Mid Century House Tour

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hello my name is Karen and my husband freddie is filming me and we wanted to make a video of our house for our friends that live out of state because we've told them about how cool our house is well we like mid-century houses and we came across this one by accident I actually saw it at an estate sale and I fell in love with it immediately I got the chills and the reason the thing I like the most about it besides the layout is that it was pretty much untouched like nobody had tried to update it or anything there was where the second owner or were the third owners and the original owners had it built in 1964 and they lived here until I think 2005 and then an elderly lady from California fell in love with it and probably because it was like her era you know style she didn't want to change anything either so that's how nobody you know molested anyway so that was a huge draw for us we did change a few things that all talk about inside but so this is pretty much for my friend one friend in particular I just I really enjoyed looking at mid-century homes on video and TV so I thought that I would kind of me generic - so that everybody could see it hopefully you don't mean that comments come on inside and I'll show you our house we got these The Doors kind of need refinishing but they're nice big walnut double doors oh this is really cool this is the entryway closet on the other side and this big white thing folds down so you can clean the window there's a lot sees that we haven't done yet you want to redo the landscaping kind of updated and we brought this light fixture with us from our other house we don't wear our shoes in the house though so that helps a lot so the entryway is a little dark I'd like to have a window on the doors area I mean we have this patio door going out to the outside courtyard but it's still kind of dark over by the doors and we have this really cool built-in planter goes down about a couple feet into the floor but I have I'm having a hard time keeping plants alive in here because this there's not enough sunlight and then the type of I have a snake plant here and that worked out pretty good because they don't need a lot of light but the cats and the children kept bumping into it and knocking the that is one of our key cat have to have a Siamese cat when you live in a mid-century house and there's nothing better than Siamese cats so we thought let's get two Siamese cat so we have two that's try he's our little boy and that is Ling Ling our girl and the what she's walking on right now actually has lighting built-in but I really like it I think it's me and makes the house more unique I'll turn the fireplace stay under right there I'm pushing the button up there goes well it shows up more than all the other lights are on but it was kind of dark dingy day today I love the big picture windows vaulted ceilings lighting over all the windows and the window boxes those are the original curtains and I'm totally in love with them but I left them because hers are really expensive and there's a bunch of curtains and windows in here and I'm really glad I decided to leave them because my cat likes to climb up so he's going to destroy anything that's in here pretty much so all eventually meaning if he stops climbing on him I will get new Kirby's pretty good view of the city when it's dark you can see all the lights like that this deck out here wraps around goes all the way around to the side I'll show you through the kitchen window and then this fireplace there's a fireplace on each side and they're not connected so you can have a fire in either one but you won't feel it on the other side if you don't want to have two fires going our areas old phone table despite all these lights were here the recessed lighting was chair I think it was pretty modern for 1964 to have recessed lighting in the ceiling like that this is the original ceiling because who would choose to put that there but it's in really good shape so if we left it oh when we moved in it had red carpet everywhere that you see this white flooring so it was pretty dark and the red carpet and none of our furniture or anything would have matched the red carpet so we took it out and we put this bamboo laminate flooring in we're really happy with it and it's another reason why we don't wear shoes in the house it has a pocket door so you can shut shut Freddy in the kitchen where's she going that's right [Music] obviously this is the original up in double ovens they work great this is cool the fan actually does seems kind of like it blows it out huh we don't use it very much it seems to make it worse I don't really burn anything in here so [Music] these are the original cabinets obviously these are the original lucite Hevel knobs I've never seen anything like them I'm not super crazy about them and this countertop was all white Formica and it had white Formica on the backsplash so we took it out because this was all burnt somebody had burned something and there was a huge burn mark right here and so I was like I don't want white countertops because they'll get dirty and staged so I picked turquoise and I liked it but it's a little bit busy if I could do it over again I probably do white just because it's more bright and clean looking and I probably changed the knobs eventually I'm probably going to change the kitchen because I don't it was all kind of a we've had different tile flooring and we laid it down and four days later it started coming up so done with tile that we decided just to put this quartet tech in and I don't know I just don't like the color with everything else I'd rather just playing but this is me over here there's a cookbook shelf I have used it before believe it or not and then we have two dishwashers they used to throw a lot of parties here we're told and that's why they had two dishwashers so I used this one and then this this one works the one that was over here didn't so this one I use for drying dishes that I hand wash instead of having like a dish rack on the counter and this was my very talented husband Freddy who's filming took the front off the old dishwasher and put a pan already dishwasher inside and so I have a brand new dishwasher and all the controls are up here and it's very quiet because that one sounds like a semi-truck when it's working the old one so it's nice I have a brand new dishwasher in an old look and then through here how's she doing on the tour she's doing okay okay so we painted this was all painted blue we painted it white oh I painted pretty much every wall in this house refresh because the paint was so old and dingy and we kept this white this actually had tile that they I think from the 90s that they put on the counter and I didn't like it so we were gonna put Formica down and I took tile started taking the tile off and it had this mango orange countertop underneath it so I score that works we like it so that worked out good that was something that doesn't normally happen to us we're always like oh we kids like take up some carpet and find some really cool tile underneath or something but so that was a good thing I think this was for a piano originally but my vintage desk fits in there perfectly so this is another way to get back to the entryway on the other side of the house and I like it because I can put all my artwork up here and here a lot of wall space I know I have a lot of pictures probably you would have to much for some people's liking but I I just kind of wanted to display it all so I stuck it out I'd rather have a bigger house where I can have it more spread out but can't have everything right did you get a picture of these lights those are original they're really cool I love them and all the light fixtures up there the vaulted ceiling those are all original okay so this bathroom had carpet and I don't