to use negative prompting and I mean specifying dash dash no closeup for example I had some initial success when I added that to my prompt it zoomed out a little bit in the image so I got the images to show a little bit of the upper body but it was a struggle to get as far as the legs playing with the aspect ratio helped a little bit as well the taller aspect ratios allowed for more room to create a body in as the people in the images tend to be sitting now I was finally able to generate a few images where the entire person was showing by specifying that the woman was standing somewhere and then also added the dash dash no closeup and it only worked on a taller aspect ratio so this is one area where the pan and zoom features are currently sorely missed but I then went back and tried another thing which was specifying the kind of shoes the person was wearing and that finally made the images depict the entire person along with the shoes strangely all of the tests I did with similar prompts were in the photography style but somehow adding in the detail about shoes made most of the Grid in painted style adding Das Dash no closeup took it back to photography so I am not sure if it was just an anomaly with the seed it ended up with or something else in this combination in my next video I will be looking at some of the more advanced features for V6 and what they do but I do hope you learned something new about mid journey and V6 from this video there is so much to discover and figure out so if you have any tips to share about your findings let me know in the comments below and if you like this kind of content please consider subscribing to my channel I thank you so much for for watching and let's continue prompting
Channel: Thaeyne
Views: 12,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, aesthetic, ai, aiart, d-id, exploration, imageprompting, midjourneyart, midjourneyv5, midjourneyv5.2, mubert, runway, runway ml, feature, prompt, prompts, midjourney prompts, midjourney styles, photo styles, ai photo, styles, prompting, prompt engineering, ai prompts, kaiber, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial, how to use midjourney ai, elevenlabs, midjourney v6, midjourney v6 features, midjourney tips, midjourney tips and tricks, midjourney tips and tricks v6
Id: xQDdA9v3KfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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