Microsoft Flight Simulator - Improved Terrain Graphics, VR Touch Controllers, Sim Update 8 News

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improved graphics are coming to a microsoft flight simulator for sim update 6 just a few weeks away meanwhile the vr controller support including the support for oculus touch will be coming in november that will be part of update 7. there's a lot of other things to discuss as well today so let's take a look now the latest developer q a for microsoft flight simulator took place this week and the devs discussed many different points about the sim a large focus of the discussion was on the upcoming sim update six so let's start with that one very interesting feature then would be a change to the terrain detail slider currently this goes to a maximum of 200 with the next update this will be extended to a maximum of 400 and this will allow for improved visual quality of the ground elements as well as fastly extend the levels of detail for the viewing distance some examples here are of trees that have been further improved originally a tree a lot went too far using too much memory so sobo cut this back quite a bit in fact they soon realized they'd cut it back way too far so since that point they've improved it a little by little each update and we'll improve it again with update 6 you can see that here the devs have also made a big pass on improving night lighting winter distance now goes much further whilst the lights themselves are being drawn up more efficiently this clip shows night lighting from an altitude of around 39 000 feet as it will appear in the next update meanwhile terrain morphin is still definitely a problem and as sobo recognized this however they say that setting terrain quality to 400 pushes the morphine further into the distance which will make it less noticeable now if you're expecting a performance hit for these changes then you will be right however sober have said that the performance hit is relatively small they made the comparison that terrain detail was set at level 400 in sim update 6 as better performance than terrain detailed at level 200 a year ago the next update isn't all about graphics however there are a few flight model changes and improvements come in as well one of these will allow third-party plane makers to have better access to how lift applies to flap levels similarly improvements have been made at two angle of attack so all of these combined should give a better access and better tools for playmakers for improvements in the future moving on to a working title working tires have been working on the nxi for the past five months or so they wanted that to be a feature complete system one thing they spent a lot of time on is the flight planning system now all the rnf approaches are possible with the system so that's going to be pretty good and the system will also contain all the relevant and correct autopilot types this update is now available on the in-game marketplace so do check that out if you want to get access to it basically it's an optional extra eventually it will be moved fully into the sim but for now it's on the marketplace so you can basically choose to use it as an option just to test it out now the accuracy that working title have added to the nxi update will eventually be moved into the full sim so that it can be used with all the other avionics systems this will allow it to be used by third-party developers as well on another note working title are going to be improving the 747 and the s787 so complete overhauls apparently of those two planes now sobo i know this is something that really needs a lot of work so they've enlisted the help of working title in order to do this they'll also be working on improving atc in the future as well something i know a lot of people are definitely going to welcome very much working title then i seem to be working very heavily and very close then with the sober and microsoft on a microsoft fly simulator now moving on to weather this is something that's been asked many times in the past but once again it did come up can the weather api be opened up to third parties microsoft pretty adamant that the answer to that is no and this is in part due to licensing issues but it's also due to server costs of allowing third-party developers to pull all the additional data requests which apparently would be quite significant so basically want to come up with a compromise on this and so we're looking at into it so maybe something will happen maybe there'll be an alternative option allowing third-party developers for example to modify weather with mods might be an option i sober want to allow this to be done in a way that doesn't break things however continuing with the subject of weather moving on to live weather though this does obviously need improving a sober did briefly touch on that they said that the problem is that certain types of weather doesn't blend well i suppose say that it's a very complex system to get right and this is due to the fact that so much data so much different real-time data needs to be gathered sim update 7 however will include a new weather system from meteo blue which should help with all of this so looking forward to that very very brief section on the helicopters we know that sobo do want to implement helicopters we also know they have started work on this but the reason one of the reasons at least that all this is taking so long is that helicopters need propeller simulation or very very accurate propeller simulation more so perhaps than the current set of planes within the siem so essentially a lot of work a lot of time is going to go into propeller simulation and i said we want to make sure that this can be carried across to the current set of prop planes and future prop planes so yet there's another side to helicopters it's not just about helicopters but about simulating things as well multiscreen support again next year no date on that however replay functionality a slightly different answer on that this time around sobo as we know currently use a replay functionality which is used by the video production team over at microsoft and perhaps within a sober themselves so this is basically a dev tool now head of microsoft's flight simulator york newman wants to release this tool to the public in an upcoming data in an upcoming update but there is some debate in sober and in microsoft about this because the dev tool doesn't