Fisher Price Little People | Promises, Promises! | Full Episodes HD | 2 Hours | Kids Movies

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[Music] so braids Affairs the yard from flying saucers [Music] and very much he uses his powers to to mess up the yard mess up uh-huh Eddie you promised to help clean up I will I just needed to save the yard from creatures from outer space looks like we need to save the yard from super Eddie it's not that messy whoa who left that there you did okay I'll help clean up the yard I just need to do one thing first what's that go on an adventure to the jungle hey everyone who wants to come to the jungle with me yeah sure let's go man I think I'll stay here me too what it's going to be fun okay I'll come along but we still have to clean up later no problem I promise [Music] and you can come along a special kind of adventure [Music] so here we go [Music] wait for me hey isn't that one of the Queen's royal guards excuse me excuse me I'm in a terrible hurry I need to roll this egg all the way to the stone throne why can't you just carry your egg running I can do carrying is a little trickier oh if only there was some young brave group of egg movers who I could enlist to help me we're brave we'll be your egg movers Oh will you really sure how hard can it be oh I'd be so grateful you will take care of it won't you it's extremely delicate and fragile it's an egg after all don't worry so Freddy's on the case I promise we'll take special care of it oh thank you how far is the stone throne um quite far how far do you see the tallest tree in the distance and the hill behind it well it's just beyond that oh and did I mention the rocky path and all the fallen down trees Oh must run farewell little one don't hatch without me I know what we need this will get us to the stone throne all aboard the egg mover Express let's go nice there's an back there remember relax super Eddie is always ready I know what I'm doing [Music] I don't got it so buddy to the rescue [Music] what in the name of dribbling dewdrops is going on here try this monkeys Oh [Music] Eddie you made a promise to be careful with the egg remember we relaxed they're only monkeys what could go wrong now come on Eddie let's get just playing catch [Music] [Music] where did it go oh no he's all a different whatsit our egg look like does anyone remember it was sort of pink yes with a little blue dots that's right and a red stripe it must be here somewhere [Music] yay Tessa I'll take it what do you mean I got the egg this far yeah and you almost broke it - from now on we'll all take care of the egg together you're right I guess I got a little carried away I'll try to be more careful I promise [Music] we better get moving this egg sounds ready to hatch but how are we gonna get it there in time without breaking it I know how but we're gonna need some branches and lots of leaves here's one that might work [Music] [Music] you made it oh goodness me thank you thank you thank you how's that for timing Wow maybe ostriches sure look funny that's not a baby ostrich you think is a dinosaur I think it's a big green chicken I say it's an alligator my my you have such good imaginations presenting Her Majesty the Queen my little hatchling you made it safe and sound you mean this was your egg of course these trusty egg movers transported your egg for me they kept their promise exquisitely ma'am I am very grateful super Eddie saves the day did I mean super Eddie couldn't have done it without his friends they helped me keep my promise well in that case you're all invited to join me for some refreshments to celebrate the arrival of my little hatchling [Applause] ah a nice cold drink just what I needed after a long hike through the jungle deep I think he's thirsty Eddie Eddie Eddie here you go little guy looks like Eddie's made a new friend [Music] ah just look at this place don't worry Sophie this time I'll clean up promises you're keeping your promise and that's really great but why don't you slow down and then we can all help um sure I'll go Tortoise speed hey everybody welcome to the first ever backyard Eggstravaganza team one Eddie and Mia team two Tessa and Coby okay you know the rules partners pass the egg to each other and the first team to get its egg over the finish line without breaking it win let's go Sophie this egg wants to get rolling [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi oh come on what good's a race without a winner rematch but with race cars [Music] racecars yes we can race on a big drag amen let's go yeah oh wait drink Higgy [Music] and you can come along a special kind of adventure but first we sing this song [Music] [Music] so here we go [Music] hey guys wait up [Music] welcome all to the really rather Royal Road race ripping browsing absolutely riveting dad sorry son continue the race will begin here and finish there a lot Palace where the victory celebration will be held in a rolly dignified manner Oh light cheering will be permitted like this rah rah rah there's a starting flag dad you said Adi