Microneedling Vlog: Everything You Ever Wanted Know 😃

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[Music] well good morning you guys uh this morning i'm going to do something a little bit different i always talk to you about how important i think good skin hygiene is especially since i'm outside in the garden all the time and i get lots of sun exposure and you do too and i really do try to take good care of my skin so some of you kindly uh commented the other day when i was doing some vlogging that my skin looked really nice and you sweetly say that with some frequency so i thought i would kind of share with you one of the treatments that i get with some regularity i would say once about every four months you can buy them as a package and that's micro needling so i'm kind of bare faced this morning though i do have some lip balm on and i'm getting ready to go see my friend bree if you're on lv tv you have met her before she's the person that helps and makes recommendations for my skin care so i'm having a one round of micro needling today and yes stuart is going to be there and he is going to film exactly what's involved it's a little bit uncomfortable but it does not hurt it's kind of gloppy um it does turn my face red for about three days after which isn't such a bad thing because for me it kind of forces down time i won't be outside in the heat of the day doing any kind of intensive gardening or anything and i kind of need that right now so i'm going to be doing lots of computer work and things and this will give me an excuse to stay inside and not scare the children so tag along with me and i'll show you what's involved and brie can give you a little bit of information on pricing and stuff but i think when i talk about living a garden inspired life this is part of it it's holistic it's not only how i care for the garden but also how i care for myself and my skin and my complexion and i really think it's a good opportunity to not only have something done for the texture um and prevent um maybe premature aging but also it's a good way to have your skin tested periodically brie can examine it for any things that might look a little bit scary or dangerous pre-cancerous kind of lesions things like that so i routinely have it done once about every four months so now i'm going to let stuart take it from here the next time you see me we will be in brie's office okay have you been i've been good how have you been good your hair looks cute i think it's shorter it is a little bit shorter i don't know that it's well fixed tonight so is it isn't taylor adorable yes oh my gosh and i recognize the name but i couldn't remember why and so then when i realized it was cara was like oh my gosh everybody um you probably know bri and i had a long conversation in my backyard about zeo skin care which i do love and i need to get a few more products on here and i want to ask you about a couple of things um but i'm all about skin hygiene and brie has been very i think instructive in all of that and that's just basically taking care of my skin to protect it from the sun my mask is falling to protect it from the sun and to just try to do anything i can to prevent sun damage and premature aging so one thing that i do periodically and i was trying to think bree do i do this maybe four times a year i usually say okay i usually buy a package and the package comes in 94. you can do as many as you want but most people will do four okay i think i do a package of four and i want to say i get these done about once every four months and this is micro needling and i'm going to let you describe exactly what the procedure is absolutely what it does yeah absolutely so micro needling is it's this little pin device so it just looks like a little it's a little automated pen it comes with a sterile needle tip that will go on the pin with that tiny tiny little needle so sometimes people hear the term micro needling and get a little worried but honestly it's super comfortable um so we'll put numbing cream on and then most of the treatment you actually won't feel much of the purpose of the treatment is to build collagen so it's creating what they call a micro injury just enough of an injury to build collagen in your skin but not enough of an injury to form something like scarring so in the beginning a lot of patients will start with a little more aggressive and then every four months maybe every four weeks but linda has gotten her skin to a point where it's healthy and so she's in a maintenance regimen right now so that's super easy to do and like i said very customizable with number of treatments and how frequent yeah and i have have talked ad nauseum about how sensitive my skin is i have rosacea so before i did this i met with brie i met with dr bru just to make sure that i wouldn't exacerbate any pre-existing conditions that i had and it has not on the contrary i think it has fortified my skin to a certain extent um and i think the past several times i've done it i've actually even go a little bit deeper to get better results around my my mouth um around my eyes those kinds of places it's a little bit uncomfortable but it does not hurt um i am not somebody who is queasy um about snakes in the garden or needles so it's it doesn't bother me at all the only i would say kind of down downside of it is that it does make my face extremely red afterwards and it just kind of feels like a sunburn and then it stays red for me my mask does not fit very well um i think it stays red for about two to three days but i was i was telling you earlier for me that kind of gives me forced to down time so it gives me a break where i can only be out in the garden and first thing in the morning then i have to come inside and it gives me an excuse to just kind of take it easy for for a few days um so i will do this one i haven't had one done in a while but i am going to get a package today um and if you guys are in the oklahoma city area and