747 Beginner's Guide MSFS with SimBrief - Timestamped Full Flight Everything Explained!

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good morning everybody or afternoon depends on where you are today we're going to learn how to fly the 747 I'm going to give you a little bit of tutorial today uh we're going to do a full flight I will show you the most important parts and I'll cut out the boring Parts uh this is a tutorial for people who are not necessarily new to Flying but may be brand new to the 747 so this is sort of a beginner's guide to the 747 but not necessarily flight so today we're going to fly from Atlanta we've got a Sim brief uh plan ready for us we're going to import that today as well uh we're going to fly from Atlanta to Anchorage which is a long flight uh but I want to show you how to manage the fuel system during a long flight as well so today we have our our Delta 747 flying out of Atlanta I'm not sure if Delta's still flying 747s but that is what we're going to do today and I am going to pick a gate cuz the start cold and dark you always want to pick a gate I don't need to put in any of my flight information here cuz I'm going to import that through simbrief I don't need to put in any weight and balance information because I'm also going to import that through Sim brief and I have uh put in our information here about our flight you can put whatever you'd like let's go ahead and spawn all right here we are spawned in Atlanta we are cold and dark you can see nothing is on uh I am going to show you first how to power on the aircraft and uh we're going to get started with setting things up so first thing you want to do switch this standby power to Auto I'm actually going to change this view so we can see it like this we're going to switch that to Auto we're going to flip open this turn on our battery you can see some of our lights start to turn on and our external valare is available we are going to enable that and you can see we start up I'm running a mod on mine I have blue lights and dark gray uh that is a free mod on flight sim.to uh I like it some people don't that's okay all right the next thing we need to do is start setting up our aircraft and what we're going to do is go down each part of our overhead panel like three big columns and that's the easiest way to do this so on this side we just want to make sure our engine generators are primed there they're not active yet because our engines aren't on Hydraulics okay next thing we're going to do is hit control 8 pop up here a little bit we have our emergency lights we're going to flip those to Armed I just use my scroll wheel clicked at one time and close that door uh control 7 come back down uh here's our fuel pumps not going to turn those on yet we are going to turn on our anti ice so flip that flip that flip that flip that flip that and these two Window heat buttons right here turn on and turn on all right that's it for that column let's go over here uh I know from checking the status screens that this temperature here is a little warm it's about 75 degrees Fahrenheit our passengers might not like that too much let's cool it down to about 72 I think it's about 22 degrees C all right we need to turn our packs on get some air flowing in our plane and we need to turn our engine bleeds on we're going to flip on our logo light to illuminate our tail and we're going to uh turn on our nav lights to let everybody know we are starting to do stuff inside our plane here all right the next thing I'm going to do is start letting people on the plane and getting some of our baggage loaded and everything like that so let's check out our ground services we're going to tune ground and we're going to request the jetway delta1 connect the jet to the aircraft Delta 61y the jet is going to be connected all right next we're going to do the baggage delta1 the bag Delta and it's a long flight so let's feed our passengers trck on the road all right now we can start setting more things up on our plane while our passengers are boarding everybody's getting settled all right I'm going to hit control 4 and we're going to get a look at our FMC here this is our main plans computer uh this is where all the magic happens and you need to know how to set this up so I'm going to show you first of all you see index here you see this soft key these are called Soft Keys these little buttons here okay so we're going to go to index by clicking on this soft key and we have lots of options here the first thing we're going to do is go to settings click that button you see we have page one of two if I go to next page on my settings you'll see I have my sim brief user ID please don't steal it that's where you put it in to import your sim brief settings there are some other videos that are tutorials about how to set up your sim brief and import it into your plane uh I'm going to show you that today but I just wanted to show you that our inflate fuel config I'm going to switch this to manual you can keep this on auto and it will manage the fuel system for you uh I'm going to do it manually today so you can see what to do at certain times and how this works and if you don't want to worry about doing this in the future you can set it to auto but it's good to know what's going on okay so the next thing I need to do is start importing the information from my sim brief so you see we have Weight and Balance right here we're going to go to Weight and Balance and it says set from ofp we're going to click the soft key it says set from ofp and you will see request sent standby and these numbers will change and those numbers would change now this number is important in our CG uh 27.94 that's almost 28 I'm going to round that up to 28 we are going to need that number a little bit later so 28 okay return then I'm going to go back to the index the next thing I'm going to do is import our route guess we didn't have to go back to index let's click this RTE button for route now we have nothing filled in because we have not uh imported it yet this is flight number 0061 you do not have to put this in I just do this for a little bit of immersion that goes right there flight number 061 the important part is you go to route and you click request so we're going to request our route takes just a moment and Route up link we can click load Route One one Uplink ready let's click load it's uploading all right it is loaded it says partial Route One Uplink don't worry about that we can handle any problems as they come you'll notice this green light above execute has lit up that means we need to click this execute button to execute our flight plan now it's stored now we're good to go we have an origin we have a destination and we actually also have an alternate s brief gave us an alternate a different airport in Alaska there all right I'm going to click the clear button it says partial Route One Uplink this message I'm going to clear that message go ahead and get rid of that all right next thing we need to do is import our winds we have our Weight and Balance we have our route we need our wins we're going to go to this legs page and this is where all the waypoints are and we're going to spend some more time here a little bit later but right now we just need to go to Route data so this soft key here we have some route data here and it's says request send this is our wind request so we're going to request some wind data for our route today and there we go it's ready we can click load you see this W popped up we have wi data for this Waypoint if we scroll through the pages we have a little bit more win data we didn't get too much there but we have an important message descent forecast Uplink ready so we do have some more win data we need to import for our descent to do that we go to this vnav button here going to click on that and we are going to go to the next page we're going to go to the third page we have a climb we have a cruise and we have a descent and this is where we're going to find descent forecast so descent forecast let's click that and let's click load and you can see instantly this is filled in we have wind information for all these way points all Righttime s it is going to give you climb fort cast as well it did not today but you can do it with the same method you click Fort class uh then you click load and it will load your when data all right now we need to set our departure and arrival when we imported the Sim brief it Imports the middle of the route but it does not import a departure or arrival so we need to look at our flight plan