Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 | A320 Beginners Tutorial | A32NX Mod

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of microsoft flight simulator 2020. and today what we're going to be taking a look at is another a320 guide for beginners um quite a bit has changed with the a32nx mod that i use and there will be a link for in the description below so make sure you guys check that out if you're interested in all the features if you're interested in flying the a320 i highly suggest that you download the mod and install it it brings a lot of life to the aircraft and much much needed performance corrections to it so anyway i think you guys will really enjoy it so today is for someone who has never flown the a320 before or is maybe new to airliners and fs2020 in general um and just interested in getting in one and starting up i'm not going to go through every single every single every single step in detail we're going to just go into what you would need as a beginner to get up to get flying this is going to be a full flight from tucson international over to phoenix arizona sky harbor and we'll be using sim brief to create the flight plan and then you know going through it from there all right and any tools and add-ons that i do use today will be down in the description below so make sure you guys check that out all right let's go ahead and get started so the first thing we're going to do now that we're in the seat here is we're going to go upstairs and we're just doing a quick walkthrough of a few things so first thing we obviously want is batteries one and two turned on if external power is available we can go ahead and tag that real quick we're gonna bring up our a deer system start the nav system there's one and two and three get those aligned now they are set to instantly align i'll show you guys how to do that in just a minute make sure our plaque flow is set to norm start the air conditioning as you choose set to where you'd like get the crew oxygen supply going and then we can turn on our beacon light and the nav and logo light emergency exit lights we also want to set those up to the arm position all right all right so now let's go ahead and continue with the next phase all right so now we'll look at the forward flight deck preparation while everything is turning on here so we can bring up the lights on our primary flight display on our nav display here okay bring up the standby adi screen make it a little bit brighter again nav display primary flight display we can set our constraints on now flight directors on constraints and flight directors you don't have to do these right now just as long as you put them in somewhere in your sequence brighten up our ecam pages and the lower display all right and we will not be using air traffic control today because i can't stand the in-game atc so this is going to be completely uh you know self-simulated here so we're going to simulate that we've got our clearance in that we have a squat code of three five two six and i will leave the transponder in standby for now but we can go ahead and set it make sure flaps are down spoilers are down and locked parking brake is set check the accumulator pressure here make sure you're in the green you can see that little arrow right there all right let's move on up here going back upstairs for a second i see here i feel like i was missing something up here maybe not maybe i got it but i did okay never mind disregard we don't need to be upstairs anymore so now let's move on to the next section of this in which we will start the flight plan creation okay so jumping into sim brief here the first thing that you're going to want to do to be effective in today's tutorials you're going to want to a log in to sim brief make sure you guys are logged in and then you want to click on the link i have in the description below for the a3 2nx profile for sim brief okay as soon as you're logged in click on the link in the description below below it says a32nx sim brief profile it's an extremely long link um just select that tell it you want to add it to your to your uh fleet okay and again that is a very uh specific uh profile to the a32nx that we're using today so it'll help get sim brief the most accurate information to you all right so now let's go ahead and create new flight we're gonna use american airlines today we're going to just pick a flight number we're going to go from tucson international over to phoenix airframe we're going to use this guy right here n320s or sierra bravo and the a3 2200 okay this is the only one don't pick the one down here use this one all right so we got that in we're going to change our units uh measurement units to kilograms and then fuel factor this determines so if you find that sim brief is always giving you too much gas or too little gas you can change tell it basically to add or subtract a percentage of what it's going to give you based on these numbers here p means it's going to plus and add it m means it's going to reduce it i tend to have way more fuel than what i need so for today i'm going to start out with about 30 percent i'm going to tell it to reduce the amount of fuel getting by 30 cost index i'm going to go ahead and set that pretty high again this is the um how much fuel you burn to how expensive expensive it is higher the number more fuel you burn the faster you go lower the number obviously the opposite now if you're using something like fs economy or you're doing something where you actually you know are simulating the purchase of fuel you want to be real careful with this because how you would do this is if it is if the gas is more expensive in tucson than it is in phoenix then in tucson you're going to put just enough gas in the aircraft to get you to phoenix obviously a little bit more and you know within safety measures okay and then in phoenix you may put a ton of fuel in it you know to get around to the next couple hops right it just it all depends on on the cost of the fuel the location all right departure runway it's got us at two niner right arriving at zero eight in phoenix that's fine passengers let's go ahead it's a pretty short flight this is a little puddle jump so we're going to do like 124 passengers keep it light um cargo will set at 9.4 though the cargo doesn't seem to add in correctly but we'll see what happens all right and that's all we need from this page right here now we're just going to hit generate ofp or operational flight plan now next thing we get is the screen here now i like to do the print preview for the pdf okay brings it all up into one sheet for me however if you have