Mick Jagger (80 years old) Reveals The 8 SECRETS To His Health & Longevity| Actual Diet and Workout

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very famous rock star I'm Mickey Jagger   all day was about Mick Jagger with the energy of  a 30 year old so we wanted to know his secret you   know he's the same age as Biden he works out  every day he has two trailers that are just   his workout equipment people are willing to pay  you know five six hundred bucks for a seat just   think what they would pay for Mick Jagger Elixir  [Music] at the age of 79 Mick Jagger continues   to defy the limitations of time exuding an energy  that Rivals performers half his age as the iconic   frontman of The Rolling Stones Jagger has managed  to stay in shape and maintain his legendary status   in rock and roll no wonder Maroon 5's hit song  Moves Like Jagger was a fitting tribute to this   Legend's electrifying stage performance so what's  the secret to his seemingly Eternal youth in this   fascinating expose we'll take you on an intimate  journey into the life of Mick Jagger revealing his   actual diet and workout routine and uncovering The  elusive secrets to his remarkable longevity born   Michael Philip Jagger on July 26 1943 in Dartford  Kent England Mick grew up in a middle-class family   with music running through its veins his mother  Eva Ensley Marie Scots was a music enthusiast and   introduced him to Jazz and Blues at a young age  he enrolled in the London School of economics in   1960 but his heart was set on music he frequented  clubs in London immersing himself in the vibrant   music scene he met Brian Jones Ian Stewart and  Keith Richards together they sowed the seeds   for the Rolling Stones in 1962 the Rolling Stones  officially formed with Mick as the lead vocalist   mixed distinctive voice powerful stage presence  and provocative Persona captured the attention   of audiences and the music industry alike the  early years of Mick Jagger's life and career   were marked by an insatiable appetite for music  an unyielding drive to succeed and a talent for   captivating audiences these qualities would Propel  him and the Rolling Stones to the Forefront of   the music scene becoming one of the most enduring  and influential rock bands in history it's worth   noting that Jagger has been sober for many years  now and has reportedly given up drugs entirely as   this music Superstar got older he recognized that  staying fit was crucial to delivering top-notch   performances this motivated him to commit to a  rigorous workout routine he knew that he had to   take care of his body to keep up with the demands  of his job he also realized that maintaining a   healthy lifestyle was essential to preserving his  Vitality appearance and long-term Health adopting   healthier eating habits is a must this Rockstar's  relationships also played a role in shaping his   dedication to Fitness and Nutrition he has been  linked to some of the most beautiful models and   actresses many known for their Healthy Lifestyles  their influence also inspired him to adopt a more   disciplined approach to Wellness when living a  rock star lifestyle it's easy to imagine junk food   late nights and indulgences Galore but for Mick  Jagger staying healthy and energized is critical   to performing at his best so here's a peek into  what the Rolling Stones front man eats on a   typical day breakfast is the day's most important  meal and Jagger knows it so he starts his day with   a breakfast packed with nutrients like whole  grain cereals fresh fruit yogurt and a glass of   fresh fruit juice or a smoothie it's a meal that  keeps him fueled and feeling full until lunchtime   Jagger keeps it balanced for lunch with a meal  rich in lean protein whole grains and veggies   grilled chicken or fish paired with quinoa brown  rice and steamed or roasted veggies is a go-to   it's the perfect combination to maintain stable  energy levels and help him recover after workouts   when feeling snacky he opts for healthy options to  keep him fueled between meals a handful of almonds   a piece of fruit or some hummus and vegetable  sticks will do the trick dinner is where Jagger   gets creative with his meal choices he likes to  mix protein veggies and healthy fats think grilled   salmon asparagus and mixed green salad with olive  oil and balsamic vinegar it's a meal packed with   essential nutrients that keeps him feeling good  and looking better staying hydrated is essential   and this rock legend knows it so he drinks plenty  of water and herbal teas throughout the day and   while he may indulge in a glass of wine or other  alcoholic beverages from time to time he does so   in moderation Jagger has also tried the keto diet  a high protein and low carb diet that drives down   body fat levels to stay in shape and maintain  his legendary energy levels Jagger doesn't mess   around let's take a closer look at the critical  components of Jagger's workout routine first up   is cardiovascular training to keep up with the  demands of his high energy performances Jagger   is an avid Runner often running several miles  a day he might also incorporate other forms of   aerobic exercise like swimming cycling or dancing  to maintain his endurance and support his heart   health but it's not just about cardio Jagger  also includes strength training in his routine   to maintain his muscle mass and joint health he  works with a personal trainer to Target specific   muscle groups with body weight weight exercises  resistance training and functional movements this   approach improves its strength flexibility