could stop the race Danny Eddie it's a head start the kids are born winner wait eyes on the road ace you do wanna win this thing right I love winning and you do anything to win anything oh are you sure face okay leave it to me think of me as your good luck charm [Music] take this tur road here [Music] [Music] no one can catch up to him [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] oh you really are my good luck charm what are you doing helping you win champ nobody can drive on banana peels but that's not very fair no but now you way out in front I guess I am I stopped all the other racers do all of them yep but isn't that really unfair who cares about fair you're going to win but winning is the best right well I do love winning it's great better than great what about my friends hey you said that you'd do anything right winning is the best but cheating is the worst what are you doing the right thing [Music] hey Shelby [Music] hey wait you look like a winner I could be your good luck I love you Toby here you got it [Music] I Ching Big Lots pronouns you Sophie the winner of the really rather Royal Road race ah thank you but I couldn't have won without Eddie's help he helped me to add me that makes four of us and because Eddie helps all of us I think he's the real winner here we go Eddie congratulations [Music] this is the story of The Tortoise and the hare which is what the big bunny rabbit but different the role of the tortoise will be played by a really slow zebra because we don't have a tortoise so one day the really slow zebra and the hairy bunny rabbit had a race the bunny was so sure she was going to win that she stopped to play in the sandbox but the zebra just kept moving along slow and steady so you know bunny if you get all sandy it might slow you down no you're supposed to pass her not help her see it really slowly ruff boy boy but then the bunny saw some swings she was so far ahead of the really slow zebra she decided to stop and play so the slow and steady zebra need a push no you know bunny we're having so much fun why don't we cross the finish line together - great idea no it's not supposed to happen that way the really slow cebre supposed to win [Music] you know the zebra in the bunny became best friends and that's definitely not the story of The Tortoise and the hare you should tell us that one sometimes at the kickball Cup and the crowds going wild a hush falls over the backyard as ace pitcher Coby winds up [Music] whoa [Music] Oh No my peanut jelly and butter sandwiches we're gonna need a bigger field and I need some more lunch we really do need a bigger place to play somewhere I can blast one for miles Mia might need some tougher competition - I know we can play against the three little pigs they have the best team in all fairytale land great idea don't worry Eddie we'll bring a picnic can we have your famous peanut Italian butter sandwiches sure [Music] we've got an adventure and you can come along a special kind of adventure the [Music] Hey so here we go [Music] hey guys wait up [Music] oh yeah this is the perfect spot let's set everything up so we can have a picnic right after I get ya we're gonna be hungry Oh Sophie make the sandwiches we'll set up the chairs that just leaves the umbrella for some shade Mia can you set up the umbrella Lex oh yeah okay um that's not an umbrella oh well the umbrella is easy I just gotta practice the mega Mia kick before the three little pigs get here [Music] [Music] dun-dun-dun steady yeti is rafer kickball are you ready just need to sit up the bases and get in a little practice but the umbrella still has to be set up those sandwiches will get all melty in the Sun Mia oh right umbrella [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh it's a fairy tale princess how may we serve you your majesty I was hoping you'd ask would you set up the picnic umbrella on the table so I can go you princess things like pre kickball your wish is our command your highness we love setting up picnic umbrellas picnic umbrellas are our favourite um just one question what's a picnic umbrella and what exactly do we do with it you'll figure it out thanks Ron Oh check me for cracks oh you're okay [Music] what's with the outfit oh I always play in this you got the umbrella set up okay taking care of oh here comes the three little pigs and their two big cousins let's play kickball princess gobbling me up umbrellas don't gobble here huh still in one piece those things are dangerous it's just an umbrella all you have to do is open it and put it in the middle of the table [Music] [Music] they started without me [Music] go touch the old Magister more like it's got you [Music] [Music] what have you been doing yeah we missed you for the game well I [Music] and where's Mia Barela we did it we did it we did it the umbrellas over the table oh I feel all scrambled up I um I just asked him for some help well actually I asked him to do it for me didn't quite work out huh no I'm sorry I should have just done it myself but I wanted to play kickball so much hmm now they ruined