trouble reading one of these and don't know where a lot of stuff is you can click on this link right here and then put it side by side with your real flight plan and then anytime you mouse over something it tells you what it is like literally every single line okay so it makes it really handy when figuring out uh what everything is all right all right so now let's go ahead and move on here i don't need that anymore we're done with simbri for today again i'm not going to be using atc so i'm not too worried about much else there all right now we have everything set up here so let's move on down to the pedestal and get to the mcdu now a bunch of things have changed in the mcdu first of all gps primary ones look like this it means that the alignment is good and complete and that's because i have it set to instant and where i did that was you come here to options give it a tap and we are looking for where was it alignment times the eight ears click on that you have instant fast and real okay so i like instant i just like to know it's done and over with um acceleration altitude this is the altitude above ground at which the aircraft will sort of pitch down accelerate to its climb speed and then continue to climb out and again typically for the us it's about 1500 feet above ground level if you want to change that you would simply type in the altitude you wanted to happen and enter it into the box okay but those are the only ones i'm going to worry about for today we're going to keep everything else as default for now i don't want to get to add too much to this okay and then from here we want to go to fmgc and we're in all right so the first screen here obviously we have our nav data information tells us the active and uh and deactivate dates basically tells us whether or not your air rack is current the performance numbers here um this is for a d rated performance on the aircraft as the aircrafts get older and older they'll start adding a number here which basically tells the engines to reduce their performance and it just saves on wear and tear obviously we don't need to worry about that today okay we have a brand new plane straight off the line so let's get into what we are interested in let's start with the initial a page so you have a and you have b okay we're going to focus just on a for right now and we're going to start by entering in our destination information coming to our sim brief you can see our destination information is right here ktus to kphx the only thing we're going to do is change this hyphen to a slash so we're going to do k d u s slash k p h x and throw that in there flight number or this would bring it to the company page if you had stored flight plans in here which if you do you know how to do it already you could select your flight plan it would very rapidly enter it into the system i may demonstrate that a later time but i'm not going to worry about it today all right and then it has to be for the specific route all right and then so our cost index now so we're going to find our cost index here that's 70 and then below is our cruise altitude we're going to find that here however i'm going to change that i'm going to set this to about 19 000 so you guys will see how that does and just because again it's a very very short flight i don't even think it's 30 minutes of flight time all right so cost index is 70. let's drop that in there and we're gonna do one nine or zero for our cruise altitude and you can see auto pipelines attempt there all right now we're gonna move on over to the flight plan and start entering our flight plan information now on first glance this probably looks a little daunting and like holy crap what is all this but it's really not too bad you have your starting point and you have your end point oh sorry here here's our end point all right so what we want to do is go to starting point we're selecting our departure right and now we're determining the other information so let's go down to our root here for a second and you can see right here ktus two niner right that's our runway okay so we're going to come down and find two nineteen or right so there's two nine right we're gonna grab that and we're not using a transit or a sid today we're not using departures and you can see because it goes directly from two niner right direct to ryan okay so we're not going to be using any of the sids so we're going to go up here and tap none and just going to go into insert alright so now we have our our information here now whenever you have a direct flight plan okay when you see dct this is probably the easiest thing ever you could ever enter so easy and that's why i picked this to start with okay so we're just going to go direct to ryan so all we're going to do is type ryan so that's what is it r-y-y-n-n romeo yankee yankee november november and we're going to put it right here on the destination so boom just stick it there for a second and just watch this for a the minute should move down yep there it goes and hit insert boom there's that now let's grab the next one so from ryan we're going to hot h-o-t-t-t so hotel oscar tango tango tango and again same thing and put it right on the top there we go wait for the d cell to move down and i'm sure you don't have to wait for it i just like to because i like to see it make sure everything's going right boom insert okay and that's done all right and i think that should be pretty much it so next now you can see it goes from hot directly to ping and then from ping directly to the airport so this tells us that this right here is our star or standard terminal arrival route right so what we're going to do now we're thinking arrival so let's click on our destination all right and we want the arrival and then again we want ios08 and we can see that on our flight plan right here zero eight all right now we want to find see we need to select the star and that's gonna be right before our runway our destination so we want the ping one is what we're looking for so there's the ping one drop that guy in there no bias nothing to worry about there let's scroll up just to make sure or scroll back yep nope nothing there good and then we just hit insert easy peasy all right so now it's got a couple of different things here like it's got this transition of driver so what we're going to do is we're going to check something here real quick i'm going to come down to my flight plan route you can see where we join the ping and really what i do is i just make sure that none of these are listed so we got the driver hot and that's it all right these are the stars we're not worried about the start we're not we already