🪑🛋🪑 Living Room Refresh and Restyle‼️ || Linda Vater

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[Music] merry christmas [Music] well i think i shared with all of you that i was getting ready to rearrange and kind of rethink my living room and i have done that and i couldn't be more pleased and i barely had to get any new things so as i kind of go through a tour of the room itself i'll point out to you which things are new but mostly everything has just been rethought and that's my question of the day for you do you take joy in rearranging your furniture in rethinking what you already have without buying a lot of new things so you can repurpose restyle and refresh your interior spaces whether it's moving big furniture or it's moving just accessories or it's doing pineapple upside down cake where you move stuff from upstairs stuart laughed i guess he hasn't heard that expression for a while to downstairs um so let me know if you enjoy things moving around or if you like to kind of keep things static now hubs has some challenges with it because he says i keep i'm always moving things and then he has to kind of he has to relearn his environment but that's okay it'll keep his mind fresh so let's talk about what i did first of all i got the assistance of a friend of mine who is an interior designer and it's wonderful to have a friend who's an interior designer because what we do is we're just sharing services so i'm helping her with some landscape stuff and she helped me rethink my living room and i love that so because not only do we both get to refresh our our interior and exterior spaces but also we just get to spend some time together which we don't always have have the luxury of doing so i love that um so what how did we start well first of all if you haven't already seen what my living room look like stuart's gonna try to inject some footage here of what it looked like before and also you might want to check out my holiday videos from last year because it shows not only what the previous furniture arrangement looked like but it also shows how my holiday house looked last year and then when i do a holiday tour this coming year you can see the differences so how it used to be just briefly here's just kind of like a rundown of what it used to be like i i had my big couch here and i had my love seat here and they faced each other this was pushed much farther back there was not a table behind it and this smaller love seat was pushed all the way up here so what we did was try to create our objective our overall thematic was that we wanted to really open up this space make it seem much larger make it seem lighter and also make it really accommodate more seating so that was very apparent yesterday during thanksgiving when the area that we had to navigate because these old houses really do have tiny rooms and tight spaces whatever you can do to maximize maximize and optimize the square footage you do have is important so so basically what she did was she came in i had a few ideas of kind of how i wanted to judge things up i had lots of antique or not necessarily antique but very old wicker pieces that used to be up in my bedroom i thought i might want to have them down here i i told her i really don't want to buy any or if i do very few new pieces of furniture because the furniture that i have now fits the style and vintage of this house and in a year two years three years whenever we decide to relocate it might have a different style and so i don't want to spend a lot of money that then won't translate so that was also an overarching imperative was move some of the stuff upstairs to downstairs make sure that i didn't buy a whole lot of new things and also infuse additional light into the living room area and i think we've been pretty successful about that so she in order to do that what she did and this is a great tip you guys she came in and she measured all of the furniture pretty much in my house some things i knew were going to stay in place like these bookshelves over here these are reproduction but i love love love these bookshelves and i knew i wanted them to stay on this wall so there were a few things that were that were fixtures but nevertheless we pretty much measured everything and she was very efficient at it because she does it for a living so she really knew how to do that in a way that that didn't take a tremendous amount of time which it would have me because i don't do it very often so then she said okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this home i'm going to think it through and i'm going to come up with basically a new formula for you and she did just that so it's been so exciting you guys so she did a couple of sketches a couple of renditions and then just like i do with my landscape sketches she just described to me what could be done one without getting anything new and the other with getting one new piece of furniture and i decided that i didn't want to get this new piece of furniture it was going to be a new chair i decided that i wanted to go with her original version and what we did was as i described so the first thing she said would make the biggest difference was getting a new rug now the rug is a sisal rug i had a sisal rug in here before it was 8 by 12 and what we did was we just moved it upstairs because we're redoing one of the bedrooms upstairs so we moved it up and then i had a new rug made in for in here that was considerably larger so stuart if you all switch places with you and if you would look from that door to that corner or vice versa that corner and then scan over to the door that goes into the little bar library in here the morning room you can see how large how large it is so it's it turned out to be 11 by 21 and there is just around the corner from me there is a great rug business that has made customized rugs for me and my friends for years and they do it very very quickly and very economically and because it was something that was rather standard and i didn't have to have anything special ordered and i wanted it to be very very classic one of my favorite accounts on instagram is serena crawford and that's kind of the muse i was going for serena crawford melissa penfold and that's kind of what i was wanting to do and so they made this when i gave