everything okay I've ruined everything well maybe we can unruhe one everything yeah for a team after all really thanks guy got it your majesty no I mean thanks but I can do this myself like I promised I would how does she do it come on let's all eat I can't believe I missed the game did you win we lost pretty bad yeah those pigs mean business but after lunch we're having a rematch and we could really use me and her mega kick all right [Music] come on you guys Kobe's gonna show us how to make a pyramid okay the secret of making a pyramid is every one every one of us has to do their part ready yeah so Eddie Sophie and I will be on the bottom Nia and Tessa can be on the top Wow yes we did we just have to keep it nice and tight all together don't wait shooby get out of here [Music] Oh little bill what a pretty town I think I'll go for a visit [Music] welcome to your new neighborhood lucky you're gonna love little bill it's the best place to live hmm or take a nap [Music] dang Sophie good day to you Mia Hickey mr. Poppa for a stroll I see yes and he's been very well-behaved Oh ladies of Little Bill what are you doing on this fine day Eddy I was just about to make a mud pie did someone say pie mm I love pie you lucky little fil is the nicest friendliest little town in the entire world I'm just coming home hard at work HESA follow the directions the road goes around little bill not through it no problem I'm driving [Music] [Applause] that was so cool Oh rats you broke little ville I'm sorry I'll fix it I'll help but first let's play obstacle course we can run around here and then we can jump over this that looks like fun let's find a real obstacle course where are we going to do that what about the jungle it has lots of stuff to jump over and crawl through yes a jungle obstacle course we'll have a race later [Music] and you can come along a special kind of adventure but first we sing this song [Music] and we're exercise so here we go [Music] I'm coming too wait up guys welcome to the official jungle obstacle course you've all chosen your teammates Oh [Applause] teammate great idea got any dinosaurs let me check no okay Emmet and I'm winning today and I'm ready to win want to be my teammate deal [Music] attention racers yeah all eyes here listen carefully everyone has to follow the arrows give me five oh right follow the arrows we're so gonna win oh yeah [Music] Rose got a head start let the official jungle obstacle course race begin [Music] all right okay which way which way that way no I say this way here we go go to win this [Music] they're getting ahead of us follow me this time let's go that way okay [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't get it we're faster and stronger what are we doing wrong okay this time follow me no follow me I said follow me it's already our up they're going to win we need a shortcut that way through the log elephant into [Music] [Music] [Applause] a win-win no no that's the finish line over there and this is the starting line you mean all right back where we started precisely maybe next time you'll follow the arrows come on in it let's start over and try again and this time follow the arrows [Music] we're gaining on them [Music] we made an awesome team even if we didn't win yeah if we'd follow the arrows the first time we would have won for sure true true so very true and for that reason I present you both an award for most improved team congratulations [Music] [Music] okay everyone just follow my directions Eddie you put your box over there yeah that box goes on top of Kobe's Tessa now put your box on top just a little that way our little house that's even better than the floor hey I bet your look even better if we knock it down one more time and build it all over again [Music] the delicate snowflake floats on the breeze I am a snowflake I do you make the most perfect snowflake don't I here comes the we're making a movie I'm a frog ribbit a movie what a dinosaur in it the snowflake in the frosty Frog sorry Eddie everyone knows dinosaurs don't like it when it's cold out it's not that cold you're right we should go someplace that's really snowy like in US and no globes let's go to snow globe eeeh we can make a really great movie there come on Sophie [Music] two three four [Music] we got an adventure and you can come along a special kind of adventure the first we sing this song [Music] [Music] more exercise I'm dead so here we go [Music] now that's what I call wintery snow looks so pretty and sparkly in our movie yeah now what are we going to film play in the name of sneezing no balls is going on how cute I think the poor guys stuck Oh phooey what are we going to do don't worry Eddie is always ready to help [Music] there Oh better ah it was nothing little guy I think we should what's so funny oh nothing we just thought of something we want to do that's all wait where are you going oh just going to do stuff what kind of stuff secret stuff what kind of secret stuff you'll find out later come on Sophia well I've got stuff to do to fun stuff with my new friend