have our star selected so we're just looking for driver or hot i think we have hot in there so there's direct to hot yep and we're not using anything after that we're just going straight in so what we want to do here you can see driver selected we don't want driver we want hot all right and it's asking us to do is again so that's fine who's doing that find the ping one again and hit insert and there you go okay all right so we're done here so now we can do is go to our flight plan and let's verify that everything looks good so we're gonna do is come up here let me zoom in a bit here to get you guys a better view all right so we're gonna look at our nav display and up here are the rotaries for the display so we're gonna make sure it's set to 10 we want to end pretty close and we're going to go to plan okay and you can see how this all starts now we're going to be taking off from two niner right which is going this way so that's probably why they did that there so now we're just going to jump through and what we're looking for is any breaks in the flight plan where these green lines don't connect or any weird like back tracks things like that that's good in the ping perfect looking really good there's where we join into the pattern and touch down to zero eight so our flight plan is golden which means the flight plan is complete okay so now let's move on to the rest of the mcu configuration all right so next we need to enter and start entering the performance data all right in order to do that we need to figure out a few other things first we need to configure the weights and balances of the aircraft so we're going to bring up our fuel page here or our weights page here i should say bring up our flight plan we're going to scroll upward and here is what we're going to be looking at so we're going to be looking at this one here a lot the fuel and we're going to be interested in payload okay and it actually did add the cargo that's not bad cool all right now what i like to do i know there's a setting in the simulator where we can switch this from gallons and pounds to liters and kilograms however every time i've tried to use it if you try to mess with the wing tanks the sliders are just busted it doesn't work right and it's been like that for a few weeks now so i just like to keep it at pounds and then i go to google and just simply type kilograms to pounds and it brings us up something like this right and so then let's cut let's look at our fuel first so we're going to come up to our fuel and what we're interested in is total fuel so our total fuel is going to be our block fuel right here okay so 3347. so we go 3347 and that gives us 73.78 pounds so now let's come back to our sim and you can see our fuel here 23 450 right so that's we're way high on the pounds so we're looking for seventy three hundred close all right so there's seventy five 500. so then what i'll do is come to the tanks and this is where switching it messes it up oops let's go i wish i could just type on the 19. so there's 73.83 so that's certainly close but i'm trying to keep them as balanced as i can so i'm going to go switch this guy down to 19 and then what we can do is add you know 40 pounds or so so we'll make this 33 7303 and then change this guy three three right 73 43 so actually we need another 30 pounds or so let's change this to 46. and change this one to 46 and 73 73 versus 73 78 so we're good okay so we got our fuel laid out now we need to set our cargo and payload so we're just gonna do the same thing come down here find our payload and again we we're just interested in this number so eighteen thousand seven hundred kilograms so we're gonna do eighteen seven zero zero we got forty one thousand two hundred twenty six pounds so now we're going to take a look at our payload 20 000 so we're going to bring that up and don't worry we'll fix the center of gravity here in just a minute come on there we go all right so we're at 42 dope too much i need 41.226 gosh darn it i really wish there was an easier way to do that wow that's like almost right on the money so 41 226 we need about 20 pounds taken off of it so this is you know i mean 20 pounds is nothing so you guys can sort of pick and choose where you want that to go we can change this for example to 190 and now we're at 41 230 versus 226 so we can even take 12 pounds off if you really want to get crazy let's see right boom there's our 41 226 pounds now we need to fix our center of gravity it's way forward so what we're going to do is look at our luggage here and we're going to take 5 000 pounds off here put it there in the back or take it off sorry and we're gonna move it to the back there now we got a good center of gravity okay and just use your luggage your baggage compartments ideally all right and so we have a mac or center of gravity of 29.66 all right and that's our weights and balances that part's done all right so now we have that done let's go ahead and finish the mcdu configuration so we're going to go to the initialization page again switch over to page b and we have zero fuel weight zero fuel weight center of gravity this is that mach number two nine point six right and then zero fuel weight is the total weight of the aircraft without any gas in it all right so we're just going to give that a tap it'll actually auto calculate you can see it did that there rounded it up all right just give it another throw in there block fuel you can grab that by coming right here here it is okay so 3.3 keep it on the low end there it's 3.3 and throw that guy in there all right now all of this will auto calculate so just give this a quick tap and then just wait a second it does take a second so just be patient boom there we go all right so here we have this is the estimated and again this is in kilograms right um or actually excuse me i think this is in tons um but this is the estimated fuel that's going to be burned upon taxi how much fuel we're going to burn during the actual trip and the total time of the trip then we have our rot reserves point two at five percent now alternate we're going to enter this in i'm going to show you what this is this is the estimated amount of fuel it takes to get to the needed to get to the alternate location so we're going to go back up to our fuel section we're looking for this one right here so here's alternate and we're looking for this number so 840 right so what we're gonna do is actually type point eight okay boom there's that so we got 19 minutes of flight time to there and then the final in time is our final reserves so you can see that right here is point seven and we can call it point