them the dimensions they made this literally in in a matter of days now stuart right at your feet if you'll show i've got another rug right here smaller rug the only reason this is here is because i'm still waiting for the edges to relax and this is kind of turned up a little bit and for thanksgiving i didn't want anyone tripping over it so we put this here in place so that it would be foot sure and no one would trip over that as they came into into my new living area because that would have not been a good omen for the happiness quotient for this room in in the future so we did that then she also suggested that i get some new lights and that is something that is still in process so i'll get to the lights in a moment but let's talk about how we rearrange the furniture so this love seat here used to be up here and it was literally not too far from the couch to the love seat it was very cozy i had a nice big square table in here and those of you who are familiar with my living room if not you can go back and look at one of the videos but i used to have a large round what i call the library table here with those two chairs that sat on either side of it and that was on so the back of this love seat was right here and there was this other little sitting area right here that large round table book table moved up to my office and i may show that to you later and we moved this love seat all the way back to the wall now this is something that i have always i i haven't ever done and i always thought i didn't like it and that is having couches and things right up flush against the wall and not only did she move it against this wall but she also moved it kind of in front of a window which i don't think intuitively i would have done before and if i did i would have one edge of it match up against the leading line of the window but she kind of mixed that up and we moved it back here i brought one of my the wicker side table that used to be by my bed i bought it down here to be a side table we'll be reconfiguring a little bit these maps over here i love my lamp but we are we're going to make some changes we i have two tall floor lamps that i want to get in and actually this is what we hope to order i don't know if you can see that or not stuart but they're just classic lamps if but they're going to be backordered for a long time so we'll either get these or something similar because i definitely need some height in here then this sideboard this chest used to be up underneath that large map on the wall over there stuart if you can kind of show in that direction and then the two chairs which sat on either side of my large library table we moved over there i never would have thought of that and that is where we will have two new lights so both the artwork over there will be raised and then pretty much in line with the top of the opening that goes into the dining room i have ordered they're back ordered two but i should get them fairly soon two large brass or not necessarily large but brass picture lights that will hang on the wall and will be right above the artwork and the artwork will come up and then the chairs won't be sitting in front of the artwork to distract from what's behind them so the handy thing about that then is when i need additional seating at my dining room table or whatever they are just right there at the ready and i can easily move them up into the dining room and then by scooting the couch forward which is one thing i i really had some trepidation about because i couldn't i couldn't in my head see how that would work because we moved it pretty far forward but it doesn't really look like it does it stewart that we moved it that far for forward now stuart wouldn't know because he and i did most of the rearranging of the furniture didn't we start i had i had somebody lined up to come help us and they ended up not being able to come so stuart and i did most of all of this we put down the rug and then this beautiful beautiful long wicker table that used to be up in my bedroom we brought down here and it makes a wonderful sofa table it reminds me of my mom i had a piece of cut glass with a beveled edge put on it and by the way if you want an economical way to have a glass top for your table or any piece of furniture made i had this made at dulles glass and mirror it's a company in texas they do a great job and it really elevates the look of all of this i can see that i need to do a little bit more cleaning on it after after yesterday and then so to replace the book table that i had down here before this now is kind of my book table and it makes a beautiful backdrop to this couch when you walk in and i think i love white furniture and i love these white slip covered couches and so i was able to keep them i did give them an upgrade too however i had the cushions because they've gotten so much use over the years and these couches are probably 35 years old they were lee jofas and i had new cushions made new fill foam fill for the seat cushions so i had that that done and it really refreshed them and gave them some new life and then because obviously they're white slip covers and that contention that slip covers are just so low maintenance that all you have to do is take off the slip covers and throw them into the wash that is very much a misrepresentation because it is not easy and it doesn't really work very well so i had stanley steemer come out and they cleaned them for me i refreshed the pillows just a little bit i wanted to make sure that the one thing i love and and is important to me about any kind of pillows is that they are squishy and that they have some down content because otherwise it's just kind of like sitting against a hard surface so all of these are very squishy and you can really nestle back into them and so they don't it minimizes i guess the square footage that they take up on the sofa so you don't have to move off every pillow before you sit on the sofa and they actually give kind of good back support in addition to being a punch of color now if you look over in this direction you can see that i moved the table that had been in my kitchen that i got from tj maxx years ago this pine table i got this and brought it in here and it also what i love about this is this gives me a real working corner so in