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[Music] all right so it's been a little over a month since we planted these sweet potatoes and as you can see uh all four of them are actually producing Vines these two were very slow to start we might have saw growth maybe a week ago uh but these other two as you can see are really really taking off in particular this shoot right here the vine vines are now outgrowing the container space so we have to pluck some of these we had one fall off already so we're putting them in these little containers for now but as you can see there are Roots already growing there's actually very tiny Roots growing off of this little one as well um so officially right now we have would have two different sweet potato plants uh with roots that could produce sweet potatoes so we are going to pluck off I'm going to say down to here and immediately stick this one and some water probably was not the cleanest but probably not the cleanest way to do that this is the first time we've ever done this so all this is experimental to us so going to just put that in that water like so and we're going to see but now we have the space that we can rewater the container and we can put this Dome or this lid back over it so all of the other 100 plus possible shoes that we have can keep growing and get stronger digging up Runners digging up some raspberry Runners we got pretty sizable one here letting it soak in the water for probably like 30 minutes or so and then I thought I had I dug up one more but it was actually three separate ones that all grew up next to each other so I'm going to transplant all of these as well and hopefully they can be four new raspberrys water in those are big too we will see [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] e [Music] so I figured I'd give you a little garden tour starting off with our almond tree we transplanted this this spring and it started off looking really good but all the leaves have burned off I'm not sure if that's transplant shock or what's going on there so we'll have to do some research the peach trees all three look really strong and healthy we've had some good New Growth the outer two flowered and looked really pretty they're not strong enough to support fruit yet so even if they had fruited we wouldn't have let them stay on moving on to the pear trees also looking really great this year we've had some solid New Growth since Billy cut them back a few weeks ago like all of this up here is all new just this spring and these will continue growing throughout the season now across the driveway we've got our Wild Flower Patch the 500 ft of wild flowers that we planted for the flower farm we have a lot of seedlings coming up through here it's just hard to see because of the straw but we can tell that there's some bachelor buttons as well as some Cosmos and R beia already coming up as you saw earlier in the video we have had to go through several times and just kind of rake and even out the straw because the wind and the rain keep pushing everything over and piling it up but hopefully after our last frost which is scheduled to be next week we'll be able to take all of this straw off and let the flowers really just come through [Music] moving on to our apple trees the Galas which are the two at the end flower first they flowered last week looked really pretty but we had to go ahead and take all the flowers off because they're not strong enough to support fruit yet but we want the tree to focus on growing and so that's why we take the flowers off but all of the trees you can tell that there's some solid new growth coming in since we trim them back and just like the pears those will continue or should continue to Branch out and grow stronger and more throughout the season and this is our second honey crisp and the Honey crisps haven't flowered yet uh the honey crisp and the Golden Delicious are typically a little bit later than the Galas and over here in our front flower bed that's just for our own personal use the Snap Dragons that we replant every year actually stayed over the winter this year and came back in full force they look so pretty and we're so pleased with how they're doing and in this very front bed we're going to plant our hobby sunflowers as well so we're going to have to take this sweet shrub out at some point we not sure what we're going to do with it just yet whether we'll give it to somebody or we'll just move it somewhere else on the property but it will not stay there and over here our panties look amazing so excited to see these guys Bloom uh they are getting ready to be harvested you can tell because if you squish it and it feels like a marshmallow that means they're ready to go now over here is our Wisteria we're trying to train this wisteria vine into being a freestanding tree so Billy has come out uh over the weekend and reinforce this steak I need to come out and kind of attach it to the steak a little bit better so that it continue to grow a stronger trunk and hopefully in a few years we'll be able to take the steak off and it'll be able to stand on its own and you can see the Trap right there by the garden bed we have a little rabbit problem that we're working on over here Billy just planted um a random plant pack of seeds so we'll see if those take the butterfly bushes are growing incredibly fast they always do they basically cut them back to the ground every year and every year they get bigger and better and they smell incredible too the pollinators love them the hummingbirds really love them that's why we planted them over here next to the Garden this one too you can see new growth coming in at the bottom new growth coming up on old wood I just adore these butterfly bushes as for the veggies we had to replant all of our um spinach none of them came up and as you saw earlier in the video Billy thinned out the lettuce as well the lettuce looks great and the peas are looking amazing coming up really nice and strong almost every single one of them took to the trellises on their own some of them need a little bit more help like these guys here and unfortunately it's just so windy this time of year from about September to October it's just constant harsh winds so those should start to calm down hopefully