eight so we're actually probably a little low on the reserves truth be told but 0.8 we have 28 minutes of flight time okay if we need to orbit or something like that something goes wrong whatever you know we're putting a hold we have 28 minutes past our flight time that we can we can loiter around the air all right so that's pretty much it for this page i'm not going to go everything in detail we're going to keep moving on here you have your takeoff weight and estimated landing way here so that could be coming in handy here in just a minute especially takeoff way so actually let's do something real quick so here's the a320 performance calculator and i'm not quite sure why it showed up like that that was weird and it's not 100 scale aircraft aircraft but it gets close enough and what we're going to be looking for is what's called the flex temp okay it is a d rated performance based on the outside temperature okay and it its purpose is to save wear and tear on the engines and save fuel okay rather than just going what's called togo which is basically maximum power until you take off and you can do that if you want you can skip this step and just push the throttles all the way forward when you go take off um it's totally up to you but i like to you know save as much as we can here just to keep it fun so we're gonna select the a320 we're gonna be using the cfm engines they're close enough to what's in this thing if i remember correctly um metric or imperial i like to keep it at metric because we're in the a320 set your departure code all right and you can get the meter information if you want and if you want uh the barometric pressure for example there it is 2 9 or eight three all right and we'll go ahead you know we'll go ahead and use that because i don't want to use atc i mean the weather's always wrong like i can almost guarantee here for giggles let's go ahead and see what aitus has yeah two five nine at seven always and altimeter of two nine or nine or two every single time yeah this is why i don't use atc it's boring it never has any changes so let's see here oh wait there we go so we're gonna go two nine or eight three you guys saw how i did that so this one here reduces and increases the backlights this one over here brings up the screens so we're gonna go down to two nine or eight three four altimeter okay so we got our telomere pressure and then we're going to come back over here i'm going to set it back to metric because i want the measurement to be what we want all right and we're going to come over here and this is going to be our takeoff weight so that's where we had that what was it 62.8 yep 62.8 and you can literally type that so 62.8 and then it wants that center of gravity so we want uh two niner point seven and then just click on the box below and this is the estimated stabilizer trim for takeoff so i'm down 0.3 degrees but we'll let the aircraft take care of that we're going to select our runway we're using two niner right and we're going to calculate now it gives you v speeds and things like that but i don't use these i use the aircraft's calculations especially now that they've gotten so much better but this we want the flex temp so we have a flex temp of 64. just remember that all right so now that's done let's go ahead and move to the performance page all right and here's where this gets fun so this um slant to shift what this is if um let's say you instead of joining the runway at alpha you join the runway at delta what you would do is enter in the distance between alpha and delta into this box and it tells the mcdua and the flight computer hey i have this much less runway than you think i have because the computer knows how much run how long a runway is supposed to be okay and so by typing that number in there you turn the computer we don't have the whole runway here's how much we've got okay and that will affect your v speeds is why for example if you're running on a shorter runway your v1 is going to be slower right because v1 let's break these down for a second too in case anyone doesn't know v1 this is the speed at which the aircraft can no longer be safely stopped on the runway once you pass the speed you must take off no ends in for butts vr this is the speed at which you would be in pulling back or rotating and v2 is the speed at which the aircraft will continue to accelerate evenly with the loss of an engine okay so those broken down for you all right so we're not going to worry about the shift flaps we're going to be using flaps one you would only use flaps two or three if you were extremely heavy maybe on a very wet runway you know and i mean both of those combined right but you're pretty much always going to be using flaps one but those are some scenarios like i said if you're really really heavy you might use flaps too all right so we're going to using flaps to flex damp of 64. transition altitude in the us is always going to be 18 000 feet in the europe it's always 6000 feet anywhere else you're going to have to look it up because i don't know and here's that thrust reduction acceleration altitude that we looked at where it said 1500 feet in the fm era of the in the mcdu options so this is 1500 feet above ground level which is 4094 feet barometric okay so that's why it's got that there all right and so now all we're going to do is tap these and you can see they change so it's recalculating 46 and 150 v2 we're going to be taking v2 so it's 150 plus 10 and putting it up in the box so we're gonna come up here to our speed and take that up to 160. give me just a second here let me find my stuff oh that's too slow i was using my stream deck to control all the autopilot stuff it works really nice but uh making large jumps it sort of takes a minute all right so there we go 160 knots the other thing we're going to do is we can set our uh initial course heading so this is going to be the heading of the runway and so again we can go to navigraft for that one or you can just look it up it's up to you let's find tucson international bring up the book here and we're going to be looking at standard enrichment departures and actually i think we need that you just need that runway information yep that's all we needed all right so two niner right right here is three zero three degrees i'm just gonna put that down let's roll it black there we go three zero three okay initial altitude normally we would set it whatever the restriction is or whatever atc tells us to we'll go ahead and start with ten thousand feet and roll it up as we get moving just to simulate that we've been given clearance to continue our climb um but if it was just me