Mickey's New Mouse House | S3 E18 | Full Episode | Mickey Mouse: Mixed-Up Adventures @Disney Junior

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Hi, everybody. Want to join me on a mixed-up adventure? Who's going to help me mix it up? <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, mix it up ♪</i></font> I can't hear you. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Mix it up, mix it up ♪ </i> -Let's go mix it up!</font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ I want a new adventure ♪ -♪ We're ready, we're ready ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ I want to go out and play ♪ -♪ Ready to start the show ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ I'm hanging out with Mickey ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Let's go, Mickey ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ On such a hot-dog day ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Hot dog, here we go ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ You never know Just where we'll go ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ But before the day Is through ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ We'll be dancing Down at Mickey's house ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Whoo-whoo ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Let's have some Mixed-up adventures ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ We can do anything today ♪</i></font> Let's go! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Let's have some Mixed-up adventures ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ And help our friends Along the way ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ We're gonna mix it up Mix it up ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, Daisy ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, mix it up ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, Minnie ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, mix it up ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ On such a hot-dog day ♪</i></font> [Mickey] Mix it up! [Minnie]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> "Mickey's New Mouse House."</i></font> [Goofy] The Loopy Loop is loopy and good to go, go, go. [all] Okay, Goofy. Ready to test out my new house? -Ready when you are. -Ready when you are. [laughter] [all whooping] Look out for the flying duck! [Mickey] And mouse. Whoa! Whoo-hoo! The tip-top tree slide is tip-top. [Chip & Dale] Tree-mendous! And how's your hot-diggity doghouse, Pluto? [barking] [laughs] Aw. ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪ Ta-da. [giggles] Your new place is picture-perfect, Mickey. And we finished just in time for the housewarming party. Oh, but the house key is in my car. Hm. Is everything okay, Mickey? I can't find the key to the house. I had it when we first started construction, so it's got to be around here somewhere. I know what we should do. Retrace our steps. We need to remember everything we did when we started building a few days ago. Yeah. Then I might be able to figure out what happened to my key. Ah. My checklist says we started by digging a hole. [trucks beeping] [truck horn blares] Hot dog. Soon there's going to be a house on this spot. My house. Right, little key? [playing theme song] [rock music blares] ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ Okay, Donald, let her go! Hey! [both] Aw, nuts! [laughing] Sorry. Uh-oh. Aw, nuts! I got to get rid of these rocks. Wrecking ball, do your thing. Whoopsie. [sputtering and spitting] Goofy! Keep your eye on the ball. [both laugh] Sorry. Guess my bouncy wrecking bally has a mind of its own. Uh-oh. [screams] ♪ Happy Helpers Are on the-- ♪ [screams] Oh, this is fun. [engine revs] Hm. Step one is done. We've dug the hole. [theme song playing] [chittering] [coos] Hey, where'd my key go? [bird screeches] [squeaking] Ah, there you are. [squeaking] That's it! After I found the key on the hood of my truck, I put it in my... Rats! It's not here. Oh, where'd it go? Well, maybe our brains can think about what we did after we dug that big old hole in the ground. Uh, let's see. My checklist says we started bricking and building walls. [barking and panting] One brick, two bricks, three bricks, four. Huh? Huh? [muttering] Hey! Why you little-- [squawking] Oh, lousy bricks! [yells] Oh, nuts. Good news, Donald. I'm here to help you. And so is... Molly the Magnificent Mallet. [straining] [howls] There. Much better. Call me if you need any more help. Be careful, Goofy. It's all okey-dokey, Mickey. [theme song plays] [squeaks] Don't worry, little key. You're in the safest place you can be. [grunting] Need any help there, Goof? I got it. [chittering] Ooh! How's it going, Minnie? [Minnie] Peachy keen, Mickey. Keep up the great work. [coos] [squeaking] Huh? How'd you get up there? Okay, little key. You'll be safe in my toolbox. [sighs] Hot double-diggity dog. That's the last place I saw my key. In my toolbox. No. No way. It's not here. Oh, this is nuts. Where'd it go? Hm. Well, after you put up the walls, you put up the windows and doors. My turn. Okay, Pluto. [barks and pants] You can go find the best spot for your house. And why don't we check out the view. [laughs] Let's go! Yippee! Whoo-hoo! [crashes] Big buttons and bows. You can almost see the whole town from here. I'm glad you like the view, Minnie. But I can give you an even better one. Let her rip, boys. [both] You got it, Mickey. Going up! [Minnie] Oh, my. [laughs] This is wonderful. Going down. One more time. Up. And down. -Up. Up. -Down. Down. Whoa. Um, guys, could you slow it down a bit? We're getting... queasy. My toolbox! [theme song playing] [chittering] So that's how my toolbox flew away and landed back here. Hm. My brain is thinking your little key fell out of that box. Yeah, and if it did, then it must have fallen into this tree. Can you help me look for it, everybody. -Why, sure. -Okay. [squeaking] [Goofy] Oh, tricky key. Come out, come out, wherever you are. [squeaking] Huh? My key! It's