Mid Week Thrift Haul / Friend Mail

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hi everyone welcome to a work in progress i'm joanne sorry for the lateness of this video i did tell you folks on sunday that i would be back toward the end of this week to share with you the things from the scrap exchange that i didn't share in sunday's video and although this video is late i am keeping my word so i'm gonna go ahead and get started showing you the things that i picked up at the scrap exchange as well as some friend mail that i received from my friend lena down in georgia so let's go ahead and get started first i want to start with the fun stuff i want to start with the things that lena sent to me not only did she send me a box of goodies but in today's meal i received some maps she had sent me a map um over christmas and i made mention that my daughter ended up taking it because she has always had this thing for maps i don't know why so lena went and sent me some more maps sent caitlin some more maps so we've got this one here actually several of them of uh a city in georgia i'm not going to name it because i don't want to get you know too close to where lena lives and some information on do's and don'ts when you're on the greenways and the paths around there and another map of her city and oh one from a lake oh very cool oh yeah she says she put a note on here to my daughter it says hi katie bug mom said you liked maps so another one thank you so much lina she will love these she's actually in the next room on a call with some of her friends right now but i'm going to give those to her as soon as she is finished and so am i so let's go ahead and get started with the fun stuff in the box and first off she starts with a surprise and it was because i did not know these things were coming okay we have a card oh let's see it says joanne open first all then read card all right oh the first thing here oh my goodness it says love an angel to remind us to love one another look at that how sweet i love this what does it say on the back oh just has some information about it on the back oh elena i love this little angel you know what i'm actually gonna put her in my wallet so that i will have her with me all of the time look at her and then the back of it says love so i'm putting that right in my wallet so like i said i'll always have that let me have some other goodies oh what is this oh liv love woof oh my goodness a kitchen towel oh my gosh that is absolutely adorable i think that's a little pug on there at least that's what i would guess it is oh my gosh lina that is so cute oh i love that this is a little breakable but it didn't oh oh i'm smoking the hot oh my goodness gracious look at that two two cute little christmas ornament that is adorable i'll put that away for this coming christmas we have a little calendar down here too 20 2021 card smart oh this is nice a little pocket calendar i keep that with you in my purse do i see a coupon in here from your card smart store ah i wish we had those around here my daughter is just loves the hallmark stores oh my goodness she pays so much money for those cards oh my gosh so let's see what we have in here you wrap everything so pretty lima i'm just gonna put that right there on there on the floor what is this all wrapped up in bubble wrap oh leena oh lena it's a madonna for my collection oh my goodness look at her oh lena thank you thank you oh she's beautiful and you know right where she is going when i am finished with this video oh my goodness she's gorgeous lina thank you so so very much oh i i adore her let me pop this box down hold on oh my goodness i'm gonna set her right there for right now okay now i can open up oops the card it says shopping diva okay i'm gonna read this first to myself and i'll see if i can share any of it with you the madonna came from a christmas flower arrangement that her mom had bought at a local florist the arrangement didn't survive but the madonna did i wanted she wanted me to have it she has no markings i don't care my mom bought her probably in the 80s kitchen towel reminds me of my pug of 14 and a half years dooley ray brown oh hence the christmas card oh thank you lena thank you so much i will put your mom's madonna with my other madonnas and she has a new home she's not going anywhere thank you so much i appreciate everything i love it and you for sending it all to me that was so so sweet kaitlyn's gonna love those maps i guarantee it oh my goodness okay all right well with that it's always hard to follow up a haul video when you get such a wonderful friend mail and gifts from someone but let's get to it um as i said everything in this haul is from the scrap exchange from a couple of weeks actually several weeks ago um i'll tell you what it is i'm going to be saving for myself and what i'm going to be reselling and don't forget watch through to the end of the video because i would love it if you're new to my channel what i do is i ask everyone to leave a comment in the comment section down below and let everybody know what your favorite find was from this week's haul and i will also let you know what my favorite find was and since the madonna is not a find i can't claim that as my favorite find from the hall but she is definitely a favorite uh so i picked up i don't know where the like the main paper went on this but it was this kit and it was to make a tobacco basket i paid four dollars for it it came with everything that you needed except there was one thing it didn't come with oh the paint it didn't come with paint if you wanted to paint it and i have been wanting a tobacco basket for a very long time but if you know me you know i don't like to spend a lot of money for things so when i found that kit i went ahead and purchased it and this is how my tobacco basket came out let me know what you think there it is so that's how my basket came out it's a little wonky i call it on the bottom here but you know what i don't care i'm not sure that they're supposed to be perfect anyway and they suggested that you paint it but i went ahead and just um i used some brown paint and i watered it down just so it kind of looks like sort of more like a stain on it but i have i'm pretty happy with it the way that it came out and it's probably about maybe a foot and a half um you know this way and that way across so i'll be putting that up