know what they had originally this wallpaper is original and the seat area is original with the sink but we did change the fixture and then I liked so I changed the light fixture because they just they had some Home Depot light fixture up there I had this already and it looks perfect in here and then I put the tile down so I know it's kind of gaudy with everything going on but it just works for me I was like it's already crazy in there so why not keep the theme going the cable car needs to be fixed yes Tara I know those are from the 80s so they're not really period-correct with the house but I love them so I couldn't turn lazuli Oh girl is actually what she's called but if you know about mid-century are a lot of people call her the green lady and I found her still back in like the garbage stuff and I paid 50 cents for her and I believe you can get like $500 for this but I would never sell it because I think it's really cool so the hallway goes to the left and to the right so we're gonna go to the right you don't want to hit the bedroom first okay first room our room and that's the my main complaint about this house is our room is by the kids rooms and when your kids are older that's not always good because they are loud and even if they're not loud we can still hear them so I'd rather have my room on the other side of the house okay this is the original wallpaper it's like textured and it's like a pinky oranjee damask it's really cool Pink's not really my favorite but it just kind of worked in here so I left it I I know a lot of people would change it but I just thought it was neat that it was the original stuff still in here and it's in really good shape so I just kind of wanted to keep the only thing we did is I painted the ceiling because it was pink and it was like kind of like a cave in here so it really brightened up the room because as you can see it has all these curtains on the windows which was really calming back then and I do open them up during the data to brighten it but I wanted to show you them so that's vintage that we painted so it matched the rest of the room I don't usually like to paint vintage furniture but my closet is pretty big it's like twice as deep as a normal closet and it has built-ins and shelves for my shoes and things like that but I'm not going to open it cuz I don't want to clean it for the video it's not super bad but and then Freddie's is the same way he's got its double deep than a normal closet and who's got built-ins and Fred he's a good sport because he let me keep all the pink girly stuff in here he doesn't care he's he's okay with his masculinity so I have really cool pictures what I like him this these are the original frames too I think these are really neat these were filthy I got him at another estate sale and they were just covered in dirt and I cleaned him up and they looked really good I forgot to point out my don't care okay so here I did I tiled the floor though it had really cool linoleum in here but there was chip marks out of it because somebody had put carpet in here at one point and nailed it down and then when they took it up it ruined linoleum so I put this penny tile down and I thought I'd really be sorry because it's white and the grout white but okay and it's really easy to tile in this house and the bathroom is because all the toilets float they go to the wall instead of down on the floor so and they all work well they're all still the original plumbing fixtures sinks toilets they were all in really good shape this hot that cool glass everything was it really look at how nice these are and these outlets I don't know why they don't work but we don't really care so I'm afraid he could probably get him the work but this was all in really good shape these are kind of wonky right here these lights I mean I've seen them before a lot but I think they had heat bulbs in them so you're supposed to like get out of the shower and heat yourself up over here because other ways they don't really match in here but we left them because that's how it was and I'm not tall enough to bump my head on everything and the shower is pretty big it looks small because the door small bit this is big oh this is me this is a hamper comes out I don't use it because I don't really want to put wet towels in there cats have a master bath okay these are my team's prints but original prints from the mid century time they're not reproductions or anything of France their print let's graph so that one's me it's like black money it was a whole messed up okay closet compared to most houses from this time they don't really have a lot of storage this is one of my children's rooms a boy of course it's pretty clean just a good job it has this house was really well-built bathroom so we have three bathrooms the half bath by the entryway our bathroom and then the kids bathroom and I tiled this floor it was like a pea green and yellow pebble linoleum and I just decided to go with this wait no I missed it okay good anyways the white tile really brightened it up because as you can see I don't know is the color coming out right now the wallpapers brown with flowers that are peak yellow kind of this purplish blue and they have one of these cabins [Music] I got some paint to match the paint in the bathrooms and touched up a few areas but pretty much floating twin it okay somebody's everywhere so one kid could be in the bathroom shut the door shut what could be in the shower and one could be brushing we're waiting we're waiting for show oh oh yes sit here well this is the dressing put your shoes on no you can't wear shoes in my house I don't know what this is for hamper underneath there dude maybe it is the waiting for the shower yes there's a cool hamper down here and they use it once in a while I find towels in here so I have to remember to check once in a while there's a lot a bunch of wet towels in there they're pretty clean for the most part I'm sure a lot of people would really like to rip this wallpaper out but I just I don't know I think it's cool I wouldn't pick it like if I was gonna go shopping and decorate my house but since it was here I just I think it's neat that it's been here since 1964 right honey yep survivor yes okay countertops in good shape I mean there's a couple areas but I put this holder here [Music] [Music] this is another room and he has the same closet setup as the other son and he's got the built-in desk and shelf area and he has a door to go outside so I put my my good boy in here that I trust I know he won't sneak out hopefully a girl obviously and this is the original wallpaper curtains everything she has a TV in here it's pretty cool Freddie made this this is my favorite part of her room I mean what girl would want this when they're growing up and then those lights are really neat their original mrs. glass I've never seen these before so we had to get like a bunch of LED bulbs because the power bill would be like and she always leaves her lights on so that's that'd be a problem that's like that was a heat lamp and we just put a regular bulb in there is that it that's it for now we have we have another house for sale about a mile away and we might put a link to it it's another cool mid-century house that we moved from here there to here because we like the layout better over here for us so look for that because I think we're going to try to figure out how to put that link on there because it's for sale right now ok thanks and be nice talk to you later bye
Channel: Karen T
Views: 48,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mid Century house, Mid Century house tour, inside Mid Century house, original Mid Century house, Preserved Mid Century house, Mid Century Modern, Classic Mid Century house, Mid Century house video tou
Id: dFWcLthIIlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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