and i wasn't recording i'd probably set it up to 19 000 feet to our cruise altitude all right but we'll simulate as much as we can here all right so that is it for the mcdu configuration it is ready to roll so we'll return to the flight pan flight plan page let's go ahead and set our nav display back to the arc position and let's go ahead and continue with the startup all right so we've got our weights and balances done we've got the mcdu configured we got our flight plan created we're going to simulate that our passengers are boarded and everybody is ready to roll so now it's time to start getting this aircraft out the door so let's go ahead and go upstairs here and first thing we're going to want to do is flip on our fuel pumps and then we're going to start the apu so master switch and then the start button set our seat belt signs on no smoking signs to on as well turn our wing lights on and then we'll wait for the apu to be available and we'll switch power sources so by doing so we'll come down here once the ap has started you'll see the bottom display page automatically swipe to switch to the apu information display and once you see flap open means that things getting started here's the exhaust temperature for the apu and here's the rpm we're waiting for just about 100 before we can use it while that's going on what we can do though is tell the jet way where we're good to go and have them disconnect so i'm just going to tap my jetway button here i don't know why that doesn't work because i'm not maybe i'm not going to do that all right well i guess we'll have to call the atc for that all right so we're gonna go ground services to sound ground and time to get rid of the jet way there we go come on there it goes all right jetway's getting out of here apu's just about fired up we're gonna go ahead and set our art of breaks to max and that's in the event of a rejected takeoff and we're also going to arm the spoilers or speed breaks by lifting up on them as you can see here you get that white indent going to go ahead and lock the cabin door set our transponder to on and we're just waiting for it to say available here and it will also change screens once it's ready all right so there's available so let's go up top and we're going to turn on the apu bleed here now you want to give it a second or so to take over you can hear it spinning up there that's good now we can disconnect the external power all right with external power disconnected we can also now call our push back so we're gonna go ahead and hit activate push back you can see the tug rolling there now normally they would tell you when to do this but unfortunately it doesn't tell us so i'm gonna go ahead and disengage the parking brake now we're gonna set the engine master mode here to the ignition position so one click to the right you can see it brings up the engine display all right so we are now rolling so we're going to go ahead and start the chronometer here to time the engine start up get engine 2 rolling let's go outside and take a look at our push back angle now what we're going to do is we're going to be pushing back to the left we're using the left side of the aircraft here engine two firing up nice and normally we'd be in the cockpit and starting up the second engine but since we have to monitor the push back kind of makes it hard this is where um better push back in x-plane absolutely towers over anything that microsoft has right now i missed the taxi line but oh well let's go ahead and stop it there let's get back in the seat re-arm the parking brake we're going to reset the chronometer so we're going to click click click again and start engine one and now the tug is out of the way no one's in front of us we can activate the weather radar and we can bring up the protective wind shear and we can start our tcas turn all the way over to transmit receive okay engine two is rolling up while that's going on we can go upstairs here we want to set our nose light to taxi good all right and that's perfecto there so now both engines are started we'll go ahead now i've seen two different variations of this it's up to you really how you guys want to handle this um the engine ignition switch i've seen people switch it back to normal after takeoff and i've seen them switch it back to normal after startup so you know i think it's i think it's a more company policy than anything and how that works so we're gonna go ahead and go back to norm here the other thing we can do the same thing same behavior you can do it after takeoff for now um i just do it now i'm not worried about it we're not simulating failures so i'm just going to turn off the apu bleed and shut down the apu all right and that is engine start and push back now we are ready to taxi all right so before taxing the aircraft the last few things on the checklist here is we just want to tap this uh take off config and you also hear a chime okay so it doesn't like something here let's go ahead and stop that for a second oh you know what's because the parking brake's engaged that's my fault um so anyway we'll set flaps to take off that's step one sorry so we're gonna do flaps one no we missed it i tried all right so flaps one and cabin check so we're gonna come up to the top give them a ring and then now we can do our take off config there we go all right you heard the captain there say cabin crew seats or takeoff parking brake is disengaged so now we're going to start applying our power here did i re-arm that thing yes i did there we go all right so now i'm moving forward and the easy way to taxi especially if you're sitting directly in front of your monitors take the line that you're going for and put it right between your legs that tends to again this is as long as your relatively center view right and uh have a good line on it i picked the wrong one i didn't want a taxi there i want to go out the next one put you on a good line for the the tax thing come on baby turn thank you you also want to be taxing in about 15 between 15 and 20 knots you don't want to be going too fast uh with the a320 you typically do have to keep you know some brake pressure down otherwise it will really get rolling on you so if you have rudder pedals it's really ideal they have brake pedals on them just sort of gently apply pressure as you move through because you see what i mean like it'll take off on you real quick and that's even with the engines at idle okay and pull it back to idle and it'll still continue just to get rolling all right so now as we approach the runway here go ahead and stop it here for a minute we'll hold short let's go up top oops all right first