at the end of April and beginning of May should be a little less windy and our plants will be able to really Thrive but for right now unfortunately the wind can be a little much you can see most of these guys took to the trellis pretty quickly as for our garlic the garlic is still looking really good we thought unfortunately that we had lost all of it um when we had a really really bad snowstorm in January but fortunately almost every single one came back and the stock are nice and thick looking forward to digging these up in a few months and seeing what we've got underneath all that dirt and the carrots all germinated too we were worried that uh some of them wouldn't because a lot of the seed packets that we planted were really old but they all seem to have taken they're getting their true leaves so we're looking forward to getting some good carrots this year too speaking of carrots as I said earlier we've got a little bunny problem so Billy has been coming out and putting up chicken wire around the garden beds this is just temporary until we can catch the bunny and relocate it so he started getting some up around here he was able to get the herb garden fully covered and we plan on next Monday coming out here and and planting out all of our herbs so looking forward to seeing this herb garden finally full and we've got our first flowers on the flower farm finally the bachelor's buttons have opened we've harvested several already um but these guys are just so cute and vibrant these ones that are big and blooming all self-seed from last year this was a little patch that I had planted out so back here where there wasn't any that's self- seated I planted more bachelor's buttons uh different colors too so hopefully those will grow stronger and The Raspberries look amazing we've already got flowers we've had a really really mild winter um and a a very warm spring so we've got tons of buds already on just about every single one of our raspberry plants hopefully that means we'll get some raspberries in early May or miday typically they start coming in around the beginning of June and we'll consistently get raspberries especially off of this plant until as far as November the raspberries are amazing we love them unfortunately our kids love them too and so we don't get to ever to make change or anything with them because the kids eat them right off the plant before we can get to them the blackberries though they only bloom once or we only get blackberries once it's typically around July so our blackberries these first two are covered in Buds and Flowers the vineer ones though like this one here we won't get flowers off of that until much later but like I said the blackberries are one and done same with the blueberries now Billy had thought that these little blueberry plants died this winter but they've all come back they're just really tiny so we need to get them to focus on growing a little bit more but as for our older blueberry plant plants we have lots of flowers on them not tons but more than we've ever had so hopefully we'll be able to get at least a few blueberries this year I think he mentioned in an earlier video that the blueberry plants are the bane of our existence and it's so true we try and try and try we rarely ever get anything so last year we got not a single flower uh this year we've got a lot more flowers than we've ever had so hopefully fingers crossed saying prayers that we get some blueberries this year the strawberries however are a completely different story our strawberries do so well these are Ozark strawberries and they produce from early may all the way through September or even October as you can see they're covered in flowers we've already got some little baby strawberries coming in and looking forward to being able to have some fresh strawberries the barley and wheat that Billy planted a few weeks ago is coming up really really nicely it still has a ways to go because the barley at least can get up to 2 to 3 ft high so we want to let it get a little bit taller before we hack it down and feed it to the chickens over on this side of the fence we've got even more raspberries again more Buds and Flowers this was a transplant from last year uh a runner that was sent up and you'll see all these Stakes these green Stakes around those are just marking where new Runners are coming up so that one Billy or I don't hit them with a weed whacker or with a mower and also so that our kids know that they're there and don't step on them and these are the transplants that Billy just planted out here a few days ago from over uh in the one corner they're not looking great but I think that's just uh initial transplant shock these ones though seem to have held up really well and transplanted over really well so hopefully some of these if not all of them will take and we'll be able to have basically a living fence along this side now these Center blocks we just filled with compost and dirt this is where we plan on planting all of our giant sunflowers for the chickens but we do still have some herbs left over here from last year this is cat Min it's really taken off so far so I may transplant this I may just leave it here since it's doing so well not sure yet we've also got some borage that's self-seeded from last year our sweet mint that I like to keep by the chicken Co and just throw in there every now and then and our lavender that I planted last year which is covered in buds I'm so excited about this I love using lavender and lastly we have our Goji berries we cut these suckers down every year here all the way to the ground basically to nothing and every year they come up bigger and better than ever and that's it for our garden tour [Music] oh
Channel: Half Acre Farming
Views: 137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, homesteading, homesteaders, farmstead, flowers, flower farm, flower farm from scratch, starting a flower farm, sweet potatoes, planting, gardening, planting sweet potatoes, growing sweet potatoes, Flower farming, Micro farming, Wildflowers, Spring gardening, Spring garden prep, Spring garden clean up, Garden tour, early spring garden tour
Id: vdpC_5Al20s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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