the morning i can meditate either in at this sofa or in this chair this comfortable chair over here which is really what i think of as my husband's chair in the living room my husband and my son's chair because it's their favorite place to read when they're in here but i've got all my books that i am using for work for perusing for ideas for just sheer enjoyment those books can be over here on the table and then since it's right after thanksgiving but it's not december yet for a couple of days i try to enjoy my thanksgiving decor and since it's still november i can enjoy the beauty of that while i'm starting to peruse through all of my holiday things and my christmas things to see what i want to bring out and this gorgeous flower arrangement my friend jenny and steve they come for easter and they come for thanksgiving and they always she checks with me on what my color palette is for the meal and then she will get a container from me and she'll take it up to our favorite uh florist that's just around the corner a date with iris and they will compose something based on the color palette that i give her and this year this white picture was a hostess gift that my new daughter-in-law gave me after we had a shower for her so it's especially meaningful to me and then as soon as i bring out the holiday day decor these pumpkins that i'm still enjoying until the end of november come the first of december they will be gone as well my leaf bouquets and any other gourds or autumnal decorations that i have out those will be replaced by holiday decorations another thing that i did was bring down this large chair which was also in my bedroom and i guess i'll have to give you an update of what my bedroom looks like devoid of this furniture but we just kind of moved things around and i've got a floating ottoman that can go kind of back and forth we rearranged some lamps i am getting some new floor lamps some new wall lamps and then i may or may not be getting some new lamp shades she suggested that i get something in a cream color i kind of like my black shades though so let me know what you guys think i like the tailored look of black shades when i moved this trunk over here this is great for storage but the other reason i like it is it comes up exactly flush with the window sill which is right and right outside this chest is my window box on the front porch so i get really good southern light through here so this is where a number of my topiaries will kind of journey in and out right here in this bright southern light and then of course i have throws i have pillows i have what i consider to be i guess softscape in the room itself because to me it's not so much about being decorated as it is about being cozy and so there's pillows there's throws practically everywhere you look so at any point in time you can come in and plop down with a book or for some good conversation for a period of time i did have a tv that kind of traveled in and out and i decided ultimately i don't want a tv in here at all in the winter time we can light this little fireplace this little fire furnace this antique fire furnace in here it's very warm and cozy and this room is generally for more for reading entertaining and writing when my son comes home he really likes to write and work in here and he also is a writer and has a book coming out and so he does a lot of writing when he comes home and then i thought let me just kind of finalize by showing you what my one single favorite item for my fall decor was this year and this was my very very favorite thing you guys and it may seem so strange to you but this one leaf in particular right here was my very favorite thing it just i loved the shape of it i loved the color of it i gave it a spritz of that spray enamel and i just let's get some more light on it over here stuart and it just looked like a piece of sculpture to me so i may take this down for the holidays but i will definitely bring it back after the holidays because i just loved its coloration and the way it looked and it just is like nature's poetry to me so there you go that is my new living room arrangement oh let me show you one more fun thing before we go i wanted to make sure to point to point this out this fabulous dried hydrangea arrangement all of these they almost don't look real the petals are so dense and they dried in this beautiful lime green tawny way all of these are terra oakleaf hydrangea blooms tara is one of my favorite hydrangeas from the southern living plant collection and i think it looks absolutely stupendous here and is contrast beautifully with the mahogany woodwork so there you go i'm anxious to hear about what your holiday decorations are going to be and show you some of mine and in an upcoming video we're going to be going through some of my tubs and you guys can give me some thumbs up or thumbs down on what you think about some of my holiday decor that i'm trying to lighten up and divest myself of some of the things i just have too much so there you go you guys have a wonderful day after thanksgiving and i'll see you soon well my outfit du jour it's the day after thanksgiving so it's all about comfort i've got on a stretchy dress that can stretch with my post thanksgiving tummy um i got the dress from altered state it really is very very comfortable my earrings i got at i think burlington coat factory years ago can you see them stuart i'm doing jewelry light today because i'm going in and out a bunch carrying lots of stuff because i'm still kind of cleaning up after thanksgiving so jewelry light today and i've got just on my red hunter boots because they're ever so comfortable and i'm doing lots of in and outing and by the way hunter boots make great christmas gifts in my opinion so there you go there's my outfit of the day
Channel: Linda Vater
Views: 39,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potagerblog, Linda Vader, garden life, garden designer, garden landscape design, garden design, garden media, gardening, Linda Vater, southern gardening, thrifting, Garden Answer, boxwood, topiary, garden tour, evergreens, favorite plants, garden center, Oklahoma gardening, garden, lifestyle tips, garden lifestyle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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