Microsoft and Google Look to India to Fuel AI Push | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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now let's come back to India and talk about something other than the budget there's another big development in India something that will last for years to come India is set to become a hub for artificial intelligence developers next week we'll see AI tours by both Microsoft and Google Microsoft CEO Satya nadela is visiting Bengaluru and Mumbai on the 7th and 8th of this month he will give talks about opportunities with a and he will meet tech industry leaders in both cities meanwhile Google's Chief scientist Jeff Dean is also going to be in Bengaluru he will give talks on ai's next Frontier he'll also meet developers and startups so the message is clear Silicon Valley is banking on AI and they're looking at India to fuel this growth which should come as no surprise for years India has been at the Forefront of technological growth Indian computer engineers and data scientists are famous the world over look at the two companies coming down Microsoft and Google both are run by Indian origin Engineers turned CEOs satanael and Sund picai it is no coincidence that they reach the top and they're looking back at India for the next generation of developers India is already home to 5 million programmers 5 million about half a million developers specializing in Ai and data Sciences that's according to nascom in India's technology industry trade body nascom Silicon Valley has seen the rich potential in India Microsoft India and South Asia president Punit chandok has said and I'm quoting every sixth AI researcher AI Builder AI developer is coming from India and he's not alone Microsoft Asia's president Ahmed mazari pointed to GitHub a Microsoft owned platform for developers he said and I'm quoting today one in four AI projects on GitHub comes from India India provides one in six AI developers and one in four projects which means India is obviously the place to look when when searching for AI Talent mazari also said that by 2026 India will have eclipse the US India is very uniquely positioned to enable the adoption of AI at scale at home and in international markets Indian developers will lead the AI race both at home and abroad and Silicon Valley knows this Microsoft and Google's high level visits are just the beginning Microsoft wants to create more AI Specialists it has announced a training program for developers it says it will train 100,000 developers in artificial intelligence to transform more of India's programmers into AI Specialists and Indian firms are not far behind it Giants infosis and Tata consultancy Services have begun AI training as well they want to transform their existing Workforce get them familiar with artificial intelligence and Export this expertise around the world so the AI boom could be a huge opportunity for India allowing for another conquest of Silicon Valley or even better a chance to make India the new Hub India is already contributing to the world Microsoft chandok said and I'm quoting again India's influence extends Beyond its borders as it is projected to contribute a approximately 16% of the incremental Global GDP 16% of the incremental Global GDP with a base within the country Indians could bring more of that growth home it's something to think about and it may be why the government of India plans to invest in deep Tech in the budget today nirmala sitaraman announced a 12 billion Corpus it's for the Youth to give them long-term low interest financing even up to 50e interest free loans this Corpus is to incentivize long-term Tech growth and spur India's already vibrant AI sector one thing one thing is certain after all of this AI is the future and the future of AI is India
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, microsoft ai tools, microsoft ai, google ai, google ai tools, artificial intelligence, india programer, india artificial intelligence, india artificial intelligence hub, satya nadella india visit, artificial intelligence india, india ai technology, indian ai model, india ai future, future of ai india, future of ai in education, future of ai in india, google ai search, ai microsoft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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