you want to come here um was it you got 15 okay just mention my name and you can you'll you will get a 15 discount and then you can also accumulate because i'm all about value you can also accumulate rewards points correct yes over um you know depending on the packaging and what kind of discount you're getting you are able to earn basically 10 for every 100 that you spend at our office and you can use that on future treatments we also do a referral program so linda sent me lots of patience so she's been able to earn coupons here and there by sending me new patients our way yeah and i think for a while i was kind of self-conscious about it because it seemed like it was a vain thing to do or whatever um aging kind of helps with that but but now i just think it's about good skin hygiene and you and i have discussed this before it forces you to have kind of a regular skin checkup because brie will look over your skin if she identifies any kinds of cancerous things you know issues or whatever then you can take care of those in advance so i highly recommend it i love this procedure i have tried a couple of other things that are maybe a little bit less aggressive but i definitely like this the best so i'll be getting a four pack today i think okay so now for the whole shebang all right so have a seat we have plenty of photos of you a lot of times we'll take photos because you know we like to see before and after results linda has photos already so she's good to go so what i'll do now is just put numbing free monday and so i can take off my mask yeah it keeps turns on yeah obviously it would be pretty hard to do i don't have um i have lip balm on but i come in bare-faced i don't have any makeup on so that's good and yeah when i leave here i've said it before i will scare the children so i immediately go home and get undercover would you like a headband i probably need a headband yes i'm going to make you flip your earrings yeah okay and brie i mentioned this before but brie and i um it's good to find a i don't know you're a um a health care a nurse practitioner but i think it's good to find a healthcare professional or an esthetician or somebody that you really feel comfortable with bree and i have known each other for years and so i feel extremely comfortable for her with her and i feel like i can pretty much ask her anything and she'll give me a really good and honest answer yeah we have i'm actually a physician assistant and then we have uh three rns that work here as well and so you know they're tr we're all highly trained underneath a board certified plastic surgeon so that's one super important that we feel is super important about our office that we're all trained under dr baru um all trained you know adequately and then we all work really well together and it is it's funny sometimes you know one patient may have a little more camaraderie with one of us than the other you know so we're all great we can all kind of share patience we love working together our main goal is just to help our patients so so this is the numbing cream i'll go ahead and slather this on with that this is my least favorite part is the numbing cream because sometimes it gets on my mouth yeah yeah it doesn't taste like it tends to drip yes the other thing is um i've said this before and i'll say it again and and my daughter-in-law to be came in last week for a treat for some kind of treatment but she said what i love about bree is she's so scientific she explains the science of it she comes from a medical background not necessarily necessarily an aesthetic background so i i never worry um that anything she would do would make me look like a freak maybe i haven't had those procedures yeah but no i don't want you to look like a freak either then a lot of patients come in and say that they say i just don't want to look weird and i think i don't want you to look weird either yeah you know my name is attached to your face now so yes but um i did a vlog last week marie or earlier this week earlier this week and so many people commented that my skin looks so nice so i thought as part of i'm always talking about garden inspired living and this is this is really part of it is taking care of your skin and trying not to um be irresponsible be a good steward absolutely yes that's perfect and micro needling is one of the safer treatments that we do and it's even safer for darker skin tones there are some you know we offer my neck we offer um you know we offer a little more aggressive treatment such as lasers and things like that linda doesn't need that she's perfectly fine with doing micro needling but micro needling is nice that it can be used on darker skin tones without risk of burning the skin now i did have some neighbors who came down the street and it was a husband and wife team and they both had was it co2 yeah but they actually had the aggressive yeah which um and they look great yes they look right now they're they're extremely pleased um i actually think they both gave me permission to share their photos so we you guys can see those results whenever we post and i i think they they both were addressing different kinds of issues but i i don't want to get ahead of the game um this is not nearly so so extreme as that right but it's nice it's a nice mixture of getting good results but not so much downtime or you know kind of an aggressive treatment yeah and i think that there's there are just so many things that you can do way pre-surgery yes absolutely that are less invasive and and it just afterwards it really does this is the one that i would say uh gives you a glow this is the one that really makes your skin looks look illuminated yes and and increasingly i think as i get older one of the reasons that i get these kinds of things done is because i want to be able to wear less makeup and spend less time in the morning getting ready and these kind of things do that yes treats things like large pores you know and then fine