Microchips In Our Brains - Big Tech's A.I. Agenda

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Neuralink is still very very very far off from these concepts. People are very Neurodiverse so not all brains are the same. This will take many many years to understand. Let alone downloading someones identity and to represent it in electronic format.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pas43 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope it merges me with AI

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheWolf1640 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"One of the things I've always liked about my own head is that there aren't wires sticking out of it" says the guy with the closest thing to having wires coming out of the head

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ragztorichez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

this celebrity is creating an ethics discussion around neuralink. this is not adding to the scientific discussion.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/micah8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I sure hope so

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Andrew-702 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
and then the the interface to the um to the to the chip is wireless so you have no wires poking out of your head that's an advantage as well one of the things i've always liked about my own head is that there aren't wires sticking out of it big tech organizations are experimenting with putting microchips into monkey's brains this will definitely not bring about a dystopian skynet disaster will it this is pager he's a nine-year-old macaque who had a neurolink placed in each side of his brain about six weeks ago like you know sometimes when you watch one of them zombie disaster movies and there's like a pre-title sequence where you'll see something like so we were experimenting with putting microchips into macaque monkey's minds and then it sort of shows you some desolate shot of new york with deer and wolves bowling about up subways and through time squaring that this is the kind of sensor foreboding i get here researchers are developing technology that can transfer data between computers and our brains and even read people's minds neuralink a company co-founded by musk is working to add a digital quote third layer above the cortex that would work symbiotically with you neuralink is just one player in an emerging field that could enhance human functionality you've got to enhance human functionality let's see who we're entrusting with that facebook others include facebook and startups such as ctrl labs backed by amazon okay so facebook and amazon we you know the jury's in we know what facebook and amazon are about great products to a degree but profit driven corporations so let's think where they will take it what will be the biases if companies like facebook and amazon are involved in the development of ai is it going to be your personal well-being or will it be profit big players like elon musk and facebook have teased their entrance into the market that market is expected to reach a value of 1.72 billion dollars by 2022. now of course people that are behind this like neuralink and elon musk he says like this neurolink will help people with brain disorders and of course it will but i don't think big business owners and their board rooms are saturating and how can we help people with debilitating brain diseases that's not how big business operates is it like coca-cola and nike and facebook and all these big brands don't have as their core values how the hell do we help people with debilitating brain diseases it's about whether it's sugary drinks sports shoes or neurolinks money it has to be about that it's not a critique of individuals it'll be pointless to critique individuals within particularly a genius like elon musk i'm saying the ideology itself warped society in a direction that is clearly a problem again when you envisage the peripheral place we find ourselves in now do you think the solution to these problems is going to come from big tech entrepreneurs geniuses operating in the spaces of ultra capitalism or do you think it might be something a bit more radical than that are you do you think we should carry on doing what we're already doing more aggressively and quickly or try something different doing precisely what we've done 18 times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time we can interact with the neurolynx simply by pairing them to an iphone he's learnt to interact with a computer for a tasty banana smoothie delivered through a straw i find that even if this is just a piece of visual information with no narrative behind it i find it troubling to watch a monkey suck on a silver straw to have a banana smoothie it feels to me like this is we're not this is not it no we've still we've not understood you know like the projection of a rainforest the real rainforest by the way has to be annihilated in order to get the resources required to pursue these economic dreams on some level you have to trust your intuition your inner tuition the tutor within you the teacher inside you that's saying to you hey this isn't the direction society should be going in this is not what you're evolved for there are higher things now i'm obviously not seeking to diminish the great work that could be done for people with neurons disease or some other debilitating condition if that is the true purpose of such an endeavor by all means continue but my suspicion is that ultimately what lies behind huge corporations that are designed in order to generate profit is the generation of further profit and if that ingenuity overlaps occasionally with inadvertent benefits for someone from whatever reason they will happily use that as the branding and logo for the endeavor that is ultimately profitable you see this happen every day in your life this is how information is presented to you this is how you are distracted