my new friend ACK looks like their secret is that they want to have fun without me well we'll have way more fun without them just you and me ACK come on so my furry little friend what kind of fun do you think well whatever fun we have needs to get us away from those silly giggles I know let's build a snow fort [Music] we can play in it together are you okay [Music] there being weird come on act we've got a snow fort to build this is going to be the best [Music] [Music] [Music] almost on AK all we need to do now is do the snowman he can guard our snow fort and stop anyone else from I'll make the body and you can make the head Sophie and Emma are definitely gonna want to come in but they're not invited that didn't take long sorry you can't come in because you're not invited it's only for me and my real friends huh we are your real friends and we don't want to come in we want you to come out if you are my real friend you wouldn't have gone off to play without me and you wouldn't have told secrets and you wouldn't have uh what's going on they're all here for you for me what why Emma and I have been making a special project just for you huh you were so brave and so nice when you got act out of the tree we decided to make you something special come on so we made a little movie to show everyone how helpful and great you are you did [Music] [Music] Eddie I I don't know what to say I feel terrible terrible you were making this nice surprise for me and the whole time I was mad because I thought you were leaving me out of your fun Oh Eddie we didn't realize I'm the one who didn't realize I shouldn't have jumped to confusions don't you mean conclusion exactly I'm sorry we still friends of course [Music] other head what on earth planet is that thing it is fuzzy maybe a fairy rock mm rocks do not be a sleepy earth monster you had an alien robot from another planet that is not a sleepy monster it's only lucky our dogs Oh other head we have miss computed error error it is just you have never heard of such a thing you've never heard of pets of course we have heard of pets but on our planet everyone knows that the best pets are pineapples meet our pineapple pet spike sit spike stay good pineapple bed spike fetch you can do it hmm our pet is sleepy too our amazing backyard stage it's the amazing Toby hi the amazing Coby will turn this bunny into an elephant right before your very eyes please welcome my assistants Mia and Tessa we are a robot alien from outer space why are you wearing that costume we thought it would make the trick even more amazing Earth magician okay well assistant robot alien from space help me hold this please [Music] abracadabra abracadabra [Music] Wow that was amazing I mean that was amazing [Music] awesome trick Kobe I don't know I'm still learning but someday I'm going to do really great tricks for a big audience why wait Kobe you can do your big magic show now yeah how about in the jungle the animals will love your trick okay we're off to the jungle [Music] Adventure and you can come along a special kind of adventure but first we sing this song [Music] so here we go [Music] wait for me Oh some place whose place is this hey hi welcome to Gerald's jungle joint I am Gerald nice to meet you bet you put on some cool shows here you betcha we do the coolest magic shows in the jungle this is the amazing Kobe and he's the coolest magician we know maybe Kobe could put on a big magic show me a club absol absolutely pleasure to meet you amazing Kobe give me some skin we'll go tell all the animals about your show Kobe then these will come in handy [Music] whoa look at that that's so cool so let's talk magic okay check this out as you see this log is empty nothing inside this log I hold in my hand fresh from the tree a coconut you are the best no no tell me about your tricks well I kind of turned this little rabbit into an elephant no I bet they love it when you turn a little rabbit into a giant elephant well they did stand up and applaud and cheer and stuff a standing ovation I like your Kobe oh you do tell me about your other tricks okay did you ever hear of the robot alien from space truck no but I love aliens well I made this robot alien up here from space and it has two heads a lien from outer space fly over the audience and way up into the sky thank you macular ob/ob olya so are you gonna do that trick today oh well Gerald you're all do I don't know if I mean it's your club maybe you should this is your show they'll love you Comey we've got a really big audience they're waiting for the show to start already this is gonna be great Kobe was telling me all about his amazing tricks like something stuck in my throat like turning a little bunny into a huge elephant this guy what a magician turns two of you into an alien and makes you fly I can't believe it yeah I can't believe it either [Music] [Applause] maybe you guys should go get your seats okay sure I want to see this well Coolio Coby you okay gerald there's something I have to tell you I can't turn a real rabbit into a huge elephant and I didn't turn