somewhere in my family room also got and if i find the receipt down here i'll let you know what i paid for everything some things were not marked and they told me at the time when i purchased it what they were charging so if i can remember i will let you know these are for my collection because i do have a collection of wooden spools and look at the size of this one i mean that is wonderful and it still has the thread on it uh the little decals have long since been worn off i want to say this was at either a dollar or 75 cents i honestly can't remember and then there was this one now this does have a mark on it it says no darn its patent office and in chicago so i've not seen a spool like that i thought it was pretty interesting and i think this was about 50 cents somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 cents so they'll be going in my personal collection um they had a little thing of paint which i picked up for just 50 cents so that's pretty good i guess one of the sample paints and i did open it up and check it to make sure that it was still good i have bought paint in the past from thrift stores and got it home only to find that it was really old and like not usable but this one was a small one so i was able to open it up while i was still there so this one is good i was happy to find that i found this i think i'm going to try and resell this it is an old corsage let me show it to you what does it say on here it says sweetheart pin on if you can make that out come on here it comes it's really tight oh the lid let me show you what it looks like it has to be spruced up just a little bit because the flowers are you know they're kind of they've been kind of squashed down over time but i thought it was really sweet and i thought somebody might be able to use that um in some kind of vignette or in an assemblage or maybe somebody just collects vintage corsages and there is the pin on come on now on the back of it so i got that and that was marked uh 75 cents i think that's 75 yep 75 cents this i bought for myself this was 50 cents and it does have a little staining on it and such but i don't mind at all it's an old vintage hanky i love love love this lace on it and i think what i'm going to do in that wall that i'm doing on my in my family room i think that i'm going to use this on that tobacco looking basket if you watched several videos back i bought this a wall basket that resembles a tobacco basket but you can put things inside of it so i think i'm going to use that kind of draping it out like that and then some florals in it so and again i know i keep saying but once it's finished i'll show it to you and i promise that i will these i'm in love with look at these lace gloves oh my goodness i saw them they were kind of at the bottom of where i found the lace hanky i snatched these up so quickly oh come on now i want to take the pin out without there we go look at how beautiful they are there's no holes there's no there's no damage and even on the back there is let me show you there can you see the design on the back these are gorgeous i am not going to be reselling these these are going to go with my vintage handbag collection i have one definitely one maybe two other vintage gloves that i'm gonna put alongside of those uh vintage handbags once i get that all together so i was really happy and i think they only charged me two dollars for these very happy about those now the next things i'm going out on a limb here these are going to be for resell resale sorry resale oh here's my receipt oops there we go here we are i paid a total of let me see here 1933 so for me that's that's a lot these are replacement pieces for lamp glass lamp shades they had a ton of these i looked them up on ebay they are from okay lighting if you can see and these a set of four of them can go for forty dollars and up as replacements now i got several of them that are the same let's see we have one two of that cow and then i have this one here so i'm probably going to be selling these individually but i'll have several of them you know available in the same style there's that one again yeah look at those two cows there oh sorry about that glare i have some lights right behind the camera because it's already nighttime out here in raleigh oh and it was a miserable day it was cold really cold and rainy so i have four of those two cows and then this barn scene i have one oh just one of those and then i have those chickens and the rooster and then i did pick up six of these i believe one two four it looks like there might be five of them i thought there were six of this race car and these i did find directly on ebay and like i said the set of six of these were going for forty dollars so i'm going to go out on the limb and see how they do uh let me see i think i think she said for all of these i think she charged me five dollars these went by weight so let me see here oh no it was five pounds five pounds and for these right that i all of those that i just showed you or it's ten dollars and twenty cents for the ones i showed you and then the duplicates so this was a little haul tonight um but i did want to come back on like i said and and share with you so my favorite of what i thrifted has got to be the gloves i i just love them i think they're beautiful i can't imagine how long it took someone to make these i'm so happy that they are intact and have not been damaged that is my favorite if you would in that comment section down below let everybody else know what your favorite find was from today um i'm gonna be out thrifting tomorrow at which is saturday for me and then sunday i will be back with my weekly sunday thrift haul video so i hope that you stay tuned for that if you do like thrift haul videos um and you're not subscribed to my channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button make sure that you hit the all notifications bell so you don't miss any upcoming thrift haul videos and some shop alongs so if you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave me a thumbs up and until next time everyone please take very very good care of yourselves stay safe and thank you so much for watching bye for now and thank you lena
Channel: a work in progress
Views: 2,022
Rating: 4.9870968 out of 5
Id: kwUm95n0tAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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