now i'm like not some mad ladder i thought well let's stop all exploration i'm aware of the microphone that is clipped to me the computer the camera all the products of the ingenuity of great people that went before but at this point not then now how should we be approaching the future knowing what we know about our tendencies as animals knowing what we know about the trajectory we seem to be on as a civilization and as a planet what safe checks would you like to insert what imperatives would you like to consider what models would you like to pursue one of the things the neural links allow pager to do is to play his favorite video game pong i don't think maquette monkeys really evolved to play pong well i like pac-man and i also like dungeons and dragons and uh i'm a very big fan of paper boi but all told i'd have to say my favorite is pong you're anthropomorphizing the monkey you're economizing if i may say or commodifying our time here on earth consider the possibility that we may have access to dimensions beyond space and time consider we may be more than our most selfish impulses our misguided greed and selfishness survival instincts redirected by systems that require us to remain on low bandwidth engagement in order that we may not throw off the shackles and conformity of a system that requires our compliance once you've considered that think do you want literal monkey tennis to be your future monkey tennis to control his paddle on the right side of the screen pager simply thinks about moving his hand up or down as you can see pager is amazingly good at mind pong i've actually got a criteria for judging pager's ability are you good at mind pong of all the monkeys i've seen playing mind point i'd say page is probably second third or fourth best at mind punk he's focused and he's playing entirely of his own volition not really he's got microchip inserted in his brain and he's got a sack on the old banana pipe hey i'm living the dream baby you know monkey has been able to control the computer with his brain i think there's there's an incredible amount we can do to solve um brain disorders act damage you think people of this level of intelligence don't have meetings when they say for the public facing part of this operation let's promote the idea that this is primarily going to be used to help people because no one can argue with the benefits and the aspiration to help people with debilitating and immobilizing conditions do you think they don't have that chat after solving a bunch of brain related diseases there is the existential uh it's mitigation of the existential threat of ai yeah those are gonna sound pretty weird but um achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence so uh but this is this is not a mandatory thing oh thanks you're not gonna come around me after the dead of night and smash a microchip into my head like a techno hammer and chisel again the suggestion that somehow humanity's needs might best be met by merging with a i seems to me to be a dubious assumption comparable to the mentality of the reichstag that said look i'll tell you what we should do with hitler put him in charge just for a couple of months and i'm sure he'll calm down and i've said a lot about ai over the years but i think even in a benign ai scenario we will be left behind obviously i'm not claiming to understand artificial intelligence it's a huge subject that requires a finer mind than mine to unravel its complexity but it would seem to me that ultimately it is a tool that requires humanity to construct and invent it although i understand because they are self-teaching technologies that ultimately they would transcend the intelligence capabilities of their designers we've all seen those films but really the fact is that human beings have access to realms that will remain inaccessible to entirely mechanistic beings unless you believe as many people do that we are entirely mechanical that we do not intersect with something beyond material on some level if you believe that everything can be rationally explained all human beings we developed love in order to have stronger social ties so we could hunt antelope more efficiently if you're willing to reduce everything every sublime divine beautiful poetic artistic endeavor to some rudimentary blunt pursuit of some bitter fruit or a then of course it does make sense to yield to ai but if you think that there is the potential for a great mystery at the essence of human beings individually and collectively something that is beyond even our own understanding if you consider that perhaps we are portals to something greater that there is an object a mind a consciousness beyond our understanding operating beneath and around our limited perception then these kind of pursuits are a further advance into an area that we've already extensively explored what is the intention what is the telos for humankind where do you see us going hopefully it is a benign scenario but i think with a high bandwidth brain machine interface i think we can actually go along for the ride i'm not going along for the rival robot like it's short circuit where are we going now charlie five get the out of my roller coaster we're humans we're gonna fight for humanity sweet glorious humanity and we can effectively have the option of merging with ai do what emphasizes that it's not going to be like suddenly neurolink will have this incredible neural lace and start taking over people's brains okay it will take a long time whilst anyone speaking publicly has the right to deploy whatever tactics they want to get their message across i have personal concerns about people being trite and glib about things that are potentially explosive and dangerous while ushering them into public life edward snowden in my recent conversation with him on my podcast under the skin talked about how in plain sight the real decisions are made your savings being sucked away from you an ai future being advanced you're not sort of secretly behind a veil at davos but