and figure out what our departure and arrival is to do that I'm going to check my sim brief so here's my sim brief layout here is my text route and this is what you want to look at it looks like we are leaving Atlanta via 27 right and we have this Waypoint here pencil 2 I bet that's going to be our Sid so let's check it out 27 right and pencil to where's 27 right there are more pages we need to hit next page there's 27 right and we need to find pencil 2 it's not here again we need to go to the next page there it is pencil 2 let's select it all right pencil 2 is selected 27 ready is selected we need to click execute that stores it now we need to do the same thing for our arrival so we're going to click departure arrival button again you see it gives you this screen this time we can go to PNC arrival and we need to check our Sim brief again it looks like panc seven right via witty 4 so ILS 7 right ILS sounds great today via witty four next page there it is witty four all right and we actually gave us a transition today too that's fine let's execute all right we should have a full route info now the next thing we need to do is check our legs and make some route adjustments and we're not going to be able to do that until we set our position so I have that a little bit out of order on my checklist but if you're following along with me let's just do this now I just hit controll 8 I need to set my IRS to nav which I already should have done when I was going down these like columns but that doesn't automatically do it you need to do an extra step and you come down here to your FMC you're in init reference you're in your index remember this page we need to go to position position right here all right we do have a GPS position when we flip those to nav it gave us a position but we need to set that we need to store that if we click this soft key you see it puts it right here this is called the scratch Pad puts it right here and we're going to put that right there set IRS position and you can see time to aign one minute in one minute it's going to give us a map all right while I'm waiting for that to come up I want to show you something we are going to use the VFR map and check out a little bit about our route here all right A lot of people say don't use the VFR map I think it's a great tool I don't know what they're talking about it looks like we're leaving 27 right and we have a pretty great departure here I don't see any Vector legs that's what I'm looking for breaks in my line here looks like we're heading straight out okay looking good on our departure let's look at our arrival I am going to type in P NC for our arrival Ted Stevens and I see a couple of issues that we're going to have first of all I see we have a vector leg here second of all my eye caught the fact that we have a disconnect here witty and it just goes on to wherever that last Waypoint is we're going to figure that out I am thinking in my brain and this is how you can think about this I will probably be able to go direct from whatever Waypoint is coming before to witty but I am not going to be able to go direct from this Waypoint to elas because that is going to give me a very sharp angle and my plane is not going to be able to make that very sharp angle before I get on my Final Approach it's going to mess me up I'm going to have to construct an approach that gives me a nice curve to Elio and lines me up real straight now normally Air Traffic Control will Vector you for you but in Microsoft flight simulator the default air traffic control is not going to Vector you so I just just said a lot of things let's see it in action let's get it done the first thing I'm going to do is the easy one it's going to be witty I need to control 4 to look at my FMC going to slide this down here going to go to legs and I'm going to start scrolling through until I find the discontinuity before witty and there it is right there you see the boxes and you see route discontinuity I know I can go direct to witty it's going to be fine so I am going to click witty the soft key there you can see it puts it in the scratch Pad go back to the previous page put it on top of the boxes you can see there it is and we need to click execute now we have a nice straight line into witty looks like that's not going to cause us any problems we can do that however like I said you cannot just delete discontinuities and Vector legs because you are going to run into problem so this is what we're going to do we have a vectors and we have a discontinuity let's see what we're going to do about that we have this uh Andy that's going to be this Waypoint here and we have elos here after the vectors so I see this uh airport over here very small airport PG I also see this Waypoint here grid a grid with an E what I'm going to do is insert those into my flight plan and I'm just using the VFR map to do this uh you can also enable Waypoint and Airport information on your navigation display and do it that way uh but I'm going to do it this way today so the first thing I'm going to do is put the Waypoint grid after the Waypoint Andy so let's type it in g r i d e and I'm I'm going to put that right on top of vectors all right let's click execute now we have a line of there all right let's put in PG next let's put in this airport let's put in this airport now it doesn't matter that it's an airport it's just going to treat it like a waypoint we're going to put that right there all right execute it's giv us knif curve now all we have to do is go from pabg to elos and we already have Elio so this is what we're going to do we have some discontinuities we have vectors let's clear it all out elos goes in the scratch Pad put it here scratch Pad again put it here scratch Pad again put it here and execute now we have a nice curve and I think our big old 747 is going to be able to handle that today all right so we have adjusted our route the next thing we're going to do is start filling out some more stuff on our FMC so this uh we're going to click init reference now we're going to do this perf screen and it brings you right to it because it knows that's what you need to do next but let me show you where it is if you're in the index screen that's right here perf all right first thing we're going to do is zero you8 uh zfw click this soft key it gives you a value in the scratch Pad click it again to store it and we're good to go our reserves are going to be given us to us by Sim brief and let me show you how that works if I go down to my briefing preview I have far Reserve or yours might say finr and we have extra so 14.9 is what we're going to say this is 14.9 and this number 73 we turn into 7.3 so basically you're moving the decimal over by a factor of 10 all right 14.9 + 7.3 is 22.2 so we are going to type that in 22.2 and we're going to put that in reserves all right it says we have insufficient fuel okay that's pretty big reserves you know sometimes s brief doesn't quite get it right let's just lower our reserves uh pretty sure we have sufficient fuel to get there I'm going to trust Sim brief's fuel uh let's lower it to 15.0 and see what it tells us yeah we're fine so we still have uh 15 Tons of fuel left all right our cost index today uh you know cost index is a measure of efficiency the higher the number the faster you're going to go more fuel you're going to burn lower the number is the opposite I'm going to put 70 today that's what my virtual Airline likes to use all right last thing we're going to do on this page is Step size all right right now it's got iao uh that's not going to work for us well you can leave it at that but I'm going to put something else now you could put something fixed like 2,000 and it'll give you step sizes 2,000 it could give you a 4,000 or an 8,000 but it'll be some factor of 2,000 what I want to do is something a little fancier and I can show you this today I'm going to type in the letter R and I'm going to put that right here and it's going to change this to rvsm and what that does is reduce the vertical separation RVs uh between aircrafts above a certain altitude and that's just for added efficiency so this may be one of the most efficient settings you can do okay perf is done let's go back to our index I'm going to check my thrust limiter make sure we are on takeoff we are on climb is armed that looks great that's what we want you can derate your takeoff this is where you would do that I'm just going to keep it on takeoff power today we'll have full power why not all right next thing we're going to do is go to the takeoff