my friends into an alien and I didn't make anyone fly I just told you that stuff because you're a great magician and I wanted you to like me Kobe Kobe Oh Bo you didn't have to make all that up I like you fine but I'm not a great magician not yet anyway but you're a great guy and by being honest with me he performed the greatest magic of all you turned a stranger into a friend you better get out there I don't think I can I'm not that good I'm just you're just learning and that's fine tell you what Kobe why don't we put on a magic show together we ought really [Music] and now Gerald jungle joint presents the amazing Kobe and his handsome assistant Cheryl [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you wanna be friends just be yourself don't take some the best [Music] [Music] just be who you all should be well so be yourself and you'll be fine we can have a real good time and I will guarantee [Music] for the best dazzling is to take it nice and slow fee Wow nice and up so pretty [Music] oh no no no Mia that's bespattered it's all about taking your time and putting things in just the right place but I like slapping them down yes writing them around [Music] you do it your way Mia and I'll do it the right way you'll see my sides gonna be so so beautiful well I get the gen litter I get the glue it doesn't look like we're going to get a turn but I wanted to make something sparkly wait I have an idea let's all go to snow globe eeeh yeah we can make something sparkly with all that sparkly snow you guys want to come to snow globe eeeh I'm staying here to finish my bedazzled [Music] okay snow globe eeeh let's go yes just as soon as the yard stops spinning around [Music] in adventure and you can come along a special kind of adventure but [Music] [Music] we're exercise so here we go [Music] I'm coming too now what should we make a speedboat no wait Obama wait wait wait a time machine no I was thinking more like more like a sparkly ice palace you come back here I'm not gonna tell you again and you too Bernard and Eunice you listen to mama now I can wait oh dear I am never gonna get my igloo finished at this right igloo I was hoping to sleep in it tonight but it gets even colder when the Sun Goes Down maybe we can help we were going to make something in the snow anyhow [Music] Loretta a warden you Eddie and I can look after your babies we can we can and we'll help you make these igloo oh thank you a Mama's work is never done now let me show you the plans I've started building it just over here it looks like we're going to have some fun bunnies style where'd they go [Music] hmm let's see Wow you've got big plans for this little igloo I sure do a room for each of the young uns and one for yours truly okay Coby and I can build two rooms and you and Jack can built the other two but we better follow the plan so we build it right right or we could just build like crazy Eddie and I have a special treat for you [Music] [Music] move it a teeny tiny bit towards me a teeny weeny er but the other way helvi make up your mind [Music] [Music] [Music] careful Tessa nice and slow how's this I don't know it doesn't exactly match the plans [Music] finished whoa you finished already yep all done oh dear this wasn't my plan but you didn't even look at the plans all you've done is planned you guys haven't built a thing have to have not we have to Jack now now you're carrying on worse than my young uns well what are we going to do now don't you fast didn't work and going too slow didn't work either so what we've got to do is work somewhere in-between quickly but carefully well let's get a move on it's getting dark well you can't beat them join up [Music] what do you say we take these baby bunnies back you took the words right out of my [Music] Wow [Music] we're done yeah and just in time look at them my little snow angels all tuckered out they're not the only ones hope they weren't too much trouble Wow what have I told you about snowballs girls boys and Sleeping Dogs hmm may we percents are Emma credible amia magical creation [Music] Wow it's very it's very bold of you your big sloppy sparkles are great Mia and you're just so Jules are the best Emma they work well together Mia you're all messy and now you are too [Music] but Eddie we agreed and I changed my mind but what was that beats me anyway I really want to go on an adventure to the restaurant but we both decided to go to the pirate ship and then I decided to do something different what is that oh it's me why are you being so crumbly it's not me being crumbly it's my tummy the dog stole my breakfast and I'm starving [Music] hold on I think I might have a here have a grilled cheese sandwich still warm my favorite Thanks well we should definitely go to the restaurant now you're hungry right now I could eat okay have it your way mr. bossy banana pants great hit it Kobe I mean Ziggy [Music] got an adventure and you can come along [Music] special kind of adventure the first [Music] [Music] number exercise so here we go [Music] way up guys [Music] what in the name of pulled