lines and wrinkles um especially it's it's great and then it does it's increasing your cellular health of your skin so that's you know we know that that's linda's most important yeah it's it's making my system do its own work yes so it's all it's all natural yeah it relies on your body's healing process and you scoot your head bend back just a little bit like pull it back for me yeah i just want to get a little closer to it so whenever i come in um brie is always so good about letting me miss bossypants her too so i always tell her around because the way i hold my mouth i have lots of wrinkles and stuff around my mouth no i did not ever smoke um and just obviously around my eyes from squinting so much so things like drinking out of a straw can make yes so smoking um what are other things that drinking it drinking out of a straw and then like you said the way that you hold your mouth you know and sometimes it's just you're just born that way and that's okay yeah i'm here to help now i i don't have any bad acne scars but if you did have bad acne scars and you get good treatment yeah with that yes absolutely and are we doing prp on you today no okay now well explain a little bit about what that is okay so prp stands for platelet-rich plasma it's actually a component of your own blood so what we do is draw your blood and then spin it in a centrifuge machine that will separate your platelets from your red blood cells so platelets have growth factors in them that basically stimulate more collagen than if you were to just do microneedling alone so linda in the past has always just done microneedling yeah i've never done anything and i would probably try that except um last week i didn't tell you i ended up in the er oh my goodness my husband and i caught the norovirus and i was so sick so i'm probably dehydrated so now it might not be a good time to do that yeah so i'm not going to do that i'm just going to do whatever we do it's also important to say you can get just your face done or you can get i don't know if it's called a package or what but you can also get your face and neck done and i can test hands yes we do stretch marks on the body really anywhere you have skin you can do the skin pen yeah yeah and it really and it really does it really does work i can tell a noticeable difference and again it's not i'm not gonna uh be peeling off layers of my skin it just turns red like a bad sunburn it might flake a little bit but that's basically it right yeah so and we do have other options if you don't want to do the prp or for some reason you can on a particular day we do have boosters from the zeo skin care that you mentioned this is actually kind of new that they've come out with this there is an option for a firming serum which might be great for your neck you know and then they also have an option it's called rosatrol for redness and rosacea which would be great for your upper face so you can kind of customize your treatment with those sort of accelerated serums we apply them here in the office and then send them home with you and the other thing is because it literally does open your skin up and create channels in the surface of your skin so there is a it increases the ability of your skin to assimilate whatever they are so you might put something on on it that you would recommend okay so we're going to fast forward i'm just going to sit here for a while 30 minutes and then stuart and i actually can do a little bit of portfolio just sitting there and then we will come back and we will we'll show you how it works absolutely so i'm really vulnerable here i probably look kind of like a freak but we suffer for our beauty don't we breathe so at any rate um let me give you a couple of little things beforehand number one the med spa has very kindly agreed to give any of you out there a 20 discount on your first med spa treatment so that would include things like micro needling or botox or fillers uh laser hair removal anything like that is really a great deal and or your first uh you guys know that i really love that zeo skin care we talked about it a lot um on lv tv i love it that you can get 20 off of that skincare line too all you have to do when you call and what's the phone number our number is 405 nine four five zero zero zero one yes and just mentioned my name linda if you are coming from out of town or something you can schedule far in advance and still mention my name and you'll get the discount um so that's a little added perk and it would apply to this treatment to this treatment and then i'm gonna spend a couple minutes cleaning your skin you can lean back against this pillow here is that backrest okay for you okay so just get some gauze and wipe off your numbing cream so the numbing cream that we use has a mix of three different numbing agents so it works really well it does also have a little bit of an ingredient that actually constricts your blood vessels so that does help you to not you know you may see some videos of microneedling well where people are really messy buddy usually our patients don't look quite that scary because of that added ingredient in our numbing cream i think that really helps but that is part of the reason that her face feels tingly is from that ingredient so i'll just wipe off this numbing cream and then we use a specific cleanser here called pearson it is a non-irritating cleanser so you know sometimes cleansers can be especially medical grade cleansers can be a little irritating to skin especially you know you see linda's cheeks are a little bit red here we use try and use things that are kind of across the board safe for everybody so i'll clean her off really well with that we do prefer that you come without makeup on your skin but obviously i would clean your skin regardless every once in a while we do have somebody that you know runs here straight from work and they just can't come without makeup so we'll always make sure that you're squeaky clean