Microsoft Teams The Ultimate Admin Guide Nov 2022

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foreign with more new features then you can shake a big stick at Microsoft teams is growing fast so for admins this is your definitive guide on how to administer Microsoft teams [Music] you know as one of my friends from Microsoft said recently teams is growing into an enormous ecosystem of a collaboration Solutions and for the admin It's tricky to keep your eye on the bomb so I thought you know in this session we're going to take a look at administering Microsoft teams now I'm going to cover the voice element of this in another episode because we only have certain amount of time so I hope that you'll enjoy this episode now I'm Andy Malone I'm a Microsoft MVP as well as a Microsoft certified trainer and if this is your first visit to my channel then you are very welcome and it's great to have you on board if you enjoy the video hit the like button it really does make a difference to my channel and if you've not subscribed then bump the Subscribe button ring the bell and come on board and join this great community so I think without any further Ado I think it's about time we jumped into some demos and had a look at administering Microsoft teams so when it comes to administering Microsoft teams there are really three or four options that you can use number one you can use Powershell and so if you're a command line junkie then absolutely fine you can use that you can also administer users and lots of things actually here in Microsoft teams itself primarily though as an administrator you're typically going to come in to the Microsoft 365 admin Center here you're going to scroll down and you're going to come into the teams admin Center now in this short video what I want to do is really take you through some of the core elements of administering Microsoft teams and as I've mentioned I'm not going to cover the voice here because it really is quite quite a lot to cover in the short space of time that I have but I as I said I'll record an additional video on that so as I mentioned you can administer first of all in teams and here you can see we have a number of teams within teams so um I'm going to scroll down here and you can see that at the moment I've got a team here called Oslo marketing so I can click into the team I can manage this team here and within here you've got two categories you can create an owner and on top of that you can also add in members and guests now depending on the security requirements of your company you can add a member and that member can actually be a B2B or business to business or somebody external to your organization now if that's allowed you can just simply type in their email address and it will add that user in and bring them in as a guest so what can you do well in here we can see that we have a team and underneath we have what we call channels and in this case you can see that I've got a general Channel and I've also got a shared channel here as well you can see the little shared link here um in another team here you can see that channels can either be private or public so for example I can come up here into channels I can create a channel and I can create one here called let's say production and in production you can give a description you can also set the privacy on this channel now standard basically everyone has access you've got private where only specific teammates have access to this or you can share with external users I'm not going to cover shared channels on this video because I've covered them recently and what I'll do is I'll include a link to that video in the description below all right so those are my options so really important is it going to be public is it a public channel that you want everybody to be able to see or is it going to be a private Channel all right um again you can automatically choose to show that channel for this purpose I'm going to choose a standard Channel and I'm just going to click on ADD and sure enough you can now see that the production channel has now appeared I can go in I can create a new message here so welcome to the channel and again we can now see I can add in some files so the files of course a little bit like um OneDrive whereas OneDrive the business of course is designed for individuals we use SharePoint document libraries um for teams so everything that you store in teams typically goes into SharePoint document libraries and everything you you do or you say things like any kind of communication chats and this is all stored in Microsoft Exchange now the cool thing about teams is that teams actually are Microsoft 365 groups and again I've also covered this in a previous video and I'll include that so when you create a Microsoft 365 group essentially what you're doing is you're creating a group and you're creating a collaborative experience so so the user has a shared mailbox calendar a Microsoft planner a SharePoint team site and so on but the key thing about that is it's all Microsoft products so one of the things that you can do and here you can this one's already been done but you can go into settings and you can extend the capabilities of this group there's normally a little check box here and you can click that to become a Microsoft team now when you extend a Microsoft group to become a Microsoft team um what that essentially does is you can then click onto the little plus symbol here and you can add a tab so within the tab you might say Hey you know I want to add a tab what do you want to put in the tab and as well as Microsoft apps here you can also put in other apps so for example I could search for an app called let's say YouTube and sure enough here I have my YouTube channel and I can just go and add that to the tab so I can click on Save I'm going to add YouTube here and of course in YouTube what do I want to search for well I might decide that I want to search for um a let's say a channel on Andy Malone nbp so let's bring some of his videos in and you can see I've got one here on Azure or active directory so again I might want to add this one so I can pin this to the top here all right