balance  and Agility Jagger also enjoys yoga and pilates   which he incorporates into his workout routine to  improve his flexibility core strength and balance   these practices also offer mental benefits  helping him manage stress and stay focused   and if that wasn't enough Jagger has trained in  various martial arts like kickboxing and Brazilian   Jiu Jitsu these practices provide a full body  workout and enhances coordination reflexes and   mental discipline but all that hard work can  take a toll on the body so Jagger prioritizes   recovery and stretching for example he might  use foam rolling targeted stretching exercises   or massages to help his muscles recover from  rigorous workouts Jagger's workout routine is   a testament to his dedication to staying in shape  and maintaining his incredible energy levels it's   a diverse and challenging routine that keeps him  engaged and helps him Target various aspects of   his physical health Mick may be known for his  high energy performances and Larger than Life   persona but even rock stars aren't immune  to health issues in 2019 he underwent heart   surgery to replace a damaged valve forcing the  Rolling Stones to postpone their North American   tour while he recovered thankfully the procedure  was a success and Jagger quickly recovered but   the experience served as a wake-up call for the  legendary singer who has become more open about   caring for his health in a recent interview  with Rolling Stone magazine Jagger emphasized   the need to prioritize self-care saying you have  to take care of yourself you can't just ignore it   I'm taking better care of myself now for sure as a  rock star with Incredible physical stamina he also   knows the importance of caring for his mind over  the years Jagger has experimented with several   practices to support his mental well-being some of  these methods are fascinating for example he turns   to meditation to cultivate mindfulness reduce  stress and improve focus us he also incorporates   yoga into his routine for physical fitness  and to enhance his mental health by boosting   his mood and Mind Body awareness Jagger has also  learned to balance his demanding career with rest   and personal relationships which is crucial for  preserving his mental health as a creative person   he channels his emotions through songwriting  singing and performing a powerful outlet for   releasing Stress and Anxiety he also has a close  network of friends family and fellow musicians who   provide a safe space for emotional expression  and support in addition to music this artiste   explores other passions to lead a well-rounded  life recognizing that pursuing activities that   bring joy and satisfaction is essential to  positive mental health although it needs to be   clarified whether he has ever sought professional  help from mental health concerns he acknowledges   the importance of therapy and counseling as  critical resources for managing stress and   nurturing emotional well-being although genetics  and other factors beyond our control can influence   longevity there's still much we can do to increase  our chances of enjoying a long healthy life like   Mick Jagger embracing the right lifestyle  choices can make all the difference first and   foremost maintaining a balanced diet is essential  focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods such as   fruits vegetables whole grains lean proteins and  healthy fats limit processed foods excessive sugar   and saturated fats to ensure Optimal Health  and disease prevention regular exercise is   another vital component combine cardiovascular  activities strength training and flexibility   exercises to achieve and maintain physical fitness  maintaining stress effectively is crucial for   mental well-being and resilience try meditation  yoga or deep breathing exercises and remember to   maintain a healthy work-life balance engage in  Hobbies or activities that bring joy and help   alleviate stress quality sleep is a Cornerstone  for overall health aim for seven to nine hours   of restorative sleep each night establish a  consistent sleep schedule and create a sleep   friendly environment to ensure rest nurturing  relationships with friends and family and actively   participating in social activities can Foster  emotional well-being and a sense of belonging   so stay connected and cherish your support  network it's also essential to avoid smoking   and limit alcohol consumption smoking dramatically  increases the risk of various health issues and   alcohol should be consumed in moderation adhering  to the recommended guidelines preventative health   care is a must visit your health care provider  regularly for checkups screenings and treatments   early detection and prevention are critical in  managing potential health issues while there's   no guaranteed formula for achieving longevity  like Mick Jagger adopting these healthy lifestyle   choices can significantly improve the chances  of living a longer healthier life foreign
Channel: Healthy Ever After
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Keywords: healthy lifestyle, latest on today, how to lose weight, mick jagger, jagger, mick, mick jagger (celebrity), mick jagger live, mick jagger solo, mick jagger life, mick jagger house, best of mick jagger, mick jagger lyrics, mick jagger dancing, mick jagger lifestyle, mick jagger life story, mick jagger interview, Healthy lifestyle tips, healthy lifestyle tips, mick jagger health
Id: vloSoBw-UF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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