before we do any treatments obviously safety and things like avoiding infection is going to be one of our number one things that we're going to keep in mind and i don't i don't with this treatment i don't really get bruising or anything it just turns red but is this one of the treatments i think i never take ibuprofen or anything like that before i come in so that it doesn't have any kind of blood thinning right yeah medications like ibuprofen or fish oil supplements aspirin nightly glass of wine those sort of things can all thin your blood and can make you a little more at risk for bruising it's not necessarily a reason to not do treatment but we do keep that in mind and then obviously your personal preference on whether you care if you have bruising or not some people care some people don't and actually for me just i never because i have rosacea i never use alcohol or anything on my face so for me this is one of the most and also i think what maybe turns my cheeks a little bit redder is just using rubbing alcohol which i never usually do so i usually start with the forehead whenever i get started i will say forehead i feel like forehead is maybe one of the more tender areas just because it's right on the bone yeah nose is kind of ticklish it makes some people and i will might be smooth so she asks beforehand and then linda did mention beforehand you know her one of her main concerns that she always wants to address is around the mouth so that's what's nice about the microneedling device is i can turn it up and down on my depth so forehead she doesn't have much issue it's on the bone so i'll go really light outer eyes are sensitive i'll go light there nose she has some pores so it may turn it up to kind of a moderate depth and then for around her mouth i'll turn it up you know as high as a safe for her skin and really get as aggressive as she wants me to yeah as long as so when people say that i they kind of say i don't have any wrinkles i i this is a part of it a lot of is also just heredity and bree and i talk about that a lot i was blessed with a family that has pretty good skin yeah and it ages pretty well right so i think you've always worn sunscreen and of course the sunscreen nazi i've talked about that ad nauseam again as part of this whole kind of skin hygiene um orientation i think too right to living a garden inspired life so this is just a little water-based gel it's safe to go on the skin before the treatment it basically just allows the pen to glide over her skin smoothly so i just put a little bit of this on her forehead just a thin layer i also always send this home with my patients it's a nice little moisturizer you know it doesn't have any scent to it which that kind of leads into aftercare with this it's pretty easy there's not many restrictions other than avoiding the sun i'd avoid any skin care agents that have any sort of retinols or acids in them that can just be skin can be way too sensitive for probably a week or two after you can go to the gym you can work out it will sting a little bit if you get sweat in your skin but wash your skin as soon as you're done and you'll be fine um those are really the main things and kind of common sense and on the hierarchy of of intensity of things that you can do this is really low yeah this is this is really very modest right we're talking a lot of prep but that's just how it is in other words i'm not very brave this is no big deal and this is also a procedure that's been around for a long time yes absolutely i always wonder we've joked about this before like who thought of this yeah let's try this and see if it works yeah but yeah it does so yeah yes yes yes and it's been around for a long time right it's been it's it has definitely been researched and it's very safe yeah absolutely okay so as you can see i turned this it goes from 0.5 millimeters all the way up to 2.5 millimeters i don't know if you can really see the needles going out but i start at probably 0.5 on her forehead so i turn the pen on it's a little bit loud sometimes i say it sounds like a weed eater and then i'll just get it started yeah there we go perfect so start right here in the center of the forehead and just go down in a straight line and then up and down and i just treat in little one-inch passes and i'm looking for signs in her skin like redness or maybe tiny little pinpoints of blood sometimes forehead doesn't have that at all and that's okay somebody once said it kind of feels like a cat licking your forehead and maybe that that would be a good analogy right and then after we're done so normally i would be using instead of this glide i would be using actually her prp as my glide and that the skin pen would be driving the platelet-rich plasma deeper into her skin but instead what we'll do is use this glide now and then i will apply those geo skin boosters to her skin after and then send her home with that as kind of an adjunct to this treatment just to enhance the results definitely not required but it does absolutely enhance your results and as long as you're going to do it you want to optimize absolutely yeah stuart you haven't painted yet so it must not be even men do this procedure you know there's a there's a joke in our world that men don't tolerate things as well um you know but they men do this procedure a lot of times just for acne scaring but it's nice because you know there's minimal downtime so guys never want to look too crazy and then i'll go ahead and turn up to i'll start with one and then i'll see how your skin is doing maybe turn it up from there and brie also records all of this in your file so she will know what my skin tolerated last time and whether or not we could be a little bit more aggressive or in the event we needed to be more conservative she can do that too that's another reason that we take photos our documentation system i actually draw on linda's face what settings i did where so that that way we're super accurate and