and now I have a video now this is particularly useful for things like perhaps training departments and things like that now of course that's just simply an example now in terms of administering teams you can also create or join teams here so I can either create a team or you can join a team with its Team Code so if you create a team you can either create team from scratch or you can use one of these fabulous templates here and these templates and obviously are kind of pre-configured now and depending on your Microsoft 365 license you may get some or all of these templates if you choose to create a team from scratch you have three choices you can either create an organizational Whiting which includes everybody within your company you can create a private team so only members of the team can join this and you can create a public team so public teams are like public groups anyone can join those so make sure that you you know you know which kind of team that you want to create now if you create a public or a private team one of the other options is you can either just create it from blank or you can also copy one of your existing teams as well all right the other things that you can do in terms of management here I can obviously go in I can manage the team I can add members if it's a private team you can see if there's any requests to join the team like I mentioned there's also channels here as well so let me just go back into Oslo marketing rather if I go back into Oslo marketing and you can see the team also has settings and the settings are really how you want your users your members to interact with the team so for example things like member permissions do you want to allow your users to create channels you know maybe not maybe you want that to be an admin function delete channels edit messages within channels so you've got all of those options here um the other thing that you've got is guest permissions so if you're allowing guests to come in and again do you want to allow guests to delete channels and make changes to channels again maybe not such a good idea um the rest of it is fairly self-explanatory analytics is really useful because analytics gives me a complete overview of how the channel is performing and you can go back even as far back as 90 days if you want to to see the how it's how it's doing and because obviously some teams fall out of scope of an organization you know they may it was just a temporary project so you may decide that you no longer wish to keep that as I mentioned you can also add apps to teams and this is really where Microsoft teams comes into its own so you can add in additional apps and for search capabilities you can also create a tag to make things easier as well so heading over to our second option now just actually just before I leave this I did mention third party apps didn't I and check this out this is actually the second way to manage teams so you can type in the word admin so if you come into tools here type in the word admin we now have a new teams admin app and you can add that to your Microsoft teams and check it out look I can now edit and manage all of my users so I can add a user I can manage the users I can reset passwords I can also manage teams so I can create teams edit them I can go into subscriptions settings I'm not saying that you get all of the settings here but if you've designated somebody as a team's admin this is really quite useful all right so that that's the number two that is the Microsoft teams admin app and you can just simply add that in if you've got the permissions of course from the apps area in Microsoft teams our final option then our final area is really the Microsoft teams admin portal and in here this is really where you can manage all aspects of Microsoft teams in an Enterprise environment so again I can click into teams I can manage the team so exactly like we did previously you can create a team here you can view all of your different teams I can go into for example dromso HQ here so here's thromser and it shows me how many channels I've got how many members and so on I can also go into its settings and you can see what um permissions the team has got mentions guest permissions remember all of these com all of these settings come from that sheet tab that I just mentioned if you want to make any changes to these you can simply click on the little edit button up here and make the appropriate changes here okay now so those are pretty much the same as going into the channel properties in the team's client now the other things that you can't do in the team's client you can't go over here into the various team settings remember this is the default settings for the entire tenant so for example do you want to switch on notifications and feeds do you want to enable tagging email integration very important okay now this is also important as well I mentioned that teams creates a SharePoint document library now do you want teams to integrate with these third-party Storage Solutions again you may not so for security reasons you may decide that you want to switch some of these off okay you only want to keep your data for example in SharePoint and the organization tab for users so basically what that is is in if you're in a Microsoft teams environment and let's say for example I'll come down here into sales and marketing you can see here that we've got uh Megan here so I can float my mouse pointer over Megan and this really intuitive little card pops up and on the card you can see that we have an organization option now the organization option shows me where Megan sits within the structure of our company here so again some companies don't like that you don't you might not want that I want your users to see that for security reasons all right now in a later video we're also going to talk about devices so we can control how the surface Hub devices the team's devices can integrate um other things that we've got we've got teams policies again I'm not going to go through every setting here but I'm going to go through what I think are some of the most kind of important settings so we have a team's policy an out of the box