have a good high quality ui or consumer friendly ui however york knows that many people actually want this functionality and yep i'd be one of those for sure so right now they're having a debate on whether or not to release the dev tool in its current form and just add it into the dev mode of the sim basically give people the option to use it if they're willing to go in and risk while fiddling around with things and using it in a not particularly consumer-friendly format i'm all for one for seeing that type of implementation as long as in the long term future we get an improved ui as well so i guess let's see how it goes the next subject is one i see brought up quite often in the comments section of my videos and that is the various crashes that microsoft flight simulator is suffering from so apparently many of the crashes have been fixed at least many of the major crashes and this has gave some of the chance to look at some of the other crashes that are having happening to a lower number of users basically sober want to re-prioritize how they are fixing crashes and look at some of the ones just affecting a smaller number of users again all of these various crashes probably add up to a number of different things in total but individual ones may only be affecting a small number of people so okay basically at the moment it's a case of prioritizing these and getting around to them and this actually quite nicely brings us on to a sim update 8. this will be available and released early next year in 2022 that update then would be entirely about fixing the sim that is fixing the bugs fixing crashes and all the various other problems that the sim is currently suffering from basically a sober agree with many from the community that the release pace of new content and new additions has pretty much got away with things and it means that a lot of outstanding bugs a lot of outstanding problems have remained in the sim for a very very long time now so as such they want to dedicate a complete sim update to fixing these various issues so personally i suspect this may well have a bit of relationship to the reception and the effect of sim update 5 which we all know had quite a few problems just to put it mildly now jog newman says that the update was great in one way because yes it did deliver on new content and of course it did give people some great performance improvements and i know they were very very proud of the work they did there so that's one side of things the other side of things is that york also said he knows that they made some mistakes with the release of sim update seven and in part this was done to this was due to the amount of rewrite that would actually went into the sim update five a lot of that to bring about the performance gains that we saw basically the branch that they released there was around about seven months old so a lot of work obviously having gone into that and they were working on that right up to the last minute so essentially they feel they should have left it perhaps a bit longer before releasing that to the public in terms of what this approach what this lesson means for the future sober mentioned the upcoming directx 12 update this essentially will be a complete rework of the sim many other aspects of the sim and osobo suspect it will break a few things and honestly how can it not for this reason directx 12 will be an optional update if some people have issues with it they will be able to use the directx 11 build instead so basically these will run side by side for quite a while before eventually they will retire the directx 11 build another thing they want to change is to refocus world updates and their sim updates again the idea here has always been that world updates should just contain world updates but in time over time they eventually started containing various fixes and various changes to big parts of the code so this is something that they're going to change while the updates are going back to just being world updates again whilst sim updates will have the code changes and this will give a sobo and microsoft a two-month testing phase for sim updates rather than the current 30 days so all in all quite a few changes there two other features in for the future is the vr controller support that will be coming with the sim update seven sim update seven will be releasing in november so this won't be too far away what this means is that when in vr you'll be able to use vr controllers such as the oculus touch controllers to interact directly with the in-game panels so yeah flipping switches touching buttons and all the rest of it should be a direct thing in the not too distant future you can see some tidbits on the screen here of the improvements and changes that will be coming to vr with the sim update 7. and finally once again the subject of dlss come up again this is something that of sobo keep looking into us that they have looked into in the past and they seem to be the idea that they'll implement it at some point in the future but the impression i got is that they weren't too keen on that idea and they did say it isn't a priority uh sobo have investigated dlss and found that it doesn't offer a tremendous benefit to microsoft flight simulator whilst the tech obviously does offer huge benefits to first-person shooters and pretty much every other game out there the benefits they feel for flight sim are very limited and this is due to the way that when you're up in the sky and looking down at all the complexity of the various terrain and terrain elements it just doesn't really factor into that dlss very very well so it means that the tech isn't really a priority for them to implement they'd rather go on their render scale technology at the moment and keep focusing on that so nvidia dlss something maybe for the future so that brings us to the end of this video and do let me know in the section below which things you're looking forward to with the future sim updates as always thanks for watching and i'll catch you guys and girls next time
Channel: ObsidianAnt
Views: 89,180
Rating: 4.8971381 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Flight Simulator 2020, Flight Simulator, Airplane Simulator, Flight Simulation, Flying Game, Flying Simulator, Dynamic Weather, Full Scale World, Simulated World, Simulated Earth, Microsoft, Asobo Studio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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