then you know she says oh i love that treatment i can repeat it or if she says you know maybe we can go a little more aggressive i'll look back and see what we did and then change it from there and i don't really have anything to compare it to because bree is about the only person i've ever been to or this office this practice is the only place i've been to but i would imagine that you could go other places and you would not get nearly the in-depth explanatory the science behind the treatment itself and why it works and why it's efficacious and that's one of the reasons i really like this practice yeah education of our of ourselves and of our patients is probably you know our number one priority to me that's how i that's how things make sense to me if i know why they work or you know why one thing over another might work better and so i usually always whether my patients want it or not i pass that along to them yeah usually it helps so you may be able to tell after i do around her mouth she'll get a little more red she may notice a little more of the pinpoint bleeding that's a good sign though [Music] upper lip is one of the sensitive areas it's still not bad i can hardly feel this at all one thing we are careful with and linda doesn't have any of this but if you have permanent cosmetics such as permanent lip you know lipstick or permanent eyebrow tattoos we always avoid that we're super careful not to fade that quicker this is really a very safe procedure there are some you know there may be some medical conditions that we would keep in mind if you had autoimmune disease or some sort of skin condition like eczema or if you do have a lot of active acne we need to be careful that we don't make those things work yeah but it's still a very safe procedure even if you do have any of those issues and they take a very extensive comprehensive medical history before you do any of this kind of thing so you can see she's getting a little more red the most common things that we would probably pair this treatment with would be the skincare and then also our diamond glow facial if you do tend to get you know kind of peely or flaky after the procedure something like a diamond glow would help get those little those little flaky skin cells off maybe around five to seven days after and maybe give you a little hydration boost so some people feel a little dry and i think that's what a lot of people do like before a big day yeah or something so brie talk a little bit about the expense of this what people can expect for one session or multiple sessions absolutely so one session a full face is 300 we do offer package discounts basically the math behind it as you save 100 on each subsequent treatment if you're buying in a package so 2 would be 500 so on so forth the topical prp application is 300 in addition and i would pay that all day every day because it's so worth it the uh you know we've tried we usually give i'm gonna have you turn towards a little bit we usually give you know kind of new things we dr brew our medical director that plastic surgeon really prefers to give new things time to work out any kinks that they might have and so we didn't have prp for a little while but we really felt like it was you know it's a good treatment it's safe and now that we've added it on we've been doing it for maybe maybe six months to a year now it's made such a big difference in the treatments in the results that patients and you guys try these treatments on yourself right yes absolutely we always do demos and do you know we always make sure there are studies behind you know that's something that's super important to dr bruce making sure that there's the science behind it so i'm seeing i'm noticing just a little bit of drag on her cheeks right there so that might not be comfortable to her might not be good for her skin so i'm just adjusting my settings based on how her skin is responding okay i'll have you turn straight so a really common area that bothers a lot of patients is right here underneath the eyes like kind of creepy texture maybe a little bit of dark coloring so micro needling is nice because you can actually treat right up to the lash line we do turn it down as low as possible but that will build collagen through that texture and will that help with laxity too it can help to kind of firm up the skin a little bit and especially if you're doing combination with either prp or maybe one of the zeo firming serum add-on so if you can i'll have you open and look up to the ceiling and i'll put a little gel underneath here and then i'm just gonna swipe and make sure no mascara i don't want to give you a tattoo with this so just a few really light passes so it feels kind of funny because it's right underneath your eye but it's going to be super painful not at all we can actually even inject the prp into this area to treat those blue dark circles you really don't have them but if a patient is concerned with that we do prp there often now i did not know that that's interesting [Music] it's a safer alternative to under eye filler uh filler you know can replace volume through there but fillers can be you know they're they can be dangerous it's very rare for that to be a dangerous thing but prp is a safer alternative and it's natural and it's natural yes wipe this mascara a little bit on this side stuart are you fascinated by all of this okay move on to your nose so i will hand you some gauze yes because this is where i sometimes sneeze and i'll warn you if i'm going to use oklahoma allergies alcohol allergies and covet and everything else i don't want to be sneezing away which brings up a good point obviously we're being safe with our masks and we're taking all of the precautions and you know doing questionnaires before anybody comes into our office and we wait in our car until uh they call us in right and this new normal okay so i'm gonna press on this side of your nose and then start treatment on this side fold your