pork is going on here finally it's way past our lunchtime and we're all very hungry the dog must have eaten their breakfast too thank you very much um you're welcome we beg your royal pardon King pig a lot we didn't know you were waiting for us so what's on the menu we were hoping you'll tell us well that's great we can make whatever we want come on guys lunch I know pizza everyone loves pizza especially you Eddie but I love pizza too me too me three okay means well I guess it was my idea so I should be the boss how about everyone's a positive something okay but I'll be the boss of everyone who's being a boss man you can be the boss of greeting customers Tessa you be the boss of taking orders Coby you be the boss of scrubbing the dishes gee thanks you're welcome and what about me Sophie you can be um the balls of being my assistant chef your assistant what does an assistant chef do well whatever I tell you I guess I mean I am the boss hmm I don't know about this what's first boss we're going to need flour for the pizza dough and lots of it how much dough do we need to make all of it for one giant pizza really are you sure Sofi of course I'm sure I'm the boss remember okay if you say so [Music] just wait till you have to wash all the dishes today I'll be your server would you like to order [Music] Wow that's one giant dough ball it sure is good luck boss the good news is that they all love pizza the bad news is they all want it now can't you stall them Mia's trying she's selling a fairy tale but I'm not sure that Three Little Pigs is the best idea and so the big bad wolf said oh okay well I just need to throw it in the air and catch it you know like chefs do but that dough is huge shouldn't we do it together the boss wants to do it himself that's right I'm in charge I don't need any help [Music] oh the dough ball we have to get it back but you said you could do it yourself Eddie yeah boss you get it back I'll never be able to catch that giant dough ball all by myself I need your help okay but on one condition right we work together yeah no bosses okay you got it now let's get that dough ball [Music] [Music] keep the stories coming me up we'll be right back yeah that's one disgusting dough ball its ruin what are we going to do now you know the pigs might actually like a muddy pizza Hey Sophie's right it's covered with all their favorite gross things but how will we get it back to the restaurant wait I have an idea Coby can you drive a tractor yeah [Music] I guess pigs aren't the only ones you like mud need a hand [Music] in this little piggy one giant and quite delicious mud covered pizza with extra fats and straw and other gross stuff oh thank goodness I was running out of pink story [Music] you made this shot better made it together your pickiness all of us leaving me sort of well I must say that is a pizza fit for a pig a pig king that is [Music] [Applause] and what may I ask is dessert chef Eddie hmm better ask the team I'm not the boss anymore [Music] that's my tummy singing I'm hungry my tummy just said the same thing my grease that makes four of us since we couldn't eat the pizza I thought you guys would like some cookies thank you Hey don't look at me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] help you want to stop I was just getting into it more like a loud noise just put the animals down for now it may need total quiet so they can sleep aren't they the cutest sweetest juiciest okay Mia we'll keep it down huh every time I make some noise someone always tells me to be quiet I mean wouldn't it be great if there were some place where we can make as much noise as we wanted to yeah where no one ever complains if you're loud yeah or says Shh hmm the land of the loud that's where we need to go where's that it's where we can be as loud as we want awesome land of the loud here we come [Music] and you can come along a special kind of adventure but first we sing this song [Music] hey adventure racers so here we go [Music] are you coming Mia Oh rats you won't everyone up oops Shh don't worry I'll see you back to sleep when the noises are gone rah goodbye baby's gone back run you'll go to sleep when the noises are gone wait up guys it's time to quiet for the land of the loud Wow now that's more like it hey let's really make some noise [Music] [Music] turn it up to nine ten spirit go back again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where's Sophie going my ears hurt I need some peace and quiet quiet at last yeah it was fun being loud for a while but even I'm glad it's over [Music] it's not over yet [Music] [Music] okay [Music] boom but you've gotta make some room for require sound so bring it right on down [Music] there's a time to be lab girls there's a time to be loud boys but you gotta have some quiet boy and make some noise [Music] there's a timer in and there's a time word out that you gotta learn to whisper before you learn to sound [Music] you're gonna show you can be at least they're cheering well if you can't beat them let's join up [Music] [Music] oh sorry Mia I did I fall