page now in our departure arrival remember we selected Runway uh and uh it's going to use the information from that Runway to give us some information here now you have three speeds V1 VR and V2 you want to pick a flaps setting that gives you a VR of about 160 so there's really no set takeoff flaps it depends on your weight so we're pretty heavy today but I'm going to do a little experiment let's see what flaps 10 gives us well 161 that's not bad I think we can use that so you see it gave us some numbers here but you need to do something you need to click these soft keys to store these numbers and you'll see they get bigger one two three and they got bigger now they're stored okay I am not going to mess with this thrust right now I'm going to keep things real basic here's our CG remember what we said that was going to be I believe we said 28 let's check it out index setting Weight and Balance 27.9 going to be 28 index take off back to here CG is going to be 28 now that gives us a trim value of 4.9 we need to set our trim so I'm going to scroll rroll up here just for a second and we have our stabilizer trim right here I am going to press down num home or num seven it's bound to one of them and I'm going to start adjusting that to 4.9 there we go now we're set our stabilizer is set for takeoff according to our weight distribution all right take off reference is done we're going to check our approach yes we do have speeds here these speeds will change we're definitely not going to approach at 166 knots uh these speeds will change by the time we get there but we just want to make sure some speeds are stored here that depart that arrival information is stored here so that's just a check uh wind correction five knots all right we have filled out all of the things we need need for our pre-flight in our FMC one thing I like to do at this point is check to see if I have a top of descent on my ND because if I do I know I have set things up right and I know I'm good to go continue setting up my autopilot panel and things like that so this is what we're going to do I'm going to click on the legs and that's going to bring up legs I'm going to hit controll 2 to change my view I'm going to zoom in just a little bit cuz I'm going to need this map right here now here's our map controls you can switch the map display you can have different types of displays I'm going to switch it to plan mode pln and I'm going to increase the range a little bit zoom out all right top of descent is going to be towards the end of my route so I am going to scroll through my legs now I have it on plan mode and as I scroll through my legs you'll see the map moves all right it looks like I have an end of descent let's see if we can find a top of descent you may need to increase your range a little bit more there it is right there we have a top of descent that's great to check for before you leave you want to make sure that you're set up for Success before you leave all right going to switch that back to map mode going to reduce my range uh about a mile because I'm going to need that for takeoff all right next thing we're going to do is start setting up our autopilot panel first thing I need to know is our cruise level so I'm going to check out the FMC here we're going to check v-v now like we said vnav has three pages climb Cruise descent uh VAV climb is going to have some important information transition altitude depends on where you are leaving from for example uh you leave from uh Gatwick in the United Kingdom it's probably I think it's 6,000 uh everywhere I believe in North America it is 18,000 correct me if I'm wrong but I know where we're leaving from today is 18,000 in Atlanta uh we also have uh speed under 10,000 this is like a speed limit uh don't want to break that speed limit you get in trouble with the FAA uh we have a calculated economy speed here this is calculated by our cost index and I am not going to put another speed restriction in uh when I climb my plan's computer is automatically going to follow these I don't have to manually change my speed above a certain altitude it's going to be fine all right next page we have a cruise altitude of flight level three 3 4 34,000 ft and that's what SIM brief suggested we need to reference our optimal flight level that our vnav has calculated turns out they're the exact same and that is really awesome that means we don't have to change it I also see that in 592 miles I'm going to have a step climb to flight level 380 and I'll show you how that works when we get there in our cruise but right now we need to set our autop pile to 340 so control 2 going to set this to 340 you can see using the scroll wheel if you do it fast it'll change it by the Thousand if you go slow it'll change it by the 100 so 34,000 all right I going to come way over here to the left side of my autopilot panel and I'm going to start working my way down from left to right so first of all flight directors on you can see this comes alive we're in toga mode Auto throttle arm we need to set this speed it's at 260 every time you spawn it's going to be at a random speed you need to set this to 250 uh knots and that is to keep that speed limit just in case we need to engage some sort of manual mode like flight level change while we're still under 10,000 ft we will keep to that speed restriction uh otherwise we won't need that but we that's a backup we're going to engage LNF we're going to engage VAV our autopilot set we're going to set our bank limit to Auto and that's this back wheel here you can see that moving we're going to set that to Auto let's see here and the last thing we're going to do is set the auto break to RTO rejected takeoff uh if you don't know about rejected takeoff what that does is say you're going down the runway at a certain speed and after a certain speed you have to suddenly reject your takeoff something happens who knows uh all you have to do is set your thrust back to idle your brain uh your plane will automatically break uh very strongly as well as extending the spoilers and uh we'll keep you on the runway all right next thing we're going to do uh that's that's pretty much set up the next thing we need to do is clear the inflate the inlane checklist uh you can use the inlane checklist you can use the in Sim checklist I prefer to use the in Sim checklist uh and I really don't use the plain checklist so you can choose to do this next step you can choose to actually use the checklist I'm going to show you how to get rid of the checklist for now because when I take off it's going to give me an error that says checklist incomplete and I don't need error warning sounds happening while I'm taking off so we have this panel here lower Center left in board right in board lower Center is going to be this one we need to click on checklist that's this button right here checklist you see we have a checklist here I'm going to hit control 4 so we can see that pre-f flights already done let's click on normal before start checklist open override normal before taxi checklist override you see it turns blue normal flaps landing gear descent override really what I'm doing is going through all of these for the whole flight and overriding it again you could choose to actually use this for more immersion but I'm going to show you how to do everything today and I'm going to show you when to do it so uh I'm not saying I'm better than the checklist but for today we don't need it all right now I am going to control 2 and I'm going to set this back to engine status because we're going to keep an eye on this as we start our engines a little bit later all right uh next thing we need to do is set our altimeter couple ways we can do this we could tune into the Atlanta atus and get the current barometric pressure we could change the altimeter setting the barometric pressure setting until our altitude reads the known altitude of the airport that's another way to do it or today we can just cheat and press B that's the fast way to do it and you can see our altitude changed there to an accurate altitude we're a little over a th000 ft all right what's next it's daytime uh it's going to be daytime for the whole flight I'm going to brighten up our screens a little bit let's show you how that works going to scroll over here left Arrow key let's brighten that up we can drag this to the right brighten that up going to go way over here right arrow key first officer side outboard inboard now it's this back wheel on this one I think the front one adjust that all right one more and this is a little