you can see we have a default organizational policy so for example these teams are you going to allow the use of users joining external channels inviting external users for example creating shared channels so again if you're happy with that then great but if you're not then you might want to switch some of these off it could be a school it could be something that's very fairly sensitive and once you've created that additional kind of policy what you can then do is you can then assign that policy to that particular group of users um I mentioned templates so you can see here we have a vast array of different templates and you can add in your own template you can also create a template by simply duplicating it you can customize it so I can click onto the template itself and in here it shows me what apps are installed on the template what channels are installed and so on so you can customize this to make it exactly how you want it to work for you likewise you can also create template policies so here we have a template policy and again these are just the templates that we've got at the moment but I can click into for example manage a project here and it will open up this particular template so I can say Hey you know do I want to hide this template do I maybe you don't want to make this template available to your users so you can you can show and hide specific temp place you've also got teams update policies here so again we have something called office preview I'm sure you've all heard of the office Insider program or the windows Insider program and this basically gives your users the ability to see new and upcoming releases prior to General availability so you can enable office preview for your users and from then users can essentially go into Microsoft teams here so within Microsoft teams if I just come into a team here you can click on the little ellipse up here by the user's name at the moment I'm in preview and you can go into the public preview here um the other things that are quite useful here as well um you've also got your user settings so in your user settings here let me just open up this you can see I can go in and I can manage all of my users now of course all your users come in from Azure active directory so I can select a particular user here I can go in I can edit the settings but you'll notice here and again this is constantly being kind of updated that Alan at the moment has got lots and lots of different policies so we have policies for meeting policies voicemail policies and you've got things like audio conferencing message policies and of course you can go into the the user here and you can assign a particular policy for this user right um so you can do that on a per user basis um so that's that now very important to Microsoft teams as well as Microsoft 365 is the subject of guest access and this often causes a little bit of misunderstanding so when what's the difference between guest access Andy and external access well guest access is for guests or B2B business to business users that you want to invite into your teams or your organization and here you can specify which features in teams you want to make available for your guests whereas external access external access the key word here is the word communicate so do you want to communicate between your organization and any external business partners so for example here you can create you have an allow list and you also have a block list so are you wanting to basically allow communication to any external domains or only specific external domains so you've got an allow list here or you can you can set it up as allow everyone except these domains um uh teams accounts are managed by my organization or are not managed by my organization so for example if you're if you're using a Microsoft partner or a third party to manage your organization uh again you can decide on how that's going to work external users with teams accounts not managed by an organization can contact users and the reason why we have this is for shared channels again if you've not seen my shared Channels video I'll post a link in the description below again Skype users as well so do you want teams users to be able to chat with Skype users now devices all the teams devices I'm going to cover that in a separate video teams apps of course you can manage apps and you can see how easy it is for users to add in apps into a particular team now you can actually create policies here and you can actually select a particular app and you can say whether you're going to allow or block that app here and the other things that you can also do is you can create app permission policies so for example are you going to allow all Microsoft apps in your organization or just specific ones and again you have an allow or a block list here you can also do the same thing for third-party apps as well as any custom apps that you create with the organization set up policies or app setup policies is basically okay we're going to do a setup policy can users pin the app to the a channel in Microsoft teams so you can select a default set of apps and of course they're always Microsoft ones here but again you can add in additional apps that will automatically be pinned to every user's default list we also have the app store here I'm going to cover that in a future session meetings SO meetings are super powerful so of course one of the benefits of Microsoft teams is that you can schedule a meeting so you can for example meet now with a a particular user you can schedule that meeting you can call that person you can do you can either meet as a team or you can schedule a meeting and you can also do one-to-one meetings or the entire team whatever makes your requirements so one of the things that you might probably want to do here you might want to for example set up a conference bridge now Mo in most cases to be honest most of us tend to um connect to teams using a computer but occasionally you know we're out on the road we're traveling and perhaps we don't have access to teams and the question is can I dial in so again depending what your license level is and I do know that Microsoft are