Ramona Ringship & Unique Ending | Unicorn Overlord

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[Music] [Music] the [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there Elaine what is it you wish to discuss with me sorry I think there's been a mistake ah so it goes farewell for now hello there Elaine what is it you wish to discuss with [Music] me I'd like you to have the ring of the maiden I anticipated this from the moment I was summoned forth to this altar though I can't say I have confidence in the decision you should do you remember what you said to me how you dreamt of a future where humans and vils can live in harmony free from the bounds of race or nationality in that moment I knew with you at my side nothing is impossible not even the salvation of fth so please accept this ring and together we shall make both of our dreams into the brightest reality my word even after all my my years on this Earth there's truly no telling what surprises life may have in [Music] store and if I recall correctly you spoke much the same regarding the future of our two peoples how you believed they could overcome their differences and March as one to the same beat well you should know that I share your hunger for peace not merely for borius but for the world over a better life and a better home I could never spurn the chance to bring such a transformation to [Music] pass I accept with great pride I had Faith you would thank you [Music] Ramona let this right serve as the first step toward a new dawn for bestl man elf and all life on fth and Beyond we'll make it so you and I together and once we do we can mark the occasion with a hearty bowl of fresh fish stew my mouth is watering already ear this [Music] now L what is that you mother your majesty but how mother no I won't lose you again oh but you shall how does it feel your dear Mother slain by your own hand what's happening to me are you all right Elaine [Music] your highness ah what a poor fool he was doomed to the same fate as the pitiful queen before him is a horror [Music] inconceivable his strength surpasses even elenius the light of the Unicorn runs deep in his veins relinquish him foul monster or I shall make you do so strike at this new body of mine if you dare you'd simply be volunteering your own as my next vessel the ring is mind command and a futile demise is all that awaits you now now no why must it end this [Music] way finally realized have you we mustn't give in none can ever hope to Halt my designs now this day is won by my hand and the grandest of Rights shall soon be upon us worry not you'll make a fine zuran vessel once it is hear me Elaine the people of fth the people of your home are counting on you to succeed do you truly plan to ignore their cries enough can't you see it's over it would seem not the ring but why does it hold such vast energy so you've returned I knew you wouldn't abandon us so easily come let us deliver our world from this boundless nightmare h [Music] you little we you're nothing more than the Forgotten spawn of a dead Queen how how have you grown so powerful my strength shall guide you onward to the terminus [Music] it will take more than this to defeat me the time has come to absorb this realm now rise forth from the dark which claims you I am your Emperor Sous re shall never [Music] end it's finally over L ear this now gallarus you saw in F's innocent people mere vessels to house your own Fallen Empire but as long as I live and breathe you'll never inflict such callous Devastation on our world how do you know of that pous ghost of an age long past I shall Grant your soul the freedom it desires you will not can there be no restraining him my brethren were robbed of their corporeal flesh left to wander in the void of nothingness for 100 years their pain is my strength and my body their Fury given form while The Souls of xenoir remain trapped in the beyond their Emperor shall never know defeate your majesty vro how course the right flawlessly we lack but a single soul complete the spell then these insects shall be more than enough grant me your strength and we'll stamp them out together on your guard there can be no saying what Dreadful scheme they may yet plot what do you think you're doing apologies if I wasn't clear your majesty the last Soul the C seeks is none other than yours traitorous fool finally gone seile is that you mother your majesty but how mother you needn't worry Elaine the breath of Life still flows through her and strongly at that speak to me please I never imagined he possessed such frightful Mastery over the bodies of others elain I can't say how much time has passed since that day but you've grown so much if only I could have been there to witness it it seems I owe Joseph a great deal for raising you you in my [Music] absence the sis is complete and the gate to the Beyond stands open and [Laughter] true rise prisoners of the unicorn's curse spectral Phantoms from an ancient time you shall be the first to perish by my new found [Music] strength Joseph see my mother somewhere safe and you your highness we end this long drawn War Here and Now indeed we shall for every living thing that has suffered under Zeno's tyranny come home both of you what primitive evil should I reanimate next I wonder a monster capable of crushing fever beneath its heel perhaps you'll do no such thing this reign of Oppression and cruelty ends now spirits of zenoa Hear My Call your Emperor is no more and and in his place a tyrannical fiend who craves nothing but absolute control tell me is this what you truly desire to sacrifice your very essence in service of this demon pathetic child Souls of The Departed if you've any Humanity left within you lend me your Aid oh their strength is leaving me you Ru everything a c it fool these souls are not a power one can wield balro they are human lives human will in its purest form impossible the C of very Nature has been recast how is this happening it appears we arriv just in time this isn't how my tale concludes I won't allow it you escap in you true is death's cold Embrace wretched disciples you dare turn on your master the time has come again let us lift the curse of the unicorn and bring the salvation of Heaven to these lost souls we strike in [Music] [Music] unison I beckons all of my knowledge all of my research lost to the endless emptiness of [Music] time no Warriors of fa you have our Eternal gratitude on behalf of every IR soul to have ever lived thank you elain and [Music] [Music] farewell [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: GreyCaliber
Views: 10,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Unicorn Overlord
Id: r7mhFzqKpH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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