we want to do is turn our strobe light on okay we can turn our runway turn off lights on landing lights on set the nose wheel light to take off i like to give the cabin another chime let them know we are out of here let's go ahead and take the runway all right so we're going to line up first thing we're going to do if you come down here you can see this little circle here it's the actual throttle position you can see the way i'm moving it there probably driving the computer nuts right now so we're going to set it up to 50 make sure we're stabilized at 50 percent then we're going to hit the chronometer then we're going to push the throttles forward into the flex position because we entered in that flex temp in the performance page oops wrong one so because we entered this temperature here we're going to move to flex here manage control now if you did not enter the flex you're going to push your throttles all the way into toga okay and just use the maximum power so let's go ahead and come back up all right so looking for that 50 stabilized breaks released chronometer started oh we reset it there we go and moving to flex and we're ready to roll now i'm going to be pushing this uh controls cross forward about three degrees until we pass through about 80 or 90 knots keep the nose down okay passing through coming up there's v1 there and rotating positive rate gear up once we reach that s on the left hand side of the speed tape there okay we're gonna bring our flaps one or bring our flaps up excuse me we're gonna keep pulling those up to about 15 to 17 degrees at a rate of about three degrees per second not worried about the flight plan yet we're just sort of following the runway now i'm going to start turning us in now what we've reached is that thrust reduction altitude so i'm pitching nose down [Music] and now what it wants and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to put turn on the autopilot because it makes it hard to do it and talk about it we see that it's saying thrust climb is what it was just saying so you can see it lever climb so we're going to move the thrust levers back to this climb position the aircraft will now level out it will start accelerating up to the cruise speed or the climb speed and then resume his climb all right now and again it's my fault because i got so far off of the flight plan it's getting back on the route first and again that's just from me trying to talk and demonstrate too much at the same time as far as when to engage the autopilot you actually have the option of about 100 feet off the ground you can tag that autopilot button and they'll take over i like to fly the climb out a little bit more typically until i get to the thrust acceleration altitude now you can see now we've got into thrust climb this is the speed configuration your vertical configuration your horizontal configuration so we're set to climb blue altitude means that we have a target altitude but we haven't reached it yet thrust climb means the engines are inclined performance over here is that d-rated configuration that we set with the flex temp so they can only go to this maximum percentage of performance and now you can see that we're starting to climb out again and then here is obviously the nav mode following the mcdu flight plan so what happened here is it switched way points so it's moving on american airlines 4312 you're clear to 18 000. hey thanks buddy appreciate it all right so now we're just rolling the uh altitude target up to 18 000 you can see that changes here as well actually here let me bring that back down i'll show you guys what you do if it reaches its target so i'm going to leave that as is and you can see it's altitude asterisk means that it's approaching its target altitude speed mode means it's now reached a cruise altitude what's currently configured anyway all right and now we'll start setting up for our climbing to cruise all right so as we're approaching our first altitude well then we do is we can disarm the speed brakes we don't need them armed anymore we're approaching 10 000 feet so we can turn our exterior lights off all right and now we've just gotten cleared up to 18 000 feet so let's go ahead and we're going to roll the knob up here 18 000 and then what we want to do is point that arrow down actually sorry i want to point it up excuse me up like this and that's managed mode the orange dot means it's computer managed you see that the rest flowers go back into climb and the altitude configuration back into the climb configuration and we're off and from here i'll actually go ahead and set our 19 000 cruise level so it's a pretty fun plane to fly it really is um and it's really not as complex as it looks and i'm actually bummed it took me so long to get into the seating because it really is a lot of fun i enjoy it and what i mean by that for those of you who don't have the back story is that in x-plane 11 i've had the flight factor a320 for a couple years now and never flew until i started flying this one um only recently you know a couple weeks ago i made a video on flying the flight factory 320 versus the a32 and x and that was the first time ever flipped all right so we are approaching 18 thousand feet so as we do so we're gonna do is change to the uh standard barometric pressure so we're just gonna put the arrow down and you can see it switches into standard you see you can get standard here and all standard is is two niner nine or two um but uh once you get above 18 000 all aircraft are set to that altimeter pressure all right so from here guys it's pretty short and sweet up until all the way until uh cruise altitude um so i will come back to you guys as we reach our as we start thinking about our descent okay literally the aircraft's going to climb to 19 000 feet at this point and then maintain its altitude until it's time for us to descend so i'll come back to you guys once we reach that point right guys so now it's about time to start thinking about our descent so there's a couple different ways we can figure this out but the easiest one is the uh three three by three rule right so it's what we're going to be looking at is it's every um three nautical miles for every 1000 feet we needed to send right so in our case if we want to get down to 5000 feet okay which is what we're going to do here so we want to be at 5000 right about here okay and we're at 19 000 feet we needed to send 14 000 feet right so i'm going to go ahead and hit escape here again and so we want to go we're going to do 14 000 is what we needed to send and times three and we needed to send 42 nautical miles away okay so looking at our