Microwave Oven Transformer Into A Generator

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[Music] hi okay so i'm stubborn i know that now we began this actually with an old exercise bike that was thrown away and we've tried various arrangements on it to try and come up with something that would be sufficient for what we want and i think i've got it okay now we started with this thing on the other exercise bike in the previous video then we tried this thing which to be honest was a little bit disappointing so i had a bit of a look around to see what kind of things were lying around and of course i've got a ton of these things and quite a few people have a ton of these things that microwave oven transformers they're that big lump of metal you think has got to be useful for something so you tend to take them out of microwave stick them to one side and then try to come up with an idea of what to do with it and i was looking at that thinking surely based on this we ought to be able to do something with this and that was the thought of it so no what you do with these things and i'm sure you know is you cut down that weld line with an angle grinder or hacksaw remove the bottom and take out the coils now i've taken up the primary coil which is the great big thick one we'll have a close-up in a minute left the secondary coil in and then i've glued a load of magnets around in a north-south north-south orientation on this flywheel a word about these magnets these magnets are ceramic magnets now i've got about 50 of them for about 10 pounds making them about 20 pounds each if i wanted to buy the same size neodymium magnet i think they're about a fiver each it'd be a huge amount of money so i've spent about half a day and five pounds on building this thing from a scrap bike and a scrap microwave a microwave and i think that's just awesome now it does an amazingly good job and it is i think sufficient for what we need now a lot of people talk about efficiency and i've got no idea why they talk about efficiency it's like efficiency is something that should rule your life when you think about it um buying a car which is possibly the third second third most expensive thing that you're ever going to buy in your life after your house sending your kids through college buying your car huge in terms of its expense you know i was reading a report on this they're about 20 percent efficient on average the best you'll ever get is 30 and efficient then nobody cares about it when it comes to cars because cars are so integral into our lives we don't even question it we just go buy one even though the efficiency is just terrible and that's what i mean we're not looking at something that's efficient we're looking at something that is sufficient to do the job okay that's enough i've been banging on a bit what i've got here is a strip of 24 volt dc leds there's about a meter of them there and they need 24 volts in order to light up okay watch this look at that oh that is that is just awesome okay notice i've stopped cranking the flywheel's keeping it turning the lights are staying on once it drops below 24 volts they're going to turn off so this thing under load will do at least 24 volts not sure how many uh milliamps it draws so what we're going to do now obviously is stick it on the meter now i get a lot of people saying oh it's going to be different under load you can't tell anything like that i disagree you can tell it's putting something out it's all an internal yardstick if i get one vault out of this i know it's not going to like those lights i've got to get at least 20 30 volts out of this for it to be able to do something like those like like those lights and yes there's a difference between being something under load and something not being under load that's very true but if you're using just a meter to tell you something about what it is you're doing in my mind that's sufficient i mean it won't tell me what the thing is going to actually generate under load no it won't but it is going to tell me whether it's rubbish or not well i got a vault reading off this i knew not to do anything else with it of course not it's only a vault it's not going to do anything under load when i spam this so if i got 30 volts out of it and i thought oh that's interesting let's attach it to something so as an internal measure of what it is that can be done there's nothing wrong with just sticking a voltmeter an ammeter on it trying to prove what it's going to actually do sure you need to do all that stuff with your load testing etc etc etc but i'm not trying to prove anything i'm not trying to prove its output i'm just wanting to show that it will output okay i do feel i'm preaching a bit but you know sometimes that's necessary let me stick this on the meter we can have a look at what its no load output is now i have got this through a dc uh rectifier which is right there so if i give that a spin up once on the meter let's see if we can get this to camera at the same time see i start that turning quite slowly look at that 18 19 21 22 26 28 30 32 34 35 40 volts out of that that's astonishing i mean it's the cheapest magnets you can buy ceramics they're going around an old microwave oven transformer and they're kicking out 30 volts now we know it's got some milliamps because we just saw it do a job so let's have a look see what's going to say on here it says 29 milliamps turn it up 28 29 32 so about 30 milliamps at 30 volts 300 milliamps 900 900 milliwatts so nearly a watt which is probably what those are i don't know and that's what that thing will output okay let's have a closer look at it so there's the flywheel covered in its ring of north south north south magnets you can see there's the microwave oven transformer i've put it on a triangle of plastic so there's a tangent to the wheel you can see that i've kept the thin wire or the secondary coil here and that's attached to that secondary coil that's all there is to that then i crank that handle it goes through a rectifier bridge right there and we get our dc output so there you go piece of cake to make this stuff from scrap lying around that will do a useful job we can easily light this strip just by cranking that handle i guess if we put more of these around we could get more power out of that we could attach that to a water wheel i guess no problem at all but isn't that awesome anyway i hope you enjoyed that result and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 24,036
Rating: 4.9466271 out of 5
Keywords: microwave, oven, transformer, generator, MOT, robert, fwg, murray-smith, generation, energy, power, recycle, recycling, diy, home, electronics, electricity, workshop, industrial, arts, dt, engineering, stem, steam, science, fair, project, technology, design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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