back. [laughs] Say, fella, do you know something about where my key's been all this time? [chittering] Aw, it's okay, pal. I know how you feel. This key is really special. [theme song playing] [chirping] Oh, the music. That's why you like it so much. Well, I think I have something else you might like too. Oh, Chip and Dale. [both] Yes, Mickey? Say, fellas, my squirrel friend here really loves music. And that's why he took the musical key. [both] But you need that key to open the house. Exactly. So I was wondering... Say no more, Mick. We're on it. [both laugh] [chittering] Here you go, Mr. Squirrel. You can listen to music anytime. It's our gift to you. Ooh! [rock music plays] [squeals and chitters] [both] Enjoy! Don't forget to change the batteries. [laughs] [Pete] Ooh, nice digs, Big Ears. [chuckles] Hope we're not too early for the housewarming. You're right on time, Pete. So now, why don't we check out... the Mouse House. [excited chatter] Welcome to my humble new home, everybody. [man 1] This is absolutely marvelous. [man 2] Yeah, this is great. Thanks, everybody, for helping me build my house and for helping me celebrate. I want you all to know, you can hang out here anytime you want. -[gasps] -My home is your home. [excited chatter] Whoa! [cackles] [rock music playing] [squeaking] Come on, everybody. Let's go. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ It's dance break time At Hot Dog Hills ♪</i></font> -Let's go!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -♪ Get up, reach for the sky ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Jump up, jump up Jump up on the couch ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Who's talking In a funny voice? ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Talking in a funny voice ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Right now ♪ -♪ Right now ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Everyone is family ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ And we love to play ♪</i> -Yay!</font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ But helping is our business ♪</i></font> -Yahoo!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -♪ Each and every day ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Get up and dance around ♪</i> -Yippee!</font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Get up and dance around With my friends ♪</i></font> [all laugh] [Millie and Melody]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> "Millie and Melody's Sleepover."</i></font> Oh, dear. -[air hisses] -That's the last time I follow a delivery truck carrying thumbtacks over a bumpy road. Don't worry. I'll change the tires. After lunch. [hums] Something tells me this could take awhile. Aunt Minnie! Daisy! -Happy birthday, girls. -Happy birthday, girls. Thanks. We can't wait for our sleepover party with all our friends. Thanks for letting us have it at the vacation house. -Why, of course. -Can we go now? We want to get everything ready before our friends get there. We'll go as soon as the tires are changed on the van. [humming] Doodles. He's only up to the sandwich course. Oh, how about I take Millie and Cuckoo Loca in my car, and you take Melody in yours. -Great idea. -Yay! [fizzes] [stomach gurgles] [belches] [sighs] [power tool whirring] All done. [laughs] So, what would you like to do at your party, Millie? I want to bake a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. You think Melody would like chocolate? After all, it's her birthday too. Melody loves chocolate. I'm sure she'd approve. Ooh, baking a cake is a great idea, Melody. What flavor? Any flavor but chocolate. I'm tired of chocolate. [gasps] How about we make up a new flavor? Mille loves to try new things. What else would you like to do? Art. My friends and I love to make things. My friends love to play board games. I even brought my favorite board game, Monkey Malarkey. We can also watch my favorite movie, <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Marina Finds a Dinosaur.</i></font> We can play this game I made up. It's called Balloon Ball. [both] I also want to have a dance party. We'll play ballet music. We'll play pop music. [both] Oh, it sounds like you have a great plan. [Millie and Melody] This is going to be an awesome party. This looks amazing. [doorbell rings] [both] Our friends are here! Fun, fun! [all] Happy birthday! Thanks, everyone. Come on, the first thing we're going to do is bake our cake. Yay, I love to bake cakes. And I love to eat cake. -[chuckles nervously] -Hm. -We need flour. -And sugar. And baking powder. Hey, did you measure that--? [coughs] I'll take that as a no. Now for the flavoring. We're making it chocolate. No, we're not. We're making a... What is it again? Strawberry lemon lime-whatever cake. Yuck. That's not even a real cake. Yeah, but it's going to be real good. I'll tell you what, girls. Leave the cake baking to us, and you go on to the next activity. That sounds fun. Come on, follow me. No, she means follow me. -Yippee! -Whoo-hoo! [all laugh] Okay, Daisy, let's bake both cakes. I'm sure the twins will figure out which one they want. Double cake? Yes! I-I mean, good plan. [both] This table is perfect. For arts and crafts. For Monkey Malarkey. This'll be fun. Yeah, really fun. [both] Huh? Hey, we need that space for arts and crafts. No, we need it for Monkey Malarkey. Huh! Well, I'm not moving. Humph! Me neither. So, how do you play? It's easy. You launch your bananas, and the one who gets the most bananas in the monkey's mouth, wins. Hey, guys, let's make a castle. Ooh, great idea. -Oh! -It's so pretty. So you think we can get the twins to pick just one cake? I'm sure we can get them to compromise. You know, each agree to give up a little and share. Yeah, they seem to be playing well together now. [Millie and Melody] Hey, stop! [laughter] Melody, you're getting bananas all over our castle. Well, you're getting glitter all over our bananas. [inhales and blows] You were saying? [Millie] Melody... Now, girls, can't you give in a little