nav display here we want to be at 5 5000 feet right about here okay and you can see it's at that 70 nautical mile mark now we want to figure in the turn a little bit here okay but for example if we want to do the 7 000 right um we can do the same calculation let's bring our calculator back up and if we wanted to get down to 7000 feet we would be descending 12 000 feet times three 36 miles right so right about time this guy reaches right about here about the 40 mile mark we're going to start descend because you also want to give yourself about 10 miles to slow the aircraft down so actually 40 45 we could go ahead and start now honestly so let's go ahead and roll this down to 7 000 okay and i'm going to pull so putting the arrow down give it a click and you can see we've changed to open descent throttles go to idle the other thing i'm going to use i'm going to use our performance calculator to get our meter information for phoenix now let me refresh the page that that we can see our winds are three zero zero at one zero our um outside temperature is 24 altimeter is at two nine or seven four okay so we're going to go ahead and now move down to the fmc for a second we're gonna go to performance now you can see activate approach phase there we want to go over here to the next phase and set to approach so our q and h again was two nine or seven four put that in there temperature outside is two four winds are three zero zero for ten and transition altitude is always eighteen thousand feet decision height i'll show you guys we're going to find that we're going to use navigraph again but any of the approach plates will work and again we're already on phoenix so what we want to do is go to approach and we want to find oh no we're on tucson i thought we were on phoenix my bad that's not what i wanted to hit disregard let's find phoenix there we go approach and we're looking for the ils zero eight and decision height is going to be right here 250 feet and what this is is the altitude at which if you do not see the runway by 250 feet you do a go around all right so just lock that in there and we're all set to go and the approach phase will automatically activate and our flight plan when we reach the d cell point okay right on track let's go ahead and come back up the aircraft's already started its descent now we've dropped below 18 000 so we switch our barometric pressure back to two nine or eight three and s in our case we can set it to phoenix two nine or seven four there we go and just write it in from here the other thing actually i'll show you guys real quick on the approach page is here you can see our configuration is full flaps okay so we're gonna be in which we are going to do and again very seldom will you not all right and gas is looking perfect that's much better i like that 30 reduction date or whatever the heck it was i think it was 30 if we go to radio nav 11175 there that is the ils frequency for ios 08 for our approach so it's already there when we enter in the arrival information on the flight plan and you may not always enter the approach information until you actually talk to atc so it's not uncommon to just set the departure information take off and then as you get closer you'll contact atc and get your arrival information the graphics really are amazing still amazes me with the sim i have to give them that i wish we had a complete cabin in the aircraft but you know sort of shocked that wasn't implemented by default but whatever hopefully we'll get one soon all right now we're approaching 10 000 feet so we need to get our lights back on so we're just going to do our landing lights instead of when we turn off lights we get closer set their nose wheel light it'll be set to taxi for landing we can reduce our rotary here set the range down now as i like to as i get in closer unless it's really bad i will typically disable the weather radar makes it easier to read the nav display and you can see what's doing here is leveling out due to flight restriction altitude restrictions and it's also slowing down because of a speed restriction that you can see here the magenta or restrictions just realized i was on mute for that last part so i set my altitude down to 5000 based on the restrictions over here that when it comes around the corner we continue to descend and as long as you change your altitude before your target altitude is reached here it'll just keep on descending oops nice to see a bit of wing flex there that's cool oh you know why it's doing that so let me show you something that's kind of cool though so you can see we're in open descent so that was my fault now we're going to click upwards and you can see now it's in manage mode now notice that we're climbing and the reason we're climbing is because now that we're in managed mode versus open descent and you can see by that orange dot that means manage mode means the computer takes control of everything the computer knows that we're under an altitude constraint to 7000 feet so now once i put it back into that move the computer went oh crap we're too low and it's climbing us back to the restriction open descent is a faster climb and that's why i clicked it when i first used or faster descent which is why i used it when i first started the descent but i should have stuck them with managed so that was my fault so from here we're pretty much stationary until we get down to 5000 feet which will happen down over here once we get to that point i'll uh i'll bring the video back up and we'll continue onward for the landing all right so we're starting to come around the bend here we've passed our decel point performance page is active we want to look at our approach speed of 130 knots here now we're still about 40 miles out so we still got a ways to go here once we come around the corner but it's going to happen pretty quick here so in the interest of saving you guys some stress and time as you're learning first thing we're going to want to do is arm our speed brakes here we're going to be using medium on the auto brakes and the reason why is we have a very long runway we're relatively light aircraft today don't have a whole lot of fuel to worry about um so it should be pretty short and sweet see we're set to five thousand actually start taking that down to about three thousand here and then we're going to make sure that she actually continues to descend once we pass our restriction points gosh i can't talk today guys i'm sorry and so we'll set this down to about 20 here about 25 miles away or so we'll activate the ls system this is the ils acquisition system allows us to start tracking the frequency uh