asleep what did I miss you missed marching in a really loud parade who says I missed it wake up fluffy heads now ye time is over you can all be in a loud parade everybody follow me [Music] there's it's time to smile and there's a tons of brown there's a time for chores and have some quiet before [Music] eleventeen lunges I counted nine so how many to go why getting tired [Music] again how are we going to prove that I'm the fastest huh you mean that I'm the fastest and I'm happy to prove it anywhere anytime rain or shine how about snow ah that's easy but you never raced on snow well it's about time we did you're on yeah we can go to snow globe eeeh take it away [Music] an adventure and you can come along a special kind of adventure but first me seen this [Music] so here we go [Music] I'm coming too how are you two gonna rate skates you mean snowboard Oh need a hand there princess snowball it's snowflake yes please time for some slipping and sliding Tessa styie make way for steady Eddie spinning and winner oh yeah well you won't see turbo Tessa but she's gonna be a blur okay let's just settle this once and for all first once at the bottom of the hill wins racers prepare to slide [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what did I just swipe at totally are you okay I think so come on not so steady Yeti let's get back to the race I don't want to race anymore what steady Eddy giving up already if you don't raise how can I win I I just don't think I just don't want to okay oh boy he's taking that fall pretty hard yeah poor Eddie [Music] Oh double rats coming princess snowball no they can keep their saucers I'm never riding one again Halen's can't do that Wow how'd you do that I've never even seen those moves whoa incredible [Music] oh I don't think I can wait a minute is it magical a magic snow saucer so it is magic so that's how a little penguin like you can do all those tricks well if it is magic maybe I won't fall off here goes the magic works [Music] the saucer really is magic I can be anyone on this where are you you're back on your snow saucer huh well are you ready um yeah I think so [Music] practicing okay let's settle this what and for all okay first past Coby snowman is the winner hey guys over here on your marks get set [Music] wait ah another tie no way Oh Eddie don't you want to try again it wasn't a fair race you really won Tessa but call me said it was a tie but it wasn't a tie not really my snow saucer is magic it did the work not me Tessa you're the fastest magic snow saucer yeah a little ping would let me borrow it a little penguin uh-huh but I saw that penguin pick up your saucer right after you left you did so it is it magic and that means all the racing you did just now was Oni are you maybe you just needed your confidence back so it was a time and you both are the fastest no I am one more race okay you're on [Music] are you okay hits snowball just call me snowball what you doing watching a snail oh yeah why hello there young snail I like any kind of riddles yeah but really really slowly I'm a great Rigler hey so am i but I can rig it really slowly yeah but I can wriggle the slowest oh no not again [Music] and now coming to you from our own backyard stage which was built by magical unicorns okay I just made that up it's a big show let's welcome our hosts [Music] thank you let's hear it for Ziggy wigglebottom and the wigglebottom band we've all been working hard to put together a great show songs and jokes and Mia's fairytale theater but now adventure a trip to the jungle always full of fun and surprises so let's get this rocket Ziggy make that music [Music] [Music] [Music] and you can come along one more time Ziggy we're trying to sing a song and board board but you having such a good time helping me out the Wardrobe finish that and the props you loved it it aboard for board for there's nothing to do there's lots to do if you know where to look have a seat and check out this very not boring song hmm Ziggy one more time [Music] and you can come along a special kind of adventure the first we seen this [Music] so here we go [Music] well I guess I don't have anything else to do how can anyone be bored in the jungle don't know still AM we could go on a safari and see all the amazing jungle animals yeah like dinosaurs boring well what have we found a sloth hmm he seems even more bored than I am maybe we can undo him mr. sloth I want to do something fun hmm I know how about a nature hike we can look at all the wonderful wonders of nature sky slaw that was nice I'm done with nature he's still bored got any other ideas hey I know something everyone gets excited about [Music] so we're really really fast climb on is slothy okay [Music] [Music] that was awesome no fun [Music] feel better yes still bored though I know what you mean hey when I'm bored you know it helps a little exercise no but you hardly even move don't you ever think about doing exciting stuff don't you dream about you mean like no dream like use your imagination you imagine what no you never heard of imagination no