bit and compromise? Each do a little of what the other one wants? Like how? Well, like you all do one activity at the table first, then you do the other. Um, I guess so, Aunt Minnie. Yeah, totally could do that. Okay, you compromise first, Melody. Why? Can't you compromise first? Uh-oh. Now we got to get them to compromise on compromising. Ugh. I don't want to do arts and crafts anymore. Let's have a dance party! Hey, I wanted to have a dance party too. Oh, perfect. Something everyone can do together. Hm. I'll put on the music. [classical music plays] I have tutus for everyone. Huh? Not ballet. Minnie, that's not the right music. Melody told me in the car she wanted pop music. [pop music plays] Oh, my. Millie told me in the car she wanted ballet music. Come on, everyone, let's make up a new dance. Wrong music. [classical music resumes] No, that's the wrong music. [pop music resumes] Aunt Minnie. Millie, Melody, I am sure we can find a way to make everyone happy. Yeah, why don't you dance to both kinds of music? It's fun. Watch. [pop/classical hybrid plays] Yeah, see how fun this is? It's kind of fun. Yeah, a little. I don't think it's fun at all. Huh! Finally, something we agree on. [music turns off] Hey, let's watch <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Marina Finds a Dinosaur.</i></font> No, we've seen that movie a hundred times. And spoiler: Marina always finds the dinosaur. Hm. I have an idea. Oh, so we're going to serve two cakes? I guess so, since they can't seem to compromise on just one. Oh, yeah, two's better. This is my favorite part of <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Marina Finds a Dinosaur.</i></font> It's where she finds the dinosaur. -Cool! -Wow! Hey! Time for balloon ball. Keep the balloons in the air, or you're out. [all laugh] This is fun! But we can't see the movie. Aunt Minnie, Melody's ruining our birthday party. Hurry, Daisy, we need a three-layer distraction. Girls, cake time. [all] Yay! Cake time! Oh, Daisy, these cakes look so delicious. I cannot wait to taste them. Oops. Forgot the candles. Oh! Quacker-cakes! -[both] My cake! -Buttercream buttons. [sighs] Well, we started out with two cakes, but ended up with one. It's kind of pretty. I wonder how it tastes. Only one way to find out. What? Cake before we sing? Boy, are you girls lucky. [both] Mm. Mm-mm. Mm, I forgot how much I love chocolate. And I love the strawberry lemon-lime whatever part. Wow, compromising sure tastes delicious. Great job. Melody, I'm sorry I didn't give your cake a chance. I'm sorry I didn't give your cake a chance. I hope I didn't ruin your birthday. Our birthday. [laughs] Oh, right. Happy birthday, Melody. Happy birthday, Millie. [all] Happy birthday! [both inhale and blow] [Minnie] Happy birthday. [laughter] Ooh, yummy. Do you suppose you could work on something else together to make your party fun? [both] Uh...sure we can. [Millie] Monkeys. [Melody] Castle pieces. [both] We'll call it, Monkey Malarkey Castle! ♪ You know, it doesn't really Matter what games we play ♪ ♪ And it doesn't really matter What's on the birthday cake ♪ ♪ Yes, I know I got a plan ♪ ♪ And you got to go Your own way ♪ ♪ Well, we share A little bit of both ♪ ♪ With some give and take ♪ ♪ Whoo ♪ ♪ It's no party without you ♪ ♪ You're the one Who makes this day ♪ ♪ It's no party without you ♪ ♪ Come on now And celebrate ♪ It turned out to be quite a party, huh? Lot of fun. I'll see if anyone wants another slice of cake. [snoring softly] They're asleep. Aw. That means just one thing. That the twins had a wonderful birthday? Well, yes. That and... now we get extra cake. [both laugh] [all] Big surprise! Come on, everybody. Let's go! [crowd cheering] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Hot dog ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Hot dog ♪</i></font> [soloing] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Hot dog, hot dog Hot diggity-dog ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ It's something great That's worth waiting for ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Stay calm, sit tight ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Wait just until ♪</i></font> -Yeah!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -♪ It's dance break time ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ At Hot Dog Hills ♪ -♪ Let's go ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Get up, get up And reach for the sky ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Jump up, jump up Jump up on the couch ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Who's talking In a funny voice? ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Talking in a funny voice ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Right now ♪ -♪ Right now ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Hot dog, hot dog Hot diggity-dog ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ It's a brand-new day What you waiting for? ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Get up, stretch out Stomp on the floor ♪</i></font> -[howls] -Hot dog! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Hot dog, hot dog Hot diggity-dog ♪</i></font> [all chattering] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Let's go ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, mix it up ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, mix it up ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mix it up, mix it up ♪</i></font>
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 518,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, kids shows, new mouse house, millie and melodys sleepover, full episode, funhouse, fun house, mickey, mouse, mixed up, adventures, clubhouse, minnie, donald, duck, goofy, pluto, daisy, toodles, preschool, episodes, official, roadster, road ster, racers, hotdog, hot dog, dance, club, bow tique, bowtique, cuckoo-loca, bowtoons, bow toons, clarabelle
Id: ZTkQe9O6ZrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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