between about 15 and 10 miles we'll activate the localizer which will give us the horizontal um lineup for the runway so basically get us down the center of the runway and then once the glide slope is acquired we'll activate the approach phase and start bringing the aircraft in at 10 miles we want to be at flaps one at about 180 170 knots about eight miles flaps 260 150 knots flaps three with wheels down between five and six miles you know about 150 knots 140 knots and then by four miles full flaps fully configured and stabilized for landing so you can see here we're doing about 210 knots i'm gonna start reducing that so set this up to about 190 knots give the button a down pull there that was weird you can see our target speed has just changed [Music] all right and there's our turn on the final you can see kphx there um out at about 30 miles a little less so i'm going to go ahead and spring this down to 20. you can go ahead and activate the ls system now now when you're getting close like this you really want to manage your descent so if for any reason the aircraft's not descending the way you think it should you want to jump on that ball real quick right now we're served us in a holding pattern here waiting for our altitude restriction to clear pretty day in phoenix slows down to 180 approaching 20 miles still in the constraint for about four more miles and this speed right here is we're approaching the stall speed so if you go much lower than this we would need to do we would need to deploy flap squad so what i can do to sort of give us a little bit of buffer room is bring them to like 185 so we have a little room to play with there and there's phoenix airfield right there airport so we're at 20 miles from sky harbor so literally immediately if it does not start there it goes all right it starts descending if it does not start descending as soon as you clear that restriction you want to jump on it and force it to do it because in these next few miles it's critical that you're on point we're gonna take this down to two thousand actually go down to one thousand here see like that to me already isn't descending fast enough so i'm throwing an open descent we're gonna go ahead and turn on the localizer and it did acquire it that's why the aircraft's turning so it's gonna start centering us up with the runway go ahead and go back reducing our speed again and we've acquired the glide slope here so i can go ahead and enter in the approach mode and what you can see here is glide slope is locked and the localizer is locked because they're in green so now we're going to do we're approaching that 10 mile mark so i'm gonna go ahead and start with flaps one and actually do flaps two already start reducing our speed further down to about 160. take our range down to 10 here and we're right on our three degree glide slope so we're doing good there but we're a little fast so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to disarm the spoilers and pull them back a little bit help slow the aircraft down a bit okay so now we're coming to that eight mile mark sorry it flaps too i'm gonna go ahead and drop the landing gear that'll help us drag the aircraft down a bit go for flaps three rearm the spoilers set us down to our approach speed runway turn off lights on cabin crew alerted we're landing pull flaps this scenery man it looks so cool about 200 feet from ground level i'll go ahead and take over control of the aircraft at this point we'll set our go around altitude 2000 feet because we're in approach mode the aircraft's going to continue to descend there's a stadium right there flying over 500 all right disengaging the autopilot and the auto throttle flaring come on baby gosh all right reversers out she was a lot lighter than what the computer thought we were reversers out till we passed about 80 knots slowly prying will break pressure reverses back in flaps up all right taxi off the runway here we're going to hold short here crossing the line but not going any further turn the strobe light off turn off lights off landing lights off just leave the taxi light on make sure spoilers are disarmed flaps are up auto brake is disabled this taxi to our gate let's go check the camera just make sure since we don't have anyone guiding us today all right close enough so the aircraft is parked let's get that parking brake going now the other thing i should have done when i came off the runway saves you a lot of time is you can set your start your apu um i don't know if i got that start button on or not nope all right so start the apu but honestly we don't really need it today because we have external power so we can swap over to external power we'll go ahead and let the apu keep running though then we will come on down here and you can use atc or the push back helper and get the jet way connected and we can start shutting down our engines come up top again taxi light off wing lights off beacon can stay on if you're doing a turnaround flight seat belt signs are clear passengers can start deboarding and honestly we don't really need the apu so we'll switch the epu off and if ever like i said if you're doing a turnaround everything else can pretty much stay on all right so anyway guys that's a real quick and dirty uh tutorial for the eighth airbus a320 obviously come through and turn all your other forward equipment off auto throttle gets turned off approach mode gets turned off the ls mug is turned off constraints and flight directors are off all right but uh questions comments leave them in the field below and let me know what you guys thought of the uh video and i'll be happy to do another one if you guys need real quick obviously tcas and transponder turned off predictive windshield predictive wind shear turned off cockpit door unlocked all right guys i hope you guys enjoyed this and i will see you all in the next one take care
Channel: OverKillSimulations
Views: 41,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight, flight simulator 2020, msfs 2020, fsx 2020, fs 2020, microsoft, asobo, asobo studio, asobo studio flight simulator, flight sim, fsx, x-plane vs fs 2020, x-plane vs microsoft flight simulator, p3d vs microsoft flight simulator, prepar3d vs microsoft flight simulator, fs2020 787, flight simulator 747, flight simulator 787, flight simulator a320, fs2020 a320 neo, fs2020 747, a20n, addons, best, mods, tools, Little NavMap, VFR, DA62X, passengers, announcements, A32Nx, A320neo
Id: J1t8VMVIngc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 7sec (4807 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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