bit trickier to find you see these two knobs right here these very small knobs going to going to down arrow key and zoom in a bit bit bit we have have upper and lower if I scroll these to the right upper and lower these screens get brighter all right now we're set up for daytime our screens are nice and visible looking good all right I think we're set up our passengers are probably you know nice and comfy now we're going to disconnect the jet could you please disconnect the jet from the aircraft and that gets retracted oh actually I still need that the next thing we need to do is request IFR clearance delta1 heavy to copy IFR cleance to Anchorage delta1 heavy is cleared to Anor airport as fil takeoff rway 2 right climb and maintain 6000 ft departure frequency is 125 65525 all right going to read that backport is Take offway 2 right climb and maintain 6,000 ft departure on 125 de 65 squa 0525 Delta 61 heavy is correct contact ground on 129 27 when ready to taxi good day all right wonderful now what's next okay we are going to start getting ready for push back because that's the next thing we're going to do I'm going to control 7 I'm going to come up here the first thing we're going to do is start our Apu and get on internal power another thing I'm going to do if I hit F to default my view is look way down here and we have our seat belt sign we are going to push back soon going to set that to Auto what Auto does is turn it off above 10,000 ft turn it on below 10,000 ft it's also wired into the landing lights if I turn these on say we're landing at a high altitude airport it'll also kick the seat belts on all right so our Apu is starting up when it finishes starting up this button and this button are going to light up and we can switch to them and I'll show you a little trick you can click on it before becomes available and it'll automatically switch to it but I wasn't fast enough today let's switch it all right now we're on internal power that's great we need that if you don't do that your screen is going to go black when you pull back from that gate because you have disconnected from the external power you're also not going to be able to start your engines without the Apu so seat belt side on Apu is started we are going to turn our uh our parking break off oh another thing I wanted to show you control 6 here is our transponder squawk 0525 it told us right now we need to set this to transponder mode I'm not sure if that's exactly correct but that is what the inim checklist has you do at this point so we're going to set that to transponder mode when we get to the runway and get Landing clearance we're going to mess with that again all right parking brakes off everything's ready we we are going to request some push back it looks to me that there's runways on both sides of me and I'm not sure which way I'm going to go okay uh don't remember which side that Runway is on so normally after you push back and start your engines you would get taxi clearance but we're going to do it a little differently today because it's a simulator and it doesn't matter the reason why I'm doing this is to get my taxi ribbon active so I can see which way push back so let's try delta1 heavy with Kil to taxr delta1 heavy taxi 2 and hold of Runway 27 right using taxi way contact tower on 11 n or decimal 5 when ready taxiing hold short Runway 27 right via taxi Delta 0061 heavy okay we're going to be going that way and again that's usually after we start the engines and I guess I could have just pushed straight back back and done that well let's do it I'm going to hit shift p to start pushing back you see our push back tug starts moving there you can also request that through the HC if you want to fast forward till we get push back you can because it takes a second way we go you can hear our Apu running sounds like a little jet engine again no worries if you skip this part I'm going to push back right behind that yellow line all right shift p and I'm going to hit shift and numb delete or numb uh decimal to set my parking brake again parking brake is also right here this is parking brake all right one little quick bit of setup control 4 is uh I need to set this to my uh thrust limiter and I need to set this to VV cruise I already have it all right we're going to need that later but go ahead and do that all right the next thing we're going to do is get ready to start our engines so our parking brake is on don't want to go rolling anywhere I'm going to hit control 7 we're going to turn our Beacon to both so let everybody know we're about to start our engines then I'm going to go through my colums here first thing I'm going to do is turn our hydraulics on second thing I'm going to do is turn my fuel pumps on now if you don't have a lot of gas and your fuel tanks are even you would turn on just these Maines but we're going a long way today going to turn on all the pumps and you can see all the valves are also open we're going to keep it like that until we take off and then we're going to adjust that but I will show you that all right one thing you need to do to get maximum power to your engines is go ahead and turn your packs off we're going to check that our Apu bleed is on and then we're going to start our engines now when I start these engines I'm going to start the insides first and then I'm going to start the outsides again not sure if that's exactly how it's supposed to be done but this is how I do it this is the starter we're going to click on it to pull it you'll see it pulls out I'm going to hit control five whips me down here to the throttles we have our fuel run and cut off switches I'm going to flip the one for three I'm going to hit control 3 and we're going to start it up we can watch start up you can see N2 kicks up we can hear our engine starting I asked a real pilot one time I said when you pull the starter and N2 begins to spin up how long do you wait before you flip the fuel switch and they said oh you can do it right away so that's a little bit of information for you today I'm going to show you how to start this one engine then I'll cut the feed I'll start the rest of the engines not want to make it super boring for you it's already been long enough intro and it started all right I will see you again when we have have all four engines started so I start at 3 2 4 1 you can do it the same way all all right welcome to the runway uh we need to get configured for takeoff there's a few things we haven't done yet we did set our stabilizer trim earlier we need to set our flaps uh we said it was going to be flaps 10 today here's your flap lever uh I'm going to hit F7 that's one that's five that's 10 I'm going to hit it three times and you can see that mov to 10 right there you can move it manually you can use your keyboard that's all right you can see it on the display here can also hear them here those Hydraulics you have where it's set and you have a status of where the flap actually is and you can see that coming down there all right flaps 10 uh my map here is set to about a mile or 2 miles that's what I want uh this one I can go ahead and zoom way out extend the range out I'm going to set it to 320 says 320 right there might be hard to see 320 all right for nar's landing that's great all right we're going to check our screen for messages our tcast is off and our packs are off we're going to keep those off for takeoff then we'll turn them on when we're in the air next thing we need to do is Quest take off clearance Atlanta Tower delta1 Runway cleared for takeoff Runway 27 right Delta 061 heavy all all right we're clear for takeoff we need to do a couple of things first thing we need to do control 6 we need to set our transponder to T which is this top setting here T R A that clears the tcast off message packs are still off that's fine all right control 7 let's con uh configure our fuel for takeoff if you have it on auto you'll notice that it closes these two Center fuel valves so we're going to go ahead and do that to avoid that fuel cross fig config uh cruel cross feed config that's hard to say uh warning on our eam we don't want that all right we're going to turn on our Landing lights we're going to turn on our Runway turn off lights and we're going to turn on our strobe and Wing lights so we are lit up like Christmas I like to say all right packs off okay next thing we're going to do is line up all right we're ready to rock at 27 right so couple of things we need to check out we have a nice straight line out from our Runway the magenta line we are not going to have to