just here plainly with a smile and a wink and a bead of sweat on the forehead a world where microchips are embedded in your consciousness and what that could potentially do to your already challenged autonomy is here witnessable observable by anybody and for me this is a matter of some solemnity and some concern and i like a joke as much as the next chap you really need this to be done with the robot because it's very tiny and it needs to be very precise okay i've decided i am going to have the microchip fitted into me ed talk me through the process is it going to work it involves just a a two mil two millimeter uh incision bypassing uh any vasculature uh you know any kind of like blood vessel um uh and and making sure that it can be inserted without causing trauma or minimal trauma yeah minimize the trauma while you're inserting it i have some trauma there's some trauma happening it's the minimum and then the the interface to the um to the to the chip is wireless so you have no wires poking out of your head that's an advantage as well one of the things i've always liked about my own head is that there aren't wires sticking out of it this um i think has a very good purpose uh which is to cure important diseases and ultimately to help secure humanity's future as a civilization relative to ai again i suppose the agenda is being set by people that are in a particular position i'm not trying to make an enemy of elon musk i met elon musk once he's clearly unquestionably a brilliant person a brilliant person though operating within an economic framework also might i contest that his genius is within a particular discipline and we have this tendency laterally to think that there is a cross-pollination of genius oh this guy's a genius in tech let's have him organize society no this person's a genius in tech let's have him stick with tech and we'll handle society in fact no individual should be charged with such a potent and potentially dangerous endeavor this is something that we're learning now can only be undertaken collectively we are so diverse we are so different there's nothing wrong with any of our expressions of who we are and how we are and how we acculturate acclimatize express ourselves as long as it doesn't hurt other people or the planet now that's where possible decentralize and organize our personal realities and our collective realities along lines that are mutually respectful beneficial and enjoy the glory the glory of life the beauty of life the tragedy of life it's transient the irrefutable fact of death the irrefutable fact of pain let's use science and technology to improve our experience here within limitations and without the constant agenda of the pursuit of profit as long as the strata within which these ideas are forced to exist is ultimately a financial and economic one there will be problems particularly as that is predicated on an on a materialistic worldview i.e things are mechanical material and can be observed primarily and can only be in fact be observed i mean that's the nature of them from a mechanistic perspective and all that we can observe is all that there is well how much of your experience of life chimes with that how much of your experience of life is about what is measured how many times in life have you found yourself in a potentially apparently beautiful situation but felt sad because there are different layers to your reality there are different experiences available in every single moment we can create and control reality through inner experimentation through spiritual evolution this side of life cannot be neglected technology has its place but it has to know what its place is and its place cannot be determined by economic imperatives particularly not a time when the re-engagement of our spiritual and emotional life is so vital and we we hope to have this uh aspirationally in a human patient um before the end of next year good all right then that's brilliant right we'll have a human patient by the end of next year a couple of years we'll all be wandering around microchips in our brain unable to contest the decisions of tech giants or governments everywhere hey is that fair that these tech giants are determining the direction of sorry what were you saying i'm saying i'd like another game of peanuty pong with my little my cookie buddy well where's my banana pipe baby i loves to the reality this is something i think is going to be really important at a civilization level scale no one's querying the ingenuity of entrepreneurs and geniuses like elon musk merely querying the unconscious agenda of powerful corporate interests in alliance with the corporate state what we want ultimately is more agency for individuals more power to the collective not less not less and some of us have serious moral queries about a maceki monkey sucking on a banana pipe with a microchip in its mind and whether or not that points to a glorious new future or a potential disaster i hope you've enjoyed this video if you have please like and subscribe and if you don't i'm coming around your house in the night to stitch a microchip into your brain that'll make you just like with your elbow like subscribe turn on notifications join mailing list you know enjoy your freedom enjoy your freedom while it lasts and for god's sake sign up to our mailing list so we can communicate with you directly bloody here one minute we talked about vaccine passed but also next minutes microchips in your mind all we need to do is cut off some of your genitals in order that you can live a free and happy life you'll keep them where they are thank you you
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 778,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, Elon Musk, musk, elon, monkey, Neuralink, AI, brain, pong, pig, rat, brain chip, artificial intelligence, internet, facebook, amazon, humans, robots, robot, tesla, apocalypse, wireless
Id: hpcam2IQ1h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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