giving this for free at the moment to certain tenants and to try out so the idea is this is a list of all the toll and toll-free numbers throughout the world so irrelevant of where you are you can dial in for example so I can create an organizational let's say audio conferencing policy which basically says yeah I want to switch this on for my users you can of course have different policies the other thing you can also create meeting policies so here's a meeting policy that I created and you can basically say are you going to allow users to meet within channels are you going to allow the team's Outlook add-in can users schedule meetings um you know do you want to produce a report what's the video and audio quality that you want and you can also have transcriptions of meetings so this is where you get a PDF of a of a meeting transcription at the end which is really useful again for business reasons you may want to record your meeting it could be a training session or something like that and again I can also control things like content sharing do I want to share my allow people to share your screen in this you want to take advantage of cool features like PowerPoint live or Microsoft whiteboard and then you can also control the guest participants and how they what kind of experience they're going to have so for example do you want to allow Anonymous people into a meeting you might not want that you might not want Anonymous people to start a meeting so again you can control that who can present so again you might want to restrict some of those settings so that's what we mean by a meeting policy the meeting settings again you can have your default you might want to preview the invite here and you can customize this for example with your own colors and your own logos and putting your whole your own URLs here for example um the one of the huge benefits of Microsoft teams especially if you've got an E5 on an em s license is that you can run Live Events now the difference between a meeting is a meeting is a small scale thing and in fact you can have up to a thousand attendees in that but when it comes to Live Events you can actually broadcast up to 20 000 people and it's different to a meeting because it's not interactive but this is kind of super powerful and again if you've got the appropriate license you can allow your users to set up Live Events scheduling so if you've attended um let's say a Microsoft ignite session recently this is exactly uh very very similar to what they're using again you've also got your live event settings so for example if you want to distribute the content to a third-party provider for better support so we call these Enterprise content delivery networks and these guys can render content and basically you could essentially piggyback this on top of a third-party service such as Facebook and YouTube and that to potentially millions of people messaging policies I'm going to cover in a future video as with voice one of the most important things that you probably want to do and I'll talk about this with voice is when you set this up you probably want to set up an emergency address location and the emergency address is if you're using teams devices so for example phones so if somebody dials 9-1-1 or 112 in Europe or 999 in the UK then the Emergency Services can locate that person and they know exactly where they are all right um I mentioned networks and locations Network topology this is all about your team's design and specifically if perhaps you might be in a hybrid scenario with let's say Skype for business online um again I'm going to cover this in a future video other things that we've got this is kind of brand new at the moment is the enhanced encryption policy so if you want to enable um you can allow your users to switch on end-to-end encryption and this will completely encrypt the conversation please note this feature does not work with Cloud recording or transcripts for security reasons all right so again I can switch this feature on now um I mentioned that with users did I not I mentioned that with users there are a lot all of these policies and profiles and things like that it can be a little bit overwhelming so you can see here if I go into a user account here um I Can See For example the policies and you can see that every user will have an app permissions policy a Live Events policy a messaging policy that can be quite overwhelming so here's a top tip for you rather than creating lots and lots of different policies one of the cool things that you can do here is you can create something called a policy package and a policy package is essentially a preset defined collection of policies and you can can create that and you can see that we have a number of different aliases here that we can use depending on your job role and I can then assign that for example to a teacher or a health worker and so on all right so there you go that is Andy's Whistle Stop tour of teams also just a quick mention about groups and also a little bit about the team's client and also the team's admin app so there you have it administering Microsoft teams gosh there's so many new features for 2022. Hey listen if you've enjoyed the session go ahead bump the like button it really does make a difference to my channel and if you've not subscribed it's great to have you on board so hit that subscribe button ring the bell and you won't miss out on the good stuff in the future and if you've got any questions about this or any of my other sessions then just get them down below and I'll do my best for you all right that's it for this week I'll see you next time around I'm Andy Malone and you stay safe take care foreign hey thanks so much for dropping by today here's a couple of videos that you may enjoy and while you're here go ahead click on the Subscribe button and you won't miss out [Music]
Channel: Andy Malone MVP
Views: 17,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Get started with Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 Admin, Andy Malone MVP
Id: pvelFasf1SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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