use our heading mode today but this if you had a direct out and your line say went out this way you would need to configure your heading to go back that way and catch that line with lnav armed because lnav is not going to be able to follow that you're going to have to help your plane out there today we're all right so we don't have to do that now lnav is armed we also have the white dash line you can barely see this here because I'm lined up pretty straight but you use this line it extends straight out from that as I go down the runway to keep my plane very straight down the runway also going to watch that center line but that display helps all right we're in toga mode we have lnav armed we have vnav armed those are going to engage after takeoff our parking brake is off things are getting exciting now I have a number of autopilot modes and controls mapped to my controller that I'm using today whenever I use one that I didn't show you where it was on the plane I will note that that without further Ado we're going to take off we're going to hit toga uh the toga buttons are hard to get but they're right down in there I have it matching my controller one two three let's go it engages our thrust reference that's where we set it in our thrust limiter we're in takeoff mode we could have done a d-rated takeoff save our engines a little bit but let's toga why not all right so I'm watching that dotted line noticing my plane wants to drift left a little bit using a little Rudder no big deal looking for that VR at about 160 VR all right going to start rotating whoa let's get off the ground positive rate gear up go going to engage autopilot whoa there we go now we have command active lnav is active we're still in toga mode and if you watch it vnav speed will engage what that is doing it is doing a flight level change atart according to the altitude constraints of the departure 12 del1 heavy goodbye now you'll notice I just talked to air traffic control that's the last time I'm going to talk to them until I land I don't really use it I note this in all my videos that's what I do I take off they tell me to switch frequencies I tell them okay and I never do and that's how I get rid of them okay our fuel CrossFit config has come up which means it is time to control 7 and open up these valves let's close our little doors all our fuel pumps are on that's wonderful and our message disappears perfect uh we're in the air let's go ahead and turn on our packs too while we're at it we're doing fine go ahead and do that and we're climbing at 5,000 ft 3550 like I said it's it's climbing just like a flight level change but v-v is going to follow any altitude constraints so say I needed to stay at uh 5,000 ft a lot of times when you take off out of Florida they've got these 5,000 ft altitude restrictions your v-v would follow that so you do not have to do that manually all right our gear is up so I am going to turn off our Runway turnoff lights and our taxi light CU those are on our nose wheel we can see that we do have a we had a speed restriction of two 40 now we're at 250 that uh speed limit under 10,000 ft it's holding that like we said it would and we'll see that change when we get to 10,000 ft and I will show you a couple other things to do when we get to 10,000 ft here in a second I'm not going to video the whole climb but I'm going to show you a couple of things uh up until 18,000 ft which is our transition altitude today remember I said that tends on the airport all right we're about at 10,000 this is what we're going to do we're going to turn our Landing lights off we don't need those anymore we're going to turn our logo light off we don't need that anymore who's looking at our tail at 10,000 ft and if you were listening closely the seat belts just turned off as well and that happened automatically because it's on auto the speed will also change but in this case we have a restriction of 250 even at this altitude so we're going to let our v-v manage that and I will see you when we get to 18,000 ft all right we just passed 18,000 ft you can see our altimeter setting has turned to Yellow instead of green that's because we're above transition altitude we need to click this little tiny button right here it says STD standard going to click that and we have a green standard there that's what we need to set it to the reason why we do that is uh so aircraft maintain the same degree of separation from each other at higher altitudes uh or far away from their departure airport and they don't all have their original altimeter settings they all be a different altitudes that could all you know crash into each other we don't need that at all all right we are going to keep climbing you can see our speed did increase uh we're going to keep climbing up to 34,000 ft and I will show you what we do when we get there all right we are at 34,000 ft or close enough let me show you what we do here first thing I'm going to do is control 4 down here remember when we set this to a Thrust limiter over here that's because at this point we need to set this to cruise so that's what I just selected that's going to give us a more economical flight today a more efficient flight it changes some of the parameters uh all right couple other things I am going to review with you while we're here so you can skip ahead a little bit in the chapters if you'd like if you know this stuff uh if not I am going to review it so first thing I'm going to do is review these screens here we can do the Left End board screen which is this screen we can do the right end board screen which is this screen and we can select the uh lower Center screen which is this screen I usually leave the M boards as the ND the map but I usually change this one to the fuel so I'm going to click on fuel now let me show you this fuel display I mean we've got flight controls you can see your flight controls you can see your electricity you can see your Hydraulics uh all your system and if you have any failures enabled uh you can troubleshoot problems and try to fix them I'm going to keep it on fuel today now let me show you this fuel screen what is it telling us right now right now it is telling us that these pumps the override pumps are driving all four engines and they're driving it from Main two and main three we did not have to go far enough today to use this Center tank but you can see this Center tank is capable of running all four engines as well once that gets empty it switches to main two and main three and and that's where we're at right now once these numbers get even you'll no this no fuel is being pulled from main one or main four 35.6 once these numbers in main two and main three reach 35.6 and they're all even we are going to have to reconfigure our fuel system and I'm going to show you that when we get there but that's going to be a little bit later in our flight here is our fuel Fu pumps you can see this is the same thing override pumps our fuel valves are on and uh I'll show you how that works later I thought about showing you now but I'll show you how that works later when we switch when it's time all right the last thing I'm going to do before we keep cruising is pop out a couple screens and give ourselves a nice view because we don't want to be stuck in here the whole time it's a flight simulator let's check out The View I'm going to hold down right alt in Europe I think it's alt gr I'm going to pop up this VAV Cruise page it's going to tell us when I have my next step climb it says I have my next step climb flight level 380 at 1436 which is about an hour flight level 380 so let's go ahead and change our altitude to flight level 380 now we're not going to go there yet you can see we're still at 34,000 even though we changed that but we can go ahead and Prime that get it ready to go other window I'm going to pop out is this map that I've already set to range 320 that's going to give me a little map of what's coming up up I can give myself a nice view I use the HUD you can also switch to drone mode and get rid of that HUD uh you know I usually turn my volume down a little bit at this point because those engine noise uh those engines are pretty loud so you can set yourself a nice view uh and you can watch uh for this step climb and uh what's going to happen is when this reaches zero it'll say now and we will engage a step climb so the next time I see you that's what we're going to do all right I will see you then all right welcome back you can see that our tanks have reached an equal amount and these have actually started cuz I've