wonder you're bored [Music] [Applause] [Music] mmm Tessa you're not so bored anymore helping mr. slop totally made me not bored well I hope I helped it isn't sunport to me [Music] imagination [Music] that's me once upon a long time ago and I'm very enchanted place kinda like here there was an evil wait Sophie what gene would genus the mean evil witch locked away a beautiful princess in a tall tower of total boredom where the princess was totally bored I was bored but I'm not bored now look I made an airplane hey you're supposed to be a boy princess okay but I can't be bored this is a really fun treehouse it's supposed to be a toy so anyway the handsome prince came to save the princess I am a handsome prince now you tell the princess to light down her long hair so you can cut him up in the ladder see my airplane cool this is a boring it's fun and they look happily ever after Wicky wooden is with the winch I not boards in a treehouse with the ladder [Music] what a show we went to the jungle we met a sloth I tried to tell a fairy tale and you did wasn't it so fun to make up a new ending I guess so it wasn't boring that's for sure totally not boring remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] get ready for the greatest show on earth the galaxy the entire universe okay just the neighborhood our host thank you please hold your applause okay let's get started drum roll please ladies and gentlemen dogs and toys it's not time for your fairy tale yet but I've been practicing I don't want to wait anymore it's time for our adventure your fairy tale comes later you'll have to wait your turn Oh rats hit it Ziggy did someone say me no Ziggy Mia we're going on a pirate adventure to find a sea monster Oh double rats take it away Ziggy the fairytale princess fairy tales are lots of fun huh one more time Ziggy [Music] [Music] a special kind of adventure [Music] exercise so here we go [Music] once upon a time there was a [Music] yoho-o one deep blue sea there's nowhere else I'd rather be [Music] hi there Tessa Boise [Music] oh nice pirate ship [Music] ah mateys you're ready for a pirate adventure we are set the course and keep your eyes peeled for any sea monsters or dinosaurs pirate lunch ahoy are you hungry we near nobody and Linna but you didn't let me go first is my fairy tale that doesn't mean you can cut in line for food but I'm a very hungry princess and Princess is always better excuse me sorry it's a sea monster that's not a sea monster it's an octopus octopuses make the best pirate pets ever thanks welcome to the croc show pirates [Music] I guess we can forget lunch makes B me hearties [Music] ah nice view [Music] excuse me I'll be first me let me go first first [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me pardon I'm the captain always wanted to steer a pirate ship that pushy octopus is trying to take over our ship [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's such a buttinsky not octopus things he always has to go first everything is all about him we have to do something I've got an idea a story called the princess and the octopus excuse me don't you mean the octopus and the princess I've got the perfect costume so I'll be the princess but octopus why is Mia doing her fairy tale now once upon a time there was a fairy princess the fairy princess was very impatient and she always liked to be first she don't mean to be pushy she just got super excited excuse me where's the octopus but sang in even pushier octopus push the princess and her friends so far that the princess turned to the octopus and said [Music] excuse me wow you're so good at playing pushy octopus honey heard this song before join the chorus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry about being so pushy before but did you like my fairytale like it we loved it you've got the octopus to jump overboard and we didn't even have to push him [Music] I bet I can run faster than anyone I bet you can't laughing down the slide is a run day I got here from our Eagle first I don't want to be a rotten egg yes I'm first [Music] hey Mia you waited your turn I think you should go first Thank You Eddie [Music] no after you after you [Music] we may be little order show wizpig play that music it's a super geek story taken together Curtis and lastly shadow will need some invocation little people picks as they said
Channel: Little People - Fisher Price
Views: 8,768,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little people youtube, little people, fisher-price little people, fisher price, fisher price little people, cartoon animation learning, kids music, kids cartoon, little people cartoon, farm cartoon, little people toys, songs for kids, kids songs, fisher price little people discovering, song little people, little people cartoon full episodes, little peaple, little people farm, fisher price little people cartoon, Promises
Id: p4ZgKqayZ4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 19sec (7339 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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