Microphone Only Recording To One Side? Here's How To Fix It!

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So you're only hearing sound from your microphone  from one speaker? Well, you're not alone. When I   first started, I faced this problem too. In fact,  it's a very common problem and in this video I'll   show you how to fix it whether you're using  your microphone for recording or streaming. The most likely reason that you're  only hearing sound out of one speaker   is because you're using a two-channel audio  interface and your recording or streaming   software is expecting the left channel to come in  input 1 and the right channel to come in input 2.   If you only have one microphone  and it's connected to input 1,   you'll only record to the left channel and the  right channel will be empty. So here's how to fix   the problem if you've already recorded and how to  prevent the problem from happening in the future. In order to prevent this problem, you just  need to set up your software correctly. It's   a little bit different depending on which software  you're using but the general steps are the same.   When adding a new track in some DAWs like Pro  Tools and Audacity, you get the option to choose   between a stereo track and a mono track. If this  is the case with your software, just make sure to   create a mono track if you're using only one  input. This goes for recording a microphone,   a line input, or even a direct input  from an instrument such as a guitar.   In other DAWs like Reaper, there's only one kind  of track but you get to choose the type of input.   In this case make sure to select a mono  input instead of a stereo input. For the   streamers out there, let me show you how  to fix this problem in OBS. You can see   that I'm only seeing level on the first meter.  To fix this, I'll click the gear icon and then   I'll click 'Advanced Audio Properties'. All I  need to do is check this box that says 'Mono'.   You can also uncheck the boxes of the  inputs you aren't using but it isn't   completely necessary. It'll just get rid of any  additional noise coming from those other inputs. If you're having this problem with something  you've already recorded, don't worry you can   still fix the problem. Again, it's a little bit  different depending on which software you're using   but the general principle is the same. In some  DAWs like Audacity, you can fix this problem   by clicking the drop down arrow at the top of  your track and select 'Split Stereo To Mono'.   In other DAWs you'll right click on the  actual audio region to fix the problem.   In Reaper, I right click on the region and hover  over 'Item Settings'. It gives me a few options.   If I select 'Take Channel Mode Mono (Downmix),  it would mix the left channel and the right   channel together. This wouldn't be terrible.  It just means that any noise that's coming from   input 2 on your audio interface would be  downmixed into the final recording, and   that's unnecessary noise. So to avoid that, I'll  select 'Take Channel Mode Mono (Left) instead. If you found this video helpful, hit the  'Like' button and subscribe to the channel.   Maybe I'll help you solve another  audio problem down the road.
Channel: Audio University
Views: 108,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microphone only record on one side, microphone only on left, recording only left channel, audacity only recording left side, reaper only playing left channel, obs only recording left audio, only left ear sound, only recording left channel, left side only audio, audacity left ear only, audacity left channel only, mic only recording left side, mic only working in one ear, microphone, reaper, audacity, obs, focusrite only recording left channel, interface only recording one side
Id: ZXWla3nsBN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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