been waiting a little bit too long we have this meses fuel tank to engine we need to be fuel tank to engine configuration so control 7 what we're going to do is look at these fuel pumps we're going to turn the override pumps off that one and that one we're going to turn these override pumps off that one and that one and we're going to close the outer cross feed valves so your fuel system should look exactly like this at this point okay heading back gonna show you what that looks like in a second this cross feed here is going to cut off that's automatic but you can see that each engine has its own fuel tank now and they are at even levels and that's going to keep our plane nice and balanced that's also going to make sure that none of our engines run out of fuel all right next thing we're going to do is a step climb in about 70 miles and I will see you then okay we're coming up on our first step climb so I'm going to to show you how this works uh you can see in one nautical mile it's going to happen then this is going to say zero then it's going to say the word now so it's switched to 99 nautical miles uh you know what sometimes it recalculates because of wind for the sake of this recording let's just go ahead and do it let's pretend it says the word now we are going to take this knob and we're going to click it in like a button so this is lock mode but I'm going to left Mouse click click while I'm holding that down I'm going to Rice Mouse click and we're going to see my engine speed up we go back into climb mode and we see our vertical speed start to increase we're going to climb now when we get to our new height we are going to need to put our thrust limiter back in Cruise mode manually so what clicking this button does is uh not only climb to the new flight level but also set that flight level as the new flight level in our computer here in our FMC so this is flight level 380 uh the manual way to do this and this would be you missed your top of descent you've got to set a manual level for some reason you'd probably be using flight level change mode and you would have to literally type in you know FL 340 or whatever flight level and uh put that in that top left there but clicking in this button does that automatically that's kind of the standard procedure all right that is how you do a step climb we're climbing to 380 the next time I see you we are going to be approaching our top of descent and I will show you how to prepare the plane for descent and Landing so see you then all right we have been flying a long time our top of descent information has appeared on our VAV Cruise page and I've got that pulled up right here we can see we're 290 miles away that appeared about 320 some odd miles it doesn't appear until you get a little closer but uh that is great we have that all right next thing we're going to do is make sure that our ILS information is in our FMC and that doesn't populate again until we get a little closer so you can't really check that but as I approach my top of descent I like to check that so we are going to go to nav rad right here this navad button and we can see under ILS we do have 11.3 put in and of course of 73 so the information is there so that checks out all right going to come back up next thing we're going to do is set our Auto break which is right right here we're going to set that to two uh we have a decently long Runway today two should be fine if you had a very short Runway you could use three you could use four you could use max those are really not used as much uh two is really a good setting um okay couple other things we need to do and to do them we need to reference the chart so I have the chart pulled up here as soon as it loads there we go all right the first thing we need to do is set our altitude to our Final Approach fix so we can intercept our ILS now what is that going to be it's going to be this last Waypoint here before we get to the runway on this chart so you see this is our Glide path uh description here so 1,600 ft at Tuli that's the name of our Waypoint so toly at600 so we are going to change our altitude I'm at 40,000 I made another step climb and it said 1600 we're going to take it all the way down to 1,600 there we go if we didn't have the chart say we were flying somewhere we did not have the chart in this plane it can help you out in the legs page so if we go to that last uh Waypoint there before the runway so we see Runway seven right here and we have Tuli and we do see 1,600 at Tuli so we can use this as a reference It's usually the Waypoint that's right before the runway is your Final Approach fix all right next thing we're going to do is set our minimums and for that we reference the chart again now the uh this this Runway it's a little different uh but you might see this sometimes so we're definitely a cat 3 aircraft today uh we are big but and we're going to come in fast enough but uh our VR stands for a Runway visual range so the minimums are just whenever I have the runway in range um the minimums for cat 2 so a smaller maybe a little slower aircraft are 115 on the radio so minimums can either be uh bare Ric or they can be a radio altitude a lot of times on ILS they may use a radio uh if you were going to use barometric it's this da number here uh da uh 232 uh but we're going to use radio 115 today so instead of using rvr I'm going to set 115 just to show you how minimums work on this plane so let's zoom in here let's see if if I can get a good view here that's control two and here we go here's our minimums dial here I'm going to switch this back one to radio see it went over there I'm going to start turning this dial and we said we need it to be 115 so we're going to start turning this dial you'll see the numbers appear here right here and it'll change very quickly so it takes a bit of finesse to get it right you can use your scroll wheel the faster you scroll the faster it'll change we're almost at 115 there we go now we'll get that minimums call out at 115 on the radio all right what's next next uh the last thing we're going to do is tune into our hes so when we get closer our airport the atus is going to give us our current conditions and I like knowing a few things I like knowing wind I like knowing the visibility I like knowing how low the cloud cover is I need to know what I'm getting myself into as I head down to my destination so we have it right here D atus it just has one frequency at this Airport it's 135.5 so we're going to put in 135.5 on our radios so let's do that I'm actually G to do it from this view so you can look down right here and you can zoom in and it was 135.5 135 five and I can fill that in 0 0 all right now that's in standby I need to put that in active I'm going to click this little arrows key and you can see it's swapped at 135 .5 now when we get closer to the airport that's going to start talking to us all right now as you can see let's switch back to our VAV and as you can see we have 241 nautical miles till our top of descent uh that's not going to be too long so I will see you when we get there all right here we are we areach in top of descent you're going to see what's going to happen automatically when we get there because our vnav is set up properly and we have set this altitude at 1600 ft if we had not set that altitude at600 ft instead of starting to descend right now like we are starting to we would have kept flying straight and you would have said why is it flying straight past top of descent and it is because you did not set your altitude we see that problem a lot make sure you do that I want to monitor this vertical profile you see right now I'm a little bit above it it's catching up but not as fast as I would like so what I'm going to do to make sure we're right on that is use a little bit of the speed brake going to grab it going to pull it back to about 50% and we will watch this come back up to the middle which is exactly where I want it going to knock down the speed BR there my big plane is going to try to track that a little bit better you might have to mess with it just a little bit but we should be okay yeah there we go looking great on this side we have a range you can see this magenta range here this is where you want to be in before your FMC will tell you to use a little speed BR to slow yourself down it will pop up a message here will just say FMC message so you look down at your FMC and it'll say uh overs speed or it'll say drag required believe it just says drag required all right we're heading on down uh one thing I'm going to do since