Microorganisms | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids

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There seems to be something on this bread! I wonder what it is. That's interesting! So, do you want to have a look? Come here, take a look. Wondering what they are? These are Microorganisms. So, do you want to learn more about them? Zoom in! There are some living organisms that cannot be seen with bare eyes.. ..and can only be visible with a powerful microscope. These organisms are called Microorganisms or Microbes. There are five types of living microorganisms. Fungi Bacteria Viruses Algae and Protozoa. Most fungi feed through microscopic threads called hyphae. These threads dig into a food source.. ..and release chemicals that break down the food. Then the fungi digest it and use it as nutrients. Fungi feed on dead animals, bird droppings, manure.. ..fruit! They eat almost anything that was once alive. Bacteria are single celled spherical, spiral or rod shaped organisms. They are a few micro-meters long. You would be surprised to know that there are more bacteria in your mouth.. ..than the number of people in this world. Bacteria can be found everywhere. They are in the air, the soil, and water, in plants and animals, including you and me. Viruses are single celled microorganisms. They can only survive inside the cells of other living organisms. Once they enter a living organism, they multiply and causes diseases like.. ..conjunctivitis, chicken pox, measles, etc. Viruses are said to be so small that 500 million of them could fit on to the head of a pin. Algae are organisms that are found all over the world. They are important because they make much of the Earth's oxygen. There are about 27,000 different species or types of algae. The word protozoa means "little animal." This is because the protozoa hunt and gather other microbes as food.. ..and hence, act like tiny animals. Protozoa mainly feed on bacteria, but they also eat other protozoa.. ..and other organic matter. Some areas of the Indian ocean light up in at night. The light is caused by tiny sea algae, Dino-flagellate. Human bites are one of the most dangerous animal bites in the world.. ..due to the bacteria in their mouth. Time for me to order some pizza and fill my tummy. After all, the bread slices got eaten by fungi. This is me Zooming out. Tune in next time for more fun facts!
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 2,085,349
Rating: 4.6528721 out of 5
Keywords: Microorganisms, microorganisms friend and foe class 8, microorganisms friend and foe class 8 cbse, microorganisms class 8 cbse, under microscope, microorganisms video, microorganisms for kids, microorganisms animation, bacteria, germs, food, virus, fungi, yeasts, Dr.Binocs, Algea, Protozoa, Learn series for kids, information for kids, hoopla kids, Health, Microorganism (Literature Subject), Microbiology (Field Of Study), Natural, Cure
Id: JZjzQhFG6Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2015
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