nose over a lot of people get pores in that little crevice right there no sneezes yet no it's amazing this is good for exfoliation too is it not yes especially if you tend to get blackheads on your nose this will shrink your pores down and will eventually lead you to having minimal to no blackheads especially if you do hear it with something like that diamond glow that will that cleans out your pores really well and someone once told me and i don't know this if this is true that sometimes the reason that that maybe some people like that kardashians almost look like they have plastic skin is because they've overdone it a little bit yeah this micro needling is that true um not probably not with micro needling um probably a combination of lots of things you know chemical peels and you know i know that the kardashians have done microneedling but usually it's going to be more aggressive almost like plastic right or honestly in real life they probably don't look so plastic you know they probably look a little more realistic we have no problem telling you if you are overdoing things so again our name is attached to your face so we don't want you to look crazy no and i don't want to look crazy and again this isn't one of those things that would make yeah no not at all a little red but not crazy right yeah maybe temporarily so you can wear makeup to cover the redness i prefer you to wait maybe about 48 hours before before you put any makeup on but it is possible to cover that redness and and with makeup usually you couldn't tell that you really had much done i basically just go home and yeah most people do it out yeah but it is important i think to take into account scheduling so if you've got any kinds of things if i'm going to be filming or doing channel 4 or doing anything like that i do take that into account beforehand right so that there's time for all of the redness to subside beforehand don't come see me one week before your class reunion yes yes i mean you can come see me you just might not want to have treatment yet right which we do we offer consultations you know if you're kind of if you're confused you're not sure what you need we do offer free consultations and then that's the best way you really get kind of a treatment plan and in that consultation i think it's good because you can set the tone for what the overall course of the trajectory of your treatment over time so when i came in bree knows that i'm very conservative i'm natural and i don't want to puff up my face or my lips or anything like that so she knows to make recommendations according to what my value set is for uh skincare treatment right so i'm always asking things like one what's your concern you know i don't i may see something that i think i could treat but if that doesn't bother you is enough of it yeah um i'm also asking things like downtime if you have a busy schedule and you can't have any down time there's options for you if you know i have patients that are quarantined right now and they have all the downtime in the world so we're doing lots of stuff uh you know it's kind of very customizable i always say and then of course budget you know i would love for everybody to have every single procedure but that's not always feasible either so i can prioritize for you you know between what i think would work and what you really want to do so we are here to help that said since i'm not really doing anything i mean i'm not doing a lot of traveling right now um there's no point in having an expensive wardrobe because i don't have a place to go so now might be a time to treat yourself to something like this right absolutely i do suspect we have some patients that use their stimulus check to come in and see us it's uh we do talk about though i mean if you if you're saying if you look good you feel good so now is the time where a lot of people are feeling probably a little down a little bit i agree and then if you if you have a little boost to your skin you know to your self-confidence it really can it can make you feel a little bit better and again i do some of these procedures so that i don't so that i can wear less makeup so that i can just have less preparation in the morning so it not only saves me time but it also um i think saves you money in that regard but i'm going to wrap it up here there's no reason you need to watch any of the rest of this but when i get home i'll show you uh what i look like in all of my red glory and we'll take it from there cool so i'm back home and basically this is what it looks like it's raw it's red you can definitely tell that there has been some kind of abrasion on my face and it tingles a little bit and it burns a little bit kind of like a bad sunburn but it's not terrible at all and this will subside and go away and by about sunday it will be completely gone and i can wear makeup again and you won't really be able to tell too much that i had anything done but i promise you that the texture of my skin the luminosity of my skin will be far improved so anyhow i just wanted to show you guys one of the treatments that i get to try to keep my skin looking its best as much as i'm outside and again if you are interested in this kind of procedure it's it's called micro needling and if you go uh through brie to premiere plastic surgery they'll give you a 20 off on this treatment just mention my name so i wanted to give you a full disclosure of micro needling i hope you guys found this kind of interesting it was interesting for me to do for you so stay safe and stay well
Channel: Linda Vater
Views: 21,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potagerblog, Linda Vader, garden tour, garden life, garden designer, garden landscape design, flower garden ideas, garden design, topiary, backyard garden design, boxwood, garden media, gardening, influencer, Linda Vater
Id: f4WBDz115aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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