I don't need this vnav screen anymore this is The Descent vnav screen this gives us some information our transition altitude if we were to set that for our uh arrival airport uh however it's going to be the same for our so we're not going to change that what I'm going to do is go back to the index I hit an ref and I hit index we're actually already there the approach ref screen but let me show you where it is index approach like I said it took us there and remember I said those numbers would change they have already changed because we burned a lot of fuel so we're at 154 knots at flap 30 if we were to land at flaps 25 our VRE would be 157 knots we might want to add add a little bit to it depending on how strong the winds are we're going to find out that on the atus when that starts talking to us and we are headed on down you just monitor your speed you monitor your vertical profile I will see you when we get to around 18,000 ft and I will show you what we do then okay we're coming up on 18,000 we're coming up on transition altitude and and what you can do is press B here and get an altimeter reading but I'm going to show you why that's not a good idea often it is not going to be the same up here at 177,000 FT than it is going to be on the ground so a little while back the hes started talking to us let's listen in and tell us what the ground conditions are Anor whiskey nin zul wi 2 ner four at four visibility 1 Sky condition ceiling 4,300 ft broken temperature 7 2.10 altimer 2 Niner decimal 66 ILS Runway 7 right and ILS Runway 7 left in use landing and departing Runway seven right and Runway 7 left zfr aircraft say direction of flight all aircraft red back hold short instructions advise controller on initial contact you have whiskey all right they said 2966 so I'm going to hit B real quick that's going to get us in the neighborhood but then I'm going to need to adjust it to 966 instead of 2968 I should I told you it was going to be a little off there all right next thing we can do is think about our condition so it said ceiling 4,300 ft that's nice I know our Runway altitude is uh about 100 ft and you can actually see that in your legs Runway 7 right 182 ft when we get about 5,000 ft I'm going to start adding my flaps but before that at about 10,000 ft we have some more things to do so I will see you when we get to about 10,000 ft okay we're coming up on 10,000 ft and right away I notice uh you know that we're going a little fast here 10,000 ft I need to be under 250 so I'm going to apply a little speed brake our plane should keep this vertical profile more or less if we dip a little below it it'll be all right but the important thing is we're slowing down our plane wants us to be at 240 seat belts just turned on there's that automatic that auto setting 10,000 ft while we're slowing down I'm going to turn on my Landing lights going to turn on my logo light which is on the tail all right we're about slow enough let us put our speed brake down and now that we are a little slower I don't think we're going to need our speed BR again so what I'm going to do is arm my speed BR and I need to show you this because this is very difficult to do without a binding to arm the speed brake you pull it up like that you grab it and pull it up and it says speed brakes armed right there and you know you did it right if it says speed brakes armed right there uh I have that bound to control and the slash key um sorry is it shift is it alt it is alt okay I have it bound to alt and the slash key because the slash key does speed brakes so that pops that up and down you can see that makes it a lot easier to arm your speed brakes if you bind that to a keyboard or if you only have a controller maybe some sort of controller command at any rate we are headed on down at this point I'm just going to to keep on filming it and we're going to go all the way in one thing I notice is this curve that we made for ourselves at the beginning of our flight plan is still pretty sharp what I know is I'm going to need to be fairly slow for this sharp turn so I can stay as close to the magenta line as possible if I go too fast it's going to swing it wide and I'm not going to be able to get back on the line and lined up properly the other thing I'm going to be able to do right now is engage my Approach mode as you can see a diamond has appeared here white diamond and another white diamond has appeared here this is going to be for the localizer this is going to be for the Glide slope once I see those I know I can enable my Approach mode uh approach mode will not turn on if it's not ready to be turned on so if you click it and nothing happens you're just not on the approach yet unless something is actually wrong uh I'm cruising down I'm monitoring my speed like I said probably about 5,000 ft I'm going to start using some flaps and what I've heard about flaps is it's really kind of Pilot's discretion I'm sure they all have en guidelines there may be company guidelines for certain companies you see we've hit a speed restriction our our speed has changed to 210 uh our plane is slowing down you know going to use a little bit more speed Brak didn't think we were going to need it but we're going to need it and this is just you know you're you're flying it you need to be able to read your instruments you need to know what you're doing let's bring that back a little bit more slow us down a little bit faster our flaps are going to give us some drag too but it's you know I don't want to put a lot of stress on the flaps we're getting pretty slow though let's go ahead and pop flaps one going to hit F7 one time you saw this flaps lever move one time that's going to give us 213 I want to be a little slower going to pop flaps five you can see the auto throttle is changing our speed about to the max speed it would be for that flap our speed window is still dark you see there's no speed here it's being managed by the computer you'll notice we're also in goar around mode that was done automatically that's going to be just in case we need to do a go around at our at our destination 193 this is going to be a sharp turn I might want to get a little slower but we are a very big plane yeah I think I do want to get a little slower I tell you going to make the decision to drop to flaps 10 may be a bit excessive for this far out from the airport but we really do have this sharp turn to handle now normally ATC would Vector you like I mentioned in the beginning of the video uh we wouldn't have to deal with such a sharp turn probably but it's good to know how to handle this type of stuff we just need to take it slowly now 180 is a wonderful speed to be at for this nice sharp turn that makes me very happy I'm going to reduce our range a little bit we can see 20 miles out and we're going to come up on this sharp turn we don't need need to do anything up here just kind of checking and thinking about things uh we are getting lower we can see this Glide slope we're not going to uh be active on that yet until we turn around but uh that's moving we're holding 5,000 ft you can see that was a restriction here the Restriction here is 2,000 above 1,600 above and 1,600 exactly our vnav will continue to manage that even though we're going straight right now and we're not descending don't worry that's normal I'm not worried at all we will start descending again very soon I don't believe v-v will give you another top of Ascend at this point uh no it just clears it out okay let's switch that back to our approach r we're going to need those speeds 154 good to know weather doesn't look too bad we're about 10 miles out from this sharp turn the weather's usually not that great in Alaska so I'm happy for what I've got we're Landing in Anchorage today uh the airport's p and C I know this is kind of long just going to keep filming it no sense in breaking it up just for a few seconds so you can skip ahead just a few seconds or we can just ride it in flaps 10 nice and slow 180 which is about what I had in my head for a sharp turn 180 is a good speed in this plane for a sharp turn about out like this and we're going to cross our fingers and see but I think we're going to be okay pretty sure we're going to be fine it's fine you can see localizer is armed in white that means it's ready to pick that up as soon as we're lined up with it and it will leave GPS mode and it will be uh lined up with the localizer it'll line itself up with the localizer on that course that's in the GPS that we saw earlier Glide slope will be armed under VF path to once we get uh another descent here you'll see GS in white for all right we're almost at a sharp turn let's see how we do and it looks like we're going to be fine you can see the white line curved around here that's matching our curve here it's not outside it we're not swinging It Wide looks like it's going to be right on sharp turn but it's okay for I noticed and I think it was because we're so far out that we have lost our approach mode see if we can enable it we cannot I need to keep an eye on that it is because of our distance to the airport so you need to keep an eye on that that can happen if you're really far if you're closer don't worry about it but it's partly because we did a little bit of a custom flight plan today so just waiting for those diamonds to show back up looks like vpath is active and there's our localizer Diamond probably can activate this localizer mode I can don't have any vertical guidance yet but we're going to go grab that localizer we don't want that to get away from us woo our passengers are probably not happy with us we may have to hand fly a little bit it's correct the autopilot is trying to correct this but that wasn't necessarily a good a good thing there but looks like we're okay I don't have any vertical guidance yet can I activate approach no I cannot that's why waiting for that vertical guidance and then I can activate approach mode here's the gear lever by the way I was I'm using my controller but this is where the gear lever is ah now we have some vertical guidance let's switch to approach mode we're going to be good to go slow descending along our V path you can see Glide slope is primed but not quite active yet we're not quite there yet it's a very slow descent probably be because we were so far out if we look at our restrictions our next wayp point we need to be below 3300 ft and we already are but we need to be above 1600 ft and we know that we've set our vnav to take us to Tuli 1,600 ft exactly at two Le and that is where we're going to catch our Glide slope so in we go this blue line here is our go around route so we if we needed to go around hopefully we won't today uh we would head out this way and uh enter a hold at this wayp point until Air Traffic Control vectors us back to the runway and gives us clearance again but again in the simit doesn't do that so you do that yourself you would Vector yourself probably on the approach again initial approach fix you would just load the approach again and go the first way point today's goal is to show you normal operations just go around are normal operations too you should always be prepared to go around when you're Landing you should also know when to go around when to not land quit trying to land and go around is a very disciplined thing to do 2500 all right got that 2500 call out I'm going to get us a little slower we're really getting in here going to drop it to flaps 20 that's going to give us 165 knots don't need the speed Brak flaps are going to drag us down to 165 that uh little sound means we're approaching our altitude Target going to check the speed one more time 154 that's what I thought good to double check that cuz you're going to need that here in a second for I tell you this has been the slowest descent 400 ft a minute nice and stable though can't complain about that we're approaching 1,600 ft you can see the diamond for our vertical guidance is starting to drop Glide slope is armed you would definitely want to make sure that's still armed in white there and when that diamond gets right here in the middle it's going to catch it and we're going to have a Glide slope and we are getting pretty close to our Runway here being have altitude that means it's holding the altitude and here comes the Glide slope there it's active [Music] gonna not drop flaps yet I tell you yes I am let's go flaps 25 and you can see it's got us manual speed control now wants us to put our gear down for 25 let's go ahead and do it says 157 is a vref let's call it 160 because I am not going to land with flaps 25 there we go landing gear down flaps 25 we're slow now let's do full flaps and reduce this to 154 looks like we've got a little six knot wind here that's not that bad coming from our 10:00 now let's see if we can land we're a little bit of above the Glide slope keeping an eye on my instruments keeping an eye on these trees out here I'd rather be a little high than a little low though going to disengage the autopilot when I get low I'm going to land it auto break will stop me H not the best landing you can see our oh I didn't arm our spoilers had to rearm the spoilers forgot about that had to pop them okay I could do reverse thrust if it was a shorter Runway I'd probably do that but I'm not going to I'm going to apply a little break here don't worry about the connection and we're going to slide off the Runway All right well not too bad we made it I am going to set my parking brake I am going to start my Apu because I'm going to need that in a little bit and I'm going to turn off some lights when I dropped my gear I should have turned these on I forgot didn't have my checklist in front of me should have turned those on so at this point I would turn off the Runway lights I would turn off the landing lights I would turn off the stroke light okay next thing I'm going to do is find a gate to park and unload our passengers cuz I'm sure they want to get off this plane uh it's not going to let us well we'll taxi to a gate we can figure it out ourselves I see some gates over here we can head to so I will uh see you when we get to our gate and I will show you how [Music] to uh end your FL all right we're parked at the gate more or less let's turn off our engines our Apu is running we're not going to lose power when we do that we switch these fuel valves off I don't know why I did that oh because I didn't enable my APU my Apu was started but I hadn't clicked these buttons sorry it's been a long flight well they're fine the passengers are fine little little flicker of the lights you know so Apu would be on then uh we're going to turn off our Beacon we're going to turn off our fuel pumps we are going to turn off the hydraulics we are going to turn off the seat belt sign let everybody get up and start getting their baggage and let's get the jetway connected Anchorage ground Delta 0061 heavy could you please connect the jet to the aircraft Delta 00 61y the jet is going to be connected okay and there it is all right let's get on external power Let's Pretend the truck has come and hooked up at this point we're going to switch to this external power going to cut off our Apu should have done it like that the first time all right while you're at it if you want some you know additional immersion you can start switching off your you know your IRS switches uh your anti ice it's really up to you how how much you want to do here uh going to turn our taxi light off though uh don't need our wing light anymore uh G to keep nav on G to keep logo on all right so our passengers are deaning we're here in Anchorage I hope they had a good flight hope that bump on Landing wasn't too bad all right let's speed up time say everybody has de plane every everybody's gone it's time to go cold and dark this is what we're going to do we're going to retract the jetway Anchorage ground Delta 0061 heavy could you please disconnect the jet from the aircraft and it's retracting we're going to turn all the rest of our lights off nav off logo off we can turn our packs off we can turn our engine bleeds off we are going to disconnect from external power which puts us in low power mode we're going to cut off our battery which sends us to cold and dark and we're going to switch our standby power to off and that ladies and gentlemen puts us into cold and dark State and we're back where we started from well thanks for flying with me today I hope this was informative if you're a new flyer of the 747 I hope you learned something I know it's a very long video but I hope the time stamps helped you find what you needed effectively uh again thank you feel free to leave any comments in the chat anyway you fly any differences you have any questions you have uh I flew this kind of my way today you know definitely not a real pilot I just play the simulator so uh my goal was to be informative but I'm always open to suggestions so let me know
Channel: Longitude
Views: 339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uQ9LkSin8ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 50sec (5990 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.